923 resultados para blood clotting factor 5
Human pregnancy is accompanied by a mild systemic inflammatory response, which includes the activation of monocytes circulating in maternal blood. This response is exaggerated in preeclampsia, a placental-dependent disorder specific to human pregnancies. We and others showed that placental syncytiotrophoblast membrane microparticles (STBM) generated in vitro from normal placentas stimulated peripheral blood monocytes, which suggest a contribution of STBM to the systemic maternal inflammation. Here, we analyzed the inflammatory potential of STBM prepared from preeclamptic placentas on primary monocytes and investigated the mode of action in vitro. STBM generated in vitro by placental villous explants of normal or preeclamptic placentas were co-incubated with human peripheral blood monocytes. In some cases, inhibitors of specific cellular functions or signaling pathways were used. The analysis of the monocytic response was performed by flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunoassays, real-time PCR, and fluorescence microscopy. STBM derived from preeclamptic placentas up-regulated the cell surface expression of CD54, and stimulated the secretion of the pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in a similar, dose-dependent manner as did STBM prepared from normal placentas. STBM bound to the cell surface of monocytes, but phagocytosis was not necessary for activation. STBM-induced cytokine secretion was impaired in the presence of inhibitors of toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling or when nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) activation was blocked. Our results suggest that the inflammatory reaction in monocytes may be initiated by the interaction of STBM with TLRs, which in turn signal through NF-κB to mediate the transcription of genes coding for pro-inflammatory factors.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether serous fluids, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and putrefied CSF can be characterized and differentiated in synthetically calculated magnetic resonance (MR) images based on their quantitative T 1, T 2, and proton density (PD) values. Images from 55 postmortem short axis cardiac and 31 axial brain 1.5-T MR examinations were quantified using a quantification sequence. Serous fluids, fluid blood, sedimented blood, blood clots, CSF, and putrefied CSF were analyzed for their mean T 1, T 2, and PD values. Body core temperature was measured during the MRI scans. The fluid-specific quantitative values were related to the body core temperature. Equations to correct for temperature differences were generated. In a 3D plot as well as in statistical analysis, the quantitative T 1, T 2 and PD values of serous fluids, fluid blood, sedimented blood, blood clots, CSF, and putrefied CSF could be well differentiated from each other. The quantitative T 1 and T 2 values were temperature-dependent. Correction of quantitative values to a temperature of 37 °C resulted in significantly better discrimination between all investigated fluid mediums. We conclude that postmortem 1.5-T MR quantification is feasible to discriminate between blood, serous fluids, CSF, and putrefied CSF. This finding provides a basis for the computer-aided diagnosis and detection of fluids and hemorrhages.
Transforming growth factor β2 (TGF-β2) is well known to stimulate the expression of pro-fibrotic connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) in several cell types including human mesangial cells. The present study demonstrates that TGF-β2 enhances sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5 (S1P5) mRNA and protein expression in a time and concentration dependent manner. Pharmacological and siRNA approaches reveal that this upregulation is mediated via activation of classical TGF-β downstream effectors, Smad and mitogen-activated protein kinases. Most notably, inhibition of Gi with pertussis toxin and downregulation of S1P5 by siRNA block TGF-β2-stimulated upregulation of CTGF, demonstrating that Gi coupled S1P5 is necessary for TGF-β2-triggered expression of CTGF in human mesangial cells. Overall, these findings indicate that TGF-β2 dependent upregulation of S1P5 is required for the induction of pro-fibrotic CTGF by TGF-β. Targeting S1P5 might be an attractive novel approach to treat renal fibrotic diseases.
Cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States for over fifty years. While multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease have been identified, hypertension is one of the most commonly recognized and treatable. Recent studies indicate that the prevalence of hypertension among children and adolescents is between 3-5%, much higher than originally estimated and likely rising due to the epidemic of obesity in the U.S. In 2004, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents published new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in this population. Included in these recommendations was the creation of a new diagnosis, pre-hypertension, aimed at identifying children at-risk for hypertension to provide early lifestyle interventions in an effort to prevent its ultimate development. In order to determine the risk associated with pre-hypertension for the development of incident HTN, a secondary analysis of a repeated cross-sectional study measuring blood pressure in Houston area adolescents from 2000 to 2007 was performed. Of 1006 students participating in the blood pressure screening on more than one occasion not diagnosed with hypertension at initial encounter, eleven were later found to have hypertension providing an overall incident rate of 0.5% per year. Incidence rates were higher among overweight adolescents–1.9% per year [IRR 8.6 (1.97, 51.63)]; students “at-risk for hypertension” (pre-hypertensive or initial blood pressure in the hypertensive range but falling on subsequent measures)–1.4% per year [IRR 4.77 (1.21, 19.78)]; and those with blood pressure ≥90th percentile on three occasions–6.6% per year [IRR 21.87 (3.40, 112.40)]. Students with pre-hypertension as currently defined by the Task Force did have an increased rate of hypertension (1.1% per year) but it did not reach statistical significance [IRR 2.44 (0.42, 10.18)]. Further research is needed to determine the morbidity and mortality associated with pre-hypertension in this age group as well as the effectiveness of various interventions for preventing the development of hypertensive disease among these at-risk individuals. ^
In Conroe, Texas, 492 students ages 5 to 15 participated in a screening examination for cardiovascular risk factor study. Among 492 students, 141 elementary and junior high students participated in the present sub-study to investigate the effect of the number of recent life events on blood pressure and on body mass index. Using the elementary and junior high school Coddington scales, life events occurring in the past 12 months were measured for students ages 9 to 14 years, no significant differences in life events were observed by age and sex. The number of life events was not related to blood pressure but was positively correlated to body mass index in children and adolescents. ^
La pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva se caracteriza por la aparición brusca de múltiples pápulas eritematosas, asintomáticas, rodeadas de un halo blanquecino, con remisión espontánea. Histológicamente se observa dilatación vascular con escaso infiltrado inflamatorio. Su etiología permanece incierta a pesar de ser relacionada con virus o picaduras de insectos. Basados en el compromiso vascular, el objetivo del trabajo fue investigar la actividad de la enzima endotelial oxido nítrico sintetasa (eNOS) y la expresión del factor NF-kB por inmunohistoquimica en un intento de esclarecer su patogenia. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron diez pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva (PAE) que presentaron la dermatosis en forma epidémica. Se realizaron biopsias teñidas con Hematoxilina-Eosina y Tricrómico de Masson. Se efectuó estudio virológico de los pacientes Nª 4, 9 y 10 mediante determinaciones serológicas para echovirus, enterovirus, citomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 y hepatitis A, B y C. En cinco pacientes se obtuvo material para determinación de eNOS y NF-kB. Resultados: Todos los pacientes, 5 hombres y 5 mujeres presentaron pápulas eritematosas rodeadas por un halo blanquecino, especialmente en las extremidades, alrededor de las rodillas. Histológicamente mostraron vasos dilatados y células endoteliales prominentes con un infiltrado discreto perivascular. Todos los estudios serológicos fueron negativos. La actividad de eNOS fue significativamente menor comparada con la piel normal (p= 0,002) y la expresión de NF- ĸB fue fuertemente positiva en los vasos de la dermis papilar y reticular. Conclusiones: Todos los pacientes fueron afectados en verano, por lo que la picadura del mosquito debe ser considerada como un factor etiológico. La baja expresión de eNOS está relacionada con la vasodilatación y la expresión aumentada de NF-ĸB confirma que el proceso es de tipo inflamatorio.
Prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in elderly people and can reach values as high as 40.5% of the population. It can be the result of the interaction among several factors. Vitamin B12 deficiencies have been associated with neurological, cognitive deterioration, haematological abnormalities and cardiovascular diseases that have an important influence on the health of the elderly and their quality of life. It is necessary to approach the problems arisen from the lack of data relative to them. The main objective of this thesis was to analyse the evolution of vitamin B12 status and related parameters, lipid and haematological profiles and their relationship to health risk factors, and to functional and cognitive status over one year and to determine the effect of an oral supplementation of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a short period of 28 days. An additional objective was to analyze the possible effects of medicine intakes on vitamin B status. Three studies were performed: a) a one year longitudinal follow-up with four measure points; b) an intervention study providing an oral liquid supplement of 500 μg of cyanocobalamin for a 28 days period; and c) analysis of the possible effect of medication intake on vitamin B status using the ATC classification of medicines. The participants for these studies were recruited