915 resultados para diallel crossing
There were few guides for travelers crossing Iowa in 1838 when it was organzied as a teritory, and traveler often becaome lost or wandered for out of their way. The 1838 Territorial Government authorized the first state roads and the federal government appropriated money to expedite the movement of soldiers. The Territorial governement ued the federal money for layin gout a road from Dubuque to Keokuk vis Iowa City and this was the beginning of what was to becaome a 112,000 mile system of roads and streets in Iowa. The original roads followed the high ground of the state and were known as ride roads; but as the state was settled, roads befan to follow section line to accomodate landowners.
he number of deer-vehicle accidents in Iowa and around the country has steadily increased during the past 30 years. This i s basically due to: ( 1 ) increased volume of traffic; 12) an expanding network of hard surface roads, especially 4 lane interstates; and (3) a general increase in deer populations. Initidtion of a 55 MPH speed limit in 1974 and gasoline shortages in 1975 reduced deer-vehicle accident rates briefly, but since 1975, rates have continued to climb. Various methods of reducinq these accidents have been attempted in other states. These include: instal lation of rc?flective devlres, deer crossing signs, fencing, underpasses, clearing right--of--waysa,n d controlled hunting to reduce deer population s i z e . These methods have met with varying degrees of success, depending on animal behavior, deet- population fluctuations, method used, topoyr-aphy, road-side vegetation, traffic patterns, and highway configuration. This project was designed to evaluate a new ntethod of reducing deer-vehicle accidents. There are qenerally 4 important aspects of deer-vehicle accidents: danger to human l i f e , vehicle damage, loss of a valuable wildlife resource, and cost of processing accident reports. In !owe, during 1983, there were over 15,OOC) reported deer--vehicle accidents and probably many more that were not reported (Gladfelter 1984). The extent of human injury or death in Iowa i s not known, but studies in southern Michigan show that human injur ies occurred in about 4% of the deer-vehicle accidents (A1 lcn and MrCullough 1976). T h i s would indicate that in Iowa there could have been 200 human injury cases from deer-vehicle accidents i n 1983. These injuries usual 1 occur from secondary collisions when motorists try to avoid a deer on the highway, and hit some other object Vehicle darnaye from these accidents can into thousands of dollars because of the high speed involved and the size of the animal. The total amount of vehicle damage occurring in Iowa is unknown, but if the average vehicle damage was between $500-$800 per accident, estimated property damage would be between $2 1/2--$4 million annually. The value of deer lost in these accidents cannot be estimated, but recreational potential of this natural resource is surely diminished for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Also, there ir a great deal of money spent by governmental agencies for manpower to process accident reports and remove dead animals from highways.
Excessive speed is often cited as a primary driver factor in crashes, particularly rural two-lane crashes. It has also been suggested that speed plays a significant role in crashes on curves. However, the relationship between speed and crashes on curves is not well documented because it is difficult to determine driver speed after the fact when investigating a crash. One method to begin documenting this relationship is to explore the relationship between lateral position and speed as a crash surrogate. For this study, the researchers collected speed and lateral position data for three rural two-lane curves. The relationship between lateral position and speed was assessed by comparing the odds of a near-lane crossing for vehicles traveling 5 or more mph over the advisory speed to those for vehicles traveling below that threshold.
