996 resultados para corn grain yield
Temperature is one of the most prominent environmental factors that determine plant growth, devel- opment, and yield. Cool and moist conditions are most favorable for wheat. Wheat is likely to be highly vulnerable to further warming because currently the temperature is already close to or above optimum. In this study, the impacts of warming and extreme high temperature stress on wheat yield over China were investigated by using the general large area model (GLAM) for annual crops. The results showed that each 1±C rise in daily mean temperature would reduce the average wheat yield in China by about 4.6%{5.7% mainly due to the shorter growth duration, except for a small increase in yield at some grid cells. When the maximum temperature exceeded 30.5±C, the simulated grain-set fraction declined from 1 at 30.5±C to close to 0 at about 36±C. When the total grain-set was lower than the critical fractional grain-set (0.575{0.6), harvest index and potential grain yield were reduced. In order to reduce the negative impacts of warming, it is crucial to take serious actions to adapt to the climate change, for example, by shifting sowing date, adjusting crop distribution and structure, breeding heat-resistant varieties, and improving the monitoring, forecasting, and early warning of extreme climate events.
Nineteen wheat cultivars, released from 1934 to 2000, were grown at two organic and two non-organic sites in each of 3 years. Assessments included grain yield, grain protein concentration, protein yield, disease incidence and green leaf area. The superiority of each cultivar (the sum of the squares of the differences between its mean in each environment and the mean of the best cultivar there, divided by twice the number of environments; CS) was calculated for yield, grain protein concentration and protein yield, and ranked in each environment. The yield and grain protein concentration CS were more closely correlated with cultivar release date at the non-organic sites than at organic sites. This difference may be attributed to higher yield levels with larger differences among cultivars at the non-organic sites, rather than to improved stability (i.e. similar ranks) across sites. The significant difference in the correlation of protein yield CS and cultivar age between organic and non-organic sites would support evidence that the ability to take up mineral nitrogen (N) compared to soil N has been a component of the selection conditions of more modern cultivars (released after 1989). This is supported by assessment of green leaf area (GLA), where more modern cultivars in the non-organic systems had greater late-season GLA, a trend that was not identified in organic conditions. This effect could explain the poor correlation between age and protein yield CS in organic compared to non-organic conditions where modern cultivars are selected to benefit from later nitrogen (N) availability which includes the spring nitrogen applications tailored to coincide with peak crop demand. Under organic management, N release is largely based on the breakdown of fertility-building crops incorporated (ploughed-in) in the previous autumn. The release of nutrients from these residues is dependent on the soil conditions, which includes temperature and microbial populations, in addition to the potential leaching effect of high winter rainfall in the UK. In organic cereal crops, early resource capture is a major advantage for maximizing the utilization of nutrients from residue breakdown. It is concluded that selection of cultivars under conditions of high agrochemical inputs selects for cultivars that yield well under maximal conditions in terms of nutrient availability and pest, disease and weed control. The selection conditions for breeding have a tendency to select cultivars which perform relatively better in non-organic compared to organic systems.
A UK field experiment compared a complete factorial combination of three backgrounds (cvs Mercia, Maris Huntsman and Maris Widgeon), three alleles at the Rht-B1 locus as Near Isogenic Lines (NILs: rht-B1a (tall), Rht-B1b (semi-dwarf), Rht-B1c (severe dwarf)) and four nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 100, 200 and 350 kg N/ha). Linear+exponential functions were fitted to grain yield (GY) and nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE; GY/available N) responses to N rate. Averaged over N rate and background Rht-B1b conferred significantly (P<0.05) greater GY, NUE, N uptake efficiency (NUpE; N in above ground crop / available N) and N utilization efficiency (NUtEg; GY / N in above ground crop) compared with rht-B1a and Rht-B1c. However the economically optimal N rate (Nopt) for N:grain price ratios of 3.5:1 to 10:1 were also greater for Rht-B1b, and because NUE, NUpE and NUtE all declined with N rate, Rht-Blb failed to increase NUE or its components at Nopt. The adoption of semi-dwarf lines in temperate and humid regions, and the greater N rates that such adoption justifies economically, greatly increases land-use efficiency, but not necessarily, NUE.
