938 resultados para comunicazione istituzionale,divulgazione,strategie comunicative,QOL.


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OBJECTIVE To identify the main factors of the physical domain modified after kidney transplantation and analyze the influence of those aspects in the perception of Overall quality of life (QOL). METHOD Longitudinal study, conducted with 63 chronic kidney patients, evaluated before and after kidney transplant, using the quality of life scale proposed by the World Health Organization. RESULTS We observed significant improvement in the physical aspects of QOL after kidney transplantation. Significant correlations were observed between physical aspects and the Overall QOL. CONCLUSION The kidney transplant generated improvement in all physical aspects of QOL. The factors that showed stronger correlation with the Overall QOL before the transplant were the capacity to work and pain. After the transplant, the perception of need for treatment was the factor that showed stronger correlation with the Overall QOL.


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Summary One of the major goals of cancer immunotherapy is the induction of a specific and effective antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. However, the downregulation of Class I Major Histocompatibility Complexes (MHC) expression and the low level of tumor peptide presentation on tumor cell surface, ás well as the low immunogenicity of tumor specific antigens, limit the effectiveness of anti-tumor CTL responses. On the other hand, monoclonal antibodies, which bind with high affinity to tumor cell surface markers, are powerful tumor targeting tools. However, their capacity to .kill cancer cells is limited and mAb cancer treatments usually require the addition of different form of chemotherapy. The new cancer immunotherapy strategy described herein combines the advantage of the high tumor targeting capacity of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with the powerful cytotoxicity of CD8 T lymphocytes directed against highly antigenic peptide-MHC complexes. Monoclonal antibody Fab fragments directed against a cell surface tumor associated antigen (TAA) are chemically coupled to soluble MHC class I complexes carrying a highly antigenic peptide. Antibody guided targeting and oligomerization of numerous antigenic class IMHC/peptide complexes on tumor cell surfaces can redirect the cytotoxicity of peptide-specific CD8 T cells towards target cancer cells. After the description of the production of murine anti-tumor xMHC/peptide conjugates in the first part of this thesis, the therapeutic potential of such conjugates were sequentially investigated in different syngeneic tumor mouse models. As a first proof of principle, transgenic OT-1 mice and later CEA transgenic C57BL/6 (B6) mice, adoptively transferred with OT-1 spleen cells and immunized with ovalbumin, were used as a model of high frequency of ova peptide specific T cells. In these mice, growth inhibition and regression of palpable colon carcinoma expressing CEA, were obtained by systemic injection of anti-CEA Fab/H-2Kb/ova peptide conjugates. Next, LCMV virus and influenza virus infection of B6 mice were used as viral models to redirect natural antiviral CTL responses to tumors via conjugates loaded with viral peptides. We showed that in mice infected with the LCMV virus, subcutaneous CEA-expressing tumor cells were inhibited by the H2Db/GP33 restricted anti-viral CTL response when preincubated before grafting with anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33 peptide conjugates. In mice infected with the influenza virus, lung metastases expressing the HER2 antigen were inhibited by the H-2Db/NP366 restricted CTLs response when preincubated before injection with anti-Her2 Fab-H-2Db/NP366 peptide conjugates. In the last chapter, the stability of the peptide in the anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33 conjugates was improved by the covalent photocross-link of the GP33 peptide in the H-2Db MHC groove. Thus, LCMV immune mice could reject CEA expressing tumors when treated with systemic injections of anti-CEA FabH-2Db/GP33 cross-linked conjugates. These results are encouraging for the potential application of this strategy in clinic. Such conjugates could be used alone in patients boosted by the relevant virus, or used in combination with existing T cell based ìmmunotherapy. Résumé Une des principales approches utilisées dans l'immunothérapie contre le cancer consiste en l'induction d'une réponse T cytotoxique (CTL) spécifiquement dirigée contre la tumeur. Cependant, le faible niveau d'expression des complexes majeurs d'histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I) et de présentation des peptides tumoraux à la surface des cellules cancéreuses ainsi que la faible immunogenicité des antigens tumoraux, limitent l'efficacité de la réponse CTL. D'autre part,. l'injection d'anticorps monoclonaux (mAb), se liant avec une haute affinité aux marqueurs de surface des cellules tumorales, a fourni des résultats cliniques encourageant. Cependant l'efficacité de ces mAbs contre des tumeur solides reste limitée et necessite souvent l'addition de chimiotherapie. La nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique décrite dans ce travail associe le fort pouvoir de localisation des anticorps monoclonaux et le fort pouvoir cytotoxique des lymphocytes T CD8+. Des fragments Fab d'anticorps monoclonaux, dirigés contre des antigènes surexprimés à la surface de cellules tumorales, ont été chimiquement couplés à des CMH I solubles, portant un peptide fortement antigénique. Le ciblage et l'oligomérisation à la surface des cellules tumorales de nombreux CMH I présentant un peptide antigénique, va réorienter la cytotoxicité des cellules T CD8+ spécifiques du peptide présenté, vers les cellules tumorales cibles. Après une description de la production de conjugé anti-tumeur x CMH Upeptide dans la première partie de cette thèse, le potentiel thérapeutique de tels conjugés a été successivement étudiés in vivo dans différents modèles de tumeur syngénéiques. Tout d'abord, des souris