996 resultados para dentine exposure ratio
This review aims to identify strategies to optimise radiography practice using digital technologies, for full spine studies on paediatrics focusing particularly on methods used to diagnose and measure severity of spinal curvatures. The literature search was performed on different databases (PubMed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect) and relevant websites (e.g., American College of Radiology and International Commission on Radiological Protection) to identify guidelines and recent studies focused on dose optimisation in paediatrics using digital technologies. Plain radiography was identified as the most accurate method. The American College of Radiology (ACR) and European Commission (EC) provided two guidelines that were identified as the most relevant to the subject. The ACR guidelines were updated in 2014; however these guidelines do not provide detailed guidance on technical exposure parameters. The EC guidelines are more complete but are dedicated to screen film systems. Other studies provided reviews on the several exposure parameters that should be included for optimisation, such as tube current, tube voltage and source-to-image distance; however, only explored few of these parameters and not all of them together. One publication explored all parameters together but this was for adults only. Due to lack of literature on exposure parameters for paediatrics, more research is required to guide and harmonise practice.
Aim: Optimise a set of exposure factors, with the lowest effective dose, to delineate spinal curvature with the modified Cobb method in a full spine using computed radiography (CR) for a 5-year-old paediatric anthropomorphic phantom. Methods: Images were acquired by varying a set of parameters: positions (antero-posterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA) and lateral), kilo-voltage peak (kVp) (66-90), source-to-image distance (SID) (150 to 200cm), broad focus and the use of a grid (grid in/out) to analyse the impact on E and image quality (IQ). IQ was analysed applying two approaches: objective [contrast-to-noise-ratio/(CNR] and perceptual, using 5 observers. Monte-Carlo modelling was used for dose estimation. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to calculate inter-observer-variability. The angle was measured using Cobb’s method on lateral projections under different imaging conditions. Results: PA promoted the lowest effective dose (0.013 mSv) compared to AP (0.048 mSv) and lateral (0.025 mSv). The exposure parameters that allowed lower dose were 200cm SID, 90 kVp, broad focus and grid out for paediatrics using an Agfa CR system. Thirty-seven images were assessed for IQ and thirty-two were classified adequate. Cobb angle measurements varied between 16°±2.9 and 19.9°±0.9. Conclusion: Cobb angle measurements can be performed using the lowest dose with a low contrast-tonoise ratio. The variation on measurements for this was ±2.9° and this is within the range of acceptable clinical error without impact on clinical diagnosis. Further work is recommended on improvement to the sample size and a more robust perceptual IQ assessment protocol for observers.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific literature about the effects of exposure to psychosocial risk factors in work contexts. METHODS A systematic review was performed using the terms “psychosocial factors” AND “COPSOQ” in the databases PubMed, Medline, and Scopus. The period analyzed was from January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2012. We have included articles that used the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) as a measuring instrument of the psychosocial factors and the presentation of quantitative or qualitative results. German articles, psychometric studies or studies that did not analyze individual or work factors were excluded. RESULTS We included 22 articles in the analysis. Individual factors, such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status, were analyzed along with work-related factors such as labor demands, work organization and content, social relationships and leadership, work-individual interface, workplace values, justice and respect, personality, health and well-being, and offensive behaviors. We analyzed the sample type and the applied experimental designs. Some population groups, such as young people and migrants, are more vulnerable. The deteriorated working psychosocial environment is associated with physical health indicators and weak mental health. This environment is also a risk factor for the development of moderate to severe clinical conditions, predicting absenteeism or intention of leaving the job. CONCLUSIONS The literature shows the contribution of exposure to psychosocial risk factors in work environments and their impact on mental health and well-being of workers. It allows the design of practical interventions in the work context to be based on scientific evidences. Investigations in specific populations, such as industry, and studies with more robust designs are lacking.