Summary: The old worn out body - a crossing point for nature and culture
Learning is the ability of an organism to adapt to the changes of its environment in response to its past experience. It is a widespread ability in the animal kingdom, but its evolutionary aspects are poorly known. Learning ability is supposedly advantageous under some conditions, when environmental conditions are not too stable - because in this case there is no need to learn to predict any event in the environment - and not changing too fast - otherwise environmental cues cannot be used because they are not reliable. Nevertheless, learning ability is also known to be costly in terms of energy needed for neuronal synthesis, memory formation, initial mistakes. During my PhD, I focused on the study of genetic variability of learning ability in natural populations. Genetic variability is the basis on which natural selection and genetic drift can act. How does learning ability vary in nature? What are the roles of additive genetic variation or maternal effects in this variation? Is it involved in evolutionary trade-offs with other fitness-related traits?¦I investigated a natural population of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism. Its learning ability is easy to measure with associative memory tests. I used two research tools: multiple inbred and isofemale lines derived from a natural population as a representative sample. My work was divided into three parts.¦First, I investigated the effects of inbreeding on aversive learning (avoidance of an odor previously associated with mechanical shock). While the inbred lines consistently showed reduced egg-to-adult viability by 28 %, the effects of inbreeding on learning performance was 18 % and varied among assays, with a trend to be most pronounced for intermediate conditioning intensity. Variation among inbred lines indicates that ample genetic variance for learning was segregating in the base population, and suggests that the inbreeding depression observed in learning performance was mostly due to dominance rather than overdominance. Across the inbred lines, learning performance was positively correlated with the egg-to-adult viability. This positive genetic correlation contradicts previous studies which observed a trade-off between learning ability and lifespan or larval competitive ability. It suggests that much of the genetic variation for learning is due to pleiotropic effects of genes affecting other functions related to survival. Together with the overall mild effects of inbreeding on learning performance, this suggests that genetic variation specifically affecting learning is either very low, or is due to alleles with mostly additive (semi-dominant) effects. It also suggests that alleles reducing learning performance are on average partially recessive, because their effect does not appear in the outbred base population. Moreover, overdominance seems unlikely as major cause of the inbreeding depression, because even if the overall mean of the inbred line is smaller than the outbred base population, some of the inbred lines show the same learning score as the outbred base population. If overdominance played an important part in inbreeding depression, then all the homozygous lines should show lower learning ability than¦outbred base population.¦In the second part of my project, I sampled the same natural population again and derived isofemale lines (F=0.25) which are less adapted to laboratory conditions and therefore are more representative of the variance of the natural population. They also showed some genetic variability for learning, and for three other fitness-related traits possibly related with learning: resistance to bacterial infection, egg-to-adult viability and developmental time. Nevertheless, the genetic variance of learning ability did not appear to be smaller than the variance of the other traits. The positive correlation previously observed between learning ability and egg- to-adult viability did not appear in isofemale lines (nor a negative correlation). It suggests that there was still genetic variability within isofemale lines and that they did not fix the highly deleterious pleiotropic alleles possibly responsible for the previous correlation.¦In order to investigate the relative amount of nuclear (additive and non-additive effects) and extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal effect) components of variance in learning ability and other fitness-related traits among the inbred lines tested in part one, I performed a diallel cross between them. The nuclear additive genetic variance was higher than other components for learning ability and survival to learning ability, but in contrast, maternal effects were more variable than other effects for developmental traits. This suggests that maternal effects, which reflects effects from mitochondrial DNA, epigenetic effects, or the amount of nutrients that are invested by the mother in the egg, are more important in the early stage of life, and less at the adult stage. There was no additive genetic correlation between learning ability and other traits, indicating that the correlation between learning ability and egg-to-adult viability observed in the first pat of my project was mostly due to recessive genes.¦Finally, my results showed that learning ability is genetically variable. The diallel experiment showed additive genetic variance was the most important component of the total variance. Moreover, every inbred or isofemale line showed some learning ability. This suggested that alleles impairing learning ability are eliminated by selection, and therefore that learning ability is under strong selection in natural populations of Drosophila. My results cannot alone explain the maintenance of the observed genetic variation. Even if I cannot eliminate the hypothesis of pleiotropy between learning ability and the other fitness-related traits I measured, there is no evidence for any trade-off between these traits and learning ability. This contradicts what has been observed between learning ability and other traits like lifespan and larval competitivity.