OT-1 transgéniques, puis des souris C57BL/6 (B6) transférées avec des cellules de rate OT-1 puis immunisées avec l'ovalbumine, ont été employées comme modèle de haute fréquence de cellules T CD8+ spécifiques du peptide ova. Chez ces souris, l'inhibition de la croissance et la régression de nodules palpables de carcinomes exprimant l'antigène caccino embryonaire (ACE), ont été obtenues par l'injection systémique de conjugés anti-ACE Fab/H-2Kb/ova. Par la suite, l'infection de souris B6 par le virus LCMV et par le virus de la grippe, ont été utilisés comme modèles viraux pour redirigées des réponses anti-virales naturelles vers les tumeurs, en utilisant des conjugés chargés avec des peptides viraux. Nous avons montré que .chez les souris infectées par le LCMV, la croissance de carcinome sous-cutané est empêchée par la réponse anti-virale, spécifique du complexe H2Db/GP33, lorsque les cellules tumorales greffées sont pré-incubées avec des conjugés anti-CEA Fab-H-2Db/GP33. Dans le cas de souris infectées par le virus de la grippe, la métastatisation de mélanomes pulmonaires exprimant l'antigène HER-2 est inhibée par la réponse anti-virale spécifique du complexe H-2Db/NP366, après pré-incubation des cellules tumorales avec des conjugés anti-Her2 FabxH-2Db/NP366. Dans le dernier chapitre, la liaison covalente du peptide GP33 dans le complexe H-2Db a amélioré la stabilité des conjugés correspondants et a permis le traitement systémique de souris greffées avec des tumeurs exprimant l'ACE et infectées par le LCMV. L'ensemble de ces résultats sont encourageant pour l'application de cette strategie en clinique. De tels conjugués pourraient être employés seuls ou en combinaison avec des protocols d'immunisation peptidique anti-tumoral. Résumé pour un large public Dans les pays industrialisés, le cancer se situe au deuxième rang des causes de mortalité après les maladies cardiovasculaires. Les principaux traitement de nombreux cancers sont la chirurgie, en association avec la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie est l'une des nouvelles approches mises en oeuvre pour la lutte contre le cancer. Elle peut être humorale, et s'appuyer alors sur la perfusion d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, par exemple les anticorps dirigés contre les protéines oncogéniques Her-2/neu dans le cancer du sein. Ces anticorps ont le grand avantage de spécifiquement se localiser à la tumeur et d'induire la lyse ou d'inhiber la proliferation des cellules tumorales exprimant l'antigène. Certains sont utilisés en clinique pour le traitement de lymphomes, de carcinomes de l'ovaire et du sein ou encore de carcinomes metastatiques du côlon. Cependant l'efficacité de ces anticorps contre des tumeurs solides reste limitée et les traitements exigent souvent d'être combiner avec de la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie spécifique peut également être cellulaire et reposer sur une démarche de type vaccinal, consistant à générer des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques (cytotoxic T lymphocytes :CTL) capables de détruire spécifiquement les cellules malignes. Pour obtenir une réponse lymphocytaire T cytotoxique antitumorale, la cellule T doit reconnaître un antigène associé à la tumeur, présenté sous forme de peptide dans un complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I. Or les cellules tumorales ne presentent pas efficacement les peptides antigèniques, car elles se caractérisent par une diminution ou une absence d'expression des antigènes d'histocompatibilité de classe I, des molécules d'adhésion et des cytokines costimulatrices, et par une faible expression des antigènes associés aux tumeurs. C'est en partie pourquoi, malgré l'induction de fortes réponses CTL specifiquement dirigés contre des antigens tumoraux, les régressions tumorales obtenus grace à ces vaccinations sont relativement rares. Alors que chez les personnes atteintes du cancer on observe l'instauration d'une tolérance immunitaire vis-à-vis de la tumeur, à l'inverse, notre systeme immunitaire reste parfaitement capable de combattre des infection virales classiques, tels que la grippe, qui font aussi appel à une réponse T cytotoxique. Notre groupe de recherche a donc eu l'idee de développer une nouvelle approche thérapeutique où une réponse immunitaire anti-virale très efficace serait redirigée vers les tumeurs par des anticorps monoclonaux. Concrètement, nous avons chimiquement couplés des fragments d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes surexprimés à la surface de cellules tumorales, à des CMH I portant un peptide viral antigénique. Les cellules tumorales, ciblées par le fragment anticorps et couvertes d' antigènes viraux présentés par des molécules de CMH I, peuvent ainsi tromper les lymphocytes cytotoxiques anti-viraux qui vont détruire les cellules tumorales comme si elles étaient infectées par le virus. Suite à des résultats prometteurs obtenus in vitro avec différents conjugués anticorps-CMH humain de type HLA.A2/peptide Flu, le but du projet était de tester in vivo des conjugués anticorps-CMH I murins sur des modèles expérimentaux de souris. Tout d'abord, des souris transgéniques pour un recepteur T specifique du peptide ova, puis des transferts adoptifs de ces cellules T specifiques dans des souris immunocompétentes, ont été choisi comme modèle de haute fréquence des cellules T spécifiques, et ont permi de valider le principe de la strategie in vivo. Puis, deux modèles viraux ont été elaboré avec le virus LCMV et le virus Influenza, pour réorienter des réponses antivirales naturelles vers les tumeurs grâce à des conjugés chargés avec des peptides viraux. Nous avons montré la grande capacité de nos conjugués à rediriger des réponses cytotoxiques vers les tumeurs et inhiber la croissance de tumeurs syngénéiques sous cutanés et pulmonaires. Ces résultats d'inhibition tumorales obtenus dans des souris immunocompétentes, grâce à l'injection de conjugués anticorps xCMH/peptide et réorientant deux réponses antivirales différentes vers deux modèles tumoraux syngeneiques, sont encourageant pour l'application de cette nouvelle stratégie en clinique.