The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 mu m(2)/cm(3), which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles. Implications: The approach of this study considers the measurement of surface deposited alveolar area of particles in the outdoor urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal. This type of measurements has not been done so far. Only particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 (PM2.5) and >10 (PM10) mu m have been measured in outdoor environments and the levels found cannot be found responsible for all the observed health effects. Therefore, the exposure to nano- and ultrafine particles has not been assessed systematically, and several authors consider this as a real knowledge gap and claim for data such as these that will allow for deriving better and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies. Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) equipments are recent ones and their use has been limited to indoor atmospheres. However, as this study shows, NSAM is a very powerful tool for outdoor environments also. As most lung diseases are, in fact, related to deposition of the alveolar region of the lung, the metric used in this study is the ideal one.
Cooking was found to be a main source of submicrometer and ultrafine aerosols from gas combustion in stoves. Therefore, this study consisted of the determination of the alveolar deposited surface area due to aerosols resulting from common domestic cooking activities (boiling fish, vegetables, or pasta, and frying hamburgers and eggs). The concentration of ultrafine particles during the cooking events significantly increased from a baseline of 42.7 mu m(2)/cm(3) (increased to 72.9 mu m(2)/cm(3) due to gas burning) to a maximum of 890.3 mu m(2)/cm(3) measured during fish boiling in water, and a maximum of 4500 mu m(2)/cm(3) during meat frying. This clearly shows that a domestic activity such as cooking can lead to exposures as high as those of occupational exposure activities.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the assessment of exposure levels of ultrafine particles (UFP) in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, by monitoring lung-deposited alveolar surface area (resulting from exposure to UFP) in a major avenue leading to the town centre during late Spring, as well as in indoor buildings facing it. This study revealed differentiated patterns for week days and weekends, consistent with PM2.5 and PM10 patterns currently monitored by air quality stations in Lisbon. The observed ultrafine particulate levels could be directly related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, UFP alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 mu m(2)/cm(3), which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and United States. The measured values allowed the determination of the number of UFP per cm(3), which are comparable to levels reported for Madrid and Brisbane. In what concerns outdoor/indoor levels, we observed higher levels (32-63%) outdoor, which is somewhat lower than levels observed in houses in Ontario.
The aim of this study was to contribute to the assessment of exposure levels of ultrafine particles in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, by monitoring lung deposited alveolar surface area (resulting from exposure to ultrafine particles) in a major avenue leading to the town center during late spring, as well as in indoor buildings facing it. Data revealed differentiated patterns for week days and weekends, consistent with PM2.5 and PM10 patterns currently monitored by air quality stations in Lisbon. The observed ultrafine particulate levels may be directly correlated with fluxes in automobile traffic. During a typical week, amounts of ultrafine particles per alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35 and 89.2 mu m2/cm3, which are comparable with levels reported for other towns in Germany and the United States. The measured values allowed for determination of the number of ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter, which are comparable to levels reported for Madrid and Brisbane. In what concerns outdoor/indoor levels, we observed higher levels (32 to 63%) outdoors, which is somewhat lower than levels observed in houses in Ontario.
New sensory materials based on p-phenylene ethynylene trimers integrating calix[4]arene receptors (CALIX-PET) and tert-butylphenol (TBP-PET) moieties have been synthesized and their sensitivity and selectivity for the detection of nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) such as nitrobenzene (NB), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and picric acid (PA) investigated in fluid phase and solid-state. It was found that both fluorophores displayed high sensitivities toward NACs detection in solution as evaluated by the Stern-Volmer formalism. For all the tested explosives, the ratio of fluorescence intensities (F-0/F) is a linear function of the quencher concentration only after appropriate correction of fluorescence quenching data for inner-filter effects. The quenching efficiencies for CALIX-PET and TBP-PET follow the order PA >> TNT > DNT > NB, which correlate well with the quenchers electron affinities as evaluated from their LUMOs energies thereby suggesting a photoinduced electron transfer as the dominant mechanism of fluorescence quenching. The selectivity of these sensors was checked against exemplar interferents possessing differentiated electronic properties (benzoic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenol and benzoquinone) and reduced quenching activity was detected. The quenching efficiencies and response times of the two fluorophores in the solid-state toward NB, 2,4-DNT and TNT vapors were evaluated through steady-state fluorescence quenching experiments with the materials dispersed in polymeric matrices or as neat films. The most significant fluorescence quenching responses were achieved for drop-casted films of TBP-PET upon exposure to nitroaromatics.