¦L'apprentissage représente la capacité d'un organisme à s'adapter aux changement de son environnement au cours de sa vie, en réponse à son expérience passée. C'est une capacité très répandue dans le règne animal, y compris pour les animaux les plus petits et les plus simples, mais les aspects évolutifs de l'apprentissage sont encore mal connus. L'apprentissage est supposé avantageux dans certaines conditions, quand l'environnement n'est ni trop stable - dans ce cas, il n'y a rien à apprendre - ni trop variable - dans ce cas, les indices sur lesquels se reposer changent trop vite pour apprendre. D'un autre côté, l'apprentissage a aussi des coûts, en terme de synthèse neuronale, pour la formation de la mémoire, ou de coûts d'erreur initiale d'apprentissage. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai étudié la variabilité génétique naturelle des capacités d'apprentissage. Comment varient les capacités d'apprentissage dans la nature ? Quelle est la part de variation additive, l'impact des effets maternel ? Est-ce que l'apprentissage est impliqué dans des interactions, de type compromis évolutifs, avec d'autres traits liés à la fitness ?¦Afin de répondre à ces questions, je me suis intéressée à la mouche du vinaigre, ou drosophile, un organisme modèle. Ses capacités d'apprentissage sont facile à étudier avec un test de mémoire reposant sur l'association entre un choc mécanique et une odeur. Pour étudier ses capacités naturelles, j'ai dérivé de types de lignées d'une population naturelle: des lignées consanguines et des lignées isofemelles.¦Dans une première partie, je me suis intéressée aux effets de la consanguinité sur les capacités d'apprentissage, qui sont peu connues. Alors que les lignées consanguines ont montré une réduction de 28% de leur viabilité (proportion d'adultes émergeants d'un nombre d'oeufs donnés), leurs capacités d'apprentissage n'ont été réduites que de 18%, la plus forte diminution étant obtenue pour un conditionnement modéré. En outre, j'ai également observé que les capacités d'apprentissage était positivement corrélée à la viabilité entre les lignées. Cette corrélation est surprenante car elle est en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus par d'autres études, qui montrent l'existence de compromis évolutifs entre les capacités d'apprentissage et d'autres traits comme le vieillissement ou la compétitivité larvaire. Elle suggère que la variation génétique des capacités d'apprentissage est due aux effets pleiotropes de gènes récessifs affectant d'autres fonctions liées à la survie. Ces résultats indiquent que la variation pour les capacités d'apprentissage est réduite comparée à celle d'autres traits ou est due à des allèles principalement récessifs. L'hypothèse de superdominance semble peu vraisemblable, car certaines des lignées consanguines ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage égaux à ceux de la population non consanguine, alors qu'en cas de superdominance, elles auraient toutes dû obtenir des scores inférieurs.¦Dans la deuxième partie de mon projet, j'ai mesuré les capacités d'apprentissage de lignées isofemelles issues de la même population initiale que les lignées consanguines. Ces lignées sont issues chacune d'un seul couple, ce qui leur donne un taux d'hétérozygosité supérieur et évite l'élimination de lignées par fixation d'allèles délétères rares. Elles sont ainsi plus représentatives de la variabilité naturelle. Leur variabilité génétique est significative pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et trois traits liés à la fois à la fitness et à l'apprentissage: la viabilité, la résistance à l'infection bactérienne et la vitesse de développement. Cependant, la variabilité des capacités d'apprentissage n'apparaît cette fois pas inférieure à celle des autres traits et aucune corrélation n'est constatée entre les capacité d'apprentissage et les autres traits. Ceci suggère que la corrélation observée auparavant était surtout due à la fixation d'allèles récessifs délétères également responsables de la dépression de consanguinité.¦Durant la troisième partie de mon projet, je me suis penchée sur la décomposition de la variance observée entre les lignées consanguines observée en partie 1. Quatre composants ont été examinés: la variance due à des effets nucléaires (additifs et non additifs), et due à des effets parentaux (maternels et paternels). J'ai réalisé un croisement diallèle de toutes les lignées. La variance additive nucléaire s'est révélée supérieure aux autres composants pour les capacités d'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection bactérienne. Par contre, les effets maternels étaient plus importants que les autres composants pour les traits développementaux (viabilité et vitesse de développement). Ceci suggère que les effets maternels, dus à G ADN mitochondrial, à l'épistasie ou à la quantité de nutriments investis dans l'oeuf par la mère, sont plus importants dans les premiers stades de développement et que leur effet s'estompe à l'âge adulte. Il n'y a en revanche pas de corrélation statistiquement significative entre les effets additifs des capacités d'apprentissage et des autres traits, ce qui indique encore une fois que la corrélation observée entre les capacités d'apprentissage et la viabilité dans la première partie du projet était due à des effets d'allèles partiellement récessifs.¦Au, final, mes résultats montrent bien l'existence d'une variabilité génétique pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et l'expérience du diallèle montre que la variance additive de cette capacité est importante, ce qui permet une réponse à la sélection naturelle. Toutes les lignées, consanguines ou isofemelles, ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage supérieurs à zéro. Ceci suggère que les allèles supprimant les capacités d'apprentissage sont fortement contre-sélectionnés dans la nature Néanmoins, mes résultats ne peuvent pas expliquer le maintien de cette variabilité génétique par eux-même. Même si l'hypothèse de pléiotropie entre les capacités d'apprentissage et l'un des traits liés à la fitness que j'ai mesuré ne peut être éliminée, il n'y a aucune preuve d'un compromis évolutif pouvant contribuer au maintien de la variabilité.