from nursing homes for the elderly in the Region of Madrid. Sixty elders (mean age 84 _ 7y, 19 men and 41 women) were recruited for Study I and 64 elders (mean age 82 _ 7y, 24 men and 40 women) for Study II. For Study III, baseline data from the initially recruited participants of the first two studies were used. An informed consent was obtained from all participants or their mentors. The studies were approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Granada. Blood samples were obtained at each examination date and were analyzed for serum cobalamin, holoTC, serum and RBC folate and total homocysteine according to laboratory standard procedures. The haematological parameters analyzed were haematocrit, haemoglobin and MCV. For the lipid profile TG, total cholesterol, LDL- and HDLcholesterol were analyzed. Anthropometric measures (BMI, skinfolds [triceps and subscapular], waist girth and waist to hip ratio), functional tests (hand grip, arm and leg strength tests, static balance) and MMSE were obtained or administered by trained personal. The vitamin B12 supplement of Study II was administered with breakfast and the medication intake was taken from the residents’ anamnesis. Data were analyzed by parametric and non-parametric statistics depending on the obtained data. Comparisons were done using the appropriate ANOVAs or non-parametric tests. Pearsons’ partial correlations with the variable “time” as control were used to define the association of the analyzed parameters. XIII The results showed that: A) Over one year, in relationship to vitamin B status, serum cobalamin decreased, serum folate and mean corpuscular volumen increased significantly and total homocysteine concentrations were stable. Regarding blood lipid profile, triglycerides increased and HDL-cholesterol decreased significantly. Regarding selected anthropometric measurements, waist circumference increased significantly. No significant changes were observed for the rest of parameters. B) Prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia was high in the elderly studied, ranging from 60% to 90 % over the year depending on the cut-off used for the classification. LDL-cholesterol values were high, especially among women, and showed a tendency to increase over the year. Results of the balance test showed a deficiency and a tendency to decrease; this indicates that the population studied is at high risk for falls. Lower extremity muscular function was deficient and showed a tendency to decrease. A highly significant relationship was observed between the skinfold of the triceps and blood lipid profile. C) Low cobalamin concentrations correlated significantly with low MMSE scores in the elderly studied. No correlations were observed between vitamin B12 status and functional parameters. D) Regarding vitamin B12 status, holo-transcobalamin seems to be more sensitive for diagnosis; 5-10% of the elderly had a deficiency using serum cobalamin as a criterion, and 45-52% had a deficiency when using serum holotranscobalamin as a criterion. E) 500 μg of cyanocobalamin administered orally during 28 days significantly improved vitamin B12 status and significantly decreased total homocysteine concentrations in institutionalized elderly. No effect of the intervention was observed on functional and cognitive parameters. F) The relative change (%) of improvement of vitamin B12 status was higher when using serum holo-transcobalamin as a criterion than serum cobalamin. G) Antiaenemic drug intake normalized cobalamin, urologic drugs and corticosteroids serum folate, and psychoanaleptics holo-transcobalamin levels. Drugs treating pulmonary obstruction increased total homocysteine concentration significantly. H) The daily mean drug intake was 5.1. Fiftynine percent of the elderly took medication belonging to 5 or more different ATC groups. The most prevalent were psycholeptic (53%), antiacid (53%) and antithrombotic (47%) drugs.
Una de las cuestiones que más me ha interesado durante el tiempo que he estado cursando estudios en el Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Madrid, y posteriormente en mi actividad educativa, es la posible relación entre la condición, la capacidad o el rendimiento físico o deportivo y la capacidad del rendimiento intelectual, así como las matizaciones posibles dentro de este amplísimo y complejo tema. Muchas veces he tenido que escuchar de compañeros en las tareas educativas, afirmaciones rotundas sin ninguna base científica acerca de la relación positiva o negativa, aunque casi siempre negativa, entre la capacidad física e intelectual, muy a menudo hechos en base a un sujeto que suspende prácticamente todas sus asignaturas y sin embargo obtiene sobresaliente en su calificación de Educación Física. No siendo este un caso muy frecuente, a estos educadores no se les ha ocurrido pensar en que la causa de esa diferencia tan destacada en el nivel de calificaciones, pueda ser la motivación y no la capacidad, tampoco piensan aun en el caso de que lo que hiciese la diferencia fuese una cuestión de capacidades, el que se produzca en algún caso aislado no implica ni que tenga que ocurrir siempre ni que a nivel general exista una relación negativa. La observación directa de los niños componentes de los equipos de baloncesto del colegio en el que imparto mis clases, me ha hecho ver que la mayor parte de ellos obtienen buenos rendimientos académicos, pocos mediocres, y muy pocos realmente bajos. Estos niños han sido seleccionados para formar parte de los equipos fundamentalmente por su buena condición física, lo cual podría hacer pensar en una posible relación, aunque no necesaria, entre condición física y rendimiento académico. Sin embargo gran cantidad de factores aparte de la inteligencia pueden influir en el mencionado rendimiento. Llegando el momento de plantear la realización de mi trabajo fin de carrera, en gran parte mediatizado por todo lo expuesto anteriormente, decidí centrarlo en la posible relación entre los diversos factores de la condición física, ésta misma y la inteligencia general. Teniendo en cuenta que estos son los factores más primarios y por consiguiente los que menos se van a ver influenciados por otros.