Scope of study: welding operations result in harmful emissions of nanoparticles; the aim of emissions monitorisation is to evaluate exposure levels and to derive protection measures in order to protect exposed workers; however, the traditional approach of comparing measured concentrations with exposure limits cannot be used; but risk levels can be quantified by using Control Banding Strategies.
Objective - Evaluate preventable exposure dose in routine chest CT examinations beyond prescribed anatomical landmarks and estimate extra dose delivered to the patient. Background/rationale - Recent technical advances have greatly increased the clinical applications of CT; developments in multidetector-row CT (MDCT) technology have occurred; the major disadvantage with the increased use of MDCT is associated radiation exposure.
Resumo: Os profissionais de saúde podem estar expostos a vários factores indutores de stress crónico nomeadamente de natureza profissional destacando-se, entre os seus possíveis efeitos, a diminuição da resposta de anticorpos após administração de vacinas, entre as quais, a vacina contra a gripe. Uma vez que os trabalhadores da saúde estão expostos a factores indutores de stress e, simultaneamente, a agentes biológicos cujos efeitos poderão ser prevenidos pela vacinação, é pertinente estudar a influência do stress na resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe em enfermeiros. Constituíram objectivos deste trabalho: (1) estudar a associação entre a presença de stress crónico em enfermeiros hospitalares e a “insuficiente” resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe, avaliada um mês após a vacinação (T1); (2) estudar a associação entre a presença de stress crónico em enfermeiros hospitalares e a redução dos títulos de anticorpos dirigidos às hemaglutininas seis meses após a vacinação (T6) e (3) identificar algumas características das unidades de internamento e do trabalho dos participantes que possam estar associadas à presença de stress crónico e estudar a sua possível associação com a resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe. Realizou-se um estudo caso-controlo incorporado num estudo de coortes e a amostra em estudo foi constituída por 136 enfermeiros saudáveis (83,8% sexo feminino; média de idades de 33anos) de um hospital universitário. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais e aplicaram-se as versões portuguesas dos questionários The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) e Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) para determinação da presença de stress crónico pelo método da triangulação, no início do estudo (T0) e realizou-se a recolha de dados relativos à caracterização de elementos de trabalho nas unidades de internamento. Foi administrada a vacina contra a gripe e determinou-se os títulos de anticorpos dirigidos às hemaglutininas de cada estirpe componentes da vacina contra a gripe utilizada em 2007, antes da vacinação, um mês e seis meses após a vacinação. Não se encontrou associação, ao nível de significância de 5%, entre a presença de stress e a “insuficiente” resposta à vacina contra a gripe, avaliada pela taxa de indivíduos que apresentaram um aumento, ao fim de um mês, inferior a quatro vezes os títulos de anticorpos antes da vacinação. No entanto, encontrou-se uma maior proporção de indivíduos com stress no grupo de participantes em que ocorreu uma diminuição do título de anticorpos dirigidos à hemaglutinina AH1 (ac AH1) em T6, quando comparado com o respectivo grupo controlo. A diferença entre grupos foi estatisticamente significativa, quando se avaliou a presença de stress pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista (p=0,006), pelo método da triangulação usando o GHQ12 (p=0,045) e ainda usando a combinação dos três critérios (p=0,001). Após análise multivariada, verificou-se que a associação entre a presença de XXVI stress e a redução dos ac AH1 em T6 manteve significado estatístico (respectivamente, p= 0,010, p= 0,042 e p=0,002) e apresentou odds ratio ajustados, em função de cada um dos métodos de avaliação da presença de stress, de 3,643, de 2,733 e de 5,223. A quantidade de trabalho percepcionada como sobrecarga constituiu o factor indutor de stress mais vezes referido (58,8% da amostra e 61,8% dos enfermeiros de unidades de internamento), seguida dos conflitos entre