A regional study of snow avalanche processes was undertaken in the SE Pyrenees. Dendrogeomorphology was used to date and reconstruct large-scale snow avalanche events that occurred in the last four decades. Dendrochronological analyses yielded the dates of nine winters when avalanches occurred in the recent past in six studied avalanche paths. Some of these avalanches were already known, but others had not been documented. In one case, the existing avalanche path map was improved with the dendrogeomorphological information of a larger past event. As a result of the dendrogeomorphological analyses, evidence for three regional-scale major avalanche years was identified in the SE Pyrenees from 1971 to 2004: 1971¿1972, 1995¿1996 and 2002¿2003. The specific synoptic atmospheric situations and the most likely nivometeorological and snowpack conditions that released these major avalanches were determined using weather data for the seasons of major avalanche releases. In 1971¿1972 the snow avalanche episode was characterized by a deep trough crossing the Pyrenees. In 1995¿1996 a variety of meteorological situations produced several episodes of major avalanches. In 2002¿2003 the more significant of two episodes was attributed to a north advection pumping an arctic air mass over the Pyrenees. The 1995¿1996 avalanche season proved to be the most notable in the four past decades in the Pyrenees.
In sharp contrast to birds and mammals, most cold-blooded vertebrates have homomorphic (morphologically undifferentiated) sex chromosomes. This might result either from recurrent X-Y recombination (occurring e.g. during occasional events of sex reversal) or from frequent turnovers (during which sex-determining genes are overthrown by new autosomal mutations). Evidence for turnovers is indeed mounting in fish, but very few have so far been documented in amphibians, possibly because of practical difficulties in identifying sex chromosomes. Female heterogamety (ZW) has long been established in Bufo bufo, based on sex reversal and crossing experiments. Here, we investigate a sex-linked marker identified from a laboratory cross between Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup). The F(1) offspring produced by a female Bufo balearicus and a male Bufo siculus were phenotypically sexed, displaying an even sex ratio. A sex-specific marker detected in highly reproducible AFLP genotypes was cloned. Sequencing revealed a noncoding, microsatellite-containing fragment. Reamplification and genotyping of families of this and a reciprocal cross showed B. siculus to be male heterogametic (XY) and suggested the same system for B. balearicus. Our results thus reveal a cryptic heterogametic transition within bufonid frogs and help explain patterns of hybrid fitness within the B. viridis subgroup. Turnovers of genetic sex-determination systems may be more frequent in amphibians than previously thought and thus contribute to the prevalence of homomorphic sex chromosomes in this group.
Human-induced habitat fragmentation constitutes a major threat to biodiversity. Both genetic and demographic factors combine to drive small and isolated populations into extinction vortices. Nevertheless, the deleterious effects of inbreeding and drift load may depend on population structure, migration patterns, and mating systems and are difficult to predict in the absence of crossing experiments. We performed stochastic individual-based simulations aimed at predicting the effects of deleterious mutations on population fitness (offspring viability and median time to extinction) under a variety of settings (landscape configurations, migration models, and mating systems) on the basis of easy-to-collect demographic and genetic information. Pooling all simulations, a large part (70%) of variance in offspring viability was explained by a combination of genetic structure (F(ST)) and within-deme heterozygosity (H(S)). A similar part of variance in median time to extinction was explained by a combination of local population size (N) and heterozygosity (H(S)). In both cases the predictive power increased above 80% when information on mating systems was available. These results provide robust predictive models to evaluate the viability prospects of fragmented populations.