Physiological and yield traits such as stomatal conductance (mmol m-2s-1), Leaf relative water content (RWC %) and grain yield per plant were studied in a separate experiment. Results revealed that five out of sixteen cultivars viz. Anmol, Moomal, Sarsabz, Bhitai and Pavan, appeared to be relatively more drought tolerant. Based on morphophysiological results, studies were continued to look at these cultivars for drought tolerance at molecular level. Initially, four well recognized primers for dehydrin genes (DHNs) responsible for drought induction in T. durum L., T. aestivum L. and O. sativa L. were used for profiling gene sequence of sixteen wheat cultivars. The primers amplified the DHN genes variably like Primer WDHN13 (T. aestivum L.) amplified the DHN gene in only seven cultivars whereas primer TdDHN15 (T. durum L.) amplified all the sixteen cultivars with even different DNA banding patterns some showing second weaker DNA bands. Third primer TdDHN16 (T. durum L.) has shown entirely different PCR amplification prototype, specially showing two strong DNA bands while fourth primer RAB16C (O. sativa L.) failed to amplify DHN gene in any of the cultivars. Examination of DNA sequences revealed several interesting features. First, it identified the two exon/one intron structure of this gene (complete sequences were not shown), a feature not previously described in the two database cDNA sequences available from T. aestivum L. (gi|21850). Secondly, the analysis identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), positions in gene sequence. Although complete gene sequence was not obtained for all the cultivars, yet there were a total of 38 variable positions in exonic (coding region) sequence, from a total gene length of 453 nucleotides. Matrix of SNP shows these 37 positions with individual sequence at positions given for each of the 14 cultivars (sequence of two cultivars was not obtained) included in this analysis. It demonstrated a considerable diversity for this gene with only three cultivars i.e. TJ-83, Marvi and TD-1 being similar to the consensus sequence. All other cultivars showed a unique combination of SNPs. In order to prove a functional link between these polymorphisms and drought tolerance in wheat, it would be necessary to conduct a more detailed study involving directed mutation of this gene and DHN gene expression.
Near-isogenic lines (NILs) of winter wheat varying for alleles for reduced height (Rht), gibberellin (GA) response and photoperiod insensitivity (Ppd-D1a) in cv. Mercia background (rht (tall), Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht-B1c, Rht8c+Ppd-D1a, Rht-D1c, Rht12) and cv. Maris Widgeon (rht (tall), Rht-D1b, Rht-B1c) backgrounds were compared to investigate main effects and interactions with tillage (plough-based, minimum-, and zero-tillage) over two years. Both minimum- and zero- tillage were associated with reduced grain yields allied to reduced harvest index, biomass accumulation, interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and plant populations. Grain yields were optimized at mature crop heights of around 740mm because this provided the best compromise between harvest index which declined with height, and above ground biomass which increased with height. Improving biomass with height was due to improvements in both PAR interception and radiation-use efficiency. Optimum height for grain yield was unaffected by tillage system or GA-sensitivity. After accounting for effects of height, GA insensitivity was associated with increased grain yields due to increased grains per spike, which was more than enough to compensate for poorer plant establishment and lower mean grain weights compared to the GA-sensitive lines. Although better establishment was possible with GA-sensitive lines, there was no evidence that this effect interacted with tillage method. We find, therefore, little evidence to question the current adoption of wheats with reduced sensitivity to GA in the UK, even as tillage intensity lessens.
The control of flowering is central to reproductive success in plants, and has a major impact on grain yield in crop species. The global importance of temperate cereal crops such as wheat and barley has meant emphasis has long been placed on understanding the genetics of flowering in order to enhance yield. Leads gained from the dissection of the molecular genetics of model species have combined with comparative genetic approaches, recently resulting in the isolation of the first flowering time genes in wheat and barley. This paper reviews the genetics and genes involved in cereal flowering pathways and the current understanding of how two of the principal genes, Vrn and Ppd, have been involved in domestication and adaptation to local environments, and the implications for future breeding programmes are discussed.
Water-deficit is a severe abiotic stress and major constraint to wheat productivity with effect on plant growth and development. The objective of this study was to characterize drought tolerant and susceptible spring wheat cultivars on the basis of physiological and yield attributes. The experiment was comprised of two irrigation regimes i.e. irrigated and 65% drought stress and ten wheat cultivars viz. Anmol, Moomal, Sarsabz, Bhittai, Pavon, SKD-1, TD-1, Kiran, Marvi and Mehran. Results indicated significant effect of water stress on stomatal dimension, stomatal conductance, relative leaf water content and grain yield with no effect on stomatal density. The irrigation × cultivars interaction was non-significant for grain yield only. Cultivars like Anmol, Moomal, Bhittai, Sarsabz proved to be drought tolerant with smaller stomatal dimensions, less stomatal conductance and more relative water content under water stress and produced higher grain yield. While decrease in relative water contents and grain yield, and increase in stomatal attributes was observed in drought susceptible cultivars such as Marvi, TD-1 and SKD-1 hence proved to be drought susceptible.
