985 resultados para compressed natural gas


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Los resultados financieros de las organizaciones son objeto de estudio y anlisis permanente, predecir sus comportamientos es una tarea permanente de empresarios, inversionistas, analistas y acadmicos. En el presente trabajo se explora el impacto del tamao de los activos (valor total de los activos) en la cuenta de resultados operativos y netos, analizando inicialmente la relacin entre dichas variables con indicadores tradicionales del anlisis financiero como es el caso de la rentabilidad operativa y neta y con elementos de estadstica descriptiva que permiten calificar los datos utilizados como lineales o no lineales. Descubriendo posteriormente que los resultados financieros de las empresas vigiladas por la Superintendencia de Sociedades para el ao 2012, tienen un comportamiento no lineal, de esta manera se procede a analizar la relacin de los activos y los resultados con la utilizacin de espacios de fase y anlisis de recurrencia, herramientas tiles para sistemas caticos y complejos. Para el desarrollo de la investigacin y la revisin de la relacin entre las variables de activos y resultados financieros se tom como fuente de informacin los reportes financieros del cierre del ao 2012 de la Superintendencia de Sociedades (Superintendencia de Sociedades, 2012).


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En el ao 2010 el gobierno de Canad pblica su estrategia de poltica exterior hacia el rtico, en la cual manifiesta que esta regin es una de las principales prioridades del Gobierno de Stephen Harper en materia de poltica exterior. As las cosas, a partir de la perspectiva terica del realismo neoclsico la investigacin se enfoca en analizar por qu la seguridad nacional y la prosperidad econmica son los principales intereses de este Gobierno en la zona.


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En un mundo hiperconectado, dinmico y cargado de incertidumbre como el actual, los mtodos y modelos analticos convencionales estn mostrando sus limitaciones. Las organizaciones requieren, por tanto, herramientas tiles que empleen tecnologa de informacin y modelos de simulacin computacional como mecanismos para la toma de decisiones y la resolucin de problemas. Una de las ms recientes, potentes y prometedoras es el modelamiento y la simulacin basados en agentes (MSBA). Muchas organizaciones, incluidas empresas consultoras, emplean esta tcnica para comprender fenmenos, hacer evaluacin de estrategias y resolver problemas de diversa ndole. Pese a ello, no existe (hasta donde conocemos) un estado situacional acerca del MSBA y su aplicacin a la investigacin organizacional. Cabe anotar, adems, que por su novedad no es un tema suficientemente difundido y trabajado en Latinoamrica. En consecuencia, este proyecto pretende elaborar un estado situacional sobre el MSBA y su impacto sobre la investigacin organizacional.


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Este estudio de caso se realiza con el nimo de analizar la cooperacin militar existente entre Estados Unidos y Egipto durante el periodo de 2002 a 2008. De esta manera, se busca conocer la incidencia que dicha cooperacin tuvo en la seguridad fronteriza de Egipto e Israel. Para tal fin a lo largo del trabajo se proceder a exponer los principales aspectos del programa de cooperacin analizado, se identificaran las principales amenazas a la seguridad fronteriza de Egipto y de Israel y se describirn las principales acciones que en el marco de dicho programa de cooperacin militar se han tomado para hacerles frente a estas.


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El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigacin para definir una estrategia de comercializacin de GLP en cilindros de 15 kilos en la Ciudad de Quito. Capitulo I.- En este capitulo se inicia con esbozo de las generalidades del GLP (gas licuado de petrleo), as como tambin de una ligera presentacin de la empresa objeto del estudio. Capitulo II.- Parte fundamental de este capitulo constituye la priorizacin del anlisis del ambiente de la comercializadora y de su competencia, lo cual nos permite tener una idea preliminar de el tipo de estrategia a ser definido. Capitulo III.- Las principales manifestaciones de necesidades, comportamiento y segmentacin son tratados en este capitulo, del cual se despejan las ideas principales que tiene el consumidor final de GLP en la Ciudad de Quito. Capitulo IV.- El desarrollo de este capitulo esta centrado en el anlisis de la estrategia de diferenciacin y posicionamiento, la misma que permite definir cual es la mas apta para ser aplicada en la empresa. Capitulo V.- En este capitulo se establece las conclusiones y recomendaciones, las mismas que reflejan los resultados finales de la investigacin.