Les différents pays membres de l'UE connaissent des politiques dites de « conciliation de la vie professionnelle et familiale » qui correspondent à un ensemble de dispositifs hétéroclites, plus ou moins complexes, mais rarement cohérents. Alliant des objectifs tels que la hausse de la natalité, la protection des mères et des enfants, l'égalité entre femmes et hommes, la lutte contre la pauvreté des enfants et des familles monoparentales et l'activation des femmes, ces politiques sont fortement ancrées dans des traditions nationales de politiques familiales, d'emploi et fiscales. Ces politiques portent en elles l'héritage et les tensions de l'histoire d'un pays. Au moment où un nouvel acteur international, l'Union européenne, intervient de manière de plus en plus explicite dans le débat et dans la définition de ces politiques, la présente étude tend à analyser l'influence exercées par les référentiels européens en matière de politiques de conciliation sur les discours et politiques nationales de l'Italie et de la France. A partir d'une analyse cognitive du processus d'européanisation, nous montrons que les référentiels développés au sein de l'UE, par leur caractère abstrait et flou, n'ont eu jusqu'ici qu'une faible influence sur les discours et politiques en Italie et en France. Croisant une perspective néo-institutionnaliste historique et discursive, notre recherche a été construite autour de deux axes de réflexion. Premièrement, il a été question d'analyser, d'une part, l'évolution du discours tenu par les différentes instances européennes (notamment de la Commission européenne, le Conseil européen et le Fonds Social européen) et, d'autre part, questionner comment un consensus a pu émerger entre des pays et des acteurs qui ont des traditions extrêmement différentes en matière de politique sociale, de politique familiale et de convention de genre. Deuxièmement, il a été question d'analyser si et comment un cadre de référence conçu au niveau communautaire a pu influencer les discours et politiques au niveau national. - The reconciliation of work and family life policies forms, in the EU's member States, a plurality of politics, more or less complex, but rarely coherent. Combining different objectives such as fertility increase, mothers and children protection, equality between men and women, fight against children and lone-parent families poverty and women activation, these policies are part of the national traditions of family, employment and tax policy and bear the heritage and the tensions of the country history. At a moment when a new global player, the European Union, interferes increasingly explicitly in the debate and the definition of reconciling work and family life policies, the question at the heart of this thesis was to define what kind of influence the référentiels of European discourses have on reconciliation policies since the late 1990s, in the Italian and French discourses and policies. Starting from a cognitive analysis of the Europeanization process, we show that the référentiels developed within the EU, by their abstract and vague nature, have had little influence in Italy and France. Crossing an historical and a discursive neo-institutionalist perspective, our research was based on two axes of reasoning. First, we have analysed, on the one hand, the evolution of various European institutions' discoursed (including the European Commission, the European Council and the European Social Fund) and, on the other hand, we have questioned how a consensus has emerged between countries and actors who have very different traditions in social policy, family policy and gender conventions. Secondly, we have observed if and how a framework developed at Community level, as a kind of ideal to strive for, has influenced discourses and policies at the national level.
Various site-specific recombination enzymes produce different types of knots or catenanes while acting on circular DNA in vitro and in vivo. By analysing the types of knots or links produced, it is possible to reconstruct the order of events during the reaction and to deduce the molecular "architecture" of the complexes that different enzymes form with DNA. Until recently it was necessary to use laborious electron microscopy methods to identify the types of knots or catenanes that migrate in different bands on the agarose gels used to analyse the products of the reaction. We reported recently that electrophoretic migration of different knots and catenanes formed on the same size DNA molecules is simply related to the average crossing number of the ideal representations of the corresponding knots and catenanes. Here we explain this relation by demonstrating that the expected sedimentation coefficient of randomly fluctuating knotted or catenated DNA molecules in solution shows approximately linear correlation with the average crossing number of ideal configurations of the corresponding knots or catenanes.
The catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian genera is a revision of all described genera with re-illustration of their type species. This project was organized under the auspices of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists (Inter-Rad), and was carried out by the Mesozoic Working Group. This is the second of two contributions, this one devoted to the Jurassic-Cretaceous period. It contains 581 genera with re-illustration of their type species. This part shares 30 genera in common with the Triassic catalogue, most of which arose in the Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian. The sharp difference manifested between the Triassic fauna and the Jurassic-Cretaceous fauna is so evident that it justifies two independent catalogues. A comparable division between the Jurassic and Cretaceous could not be justified however, because of the similarity of the fauna, and by the greater number of genera crossing the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary which is three times that for the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. A distinct characteristic of Jurassic-Cretaceous genera is the high number of nomina dubia (up to 131), contrary to the low number in the Triassic interval. This reflects, in part, the influence of Haeckelian taxonomy in earlier research on Jurassic-Cretaceous faunas prior to the application of SEM techniques. The Mesozoic Working Group has carefully reviewed and re-examined the taxonomy of all available genera, their family assignment and stratigraphic ranges. Following careful comparisons, 91 genera were declared as synonyms. The review has noted 26 homonyms which were duly notified to their corresponding authors, and were corrected previous to the publication of this catalogue. In spite of this effort, unfortunately nine homonyms still remain. Two invalid nominal genera, and two nomina nuda are also reported. The systematic revisions have validated 341 genera for the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. At the end of this catalogue 24 additional are resented as support for those genera having a poor photographs p original illustration of the type species.
