1000 resultados para densidade crítica
In the article we resume four experiments of an interdisciplinary nature carried out in four different secondary education centres. The nexus of the union of these didactic proposals is that of looking at values in sport and the critical capacity of the students from distinct perspectives: violence, mass media, politics and gender and the treatment of body in our society
We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ~ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in spectrophotometric measurements.
The participation of the students in the planning, execution and discussion of experimental results is important for the valuation of the role of them in the construction of the chemical knowledge implicited in the approach between education and research. This work relates either the construction of selective membrane electrodes for surfactants and its application in the potenciometric determination of the critical micellar concentration of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) surfactants. In adition it´s possible to discuss the potenciometric results in matching with the data valued for the tensiometric and condutimetric traditionally used in the physical-chemistry lessons.
This article presents a bibliographic review of research carried out on different alternative processes for biodiesel production. The supercritical and subcritical (non catalytic) reaction conditions, the use of solid basic, solid acid and other heterogeneous catalysts, including the use of immobilized enzymes and whole-cell catalysts are also critically compared with the traditional homogeneous alkaline or acid catalysts that are common on industrial applications. Advantages and limitations of all these processes for the transference from the laboratory to the industry are discussed. A correlation of the chemical composition with the quality parameters of the produced biodiesel is done with aim to stablish adequate procedures for the right selection of the raw-material. Castor bean oil is used as an example of inappropriate oil in order to produce a B100 that fulfill all the international physico-chemical quality standards. In this article are presented research results to adequate the values of viscosity, density and iodine number of the castor and soybean biodiesel to the international standard limits by means blending these both biodiesels at the right ratio.
The occurrence of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in some public areas of Curitiba-PR, Brazil, was evaluated. Their concentrations were then related to the vegetation's density in each area. Average benzene concentrations varied from 3.9 to 6.1 μg m-3, with higher values occurring in poorly dense vegetation areas. For toluene, average concentrations ranged from 6.5 to 7.2 μg m-3. The effect of such pollutants was evaluated by means of a bio indicator, Tillandsia stricta. Variation in total chlorophyll content and in stomatic density were detected in some samples and may be related to the BTEX concentrations found in the studied areas.
This work presents a density functional theory study of the norbornene ROMP metathesis reactions. The energies have been calculated in a Grubbs catalyst model Cl2(PH3)2Ru=CH2. The geometries and energy profile are similar to the Grubbs metilydene (Cl2(PCy3)2Ru=CH2 real model. It was found that the metathesis reaction proceeds via associative mechanism (catalyst-norbonene) followed by dissociative substitution of a phosphine ligand with norbonene, giving a monophosphine complex. The results are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental data. The dissociation energy of the phosphines is predicted to be 23.2 kcal mol-1.
The gravimetric and electrochemical tests are the most common techniques used in determining the corrosion rate. However, the use of electrochemical polarization is limited to electrolytes with sufficient conductivity for which Tafel curves are linear. In this study, we investigated a technique in which working microelectrodes of AISI 1020 steel were used to obtain the Tafel curves in diesel oil. The strategy was to reduce the electrode area and hence the ohmic drop. The diameter of the microelectrode was reduced to a value where the compensation of the Tafel curves became unnecessary. The results showed that for electrodes with diameters below 50 μm, the ohmic drop tends to a minimum and independent of the microelectrode diameter.
Niacin (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid) interferes on homeostasis, DNA regulation, signaling and longevity. Nicotinic acid reduces synthesis of lipoproteins-apo-B and increases HDL. Its antilipemic action in liver produces: 1) inhibition of DGAT2, with decreased triacylglycerol synthesis, 2) downregulation of the b-chain of adenosine triphosphate synthase, leading to reduced HDL-apo-A-I catabolism. Nicotinic acid could increase redox potential in vascular endothelium. HM74A receptor activation in macrophages would be responsible for the release of prostaglandins, causing flushing in epidermis. HM74A agonists could assist in identifying antilipemic agents. Extended release niacin in combination with statin appears to protect cardiovascular system of patients with low HDL.
The present paper demonstrates the application of functional GGA hybrids, with long-range corrections, for the calculation of the electronic properties of artemisinin and two of its derivatives - artemether e artesunate. Due to the relatively large amount of data obtained, the statistical method of Principal Component Analysis was employed. The functionals of the WB97 family are observed to be the most appropriate for the determining of reactivity indexes, which are the principal descriptors that, probably, are associated with the antimalarial and anticancer properties of this group of molecules. In addition, it was also observed that all the functionals obtained satisfactorily describe the geometric properties of the studied.
