926 resultados para curcubita maxima
Stable water isotope (delta(18)O, deltaD) data from a high elevation (5100 masl) ice core recovered from the Tien Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan, display a seasonal cycle in deuterium excess (d = deltaD - 8* delta(18)O) related to changes in the regional hydrologic cycle during 1994 - 2000. While there is a strong correlation (r(2) = 0.98) between delta(18)O and dD in the ice core samples, the regression slope (6.9) and mean d value (23.0) are significantly different than the global meteoric water line values. The resulting time-series ice core d profile contains distinct winter maxima and summer minima, with a yearly d amplitude of similar to 15 - 20parts per thousand. Local-scale processes that may affect d values preserved in the ice core are not consistent with the observed seasonal variability. Data from Central Asian monitoring sites in the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) have similar seasonal d changes. We suggest that regional-scale hydrological conditions, including seasonal changes in moisture source, transport, and recycling in the Caspian/ Aral Sea region, are responsible for the observed spatial and temporal d variability.
Byrd Glacier has one of the largest ice catchment areas in Antarctica, delivers more ice to the Ross Ice Shelf than any other ice stream, and is the fastest of these ice streams. A force balance, combined with a mass balance, demonstrates that stream flow in Byrd Glacier is transitional from sheet flow in East Antarctica to shelf flow in the Ross Ice Shelf. The longitudinal pulling stress, calculated along an ice flowband from the force balance, is linked to variations of ice thickness, to the ratio of the basal water pressure to the ice overburden pressure where Byrd Glacier is grounded, and is reduced by an ice-shelf buttressing stress where Byrd Glacier is floating. Longitudinal tension peaks at pressure-ratio maxima in grounded ice and close to minima in the ratio of the pulling stress to the buttressing stress in floating ice. The longitudinal spacing of these tension peaks is rather uniform and, for grounded ice, the peaks occur at maxima in surface slope that have no clear relation to the bed slope. This implies that the maxima in surface slope constitute a "wave train" that is related to regular variations in ice-bed coupling, not primarily to bed topography. It is unclear whether these surface "waves" are "standing waves" or are migrating either upslope or downslope, possibly causing the grounding line to either retreat or advance. Deciding which is the case will require obtaining bed topography in the map plane, a new map of surface topography, and more sophisticated modeling that includes ice flow linked to subglacial hydrology in the map plane.
Three-dimensional numerical models are used to investigate the mechanical evolution of the southern Alaskan plate corner where the Yakutat and the Pacific plates converge on the North American plate. The evolving model plate boundary consists of Convergent, Lateral, and Subduction subboundaries with flow separation of incoming material into upward or downward trajectories forming dual, nonlinear advective thermal/mechanical anomalies that fix the position of major subaerial mountain belts. The model convergent subboundary evolves into two teleconnected orogens: Inlet and Outlet orogens form at locations that correspond with the St. Elias and the Central Alaska Range, respectively, linked to the East by the Lateral boundary. Basins form parallel to the orogens in response to the downward component of velocity associated with subduction. Strain along the Lateral subboundary varies as a function of orogen rheology and magnitude and distribution of erosion. Strain-dependent shear resistance of the plate boundary associated with the shallow subduction zone controls the position of the Inlet orogen. The linkages among these plate boundaries display maximum shear strain rates in the horizontal and vertical planes where the Lateral subboundary joins the Inlet and Outlet orogens. The location of the strain maxima shifts with time as the separation of the Inlet and Outlet orogens increases. The spatiotemporal predictions of the model are consistent with observed exhumation histories deduced from thermochronology, as well as stratigraphic studies of synorogenic deposits. In addition, the complex structural evolution of the St Elias region is broadly consistent with the predicted strain field evolution. Citation: Koons, P. O., B. P. Hooks, T. Pavlis, P. Upton, and A. D. Barker (2010), Three-dimensional mechanics of Yakutat convergence in the southern Alaskan plate corner, Tectonics, 29, TC4008, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002463.