Culverts are common means to convey flow through the roadway system for small streams. In general, larger flows and road embankment heights entail the use of multibarrel culverts (a.k.a. multi-box) culverts. Box culverts are generally designed to handle events with a 50-year return period, and therefore convey considerably lower flows much of the time. While there are no issues with conveying high flows, many multi-box culverts in Iowa pose a significant problem related to sedimentation. The highly erosive Iowa soils can easily lead to the situation that some of the barrels can silt-in early after their construction, becoming partially filled with sediment in few years. Silting can reduce considerably the capacity of the culvert to handle larger flow events. Phase I of this Iowa Highway Research Board project (TR-545) led to an innovative solution for preventing sedimentation. The solution was comprehensively investigated through laboratory experiments and numerical modeling aimed at screening design alternatives and testing their hydraulic and sediment conveyance performance. Following this study phase, the Technical Advisory Committee suggested to implement the recommended sediment mitigation design to a field site. The site selected for implementation was a 3-box culvert crossing Willow Creek on IA Hwy 1W in Iowa City. The culvert was constructed in 1981 and the first cleanup was needed in 2000. Phase II of the TR 545 entailed the monitoring of the site with and without the selfcleaning sedimentation structure in place (similarly with the study conducted in laboratory). The first monitoring stage (Sept 2010 to December 2012) was aimed at providing a baseline for the operation of the as-designed culvert. In order to support Phase II research, a cleanup of the IA Hwy 1W culvert was conducted in September 2011. Subsequently, a monitoring program was initiated to document the sedimentation produced by individual and multiple storms propagating through the culvert. The first two years of monitoring showed inception of the sedimentation in the first spring following the cleanup. Sedimentation continued to increase throughout the monitoring program following the depositional patterns observed in the laboratory tests and those documented in the pre-cleaning surveys. The second part of Phase II of the study was aimed at monitoring the constructed self-cleaning structure. Since its construction in December 2012, the culvert site was continuously monitored through systematic observations. The evidence garnered in this phase of the study demonstrates the good performance of the self-cleaning structure in mitigating the sediment deposition at culverts. Besides their beneficial role in sediment mitigation, the designed self-cleaning structures maintain a clean and clear area upstream the culvert, keep a healthy flow through the central barrel offering hydraulic and aquatic habitat similar with that in the undisturbed stream reaches upstream and downstream the culvert. It can be concluded that the proposed self-cleaning structural solution “streamlines” the area upstream the culvert in a way that secures the safety of the culvert structure at high flows while producing much less disturbance in the stream behavior compared with the current constructive approaches.
In April 1991 the Iowa Department of Transportation, the CNW Transportation Company, the SOO Line, and local agencies and business in the Mason City/Clear Lake area initiated an Operation Lifesaver program to attempt to increase public awareness of safety issues and safe behavior at railroad-highway grade crossings. This document reports an initial study of data on traffic characteristics at a selected set of grade crossings in Cerro Gordo County taken before and after the safety program. Twenty-two crossings were studied. The 13 crossings at which collisions were reported for the five years prior to the study were included in the sample of sites. Two field observations were made at each study crossing before the Operation Lifesaver campaign was in full swing, and two observations were made after the conclusion of the main effort of the campaign. The summary of each data set is contained in a companion volume. The research shows that Operation Lifesaver altered drivers' behavior in the following ways: (1) reduced approach speeds and crossing speeds at crossings with low speed limits, (2) reduced the percent of drivers approaching the crossing at speeds in excess of the posted speed limit, and (3) increased alertness of drivers to railroad crossing hazards as evidenced by more drivers looking for a clear track. Thus, Operation Lifesaver enhanced safety in street and highway traffic operations in the vicinity of railroad-highway grade crossings.