profissionais. O contacto com o sofrimento e a morte de doentes foram identificados em quarto lugar pela amostra, mas em segundo pelos enfermeiros de unidades de internamento. Nesses, verificou-se uma associação positiva entre trabalhar em Serviços onde o número de doentes falecidos foi muito elevado e a presença de stress, medido pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista (p=0,039), usando o GHQ12 (p=0,019), usando a escala de exaustão emocional do MBI-HSS (p=0,012) e pela combinação dos três métodos (p=0,014). Verificou-se também uma associação positiva entre a presença de stress, identificada pelo método da triangulação usando a escala de exaustão emocional do MBI-HSS, e o trabalho em serviços de internamento onde a percentagem de doentes idosos (p=0,025) e a taxa de letalidade (p=0,036) foram elevadas. Contudo, não se encontrou associação entre a exposição muito frequente ao sofrimento e à morte de doentes e a redução do título de ac AH1 em T6. Possivelmente, a exposição a esse factor indutor de stress, apesar de estar relacionada com a presença de stress nos enfermeiros de serviços de internamento, não foi suficientemente intenso para, por si só, estar associada à redução do título de ac AH1 em T6. A associação encontrada entre a presença de stress crónico e a redução do título de anticorpos AH1 em T6 vem apoiar a resposta à questão de investigação inicialmente colocada de que o stress poderá influenciar negativamente a manutenção dos títulos de anticorpos, mesmo em indivíduos adultos não idosos. Assim, o risco de um enfermeiro com stress apresentar redução do título de anticorpos dirigidos à hemaglutinina da estirpe AH1N1 – A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 ao fim dos seis meses do estudo, foi 3,6, 2,7 ou 5,2 vezes superior ao de um enfermeiro sem stress, consoante o critério de stress ter sido determinado, respectivamente, pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista, pelo método da triangulação utilizando o GHQ12 ou pela combinação dos três critérios. Summary: Health workers may be exposed to various factors causing chronic stress namely those related directly to their activity, in particular the decrease in the capacity of the response of antibodies after the administration of the vaccines, amongst others the Influenza vaccine. Since health workers are exposed to factors causing stress and at the same time biological agents, whose effects may be prevented through vaccination, it is important to study the influence of stress in the immunity response to the Influenza vaccine on nurses. The aims of this study are: (1) to examine the relation between chronic stress in hospital nurses and the “insufficient” immunity response to the Influenza vaccine, assessed at one month after vaccination (T1); (2) to examine the relation between chronic stress in hospital nurses and the decrease of the hemagglutinin titles of antibodies six months after vaccination (T6); (3) to identify some characteristics of internment units and the work of the participants that may be related to the presence of chronic stress and to study its possible relation with the immunity response to the Influenza vaccine. A control-case study, integrated in a coortes study, was carried out and the sample under analysis consisted of 136 healthy nurses (83,8% female; average age 33 years old) from a university hospital. Several individual interviews were conducted and the portuguese versions of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) and Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) was applied in order to determine the presence of chronic stress, using the triangulation method at the beginning of the study (T0). Data concerning the particular features of the internment units was collected. The Influenza vaccine was administered and the titles of hemagglutinin antibodies of each strain composing the Influenza vaccine used in 2007, before vaccination, and a month and six months after vaccination, were determined. There was no statistically relevant (5%) relation between stress and the “insufficient” immune response to the Influenza vaccine, according to the rate of individuals that showed, after a month, a level of antibodies concentration lower than four times the level prior to the vaccination. Nevertheless, there was a greater number of individuals with stress in