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This paper describes the international development and psychometric testing of the Recurrent Genital Herpes Quality of Life Questionnaire (RGHQoL), a condition-specific quality of life (QoL) instrument. The theoretical foundation for the measure is the needs-based model of QoL and the content of the instrument was derived from in-depth qualitative interviews with relevant patients in the UK. Versions of the RGHQoL were required for the UK, USA, Italy, Germany, France and Denmark for use in international clinical trials. The results indicate that the final 20 item measure has good reliability, internal consistency and validity for all language versions. A small responsiveness study in Denmark suggested that the measure is sensitive to changes in QoL associated with the initiation of suppression treatment for recurrent genital herpes (RGH). It is concluded that the RGHQoL is a valuable instrument for inclusion in clinical trials. The psychometric properties of the instrument are such that it may also be used to monitor the progress of individual patients.


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Depuis un certain temps, les acteurs publics prônent l'établissement de coopérations entre hautes écoles. S'il y a certes des motivations diverses pour lancer une coopération, les notions d'aménagement de portefeuille ou d'efficience paraissent prédominantes. Sur cette trame, le présent travail vise à présenter une vue d'ensemble des coopérations entre hautes écoles suisses. Cet objectif se décline par l'établissement d'un inventaire des coopérations existantes et une discussion des facteurs qui influencent leur pérennisation. Les principaux résultats de notre étude révèlent une densité élevée de coopérations qui se caractérisent par une grande diversité de formes. Pour mener à bien un projet de coopération, il importe que les partenaires développent une vision commune en termes scientifiques et institutionnels, entretiennent la confiance mutuelle et continuent à voir dans le projet une valeur ajoutée. La pérennisation d'une coopération présuppose l'intégration dans la stratégie et les structures régulières de la haute école. La condition sine qua non pour y arriver est l'intérêt des hautes écoles concernées qui ne peut émerger que sur la base d'un processus autonome et «bottom-up». Seit geraumer Zeit ist ein steigendes Interesse an Kooperationen zwischen Hochschulen zu verzeichnen. Letztere gehen Kooperationen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Gründen ein, im öffentlichen Diskurs wird jedoch vor allem von Portfoliobereinigung oder Effizienz gesprochen. Vor diesem Hintergrund will die vorliegende Arbeit eine Übersicht über Kooperationen zwischen Schweizer Hochschulen geben. Neben der Erstellung eines Inventars existierender Kooperationen wird insbesondere diskutiert, welche Faktoren das dauerhafte Bestehen von Kooperationen beeinflussen. Es wird deutlich, dass die Dichte an Kooperationen sehr hoch ist und die unterschiedlichsten Formen existieren. Ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg einer Kooperation sind die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen und institutionellen Vision, der Aufbau gegenseitigen Vertrauens und ein längerfristiger Mehrwert für die Partner. Zur Sicherung des dauerhaften Bestehens von Kooperationen ist die Integration in die Strategie und die Regelstrukturen der Hochschule erforderlich. Dies kann nur erreicht werden, wenn die betroffenen Hochschulen Interesse am Projekt entwickeln, was wiederum einen autonomen und bottom-up geführten Prozess voraussetzt.


