1000 resultados para centre de dades
Introduction : Il essentiel pour les patients, mais aussi pour l'utilisation appropriée des ressources médicales et financières, que les centres pédiatriques oncologiques de moindre envergure répondent de manière adéquate aux normes de soins et atteignent des résultats comparables à ceux des grands centres. Étant donné que l'impact économique des soins de santé est devenu un important modulateur des décisions politiques, il est urgent que les institutions abordent le sujet de la qualité en chirurgie pédiatrique oncologique, et fournissent des éléments pour appuyer ou modifier les lignes directrices existantes Patients et méthode : Par cette étude monocentrique rétrospective de 13 ans, nous avons analysé la qualité de la chirurgie pédiatrique de tumeurs abdominales ou thoraciques du Département Médico-Chirurgical du CHUV pratiquée sur 48 enfants. Afin d'y parvenir, nous avons choisi et analysé deux indicateurs de la qualité de ces soins. Le premier est la conformité de la pratique de ce service, avec les directives des protocoles de traitements internationaux. Le second paramètre étudié est la mesure du taux d'événements indésirables liés à la chirurgie du cancer observés dans notre population de patients. Résultats : La conformité avec les protocoles de traitement est très élevée avec un taux de 96%. L'incidence des événements indésirables liés à la chirurgie est de 34 patients sur 48 (66%). Les complications graves sont rares, avec 85% ne nécessitant pas plus qu'un traitement médical simple. Aucune mortalité chirurgicale n'a été identifiée. Conclusion : Nos données suggèrent que la planification méticuleuse de la chirurgie et l'exécution de celle-ci par des chirurgiens dédiés à l'oncologie pédiatrique, ainsi qu'une étroite collaboration avec des oncologues pédiatres sont des conditions essentielles à la qualité des soins apportés à ces patients. Dans ces conditions, même un centre d'oncologie pédiatrique de moindre envergure peut répondre aux normes établies par les grands centres internationaux.
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Els recursos de la natura són finits, especialment les energies no renovables, un fet que no sembla que tinguin en compte molts dels responsables polítics i empresarials. L’autor es pregunta si serà possible mantenir el sistema de desenvolupament industrial iniciat ara fa 200 anys, amb l’explotació del carbó i, més tard, del petroli, del gas natural i de l’urani.Aquesta anàlisi es basa en dades de les grans agències de l’energia (l’Energy Information Administration, EIA, del Govern dels Estats Units, i l’Agència Internacional de l’Energia, IEA-AIE, de l’OCDE), com també en altres fonts estadístiques reconegudes a escala internacional, convenientment contrastades i reelaborades.Els resultats contradiuen moltes argumentacions oficials. Mostren que la crisi energètica serà profunda i que es manifestarà ja en la dècada actual: els recursos no s’acabaran immediatament, però l’escassetat de l’oferta davant de l’augment de la demanda qüestionarà el paradigma del creixement continu. Se suggereix que la crisi financera n’ha estat un preludi. La reducció energètica començarà amb el petroli, fet que comportarà la crisi del transport, el fre de les produccions globalitzades i, en darrera instància, la crisi alimentària (també als països desenvolupats!). El canvi climàtic –imparable, segons les tendències analitzades– serà una dificultat afegida a les readaptacions necessàries.Quin paper podria fer Europa en el futur, amb els recursos energètics ja exhaurits?
BACKGROUND: Uveal metastasis is the most common intraocular malignancy. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of all patients with uveal metastases referred to the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre between January 2007 and December 2012. Biopsy was performed as a primary investigation if the clinical examination suggested metastasis with no evidence of any extraocular metastases. RESULTS: Ninety-six patients (109 eyes) were included. Breast and lung carcinomas were the most common primary malignancies, affecting 41 and 27 patients, respectively. The median time interval between detection of primary cancer and uveal metastasis was 24 months (range 1-288 months). Thirty-nine patients underwent ocular biopsy, confirming the diagnosis in all patients. The biopsy indicated the site of origin in 24 out of the 27 without a known primary tumour. In 7 of these 27 cases, previous systemic investigations had failed to identify the primary tumour. Seventy-three patients received external beam irradiation; two patients received photodynamic therapy; and two patients had Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy. The visual acuity was stable or improved in 75.5% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate biopsy provides a quick diagnosis that may expedite treatment and improve any opportunities for conserving vision while facilitating the general oncologic management on these patients.
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: Comparative single centre analysis between ductal and mucinous type.
1. Background¦Adenocarcinomas of the pancreas are exocrine tumors, originate from ductal system, including two morphologically distinct entities: the ductal adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma. Ductal adenocarcinoma is by far the most frequent malignant tumor in the pancreas, representing at least about 90% of all pancreas cancers. It is associated with very poor prognosis, due to the fact that actually there are no any biological markers or diagnostic tools for identification of the disease at an early stage. Most of the time the disease is extensive with vascular and nerves involvement or with metastatic spread at the time of diagnosis (1). The median survival is less than 5% at 5 years, placing it, at the fifth leading cause of death by cancer in the world (2). The mucinous form of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is less frequent, and seems to have a better prognosis with about 57% survival at 5 years (1)(3)(4).¦Each morphologic type of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is associated with particular preneoplastic lesions. Two types of preneoplastic lesions are described: firstly, pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia (PanIN) which affects the small and peripheral pancreatic ducts, and the intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) interested the main pancreatic ducts and its principal branches. Both of preneoplastic lesions lead by different mechanisms to the pancreatic adenocarcinoma (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).¦The purpose of our study consists in a retrospective analysis of various clinical and histo-morphological parameters in order to assess a difference in survival between these two morphological types of pancreatic adenocarcinomas.¦1.2 Material and methods¦We conducted a retrospective analysis including 35 patients, (20 men and 15 women), beneficed the surgical treatment for pancreas adenocarcinoma at the Surgical Department of University Hospital in Lausanne. The patients involved in our study have been treated between 2003 and 2008, permitting at least 5-years mean follow up. For each patient the following parameters were analysed: age, gender, type of operation, type of preneoplastic lesions, TNM stage, histological grade of the tumor, vascular invasion, lymphatic and perineural invasion, resection margins, and adjuvant treatment.¦The results from these observations were included in a univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and compared with overall survival, as well as specific survival for each morphologic subtype of adenocarcinoma.¦As a low number of mucinous adenocarcinomas (n=5) was insufficient to conduct a pertinent statistical analysis, we compared the data obtained from adenocarcinomas developed on PanIN with adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN including both, ductal or mucinous types.¦1.3 Result¦Our results show that adenocarcinomas developed on pre-existing IPMN including both morphologic types (ductal and mucinous form) are associated with a better survival and prognosis than adenocarciomas developed on PanIN.¦1.4 Conclusion¦This study reflects that the most relevant parameter in survival in pancreatic adenocarcinoma seems to be the type of preneoplastic lesion. The significant difference in survival was noted between adenocarcinomas developing on PanIN as compared to adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN precursor lesions. Ductal adenocarcinomas developped on IPMN present significantly longer survival than those developed on PanIN lesions (P value= 0,01). Therefore we can suggest that the histological type of preneoplastic lesion rather than the histological type of adenocarcinoma should be the determinant prognosis factor in survival of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.