I solved equations that describe coupled hydrolysis in and absorption from a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), a plug flow reactor (PFR), and a batch reactor (BR) for the rate of ingestion and/or the throughput time that maximizes the rate of absorption (=gross rate of gain from digestion). Predictions are that foods requiring a single hydrolytic step (e.g., disaccharides) yield ingestion rates that vary inversely with the concentration of food substrate ingested, whereas foods that require multiple hydrolytic and absorptive reactions proceeding in parallel (e.g., proteins) yield maximal ingestion rates at intermediate substrate concentrations. Counterintuitively, then, animals acting to maximize their absorption rates should show compensatory ingestion (more rapid feeding on food of lower concentration), except for the lower range of diet quality fur complex diets and except for animals that show purely linear (passive) uptake. At their respective maxima in absorption rates, the PFR and BR yield only modestly higher rates of gain than the CSTR but do so at substantially lower rates of ingestion. All three ideal reactors show milder than linear reduction in rate of absorption when throughput or holding time in the gut is increased (e.g., by scarcity or predation hazard); higher efficiency of hydrolysis and extraction offset lower intake. Hence adding feeding costs and hazards of predation is likely to slow ingestion rates and raise absorption efficiencies substantially over the cost-free optima found here.
Physical forcing and biological response within the California Current System (CCS) are highly variable over a wide range of scales. Satellite remote sensing offers the only feasible means of quantifying this variability over the full extent of the CCS. Using six years (1997-2003) of daily SST and chlorophyll imagery, we map the spatial dependence of dominant temporal variability at resolutions sufficient to identify recurrent mesoscale circulation and local pattern associated with coastal topography. Here we describe mean seasonal cycles and interannual variation; intraseasonal variability is left to a companion paper ( K. R. Legaard and A. C. Thomas, manuscript in preparation, 2006). Coastal upwelling dictates seasonality along north-central California, where weak cycles of SST fluctuate between spring minima and late summer maxima and chlorophyll peaks in early summer. Off northern California, chlorophyll maxima are bounded offshore by the seasonally recurrent upwelling jet. Seasonal cycles differ across higher latitudes and in the midlatitude Southern California Bight, where upwelling winds are less vigorous and/or persistent. Seasonality along south-central Baja is strongly affected by processes other than upwelling, despite year-round upwelling-favorable winds. Interannual variation is generally dominated by El Nino and La Nina conditions. Interannual SST variance is greatest along south-central Baja, although interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total variance inshore along southern Oregon and much of California. Patterns of interannual chlorophyll variance are consistent with dominant forcing through the widespread depression and elevation of the nutricline during El Nino and La Nina, respectively. Interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total chlorophyll variance offshore.
The evolution of oceanographic conditions in the upwelling region off northern Chile (18 degrees-24 degrees S) between 1996 and 1998 (including the 1997-1998 El Niño) is presented using hydrographic measurements acquired on quarterly cruises of the Chilean Fisheries Institute, with sea surface temperature (SST), sea level, and wind speeds from Arica (18.5 degrees S), Iquique (20.5 degrees S), and Antofagasta (23.5 degrees S) and a time series of vertical temperature profiles off Iquique. Spatial patterns of sea surface temperature and salinity from May 1996 to March 1997 followed a normal seasonal progression, though conditions were anomalously cool and fresh. Starting in March 1997, positive anomalies in sea level and sea surface temperature propagated along the South American coast to 37 degrees S. Maximum sea level anomalies occurred in two peaks in May-July 1997 and October 1997 to February 1998, separated by a relaxation period. Maximum anomalies (2 degrees C and 0.1 practical salinity units (psu)) extended to 400 m in December 1997 within 50 km of the coast. March 1998 presented the largest surface anomalies (> 4 degrees C and 0.6 psu). Strong poleward flow (20-35 cm s(-1) ) occurred to 400 m or deeper during both sea level maxima and weaker (10 cm s(-1) ) equatorward flow followed each peak. By May 1998, SST had returned to the climatological mean, and flow was equatorward next to the coast. However, offshore salinity remained anomalously high owing to a tongue of subtropical water extending southeast along the Peruvian coast. Conditions off northern Chile returned to normal between August and December 1998. The timing of the anomalies suggests a connection to equatorial waves. The progression of the 1997-1998 El Niño was very similar to that of 1982-1983, though with different timing with respect to seasons.