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RESUME Dès le printemps 2004, la construction d'une 2ème ligne de métro est entreprise dans la ville de Lausanne en Suisse. En reliant Ouchy, au bord du lac Léman (alt. 373 m) à Epalinges (alt. 711 m), le nouveau métro "M2" traversera dès 2008 l'agglomération lausannoise du Sud au Nord sur une distance de 6 km. Depuis l'avant-projet, en 1999, une grande quantité de données géologiques a été récolté et de nombreux forages exécutés sur le site. Ceci nous a donné une occasion unique d'entreprendre une étude de microgravimétrique urbaine de détail. Le mode de creusement du tunnel dépend fortement des matériaux à excaver et il est classiquement du domaine du géologue, avec ses connaissances de la géologie régionale et de la stratigraphie des forages, de fournir à l'ingénieur un modèle géologique. Ce modèle indiquera dans ce cas l'épaisseur des terrains meubles qui recouvrent le soubassement rocheux. La représentativité spatiale d'une information très localisée, comme celle d'un forage, est d'autant plus compliquée que le détail recherché est petit. C'est à ce moment là que la prospection géophysique, plus spécialement gravimétrique, peut apporter des informations complémentaires déterminantes pour régionaliser les données ponctuelles des forages. La microgravimétrie en milieu urbain implique de corriger avec soin les perturbations gravifiques sur la mesure de la pesanteur dues aux effets de la topographie, des bâtiments et des caves afin d'isoler l'effet gravifique dû exclusivement à l'épaisseur du remplissage des terrains meubles. Tenant compte de l'intensité des corrections topographiques en milieu urbain, nous avons donné une grande importance aux sous-sols, leurs effets gravifiques pouvant atteindre l'ordre du dixième de mGal. Nous avons donc intégré ces corrections celle de topographie et traité les effets des bâtiments de manière indépendante. Nous avons inclus dans le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) la chaussée et les sous-sols afin de construire un modèle numérique de terrain urbain. Nous utiliserons un nouvel acronyme « MNTU »pour décrire ce modèle. Nous proposons d'établir des cartes de corrections topographiques préalables, basées sur les données à disposition fournies par le cadastre en faisant des hypothèses sur la profondeur des sous-sols et la hauteur des bâtiments. Les deux zones de test choisies sont caractéristiques des différents types d'urbanisation présente à Lausanne et se révèlent par conséquent très intéressantes pour élaborer une méthodologie globale de la microgravimétrie urbaine. Le but était d'évaluer l'épaisseur du remplissage morainique sur un fond rocheux molassique se situant à une profondeur variable de quelques mètres à une trentaine de mètres et d'en établir une coupe dans l'axe du futur tracé du métro. Les résultats des modélisations se sont révélés très convaincants en détectant des zones qui diffèrent sensiblement du modèle géologique d'avant projet. Nous avons également démontré que l'application de cette méthode géophysique, non destructive, est à même de limiter le nombre de sondages mécaniques lors de l'avant-projet et du projet définitif, ce qui peut limiter à la fois les coûts et le dérangement engendré par ces travaux de surface. L'adaptabilité de la technique gravimétrique permet d'intervenir dans toutes les différentes phases d'un projet de génie civil comme celui de la construction d'un métro en souterrain. KURZFASSUNG Seit dem Frühling 2004 ist in der Stadt Lausanne (Schweiz) die neue U-Bahn "M2" in Konstruktion. Diese soll auf 6 km Länge die Lausanner Agglomeration von Süd nach Nord durchqueren. Die dem Projekt zu Grunde liegende technische Planung sieht vor, daß die Bahnlinie hauptsächlich in der Molasse angesiedelt sein wird. Seit dem Vorentwurf (1999) ist eine große Anzahl geologischer Angaben gesammelt worden. Daraus ergab sich die einmalige Gelegenheit, die Informationen aus den damit verbundenen zahlreichen Bohrungen zu einer detaillierten mikrogravimetrischen Studie der Stadt Lausanne zu erweitern und zu vervollständigen. Das Ziel bestand darin, die Mächtigkeit der die Molasseüberdeckenden Moräneablagerung abzuschätzen, um eine entsprechendes geologisches Profile entlang der künftigen Bahnlinie zu erstellen. Weiterhin sollte gezeigt werden, daß die Anwendung dieser nicht-invasiven geophysikalischen Methode es ermöglicht, die Anzahl der benötigten Bohrungen sowohl in der Pilotphase wie auch im endgültigen Projekt zu reduzieren, was zu wesentlichen finanziellen Einsparungen in der Ausführung des Werkes beitragen würde. Die beiden in dieser Studie bearbeiteten Testzonen befinden sich im Nordteil und im Stadtzentrum von Lausanne und sind durch eine unterschiedliche Urbanisierung charakterisiert. Das anstehende Gestein liegt in verschiedenen Tiefen: von einigen Metern bis zu etwa dreißig Metern. Diese Zonen weisen alle Schwierigkeiten einer urbanen Bebauung mit hoher Verkehrsdichte auf und waren daher massgebend bei der Ausarbeitung einer globalen mikrogravimetrischen Methodologie für die Stadt Lausanne. Die so entwickelte Technik ermöglicht, die störenden Auswirkungen der Topographie, der Gebäude, der Keller und der Öffentlichen Infrastrukturen sorgfältig zu korrigieren, um so die ausschließlich auf die Mächtigkeit des Lockergesteins zurückzuführenden Effekte zu isolieren. In Bezug auf die Intensität der Auswirkungen der topographischen Korrekturen im Stadtgebiet wurde den Untergeschossen eine besonders grosse Bedeutung zugemessen da die entsprechenden Schwerkrafteffekte eine Grösse von rund einem Zehntel mGal erreichen können. Wir schlagen deshalb vor, vorläufige Karten der topographischen Korrekturen zu erstellen. Diese Korrekturen basieren auf den uns vom Katasterplan gelieferten Daten und einigen Hypothesen bezüglich der Tiefe der Untergeschosse und der Höhe der Gebäude. Die Verfügbarkeit einer derartigen Karte vor der eigentlichen gravimetrischen Messkampagne würde uns erlauben, die Position der Meßstationen besser zu wählen. Wir sahen zudem, daß ein entsprechenden a priori Filter benutzt werden kann, wenn die Form und die Intensität der Anomalie offensichtlich dem entsprechenden Gebäude zugeordnet werden können. Diese Strategie muß jedoch mit Vorsicht angewandt werden, denn