The current shortage of highway funds precludes the immediate replacement of most of the bridges that have been evaluated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete or both. A low water stream crossing (LWSC) affords an economical alternative to the replacement of a bridge with another bridge in many instances. However, the potential liability that might be incurred from the use of LWSCs has served as a deterrent to their use. Nor have guidelines for traffic control devices been developed for specific application to LWSCs. This research addressed the problems of liability and traffic control associated with the use of LWSCs. Input to the findings from this research was provided by several persons contacted by telephone plus 189 persons who responded to a questionnaire concerning their experience with LWSCs. It was concluded from this research that a significant potential for accidents and liability claims could result from the use of LWSCs. However, it was also concluded that this liability could be reduced to within acceptable limits if adequate warning of the presence of an LWSC were afforded to road users. The potential for accidents and liability could further be reduced if vehicular passage over an LWSC were precluded during periods when the road was flooded. Under these conditions, it is believed, the potential for liability from the use of an LWSC on an unpaved, rural road would be even less than that resulting from the continuing use of an inadequate bridge. The signs recommended for use in advance of an LWSC include two warning signs and one regulatory sign with legends as follows: FLOOD AREA AHEAD, IMPASSABLE DURING HIGH WATER, DO NOT ENTER WHEN FLOODED. Use of the regulatory sign would require an appropriate resolution by the Board of Supervisors having responsibility for a county road. Other recommendations include the optional use of either a supple mental distance advisory plate or an advisory speed plate, or both, under circumstances where these may be needed. It was also recommended HR-218 Liability & Traffic Control Considerations for Low Water Stream Crossings that LWSCs be used only on unpaved roads and that they not be used in locations where flooding of an LWSC would deprive dwelling places of emergency ground access.
Portable (roll-out) stop signs are used at school crossings in over 300 cities in Iowa. Their use conforms to the Code of Iowa, although it is not consistent with the provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted for nationwide application. A survey indicated that most users in Iowa believe that portable stop signs provide effective protection at school crossings, and favor their continued use. Other non-uniform signs that fold or rotate to display a STOP message only during certain hours are used at school crossings in over 60 cities in Iowa. Their use does not conform to either the Code of Iowa or the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Users of these devices also tend to favor their continued use. A survey of other states indicated that use of temporary devices similar to those used in Iowa is not generally sanctioned. Some unsanctioned use apparently occurs in several states, however. A different type of portable stop sign for school crossings is authorized and widely used in one state. Portable stop signs similar to those used in Iowa are authorized in another state, although their use is quite limited. A few reports in the literature reviewed for this research discussed the use of portable stop signs. The authors of these reports uniformly recommended against the use of portable or temporary traffic control devices. Various reasons for this recommendation were given, although data to support the recommendation were not offered. As part of this research, field surveys were conducted at 54 locations in 33 communities where temporary stop control devices were in use at school crossings. Research personnel observed the obedience to stop control and measured the vehicular delay incurred. Stopped delay averaged 1.89 seconds/entering vehicle. Only 36.6 percent of the vehicles were observed to come to a complete stop at the study locations controlled by temporary stop control devices. However, this level of obedience does not differ from that observed at intersections controlled by permanent stop signs. Accident experience was compiled for 76 intersections in 33 communities in Iowa where temporary stop signs were used and, for comparative purposes, at 76 comparable intersections having other forms of control or operating without stop control. There were no significant differences in accident experience An economic analysis of vehicle operating costs, delay costs, and other costs indicated that temporary stop control generated costs only about 12 percent as great as permanent stop control for a street having a school crossing. Midblock pedestrian-actuated signals were shown to be cost effective in comparison with temporary stop signs under the conditions of use assumed. Such signals could be used effectively at a number of locations where temporary stop signs are being used. The results of this research do not provide a basis for recommending that use of portable stop signs be prohibited. However, erratic patterns of use of these devices and inadequate designs suggest that improved standards for their use are needed. Accordingly, nine recommendations are presented to enhance the efficiency of vehicular flow at school crossings, without causing a decline in the level of pedestrian protection being afforded.