952 resultados para bus ridership


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Tämä työ on tehty Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle, joka on suunnitellut ja toteuttanut hybridibussin. Hybridibussin ajomoottorissa käytetään kaksoiskäämitystä, joka mahdollistaa bussin ajamisen vikatilanteessa, jossa toinen käämityksistä on epäkunnossa. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen kaksoiskäämitys toimii parhaiten tämän hybridibussin kestomagneettiajomoottorissa. Työssä tutustutaan ajomoottoreihin ja niiltä vaadittaviin ominaisuuksiin sekä vikasietoisiin sähkömoottoreihin. Tutkimuksessa löydettyihin vikasietoisiin ajomoottoreihin perustuen päädyttiin neljään kaksoiskäämitysvaihtoehtoon. Näitä kaksoiskäämityksiä tutkittiin FE-analyysiä hyödyntäen. Kaksoiskäämitysten toimintaa simuloitiin nimellis- ja vikatilanteessa. Simuloinnin tuloksista selvisi, että kaksoiskäämitys, jossa jokaisessa urassa oli puolet yhtä käämitystä ja puolet toista (kaksoiskäämitys 1), ei toiminut kunnolla nimellistilanteessa eikä vikatilanteessa. Suurin ongelma oli vikatilanteessa aiheutuva suuri oikosulkuvirta. Kaksoiskäämitys, jossa kaksi napaa oli samaa käämitystä (kaksoiskäämitys 2), toimi moitteettomasti nimellistilanteessa. Vikatilanteen toiminnassa kuitenkin havaittiin epäjaksollisuutta magneettivuontiheydessä, mikä on haitallista moottorin käynnille ja vaaraksi roottorille. Kaksoiskäämityksiä, joista ensimmäisessä oli neljäsosa konetta samaa käämitystä (kaksoiskäämitys 3) ja toisessa puolet koneesta samaa käämitystä (kaksoiskäämitys 4), tutkittiin vikatilanteessa vain magneettivuontiheyden osalta. Puolet ja puolet käämityn koneen osalta magneettivuontiheys osottautui epäjaksolliseksi kuten oli odotettu. Neljäsosiksi käämityn koneen magneettivuontiheys oli säännöllisen jaksollinen. Nimellispisteessä kaksoiskäämityksillä 3 ja 4 havaittiin suuri vääntöväre verrattuna kaksoiskäämityksiin 1 ja 2. Johtopäätöksenä kaksoiskäämitys 3 vaikuttaa lupaavalta, mikäli suuri nimellispisteen vääntöväre saadaan hallintaan käyttämällä uravinoutta staattorissa.


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Contient : « Liber Fortunæ, » poème religieux et moral, sous forme d'un songe, daté de 1345 ; « Testament maistre JEHAN DE MEUN, que on appelle le livre du Père, et du Filz et du saint Esperit » ; Grand codicille de JEAN DE MEUNG ; Passion de Jésus-Christ, en prose. « Qui de Dieu est de Dieu parole et garde ses euvres... » ; « Estrille Fauvel ; » en deux livres (16 déc. 1314), par GERVAIS DU Bus. — Cf. G. Paris, dans Histoire littéraire, XXXII, 136


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Frank Reynolds was in charge of the Rock at Brock featuring the Guess Who and 7 other Canadian Bands, held on the back field at Brock. It was a geat affair, with 40,000 in attendance and few incidents. The student union rented every bus the City of St Catharines owned and took everyone home at 1 AM when the event ended.


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Newly repainted signage on the Old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California; part of a campus renewal project in 1973. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Lounge area of the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Lounge area of the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Snack bar inside the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California in the 1970s. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Patio area of old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Patio area of the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Hungrey Panther entrance at the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Old Student Union patio remodel in progress, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Old Student Union patio remodel in progress, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. Signage on building also part of the campus renewal. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.


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Old Student Union building and patio remodel, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.