falls weitere Anomalien dazukommen, können bedeutende Verschiebungen durch Übèrlagerungen der Schwerewirkung verschiedener Strukturen entstehen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung haben sich als sehr überzeugend erwiesen, da sie im Voraus unbekannte sensible Zonen korrekt identifiziert haben. Die Anwendbarkeit der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten gravimetrischen Technik ermöglicht es, während allen Phasen eines Grossbauprojekts, wie zum Beispiel bei der Konstruktion einer unterirdischen U-Bahn, einzugreifen. ABSTRACT Since Spring of 2004 a new metro line has been under construction in the city of Lausanne in Switzerland. The new line, the M2, will be 6 km long and will traverse the city from south to north. The civil engineering project determined that the line would be located primarily in the Molasse. Since the preparatory project in 1999, a great quantity of geological data has been collected, and the many drillings made on the site have proved to be a unique opportunity to undertake a study of urban microgravimetry. The goal was to evaluate the thickness of the morainic filling over the molassic bedrock, and to establish a section along the axis of the future line. It then had to be shown that the application of this nondestructive geophysical method could reduce the number of mechanical surveys required both for a preparatory and a definitive project, which would lead to real savings in the realization of a civil engineering project. The two test zones chosen, one in the northern part of the city and one in the city centre, are characterised by various types of urbanisation. Bedrock is at a depth varying from a few metres to about thirty metres. These zones well exemplify the various difficulties encountered in an urban environment and are therefore very interesting for the development of an overall methodology of urban microgravimetry. Microgravimetry in an urban environment requires careful corrections for gravific disturbances due to the effects of topography, buildings, cellars, and the infrastructure of distribution networks, in order to isolate the gravific effect due exclusively to the thickness of loose soil filling. Bearing in mind the intensity of the topographic corrections in an urban environment, we gave particular importance to basements. Their gravific effects can reach the order of one tenth of one meal, and can influence above all the precision of the Bouguer anomaly. We propose to establish preliminary topographic correction charts based on data provided to us by the land register, by making assumptions on the depths of basements and the heights of buildings. Availability of this chart previous to a gravimetry campaign would enable us to choose optimum measuring sites. We have also seen that an a priori filter can be used when the form and the intensity of the anomaly correspond visually to the corresponding building. This strategy must be used with caution because if other anomalies are to be associated, important shifts can be generated by the superposition of the effects of different structures. The results of the model have proved to be very convincing in detecting previously unknown sensitive zones. The adaptability of the gravimetry technique allows for application in all phases of a civil engineering project such as the construction of an underground metro line. RIASSUNTO Dalla primavera 2004 una nuova linea metropolitana é in costruzione nella città di Losanna in Svizzera. La nuova metropolitana "M2" traverserà per la lunghezza di 6 km il centro urbano di Losanna da sud a nord. II progetto d'ingegneria civile prevedeva un tracciato situato essenzialmente nel fondo roccioso arenaceo terziario (molassa). Dalla redazione del progetto preliminare, avvenuta nel 1999, una grande quantità di dati geologici sono stati raccolti e sono stati eseguiti numerosi sondaggi. Questo sì é presentato come un'occasione unica per mettere a punto uno studio microgravimetrico in ambiente urbano con lo scopo di valutare lo spessore dei terreni sciolti di origine glaciale che ricoprono il fondo roccioso di molassa e di mettere in evidenza come l'applicazione di questo metodo geofisico non distruttivo possa limitare il numero di sondaggi meccanici nella fase di progetto preliminare ed esecutivo con conseguente reale risparmio economico nella realizzazione di una tale opera. Le due zone di test sono situate una nella zona nord e la seconda nel centro storico di Losanna e sono caratterizzate da stili architettonici differenti. II fondo roccioso é situato ad una profondità variabile da qualche metro ad una trentina. Queste due zone sembrano ben rappresentare tutte le difficoltà di un ambiente urbano e ben si prestano per elaborare una metodologia globale per la microgravimetria in ambiente urbano. L'applicazione di questa tecnica nell'ambiente suddetto implica la correzione attenta delle perturbazioni sulla misura dell'accelerazione gravitazionale, causate dalla topografia, gli edifici, le cantine e le infrastrutture dei sottoservizi, per ben isolare il segnale esclusivamente causato dallo spessore dei terreni sciolti. Tenuto conto, dell'intensità delle correzioni topografiche, abbiamo dato grande importanza alle cantine, poiché il loro effetto sulle misure può raggiungere il decimo di mGal. Proponiamo quindi di redigere una carta delle correzioni topografiche preliminare all'acquisizione, facendo delle ipotesi sulla profondità delle cantine e sull'altezza degli edifici, sulla base delle planimetrie catastali. L'analisi di questa carta permetterà di scegliere le posizioni più adatte per le stazioni gravimetriche. Abbiamo anche osservato che un filtro a priori, qualora la forma e l'intensità dell'anomalia fosse facilmente riconducibile in maniera visuale ad un edificio, possa essere efficace. Tuttavia questa strategia deve essere utilizzata con precauzione, poiché può introdurre uno scarto, qualora più anomalie, dovute a differenti strutture, si sovrappongano. I risultati delle modellizzazioni si sono rivelati convincenti, evidenziando zone sensibili non conosciute preventivamente. L'adattabilità della tecnica gravimetrica ha mostrato di poter intervenire in differenti fasi di un progetto di ingegneria civile, quale è quella di un'opera in sotterraneo.