This study investigated the effects of increased genetic diversity in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), either from hybridization across genotypes or from physical mixing of lines, on grain yield, grain quality, and yield stability in different cropping environments. Sets of pure lines (no diversity), chosen for high yielding ability or high quality, were compared with line mixtures (intermediate level of diversity), and lines crossed with each other in composite cross populations (CCPn, high diversity). Additional populations containing male sterility genes (CCPms) to increase outcrossing rates were also tested. Grain yield, grain protein content, and protein yield were measured at four sites (two organically-managed and two conventionally-managed) over three years, using seed harvested locally in each preceding year. CCPn and mixtures out-yielded the mean of the parents by 2.4% and 3.6%, respectively. These yield differences were consistent across genetic backgrounds but partly inconsistent across cropping environments and years. Yield stability measured by environmental variance was higher in CCPn and CCPms than the mean of the parents. An index of yield reliability tended to be higher in CCPn, CCPms and mixtures than the mean of the parents. Lin and Binns’ superiority values of yield and protein yield were consistently and significantly lower (i.e. better) in the CCPs than in the mean of the parents, but not different between CCPs and mixtures. However, CCPs showed greater early ground cover and plant height than mixtures. When compared with the (locally non-predictable) best-yielding pure line, CCPs and mixtures exhibited lower mean yield and somewhat lower yield reliability but comparable superiority values. Thus, establishing CCPs from smaller sets of high-performing parent lines might optimize their yielding ability. On the whole, the results demonstrate that using increased within-crop genetic diversity can produce wheat crops with improved yield stability and good yield reliability across variable and unpredictable cropping environments.
Light and water are among essential resources required for production of photosynthates in plants. A study on the effects of weeding regimes and maize planting density on light and water use was conducted during the 2001/2 short and 2002 long rain seasons at Muguga in - the central highlands of Kenya. Weeding regimes were: weed free (W1), weedy (W2), herbicide (W3) and hand weeding twice (W4). Maize planting densities were 9 (D1) and 18 plants m-2 (D2) intercropped with Phaseolus vulgaris (beans). The experiment was laid as randomized complete block design replicated four times and repeated twice. All plots were thinned to 4 plants m-2 at tasseling stage (96 DAE) and thinnings quantified as forage. Soil moisture content (SMC), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) interception, evapo-transpiration (ET crop), water use efficiency (WUE), and harvest index (HI), were determined. Percent PAR was higher in D2 than in D1 before thinning but higher in D1 than in D2 after thinning in both seasons. PAR interception was highest in W2 but similar in W1, W3 and W4 in both seasons. SMC was significantly lower in W2 but similar in W1, W3 and W4. D2 had lower SMC than D1 in season two. Weeding regime significantly influenced ET crop, while planting density and weeding regime significantly influenced WUE and HI. D2 maximizes water and light use for forage production but results to increased intra-specific plant competition for water and light severely before thinning (96 DAE) that reduce grain yield in dual purpose maize, relative to D1.
Genetic modification of shoot and root morphology has potential to improve water and nutrient 19 uptake of wheat crops in rainfed environments. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) varying for a tillering 20 inhibition (tin) gene and representing multiple genetic backgrounds were investigated in contrasting 21 controlled environments for shoot and root growth. Leaf area, shoot and root biomass were similar 22 until tillering whereupon reduced tillering in tin-containing NILs produced reductions of up to 60% in 23 total leaf area and biomass, and increases in total root length of up to 120% and root biomass to 24 145%. Together, root-to-shoot ratio increased two-fold with the tin gene. The influence of tin on shoot 25 and root growth was greatest in the cv. Banks genetic background, particularly in the biculm-selected 26 NIL, and was typically strongest in cooler environments. A separate de-tillering study confirmed 27 greater root-to-shoot ratios with regular tiller removal in non-tin containing genotypes. In validating 28 these observations in a rainfed field study, the tin allele had a negligible effect on seedling growth but 29 was associated with significantly (P<0.05) reduced tiller number (-37%), leaf area index (-26%) and 30 spike number (-35%) to reduce plant biomass (-19%) at anthesis. Root biomass, root-to-shoot ratio at 31 early stem elongation and root depth at maturity were increased in tin-containing NILs. Soil water use 32 was slowed in tin-containing NILs resulting in greater water availability, greater stomatal 33 conductance, cooler canopy temperatures and maintenance of green leaf area during grain-filling. 34 Together these effects contributed to increases in harvest index and grain yield. In both the controlled 35 and field environments, the tin gene was commonly associated with increased root length and biomass 36 but the significant influence of genetic background and environment suggests careful assessment of 37 tin-containing progeny in selection for genotypic increases in root growth.