In the California Current System, strong mesoscale variability associated with eddies and meanders of the coastal jet play an important role in the biological productivity of the area. To assess the dominant timescales of variability, a wavelet analysis is applied to almost nine years (October 1997 to July 2006) of 1-km-resolution, 5-day-averaged, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration data. The dominant periods of chlorophyll variance, and how these change in time, are quantified as a function of distance offshore. The maximum variance in chlorophyll occurs with a period of similar to 100-200 days. A seasonal cycle in the timing of peak variance is revealed, with maxima in spring/summer close to shore (20 km) and in autumn/winter 200 km offshore. Interannual variability in the magnitude of chlorophyll variance shows maxima in 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2005. There is a very strong out-of-phase correspondence between the time series of chlorophyll variance and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. We hypothesize that positive PDO conditions, which reflect weak winds and poor upwelling conditions, result in reduced mesoscale variability in the coastal region, and a subsequent decrease in chlorophyll variance. Although the chlorophyll variance responds to basin-scale forcing, chlorophyll biomass does not necessarily correspond to the phase of the PDO, suggesting that it is influenced more by local-scale processes. The mesoscale variability in the system may be as important as the chl a biomass in determining the potential productivity of higher trophic levels.
Nonverbales Verhalten spielt in zwischenmenschlichen Interaktionen eine bedeutende Rolle. Es beeinflusst mutmaßlich den Verlauf eines Gesprächs, die Beziehung zwischen den Interaktionspartnern und die reziproke Sympathie. Trotz dieser immensen Bedeutung wird nonverbales Verhalten von den Beteiligten meist nicht bewusst wahrgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich diesem wirkungsvollen Phänomen und vergleicht nonverbales Verhalten in kooperativen und kompetitiven Interaktionsbedingungen. Im Fokus der Experimentalstudie steht die nonverbale Synchronisation. Diese bezieht sich auf den dynamischen, quantitativen Aspekt der Koordination nonverbalen Verhaltens zwischen den Interaktionspartnern, konkret auf die Angleichung der Bewegungsenergie. Primäres Ziel ist es zu evaluieren, ob und inwiefern das nonverbale Verhalten, insbesondere das Ausmaß an Synchronisation, zwischen kooperativen und kompetitiven Bedingungen variiert. Hierzu wurden in einer Stichprobe von N = 168 gesunden Teilnehmern fünf standardisierte Interaktionen à fünf Minuten mit gleichgeschlechtlichen Dyaden realisiert. Die Probanden kannten sich vorher nicht. Die Interaktanten sahen sich aufgefordert, sowohl aktive Kooperationen zu etablieren, als auch in bestimmten Aufgaben zu konkurrieren. Kompromiss, Konsens, Konflikt, ungleicher Konflikt und Spiel waren die verschiedenen Bedingungen. Die resultierenden Synchronisationswerte basieren auf digitalen Videoaufnahmen von dyadischen Interaktionen, die durch das automatisierte, objektive Verfahren der Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) quantifiziert wurden. Neben den Synchronisationsprozessen wurden auch globale Bewegungscharakteristika wie Geschwindigkeit oder Maxima durch MEA erfasst. Des Weiteren wurden mittels Fragebögen individuelle Charakteristika (u.a. Empathie, Stimmung) sowie Einschätzungen (z.B. Sympathie) der Probanden erhoben und mit Synchronie in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich nonverbale Synchronisation auf signifikant höherem Level manifestiert, als dies per Zufall erwartet werden könnte. Dabei war die Synchronisation in der spielerischen Kooperation am höchsten ausgeprägt - gefolgt von kompetitiven und (seriös-)kooperativen Interaktionen. Außerdem korrespondierten höhere Synchronisationswerte mit verstärkt positiven Affekten und verringerten negativen Emotionen. Darüber hinaus waren globale Bewegungsparameter wie Dauer und Komplexität oder der Prozentsatz von Bewegungen über dem Schwellenwert positiv mit Synchronisationsprozessen assoziiert. Das MEA-Verfahren sowie ein erstmals erprobtes Interaktionsparadigma konnten validiert werden.