Quantificou-se neste trabalho o efeito da rotação de culturas, da monocultura e da densidade de plantas na incidência de doenças e no rendimento de grãos, associados às podridões da base do colmo (PBC) do milho (Zea mays), em experimentos de campo conduzidos na área experimental da Universidade de Passo Fundo (RS) durante a safra 1998/99. Utilizou-se o genótipo Pioneer 3071, semeado em parcelas de quatro linhas de 5 m distribuídas em blocos ao acaso e cinco tratamentos (30, 40, 50 ,60, e 70 mil plantas ha-1) com quatro repetições. As avaliações da incidência das PBC foram realizadas a cada sete dias. A incidência das PBC variou de zero a 12,9% sob rotação de culturas e de 1 a 46,8% em monocultura. Os fungos Diplodia maydis (8,4%) e D. macrospora (4,8%) foram as espécies isoladas com maior freqüência de colmos sintomáticos em monocultura. Na área de rotação de culturas, a maior incidência foi de D. maydis, com 3,4% seguida de D. macrospora, com 3,3%.
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de sistemas de rotação de culturas, de monocultura e de densidade de plantas na incidência de grãos ardidos em milho (Zea mays). A quantificação da incidência de grãos ardidos foi determinada pelo método de separação visual de grãos com sintomas de descoloração, causada pela infecção por fungos na lavoura. A maior incidência de grãos ardidos ocorreu em monocultura, com média de 10,02%, enquanto sob rotação de culturas esta foi de 4,81%. A incidência de grãos ardidos foi maior à medida que a densidade de plantas aumentou para os dois sistemas. Os principais fungos isolados dos grãos de milho nos sistemas de rotação e monocultura foram Cephalosporium spp., Diplodia spp., Fusarium graminearum, F. moniliforme e F. subglutinans.
O fungo Bipolaris sorokiniana causa a mancha marrom da cevada (Hordeum vulgare), doença foliar amplamente distribuída no mundo. A sua identificação ou diferenciação de outras espécies baseia-se principalmente na variação morfológica dos esporos. Porém, muitos fatores podem alterar o tamanho e a septação dos conídios dentro da espécie. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito de diferentes substratos no tamanho, septação e morfologia de conídios de B. sorokiniana, assim como o efeito da densidade de inóculo na intensidade da mancha marrom em plantas de cevada. Os substratos constaram de seis meios de cultura, de sementes e folhas verdes de cevada, trigo (Triticum aestivum), centeio (Secale cereale) e triticale (Triticum secalotricum). O tipo de substrato afetou significativamente o comprimento, a largura e o número de pseudoseptos de B. sorokiniana. Os esporos desenvolvidos em meios de cultura (68,2 × 21,9 mm; 5,7 pseudoseptos) e em sementes (78,3 × 20,4 mm e 7,2 pseudoseptos) foram mais curtos, mais largos e com menor número de pseudoseptos, além de serem mais escuros e retos, em relação aos recuperados de tecidos verdes (92,9 × 18,2 mm e 7,7 pseudoseptos). O efeito da densidade de inóculo foi testado através da aplicação de suspensões de esporos contendo 2,5 x 103, 5 x 10³, 10 x 10³, 15 x 10³ e 20 x 10³ conídios/ml a plantas de cevada do cultivar BR-2. A relação com a intensidade da mancha marrom seguiu uma tendência polinomial quadrática, na qual os pontos máximos corresponderam a 183 manchas/folha (16.500 esporos/ml) e 79% de severidade (14.000 esporos/ml). Estimou-se que 50 a 90 esporos foram necessários para produzir uma lesão.
O texto tem três camadas. A primeira apresenta a construção semântica do conceito filosófico de "humanismo" a partir dos artiens medievais (século XIII), chegando ao seu clímax na Renascença, identificado com a obra de Pico de La Mirândola e sua mística da "suficiência e dignidade da natureza humana". A segunda camada do texto é a crítica que o reformador Lutero e o jansenista Pascal fazem ao "humanismo" e sua mística, concentrando essa crítica na idéia de que nada no comportamento humano sustenta um tal conceito, e que, portanto, se trata de uma abstração sem fundamento, e não de um fato empírico. Na terceira e última camada, analisam-se os desdobramentos desse embate, indicando que, possivelmente, os críticos cristãos do humanismo teriam acertado na sua dúvida com relação à viabilidade de um tal "culto ridículo da natureza humana".