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OBJECTIU: determinar la qualitat de vida de les persones amb demència ateses en una unitat avaluadora de deteriorament cognitiu. MÈTODE: estudi descriptiu transversal amb una mostra consecutiva no probabilística, formada per 42 persones amb demència tipus Alzheimer lleu o moderada i els seus cuidadors. La Qualitat de Vida (QV) es va avaluar amb el qüestionari QoL-AD (Quality of Life Alzheimer’s Disease) en les versions per al pacient (QoL-ADp) i per al cuidador (QoL-ADc). RESULTATS: la mitjana de puntuació del QoL-ADp va ser de 35,38 punts (DE = 5,24) i del QoL-Adc, de 30,60 (DE 5,33). La diferència entre aquests resultats és significativa (p&0,001). Els pacients amb simptomatologia depressiva i els seus cuidadors van puntuar significativament més baix el QoL-AD (p&0,001). En les freqüències per ítems del QoL-ADp s’observa que: més del 75% van valorar com a bona/excel·lent les condicions de vida, família, matrimoni/relació estreta, vida social, situació financera i vida en general; el 61% valoraren bona/excel·lent la capacitat per realitzar tasques a casa; prop del 50% pensava que l’estat d’ànim, l’energia, la salut física, la capacitat per fer coses per diversió i la visió de si mateixos era dolenta/regular, i el 85,7% opinava que la seva memòria era dolenta/regular. CONCLUSIONS: els resultats obtinguts en el QoL-AD no difereixen dels obtinguts en altres investigacions. Suggereixen que les intervencions que genera l’avaluació de la QV en la pràctica clínica inclouen aspectes centrats pròpiament en la malaltia i aspectes vinculats amb les relacions socials.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Cognitive impairment occurs during multiple sclerosis (MS) and contributes to the burden of the disease, but its effect in the initial phase of MS still needs to be better understood. METHODS: We prospectively studied 127 early MS patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) or definite MS, a mean disease duration of 2.6 years, and with minor disability (mean Expanded Disability Status Scale score 1.8). Patients were tested for long-term memory, executive functions, attention, fatigue, mood disorders, functional handicap and quality of life (QoL). Twenty-one CIS patients were excluded from study as the diagnosis of MS could not be confirmed. RESULTS: Over the 106 MS patients analysed, 31 (29.3%) were cognitively impaired (23.6% for memory, 10.4% for attention and 5.7% for executive functions). Cognitive deficits were already present in CIS patients in whom the diagnosis was not yet confirmed (20%). Impaired cognition was associated with anxiety (p = 0.05), depression(p = 0.004), fatigue (p = 0.03), handicap (p <0.001) and a lower QoL (p <0.001). After adjustment for QoL, handicap, depression, anxiety and fatigue were no longer associated with the presence of cognitive deficits. CONCLUSIONS: In this well-defined early MS group one third of the patients already exhibited cognitive deficits, which were usually apparent in an effortful learning situation and were generally mild. Mood disorders, fatigue, handicap and decreased QoL were all associated with the occurrence of cognitive deficits. QoL itself appeared to take all the other factors into account. Our results confirm the existence of an interplay between cognitive, affective and functional changes and fatigue in early MS.


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The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.


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The fundamental debt of E. O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author's hypothesis, O'Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader's right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O'Neill's work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author's article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O'Neill's drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.


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Background: Chronic disease management initiatives emphasize patient-centered care, and quality of life (QoL) is increasingly considered a representative outcome in that context. In this study we evaluated the association between receipt of processes of diabetic care and QoL. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study (2011) used self-reported data from non-institutionalized, adult diabetics, recruited from randomly selected community pharmacies in Vaud. Outcomes included the physical and mental composites of the SF-36 (PCS, MCS) and the disease-specific Audit of Diabetes-Dependent QoL (ADDQoL). Main exposure variables were receipt of six diabetes processes-of care in the past 12 months. We also evaluated whether the association between care received and QoL was congruent with the chronic care model, when assessed by the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). We used linear regressions to examine the association between process measures and the three composites of health-related QoL. Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, living companion, BMI, alcohol, smoking, physical activity, co-morbidities and diabetes mellitus (DM) characteristics (type, insulin use, complications, duration). Results: Mean age of the 519 diabetic patients was 64.4 years (SD 11.3), 60% were male and 73% had a living companion; 87% reported type 2 DM, half of respondents required insulin treatment, 48% had at least one DM complication, and 48% had DM over 10 years. Crude overall mean QoL scores were PCS: 43.4 (SD 10.5), MCS: 47.0 (SD 11.2) and ADDQoL: -1.56 (SD 1.6). In bivariate analyses, patients who received the influenza vaccine versus those who did not, had lower ADDQoL and PCS scores; there were no other indicator differences. In adjusted models including all processes, receipt of influenza vaccine was associated with lower ADDQoL (β= - 0.41, p=.01); there were no other associations between process indicators and QoL composites. There was no process association even when these were reported as combined measures of processes of care. PACIC score was associated only with the MCS (β= 1.57, p=.004). Conclusions: Process indicators for diabetes care did not show an association with QoL. This may represent an effect lag time between time of process received and quality of life; or that treatment may be related with inconvenience and patient worry. Further research is needed to explore these unexpected findings.