the group of participants in which there was a decrease of the hemagglutinin titles of antibodies AH1 (ac AH1) in T6, when compared to the control group under study. The difference between groups was statistically relevant when assessing the presence of stress by triangulation method using the interview (p=0,006), by triangulation method using the GHQ12 (p=0,045) and by the combination of the three criteria (p=0,001). After multivariate analysis, it was verified that the XXVIII relation between the presence of stress and the reduction of the ac AH1 in T6 was statistically relevant (respectively, p= 0,010, p= 0,042 and p=0,002) and the odds ratio were, according to each of the methods used to assess the presence of stress, 3,643, 2,733 and 5,223. Overwork was the most emphasised stress-causing factor (58,8% of the sample and 61,8% of the nurses working in the Internment Units), followed by conflicts arousing among co-workers. Witnessing the suffering and death of patients was ranked as the fourth cause of stress, but the second by the nurses of the internment units. The former revealed a positive connection between working in the services, where there was a high rate of deaths, and the presence of stress, when assessing the presence of stress by triangulation method using the interview (p=0,039), the GHQ12 (p=0,019), the MBI-HSS emotional exhaustion scale (p=0,012) and by the combination of the three criteria (p=0,014).There was also a connection between the presence of stress, identified by the method of triangulation using the MBI-HSS emotional exhaustion scale, and working in the internment units, where the percentage of elderly people (p=0,025) and the mortality rate (p=0,036) were high. However, there was no connection between frequent exposure to suffering and death in patients and the reduction of ac AH1 titles, in T6. Although one can establish a connection between stress in nurses working in the internment units and the aforementioned stress-causing factor, the exposure to that factor was not, per se, intense enough to reduce the ac AH1 title in T6. The relation found between the presence of chronic stress and the reduction of AH1 antibodies titles in T6, corroborates the hypothesis that stress can negatively influence the title of antibodies, even in non-elderly adults. Thus, and according to the criteria used to define stress, by the triangulation method using the interview, by the triangulation method using the GHQ12 or the combination of the three criteria respectively, the risk of a nurse suffering from stress showing a reduction in the title of hemagglutinin antibodies for the strain AH1N1 – A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 six-month after Influenza vaccine was 3,6, 2,7 or 5,2 times greater than on a nurse suffering from no stress at all. Résumé: Les professionnels de la santé peuvent être exposés à différents facteurs inducteurs de stress chronique de nature professionnelle. On remarque, parmi les effets possibles, une baisse de la réponse des anticorps après l´administration de vaccins, comme en particulier, le vaccin de la grippe. Lorsque les professionnels de la santé ont été exposés à des facteurs inducteurs de stress, et de manière simultanée, à des agents biologiques dont les effets pourront être prévenus par la vaccination, il est pertinent d´étudier l´influence du stress dans la réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe chez les infirmiers. Ils ont constitué des objectifs d´études et de discussion : (1) étudier l´association entre la présence de stress chronique chez les infirmiers, en milieu hospitalier, et la “insuffisant” réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe, vérifiée à un mois après la vaccination (T1); (2) étudier l´association entre la présence de stress chronique chez les infirmiers, en milieu hospitalier, et la réduction de la teneur des anticorps dirigé à la hémaglutinina six mois après la vaccination (T6) (3) identifier certaines caractéristiques des unités d´internement, et étudier les aspects du travail des participants, qui puissent être associée à la présence de stress chronique et étudier sa possible association avec la réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe. Une étude cas-contrôle incorporée dans une étude de groupe a été réalisée et un échantillon, pour étude, a été constitué par 136 infirmiers