Land-atmosphere coupling and its impact on extreme precipitation and temperature events over North America are studied using the fifth generation of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5). To this effect, two 30 year long simulations, spanning the 1981–2010 period, with and without land-atmosphere coupling, have been performed with CRCM5, driven by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis at the boundaries. In the coupled simulation, the soil moisture interacts freely with the atmosphere at each time step, while in the uncoupled simulation, soil moisture is replaced with its climatological value computed from the coupled simulation, thus suppressing the soil moisture-atmosphere interactions. Analyses of the coupled and uncoupled simulations, for the summer period, show strong soil moisture-temperature coupling over the Great Plains, consistent with previous studies. The maxima of soil moisture-precipitation coupling is more spread out and covers the semiarid regions of the western U.S. and parts of the Great Plains. However, the strength of soil moisture-precipitation coupling is found to be generally weaker than that of soil moisture-temperature coupling. The study clearly indicates that land-atmosphere coupling increases the interannual variability of the seasonal mean daily maximum temperature in the Great Plains. Land-atmosphere coupling is found to significantly modulate selected temperature extremes such as the number of hot days, frequency, and maximum duration of hot spells over the Great Plains. Results also suggest additional hot spots, where soil moisture modulates extreme events. These hot spots are located in the southeast U.S. for the hot days/hot spells and in the semiarid regions of the western U.S. for extreme wet spells. This study thus demonstrates that climatologically wet/dry regions can become hot spots of land-atmosphere coupling when the soil moisture decreases/increases to an intermediate transitional level where evapotranspiration becomes moisture sensitive and large enough to affect the climate.
It is contested that the mineral dust found in Greenlandic ice cores during the Holocene stems from multiple source areas. Particles entrained above a more productive, primary source dominate the signal’s multi-seasonal average. Data in sub-annual resolution, however, reveal at least one further source. Whereas distinct inputs from the primary source are visible in elevated concentration levels, various inputs of the secondary source(s) are reflected by multiple maxima in the coarse particle percentage. As long as the dust sources’ respective seasonal cycles are preserved, primary and secondary source can be distinguished. Since the two source’s ejecta eventually detected differ in size, which can be attributed to a change in atmospheric residence times, it is suggested that the secondary source is located in closer proximity to the drilling site than the primary one.
Aim: The landscape metaphor allows viewing corrective experiences (CE) as pathway to a state with relatively lower 'tension' (local minimum). However, such local minima are not easily accessible but obstructed by states with relatively high tension (local maxima) according to the landscape metaphor (Caspar & Berger, 2012). For example, an individual with spider phobia has to transiently tolerate high levels of tension during an exposure therapy to access the local minimum of habituation. To allow for more specific therapeutic guidelines and empirically testable hypotheses, we advance the landscape metaphor to a scientific model which bases on motivational processes. Specifically, we conceptualize CEs as available but unusual trajectories (=pathways) through a motivational space. The dimensions of the motivational state are set up by basic motives such as need for agency or attachment. Methods: Dynamic system theory is used to model motivational states and trajectories using mathematical equations. Fortunately, these equations have easy-to-comprehend and intuitive visual representations similar to the landscape metaphor. Thus, trajectories that represent CEs are informative and action guiding for both therapists and patients without knowledge on dynamic systems. However, the mathematical underpinnings of the model allow researchers to deduct hypotheses for empirical testing. Results: First, the results of simulations of CEs during exposure therapy in anxiety disorders are presented and compared to empirical findings. Second, hypothetical CEs in an autonomy-attachment conflict are reported from a simulation study. Discussion: Preliminary clinical implications for the evocation of CEs are drawn after a critical discussion of the proposed model.
The next generation neutrino observatory proposed by the LBNO collaboration will address fundamental questions in particle and astroparticle physics. The experiment consists of a far detector, in its first stage a 20 kt LAr double phase TPC and a magnetised iron calorimeter, situated at 2300 km from CERN and a near detector based on a highpressure argon gas TPC. The long baseline provides a unique opportunity to study neutrino flavour oscillations over their 1st and 2nd oscillation maxima exploring the L/E behaviour, and distinguishing effects arising from δCP and matter. In this paper we have reevaluated the physics potential of this setup for determining the mass hierarchy (MH) and discovering CP-violation (CPV), using a conventional neutrino beam from the CERN SPS with a power of 750 kW. We use conservative assumptions on the knowledge of oscillation parameter priors and systematic uncertainties. The impact of each systematic error and the precision of oscillation prior is shown. We demonstrate that the first stage of LBNO can determine unambiguously the MH to > 5δ C.L. over the whole phase space. We show that the statistical treatment of the experiment is of very high importance, resulting in the conclusion that LBNO has ~ 100% probability to determine the MH in at most 4-5 years of running. Since the knowledge of MH is indispensable to extract δCP from the data, the first LBNO phase can convincingly give evidence for CPV on the 3δ C.L. using today’s knowledge on oscillation parameters and realistic assumptions on the systematic uncertainties.