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At present, there is much anxiety regarding the security of energy supplies; for example, the UK and other European States are set to become increasingly dependant upon imports of natural gas from states with which political relations are often strained. These uncertainties are felt acutely by the electricity generating sector, which is facing major challenges regarding the choice of fuel mix in the years ahead. Nuclear energy may provide an alternative; however, in the UK, progress in replacing the first generation reactors is exceedingly slow. A number of operators are looking to coal as a means of plugging the energy gap. However, in the light of ever more stringent legal controls on emissions, this step cannot be taken without the adoption of sophisticated pollution abatement technology. This article examines the role which legal concepts such as Best Available Techniques (BAT) must play in bringing about these changes.


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We report here top-down emissions estimates for an African megacity. A boundary layer circumnavigation of Lagos, Nigeria was completed using the FAAM BAe146 aircraft as part of the AMMA project. These observations together with an inferred boundary layer height allow the flux of pollutants to be calculated. Extrapolation gives annual emissions for CO, NOx, and VOCs of 1.44 Tg yr1, 0.03 Tg yr1 and 0.37 Tg yr1 respectively with uncertainties of +250/60%. These inferred emissions are consistent with bottom-up estimates for other developing megacities and are attributed to the evaporation of fuels, mobile combustion and natural gas emissions.


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We report here top-down emissions estimates for an African megacity. A boundary layer circumnavigation of Lagos, Nigeria was completed using the FAAM BAe146 aircraft as part of the AMMA project. These observations together with an inferred boundary layer height allow the flux of pollutants to be calculated. Extrapolation gives annual emissions for CO, NOx, and VOCs of 1.44 Tg yr(-1), 0.03 Tg yr(-1) and 0.37 Tg yr(-1) respectively with uncertainties of (+250)/(-60%). These inferred emissions are consistent with bottom-up estimates for other developing megacities and are attributed to the evaporation of fuels, mobile combustion and natural gas emissions.


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Two unique large buildings in the Kingdom of Bahrain were selected for make-over to sustainable buildings. These are the Almoayyed Tower (the first sky scraper) and the Bahrain International Circuit, BIC (The best world Formula 1 Circuit). The amount of electricity extracted from using renewable energy resource (solar and wind), integrated to the buildings-has been studied thoroughly. For the first building, the total solar electricity from the PV installed at the roof and the 4 vertical facades was found 3 017 500 kWh annually (3 million kWh), i.e. daily energy of 8219 kWh (enough to Supply electricity for 171 houses, each is rated as 2 kW house-in Europe the standard is 1.2 kW). This means that the annual solar electricity produced will be nearly 3 million kWh. This correspond to annual CO, reduction of 3000 t (assuming each kWh of energy from natural gas lead to emission of 1 kg of CO2). For the second building (BIC) the solar electricity from PV panels installed at the roof top, fixed at tilt angle of 26 degrees facing south, will provide annual solar electricity of is 2.8 x 10(6) kWh. The solar electricity from PV panels installed on the windows (12,000 m(2)) will be 45.3 x 10(6) kWh. This means that the total annual electrical power from PV panels (windows and roofs) will be nearly 12 MW (32 kW per day). The CO2 reduction will be 48,000 t. Under the carbon trading or CDM scheme the revenue (or the reward) would be (sic)480,000 million annually (the reward is (sic)10 per tonnes of CO2). The BIC circuit can have diversified electricity supply, i.e. from solar radiation (PV), from solar heat (CSP) and from wind (wind turbines), assuring its sustainability as well as reducing the CO2 emission.


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The evaluation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from power generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a critical factor in energy and policy analysis. The current paper examines life cycle emissions from three types of fossil-fuel-based power plants, namely supercritical pulverized coal (super-PC), natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), with and without CCS. Results show that, for a 90% CO2 capture efficiency, life cycle GHG emissions are reduced by 75-84% depending on what technology is used. With GHG emissions less than 170 g/kWh, IGCC technology is found to be favorable to NGCC with CCS. Sensitivity analysis reveals that, for coal power plants, varying the CO2 capture efficiency and the coal transport distance has a more pronounced effect on life cycle GHG emissions than changing the length of CO2 transport pipeline. Finally, it is concluded from the current study that while the global warming potential is reduced when MEA-based CO2 capture is employed, the increase in other air pollutants such as NOx and NH3 leads to higher eutrophication and acidification potentials.