sains (83,8% de sexe féminin, âge moyen 33 ans) travaillant dans un hôpital universitaire. Des entretiens individuels ont été réalisés et les versions portugaises des questionnaires de General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) et Maslach Burnout Inventory- Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) ont été utilisés pour déterminer la présence de stress chronique grâce à la méthode de triangulation, au début de l´étude (T0) et un relevé de données relatives à la caractérisation d´éléments de travail dans les unités d´internement a été fait. Le vaccin de la grippe a été administré et les teneurs en anticorps dirigés aux hémaglutininas de chaque composant du vaccin de la grippe pour 2007 ont été déterminés, avant la vaccination et un mois et six mois après. On n´a pas trouvé d´association, à un niveau significatif de au moins 5%, entre la présence de stress et la “insuffisant” réponse au vaccin de la grippe, évaluée par le taux d´individus qui ont présenté une augmentation, à la fin du mois, inférieur à quatre fois la teneur des anticorps par rapport à avant la vaccination. Cependant , on a trouvé une plus grande proportion d´individus victimes de stress dans le groupe des participants où il y a eu une baisse de la teneur des anticorps dirigé à la hémaglutinina AH1 (ac AH1) en T6, après comparaison avec le respectif groupe de contrôle. La différence entre les groupes a été statistiquement significative lorsqu´on a vérifié la présence de stress grâce à la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´entretien (p=0,006), par la méthode de triangulation en utilisant le GHQ12 (p=0,045) et en utilisant aussi la combinaison des trois critères (p=0,001). Après une analyse XXX multivariée, on a vérifié que l´association entre la présence de stress et la réduction des ac AH1 en T6 a conservé un signifié statistique (respectivement, p=0,010, p=0,042 et p=0,002) et a présenté des odds ratio ajustés, en fonction de chacune des méthodes de vérification de la présence de stress de 3,643, de 2,733 et de 5,223. La quantité de travail perçue comme une surcharge constitue le facteur inducteur de stress le plus souvent cité (58,8% de l´échantillon et 61,8% des infirmiers des unités d´internement), suivi par les conflits entre professionnels. Le contact avec la souffrance et la mort des patients a été placé en quatrième position par l´échantillon, mais en deuxième position par les infirmiers des unités d´internement. Dans ces cas, on a vérifié une association évidente entre le fait de travailler dans des services où le nombre de patients décédés a été très élevé et la présence de stress, identifiée par la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´entretien (p=0,039), le GHQ12 (p=0,019), l´échelle de fatigue émotionnelle du MBI-HSS (p=0,012) et en utilisant aussi la combinaison des trois critères (p=0,014). On a aussi vérifié une association positive entre la présence de stress, identifiée par la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´échelle de fatigue émotionnelle du MBI-HSS et le travail dans des services d´internement où le pourcentage de malade âgés (p=0,025) et le taux de mortalité ont été élevés (p=0,036). Malgré tout, on n´a pas trouvé d´association entre l´exposition très fréquente à la souffrance et à la mort des patients et la réduction de la teneur de ac AH1 en T6. Probablement l´exposition à ce facteur inducteur de stress, bien qu´elle soit liée à la présence de stress chez les infirmiers des services d´internement, n´a pas été suffisamment intense pour, en elle-même, être associée à la réduction de la teneur ac AH1 enT6. L´association trouvée entre la présence de stress chronique et la réduction de la teneur des anticorps AH1 en T6 vient renforcer l´hypothèse que le stress pourra influencer négativement la manutention des teneurs en anticorps même chez les individus adultes jeunes. Donc le risque qu´un infirmier stressé présente une réduction de la teneur en anticorps dirigés à la hémaglutinina de le composant AH1N1-A/Solomon Island/3/2006 à la fin des six mois d´études a été 3,6, 2,7 ou 5,2 fois supérieure à celui d´un infirmier sans stress, après avoir déterminé le critère de stress, respectivement par la méthode de triangulation utilisant l´entretien, par la méthode de triangulation utilisant le GHQ12 ou par la combinaison des trois critères.