O problema do acamamento em trigo tem chamado a atenção dos melhoristas devido à severidade dos danos causados as plantas com reflexo no rendimento e na qualidade dos grãos. É um caráter difícil de ser estudado diretamente, dados a múltiplas interações com o ambiente. Muitos trabalhos foram desenvolvidos procurando identificar métodos para seleção indireta. A estatura de planta foi exaustivamente estudada por ser um caráter de alta herdabilidade e fortemente correlacionado com o acamamento; entretanto, plantas com estatura abaixo de 70 cm são inadequadas para o cultivo devido a sua pouca competitividade com as ervas daninhas e por apresentarem dificuldades para a colheita mecanizada. Neste sentido, no presente trabalho foram testados os vários caracteres relacionados com o acamamento e métodos indiretos que possibilitem maiores ganhos na seleção. Foi identificado o coeficiente de resistência do colmo, método internacionalmente conhecido com cLr, como sendo a metodologia mais eficiente para seleção indireta em populações segregantes. Foi também mensurada a dissimilaridade genética entre dez cultivares de trigo recomendadas para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, no ano 2000, e mais os genótipos IAC 5 e TB 951. A genética do caráter cLr foi estudada através da Análise de Gerações, metodologia também conhecida como Teste de Escala Conjunta. Foram avaliadas a natureza e a magnitude dos efeitos gênicos envolvidos o que ficou determinado que a aditividade e dominância atuam de maneira similar. Não foram encontrados efeitos epistáticos e a herdabilidade no sentido restrito foi de mediana a alta. O caráter cLr parece ser controlado por dois genes independentes com dois alelos cada, sendo que o genótipo duplamente recessivo (aabb) expressou fenotipicamente os valores mais altos para resistência ao acamamento.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O sistema plantio direto (SPD) é uma realidade na região dos Cerrados, mas alguns questionamentos persistem nesse tipo de manejo como o modo de realização da calagem e a dose de nitrogênio (N) a ser adotada em cultura comercial, em relação às culturas precedentes. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar modos de aplicar o calcário na implantação do SPD e o efeito de culturas de cobertura precedentes sobre a necessidade de adubação nitrogenada da cultura do milho, durante diferentes anos agrícolas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 (modos de aplicação do calcário x culturas de cobertura) e posterior divisão em três subparcelas, referentes às doses de N (0, 90 e 180 kg ha-1). Foram avaliados quatro modos de aplicação de calcário: incorporado a 0-0,2 m, em out./2001; dose total em superfície aplicada, em out./2001; aplicação de 1/2 da dose, em out./2001, e 1/2, em ago./2002, na superfície; e aplicação de 1/3 da dose recomendada, em mar./2001, + 1/3, em out./2001, e 1/3, em ago./2002, também em superfície. Além de um tratamento testemunha (sem calcário) e duas culturas de cobertura, crotalária e milheto. Os diferentes modos de calagem não alteraram a produtividade de grãos de milho. O cultivo de milho após crotalária apresentou melhor desempenho e menor demanda de adubação nitrogenada, quando comparado ao cultivado após milheto.
La hipótesis de investigación es que con la reducción de la densidad de siembra y del espaciamiento entre líneas, el período anterior a la interferencia de las malezas será reducido en el cultivo de frijol. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el período anterior a la interferencia de las malezas (PAI) en función del espaciamiento entre líneas y de su densidad poblacional. Los tratamientos fueron constituidos de ocho períodos de convivencia del cultivo con las malezas: 0-10, 0-20, 0-30, 0-40, 0-50, 0-60, 0-70 y 0-80 días después de la emergencia y un control libre de interferencia. Los períodos de convivencia fueron aplicados en dos experimentos, utilizando dos distancias entre líneas, de 0,45 y 0,60 m y en dos densidades de plantas por línea de siembra, de 10 y 15 plantas por metro. El delineamiento experimental utilizado fue en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Hubo reducción de 16, 40, 36 y 58% en la productividad de granos del cultivo de frijol cuando convivió durante todo el ciclo del cultivo con las malezas, para el espaciamiento de 0,45 m en las densidades de 10 y 15 plantas m-1; y espaciamiento de 0,60 m y densidades de 10 y 15 plantas m-1, respectivamente. La productividad de granos pasó a ser afectada negativamente a partir de 28, 26, 22 y 14 días después de la emergencia, constituyéndose en los períodos anteriores a la interferencia del cultivo, respectivamente.