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PURPOSE: To compare clinical benefit response (CBR) and quality of life (QOL) in patients receiving gemcitabine (Gem) plus capecitabine (Cap) versus single-agent Gem for advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive GemCap (oral Cap 650 mg/m(2) twice daily on days 1 through 14 plus Gem 1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks) or Gem (1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion weekly for 7 weeks, followed by a 1-week break, and then weekly for 3 weeks every 4 weeks) for 24 weeks or until progression. CBR criteria and QOL indicators were assessed over this period. CBR was defined as improvement from baseline for >or= 4 consecutive weeks in pain (pain intensity or analgesic consumption) and Karnofsky performance status, stability in one but improvement in the other, or stability in pain and performance status but improvement in weight. RESULTS: Of 319 patients, 19% treated with GemCap and 20% treated with Gem experienced a CBR, with a median duration of 9.5 and 6.5 weeks, respectively (P < .02); 54% of patients treated with GemCap and 60% treated with Gem had no CBR (remaining patients were not assessable). There was no treatment difference in QOL (n = 311). QOL indicators were improving under chemotherapy (P < .05). These changes differed by the time to failure, with a worsening 1 to 2 months before treatment failure (all P < .05). CONCLUSION: There is no indication of a difference in CBR or QOL between GemCap and Gem. Regardless of their initial condition, some patients experience an improvement in QOL on chemotherapy, followed by a worsening before treatment failure.


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AIMS: In patients with alcohol dependence, health-related quality of life (QOL) is reduced compared with that of a normal healthy population. The objective of the current analysis was to describe the evolution of health-related QOL in adults with alcohol dependence during a 24-month period after initial assessment for alcohol-related treatment in a routine practice setting, and its relation to drinking pattern which was evaluated across clusters based on the predominant pattern of alcohol use, set against the influence of baseline variables METHODS: The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Survey (MOS-SF-36) was used to measure QOL at baseline and quarterly for 2 years among participants in CONTROL, a prospective observational study of patients initiating treatment for alcohol dependence. The sample consisted of 160 adults with alcohol dependence (65.6% males) with a mean (SD) age of 45.6 (12.0) years. Alcohol use data were collected using TimeLine Follow-Back. Based on the participant's reported alcohol use, three clusters were identified: 52 (32.5%) mostly abstainers, 64 (40.0%) mostly moderate drinkers and 44 (27.5%) mostly heavy drinkers. Mixed-effect linear regression analysis was used to identify factors that were potentially associated with the mental and physical summary MOS-SF-36 scores at each time point. RESULTS: The mean (SD) MOS-SF-36 mental component summary score (range 0-100, norm 50) was 35.7 (13.6) at baseline [mostly abstainers: 40.4 (14.6); mostly moderate drinkers 35.6 (12.4); mostly heavy drinkers 30.1 (12.1)]. The score improved to 43.1 (13.4) at 3 months [mostly abstainers: 47.4 (12.3); mostly moderate drinkers 44.2 (12.7); mostly heavy drinkers 35.1 (12.9)], to 47.3 (11.4) at 12 months [mostly abstainers: 51.7 (9.7); mostly moderate drinkers 44.8 (11.9); mostly heavy drinkers 44.1 (11.3)], and to 46.6 (11.1) at 24 months [mostly abstainers: 49.2 (11.6); mostly moderate drinkers 45.7 (11.9); mostly heavy drinkers 43.7 (8.8)]. Mixed-effect linear regression multivariate analyses indicated that there was a significant association between a lower 2-year follow-up MOS-SF-36 mental score and being a mostly heavy drinker (-6.97, P < 0.001) or mostly moderate drinker (-3.34 points, P = 0.018) [compared to mostly abstainers], being female (-3.73, P = 0.004), and having a Beck Inventory scale score ≥8 (-6.54, P < 0.001), at baseline. The mean (SD) MOS-SF-36 physical component summary score was 48.8 (10.6) at baseline, remained stable over the follow-up and did not differ across the three clusters. Mixed-effect linear regression univariate analyses found that the average 2-year follow-up MOS-SF-36 physical score was increased (compared with mostly abstainers) in mostly heavy drinkers (+4.44, P = 0.007); no other variables tested influenced the MOS-SF-36 physical score. CONCLUSION: Among individuals with alcohol dependence, a rapid improvement was seen in the mental dimension of QOL following treatment initiation, which was maintained during 24 months. Improvement was associated with the pattern of alcohol use, becoming close to the general population norm in patients classified as mostly abstainers, improving substantially in mostly moderate drinkers and improving only slightly in mostly heavy drinkers. The physical dimension of QOL was generally in the normal range but was not associated with drinking patterns.