Coal contains trace quantities of natural radionuclides such as Th-232, U-235, U-238, as well as their radioactive decay products and 40K. These radionuclides can be released as fly ash in atmospheric emissions from coal-fired power plants, dispersed into the environment and deposited on the surrounding top soils. Therefore, the natural radiation background level is enhanced and consequently increase the total dose for the nearby population. A radiation monitoring programme was used to assess the external dose contribution to the natural radiation background, potentially resulting from the dispersion of coal ash in past atmospheric emissions. Radiation measurements were carried out by gamma spectrometry in the vicinity of a Portuguese coal-fired power plant. The radiation monitoring was achieved both on and off site, being the boundary delimited by a 20 km circle centered in the stacks of the coal plant. The measured radionuclides concentrations for the uranium and thorium series ranged from 7.7 to 41.3 Bq/kg for Ra-226 and from 4.7 to 71.6 Bq/kg for Th-232, while K-40 concentrations ranged from 62.3 to 795.1 Bq/kg. The highest values were registered near the power plant and at distances between 6 and 20 km from the stacks, mainly in the prevailing wind direction. The absorbed dose rates were calculated for each sampling location: 13.97-84.00 ηGy/h, while measurements from previous studies carried out in 1993 registered values in the range of 16.6-77.6 ηGy/h. The highest values were registered at locations in the prevailing wind direction (NW-SE). This study has been primarily done to assess the radiation dose rates and exposure to the nearby population in the surroundings of a coal-fired power plant. The results suggest an enhancement or at least an influence in the background radiation due to the coal plant past activities.
The Tagus estuary is bordered by the largest metropolitan area in Portugal, the Lisbon capital city council. It has suffered the impact of several major tsunamis in the past, as shown by a recent revision of the catalogue of tsunamis that struck the Portuguese coast over the past two millennia. Hence, the exposure of populations and infrastructure established along the riverfront comprises a critical concern for the civil protection services. The main objectives of this work are to determine critical inundation areas in Lisbon and to quantify the associated severity through a simple index derived from the local maximum of momentum flux per unit mass and width. The employed methodology is based on the mathematical modelling of a tsunami propagating along the estuary, resembling the one occurred on the 1 November of 1755 that followed the 8.5 M-w Great Lisbon Earthquake. The employed simulation tool was STAV-2D, a shallow-flow solver coupled with conservation equations for fine solid phases, and now featuring the novelty of discrete Lagrangian tracking of large debris. Different sets of initial conditions were studied, combining distinct tidal, atmospheric and fluvial scenarios, so that the civil protection services were provided with comprehensive information to devise public warning and alert systems and post-event mitigation intervention. For the most severe scenario, the obtained results have shown a maximum inundation extent of 1.29 km at the AlcA cent ntara valley and water depths reaching nearly 10 m across Lisbon's riverfront.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) are materials that are found naturally in the environment and contain radioactive isotopes that can cause negative effects on the health of workers who manipulate them. Present in underground work like mining and tunnel construction in granite zones, these materials are difficult to identify and characterize without appropriate equipment for risk evaluation. The assessing methods were exemplified with a case study applied to the handling and processing of phosphoric rock where one found significant amounts of radioactive isotopes and consequently elevated radon concentrations in enclosed spaces containing these materials. © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
RESUMO - Introdução: As Reacções Adversas Medicamentosas (RAMs) constituem um grave problema de Saúde Pública em termos da mortalidade e morbilidade provocadas, tendo também um impacto económico considerável nos Sistemas de Saúde. Os Sistemas de Notificacão Espontânea de RAMs são considerados como o método de vigilância de medicamentos mais eficaz, sendo a sub-notificação de RAMs uma das suas maiores limitações. Em termos globais, foi estimado que apenas 6% de todas as reacções adversas são notificadas. Portugal apresenta uma taxa de notificação de RAMs relativamente baixa quando comparada com os países mais notificadores da Europa. São objectivos deste estudo: 1) caracterizar as atitudes e os comportamentos dos médicos, dos farmacêuticos e dos enfermeiros em Portugal Continental relativamente à notificação de RAMs; e 2) caracterizar a efectividade de intervenções educacionais destinadas a reduzir a sub-notificação de RAMs. Métodos: Numa primeira fase será