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Eddy-covariance measurements of carbon dioxide fluxes were taken semi-continuously between October 2006 and May 2008 at 190 m height in central London (UK) to quantify emissions and study their controls. Inner London, with a population of 8.2 million (~5000 inhabitants per km2) is heavily built up with 8% vegetation cover within the central boroughs. CO2 emissions were found to be mainly controlled by fossil fuel combustion (e.g. traffic, commercial and domestic heating). The measurement period allowed investigation of both diurnal patterns and seasonal trends. Diurnal averages of CO2 fluxes were found to be highly correlated to traffic. However changes in heating-related natural gas consumption and, to a lesser extent, photosynthetic activity that controlled the seasonal variability. Despite measurements being taken at ca. 22 times the mean building height, coupling with street level was adequate, especially during daytime. Night-time saw a higher occurrence of stable or neutral stratification, especially in autumn and winter, which resulted in data loss in post-processing. No significant difference was found between the annual estimate of net exchange of CO2 for the expected measurement footprint and the values derived from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI), with daytime fluxes differing by only 3%. This agreement with NAEI data also supported the use of the simple flux footprint model which was applied to the London site; this also suggests that individual roughness elements did not significantly affect the measurements due to the large ratio of measurement height to mean building height.


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Price movements in many commodity markets exhibit significant seasonal patterns. However, given an observed futures price, a deterministic seasonal component at the price level is not relevant for the pricing of commodity options. In contrast, this is not true for the seasonal pattern observed in the volatility of the commodity price. Analyzing an extensive sample of soybean, corn, heating oil and natural gas options, we find that seasonality in volatility is an important aspect to consider when valuing these contracts. The inclusion of an appropriate seasonality adjustment significantly reduces pricing errors in these markets and yields more improvement in valuation accuracy than increasing the number of stochastic factors.


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Energy intensity of the total primary energy supply (TPES), total final energy consumption (TFC) and LOSSES in the conversion from TPES to TFC were analyzed for the World, OECD and Rest of the World (ROW) countries. LOSSES increased significantly for all groups of countries due to the increase of electricity production from coal in the period studied (1971-2008). Electricity share final consumption almost doubled, increasing from 8.8% to 17.2% in the period studied. However the energy intensity of LOSSES remained practically constant, which reflects the fact that the efficiency of electricity generation from coal (the main source of electricity) remained practically constant in that period. Despite the attractiveness of end-use devices running on electricity such as computers, which is typical of modern societies, the CO(2) emissions are bound to increase unless coal is replaced by less carbon emitting sources such as natural gas, renewables and nuclear energy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Within the frame of the project REBUS, "Competitive solar heating systems for residential buildings", which is financed by Nordic Energy Research, a new type of compact solar combisystem with high degree of prefabrication was developed. A hydraulic and control concept was designed with the goal to get highest system efficiency for use with either a condensing natural gas boiler or a pellet boiler. Especially when using the potential of high peak power of modern condensing natural gas boilers, a new operation strategy of a natural gas boiler/solar combisystem can increase the energy savings of a small solar combisystem by about 80% compared to conventional operation strategies.


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Research on solar combisystems for the Nordic and Baltic countries have been carriedout. The aim was to develop competitive solar combisystems which are attractive tobuyers and to educate experts in the solar heating field.The participants of the projects were the universities: Technical University of Denmark,Dalarna University, University of Oslo, Riga Technical University and Lund Institute ofTechnology, as well as the companies: Metro Therm A/S (Denmark), Velux A/S(Denmark), Solentek AB (Sweden), SolarNor (Norway) and SIA Grandeg (Latvia).The project included education, research, development and demonstration. Theactivities started in 2003 and were finished by the end of 2006. A number of Ph.D.studies in Denmark, Sweden and Latvia, and a post-doc. study in Norway were carriedout. Close cooperation between the researchers and the industry partners ensured thatthe results of the projects can be utilized. The industry partners will soon be able tobring the developed systems into the market.In Denmark and Norway the research and development focused on solarheating/natural gas systems, and in Sweden and Latvia the focus was on solarheating/pellet systems. Additionally, Lund Institute of Technology and University ofOslo studied solar collectors of various types being integrated into the building.