The physical processes controlling the mixed layer salinity (MLS) seasonal budget in the tropical Atlantic Ocean are investigated using a regional configuration of an ocean general circulation model. The analysis reveals that the MLS cycle is generally weak in comparison of individual physical processes entering in the budget because of strong compensation. In evaporative regions, around the surface salinity maxima, the ocean acts to freshen the mixed layer against the action of evaporation. Poleward of the southern SSS maxima, the freshening is ensured by geostrophic advection, the vertical salinity diffusion and, during winter, a dominant contribution of the convective entrainment. On the equatorward flanks of the SSS maxima, Ekman transport mainly contributes to supply freshwater from ITCZ regions while vertical salinity diffusion adds on the effect of evaporation. All these terms are phase locked through the effect of the wind. Under the seasonal march of the ITCZ and in coastal areas affected by river (7°S:15°N), the upper ocean freshening by precipitations and/or runoff is attenuated by vertical salinity diffusion. In the eastern equatorial regions, seasonal cycle of wind forced surface currents advect freshwaters, which are mixed with subsurface saline water because of the strong vertical turbulent diffusion. In all these regions, the vertical diffusion presents an important contribution to the MLS budget by providing, in general, an upwelling flux of salinity. It is generally due to vertical salinity gradient and mixing due to winds. Furthermore, in the equator where the vertical shear, associated to surface horizontal currents, is developed, the diffusion depends also on the sheared flow stability.
A monolith representing 5420 14C yr of peat accumulation was collected from a blanket bog at Myrarnar, Faroe Islands. The maximum Hg concentration (498 ng/g at a depth of 4.5 cm) coincides with the maximum concentration of anthropogenic Pb (111 μg/g). Age dating of recent peat accumulation using 210Pb (CRS model) shows that the maxima in Hg and Pb concentrations occur at AD 1954 ± 2. These results, combined with the isotopic composition of Pb in that sample (206Pb/207Pb = 1.1720 ± 0.0017), suggest that coal burning was the dominant source of both elements. From the onset of peat accumulation (ca. 4286 BC) until AD 1385, the ratios Hg/Br and Hg/Se were constant (2.2 ± 0.5 × 10-4 and 8.5 ± 1.8 × 10-3, respectively). Since then, Hg/Br and Hg/Se values have increased, also reaching their maxima in AD 1954. The age date of the maximum concentrations of anthropogenic Hg and Pb in the Faroe Islands is consistent with a previous study of peat cores from Greenland and Denmark (dated using the atmospheric bomb pulse curve of 14C), which showed maximum concentrations in AD 1953. The average rate of atmospheric Hg accumulation from 1520 BC to AD 1385 was 1.27 ± 0.38 μg/m2/yr. The Br and Se concentrations and the background Hg/Br and Hg/Se ratios were used to calculate the average rate of natural Hg accumulation for the same period, 1.32 ± 0.36 μg/m2/yr and 1.34 ± 0.29 μg/m2/yr, respectively. These fluxes are similar to the preanthropogenic rates obtained using peat cores from Switzerland, southern Greenland, southern Ontario, Canada, and the northeastern United States. Episodic volcanic emissions and the continual supply of marine aerosols to the Faroe Islands, therefore, have not contributed significantly to the Hg inventory or the Hg accumulation rates, relative to these other areas. The maximum rate of Hg accumulation was 34 μg/m2/yr. The greatest fluxes of anthropogenic Hg accumulation calculated using Br and Se, respectively, were 26 and 31 μg/m2/yr. The rate of atmospheric Hg accumulation in 1998 (16 μg/m2/yr) is comparable to the values recently obtained by atmospheric transport modeling for Denmark, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland.
A continuous record of atmospheric lead since 12,370 carbon-14 years before the present (14C yr BP) is preserved in a Swiss peat bog. Enhanced fluxes caused by climate changes reached their maxima 10,590 14C yr BP (Younger Dryas) and 823014C yr BP. Soil erosion caused by forest clearing and agricultural tillage increased lead deposition after 532014C yr BP. Increasing lead/scandium and decreasing lead-206/lead-207 beginning 3000 14C yr BP indicate the beginning of lead pollution from mining and smelting, and anthropogenic sources have dominated lead emissions ever since. The greatest lead flux (15.7 milligrams per square meter per year in A.D. 1979) was 1570 times the natural, background value (0.01 milligram per square meter per year from 8030 to 5320 14C yr BP).