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The phenomenon of human migration is certainly not new and it has been studied from a variety of perspectives. Yet, the attention on human migration and its determinant has not been fading over time as confirmed by recent contributions (see for instance Cushing and Poot 2004 and Rebhun and Raveh 2006). In this paper we combine the recent theoretical contributions by Douglas (1997) and Wall (2001) with the methodological advancements of Guimarães et al. (2000, 2003) to model inter-municipal migration flows in the Barcelona area. In order to do that, we employ two different types of count models, i.e. the Poisson and negative binomial and compare the estimations obtained. Our results show that, even after controlling for the traditional migration factors, QoL (measured with a Composite Index which includes numerous aspects and also using a list of individual variables) is an important determinant of short distance migration movements in the Barcelona area.


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Nella mia tesi di dottorato mi concentro sul poema di Lucrezia Marinelli, L'Enrico, ovvero Bisanzio acquistato, pubblicato a Venezia nel 1635, indagando le strategie messe in atto dall'autrice per rivisitare il genere epico in un'ottica di riscatto femminile. Rispetto al canone epico e, in particolare, al modello di riferimento - la Gerusalemme liberata del Tasso - le vicende nodali sono, infatti, riscritte da un punto di vista chiaramente femminile. Pur occupandomi principalmente dell'opera di Marinelli, in alcuni casi nel corso del mio lavoro propongo dei confronti con altri poemi epici e cavallereschi prodotti da donne - in particolare I tredici canti del Floridoro di Moderata Fonte (1581) - volti a mostrare come le scrittrici avessero degli intenti comuni, dialogando in maniera critica con i modelli maschili da cui, tuttavia, traggono ispirazione. Nei primi capitoli del mio lavoro prendo in esame alcuni personaggi tradizionali dell'epica (le guerriere, la maga, ...) presenti ne L'Enrico e ne ripercorro gli episodi topici (le sortite notturne, l'eroe sull'isola, ...) dimostrando come, pur inserendosi coerentemente nel genere epico, siano caratterizzati in modo sostanzialmente diverso rispetto alla precedente tradizione maschile. Il primo capitolo si concentra sulle figure di guerriere, le quali presentano - rispetto ai precedenti modelli - differenze notevoli: non si lasciano coinvolgere in vicende amorose e non finiscono per essere sottomesse o uccise da un uomo, mantenendo così coerentemente intatti i valori di forza e indipendenza. Neppure la maga sull'isola - presa in esame nel capitolo dedicato alle Altre figure di donne idealizzate - è coinvolta in vicende sentimentali o caratterizzata sensualmente. L'autrice la rappresenta, non alla stregua di una tentatrice al servizio delle forze del male, ma come una donna colta, casta e disposta ad aiutare il cavaliere naufragato sulla sua isola. Nello stesso capitolo sono indagate anche altre figure femminili idealizzate, per taluni aspetti meno innovative, ma ugualmente interessanti: la Vergine, la personificazione di Venezia e la Musa. Queste rappresentazioni dal carattere iconico, presentano, infatti, diverse caratteristiche in comune con i personaggi più attivi del poema, le guerriere e la maga. Il capitolo Delle pene e delle tragedie amorose è dedicato all'amore e ai suoi esiti tragici. Le figure di donna coinvolte sono le madri, le mogli e Idillia, in cui è riconoscibile il personaggio topico della "damigella in difficoltà". Queste protagoniste, destinate a soffrire perché abbandonate dall'uomo che amano - il quale sente più forte il richiamo della guerra rispetto a quello dell'amore - servono da exempla, dimostrando che attaccamento affettivo e dipendenza conducono inesorabilmente all'infelicità. Rispetto al canone epico Marinelli riscatta alcune figure femminili, permettendo alle sue guerriere di prendersi la rivincita, vendicando la morte di eroine quali Camilla e Clorinda. Conseguentemente, alcuni guerrieri sono destinati a morire per mano di una donna. Nel quarto capitolo, mi concentro proprio su La sconfitta degli eroi, mettendo in luce come l'autrice proponga una sua personale regola del contrappasso, volta a cambiare (e addirittura invertire) le sorti dei personaggi che animano il suo poema. Questi aspetti risultano essere ancora più significativi se confrontati con l'opera - data alle stampe per la prima volta nel 1600 - intitolata Nobiltà et eccellenza delle donne. In questo trattato Marinelli sosteneva la superiorità del genere femminile su quello maschile. Alcune delle posizioni assunte nello scritto giovanile sono confermate dai personaggi e dalle vicende che animano l'Enrico. Confronti puntuali fra trattato e poema epico sono effettuati nell'ultimo capitolo del mio lavoro, sottolineando come fra le due opere vi siano delle affinità volte a confermare l'eccellenza delle donne.