efectuado um estudo de caso-controlo em médicos, farmacêuticos e enfermeiros de Portugal Continental, a exercer actividade no Servico Nacional de Saúde (SNS), de modo a caracterizar as suas atitudes e comportamentos relativamente à notificação de RAMs. Como casos serão considerados os Profissionais de Saúde que notificaram pelo menos uma RAM num determinado período e os controlos os Profissionais de Saúde que não notificaram qualquer RAM nesse mesmo período, sendo estes útimos seleccionados aleatoriamente. O estudo será conduzido através de um questionário de auto-resposta, em que as questões relativas às atitudes e comportamentos são baseadas nos “sete pecados mortais” de Inman. Será utilizada uma Escala Visual Analógica para registar as respostas, podendo estas ir de zero (totalmente em desacordo) até 10 (totalmente de acordo). Será utilizada uma análise de regressão logística para determinar o odds ratio ajustado (ORadj) da notificação de RAMs para uma mudança de exposição correspondente ao range interquartil para cada atitude. Numa segunda fase, será efectuado ensaio aleatorizado controlado de cluster, para caracterizar a efectividade das intervenções educacionais realizadas sobre as causas identificadas na primeira parte do trabalho, com o intuito de reduzir a sub-notificação de RAMs. Com base em informacão de 2007 foram identificados 43 clusters dispersos pelas várias Regiões de Saúde. As intervenções educacionais são compostas por uma apresentação com uma hora de duração complementada por um folheto recordatório. Serão ainda realizados dois sub-estudos, em que o V1.0, Final 28Set09 viii Sub-notificação de RAMs em Portugal – Um problema com solução ? primeiro tentará caracterizar o efeito de contaminação entre Profissionais de Saúde e o segundo pretende caracterizar a duração do efeito das intervenções educacionais. Resultados a atingir: Pretende-se, com a implementação deste projecto, aumentar o número de notificações de RAMs pelos médicos, farmacêuticos e enfermeiros em cerca de 110%, de modo a atingir-se uma taxa de notificação de aproximadamente 300 notificações por milhão de habitantes por ano (i.e., multiplicar por 2,1 o número notificações existentes). -------------------ABSTRACT - Introduction: The Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are a serious Public Health problem in terms of mortality and morbidity caused, being also an economic burden for the health systems. The Spontaneous Adverse Event Reporting Systems are considered as the most effective drug surveillance methods, in which the ADR under-reporting represents one of its biggest limitations. It was estimated that only 6% of all adverse reactions are notified globally. When comparing with high ADR reporting rate countries Portugal shows a low ADR reporting rate. This study aims to: 1) characterize the physicians, pharmacists and nurses attitudes and behaviours related to ADR under-reporting; 2) characterize the educational interventions effectiveness to decrease the ADRs under-reporting. Methods: During a first phase a case-control study will be conducted in physicians, pharmacists and nurses in Continental Portugal working in the National Health System (NHS) in order to characterize their attitudes and behaviours related to ADR reporting. The Healthcare Professionals that have reported at least one ADR during a determined period will be considered as the cases and those that have not reported any ADR during the same period will be considered as the controls. The controls will be randomly selected. The study will be conducted through a self-administered questionnaire in which the questions related to the attitudes and behaviours are based in the Inmans’s “seven mortal sins”. A Visual Analogue Scale will be used to record the responses. The responses can range from 0 (totally disagree) to 10 (totally agree). Logistic regression will be used to determine the ADR reporting adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) for a change in the exposure corresponding to the interquartile range for each attitude. In the second phase of the study a cluster-randomized controlled trial will be conducted to characterize the educational interventions effectiveness focused on the first phase identified causes with the aim to decrease the ADRs under-reporting. Based in 2007’s information 43 clusters have been identified throughout the several Health Regions. The educational interventions are composed of one hour presentation complemented by an informational leaflet. Two sub-studies will be also conducted in which the first one will try to characterize the contamination effect between the Healthcare Professionals and the second to characterize the educational interventions effect duration. V1.0, Final 28Set09 x Sub-notificação de RAMs em Portugal – Um problema com solução ? Outcome: With the project implementation an increase of the ADR notifications performed by the physicians, pharmacists and nurses by 110% is aimed in order to obtain approximately 300 notifications per million habitants per year (i.e., multiply by 2,1 the existent notifications).