974 resultados para analogy calculation


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Far-infrared transitions in polar semiconductors are known to be affected by the presence of shallow donor impurities, external magnetic fields and the electron-LO-phonon interaction. We calculate the magnetodonor states in indium phosphide by a diagonalization procedure, and introduce the electron-phonon interaction by the Frohlich term. The main effects of this perturbation are calculated by a multi-level version of the Wigner-Brillouin theory. We determine the transition energies, from the ground state to excited states, and find good qualitative agreement with recently reported absorption-spectroscopy measurements in the 100-800 cm(-1) range, with applied magnetic fields up to 30 T. Our calculations suggest that experimental peak splittings in the 400-450 cm(-1) range are due to the electron-phonon interaction.


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We describe the ideas behind the package 'isometry', implemented in Maple to calculate isometry groups of dimensions 2, 3 and 4 in General Relativity. The package extends the functionality of previous programs written to perform invariant classification of space-times in General Relativity. Programming solutions used to surmount problems encountered with the calculation of eigenvectors and the determination of the signs of expressions are described. We also show how the package can be used to find the Killing vectors of a space-time.


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Using the flexibility and constructive definition of the Schwinger bases, we developed different mapping procedures to enhance different aspects of the dynamics and of the symmetries of an extended version of the two-level Lipkin model. The classical limits of the dynamics are discussed in connection with the different mappings. Discrete Wigner functions are also calculated. © 1995.


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Moun-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to carbon and oxygen nuclei employing a full quantum-mechanical few-body description of rearrangement scattering were studied by solving the Faddeev-Hahn-type equations using close-coupling approximation. The application of a close-coupling-type ansatz led to satisfactory results for direct muon-transfer reactions from muonic hydrogen to C6+ and O8+.


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We present angular basis functions for the Schrödinger equation of two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates. By using the hyperspherical adiabatic approach, the wave functions of two-electron systems are expanded in analytical functions, which generalizes the Jacobi polynomials. We show that these functions, obtained by selecting the diagonal terms of the angular equation, allow efficient diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for all values of the hyperspherical radius. The method is applied to the determination of the 1S e energy levels of the Li + and we show that the precision can be improved in a systematic and controllable way. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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A basis-set calculation scheme for S-waves Ps-He elastic scattering below the lowest inelastic threshold was formulated using a variational expression for the transition matrix. The scheme was illustrated numerically by calculating the scattering length in the electronic doublet state: a=1.0±0.1 a.u.


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There is no agreement among authors that study fish condition by the allometric method (K=W/Lb) with regard to the best procedure for b coefficient calculation. Some authors use a constant coefficient for all sub-samples (seasons of the year, for instance), whilst others calculate b value for each sub-sample. To demonstrate which of these methods fits better, this study verified that the use of one b value for each sub-sample leads to distortion of Condition Factor values. Comparing the two tested methods, it may be concluded that the method which calculates b coefficient from groupings of all individuals and uses b as a constant value for all sub-samples is the most convenient method to study fish condition.


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First-principles quantum-mechanical techniques, based on density functional theory (B3LYP level) were employed to study the electronic structure of ordered and deformed asymmetric models for Ba0.5Sr 0.5TiO3. Electronic properties are analyzed and the relevance of the present theoretical and experimental results on the photoluminescence behavior is discussed. The presence of localized electronic levels in the band gap, due to the symmetry break, would be responsible for the visible photoluminescence of the amorphous state at room temperature. Thin films were synthesized following a soft chemical processing. Their structure was confirmed by x-ray data and the corresponding photoluminescence properties measured.


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Three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms, as any tool for power systems analysis, require reliable impedances and models in order to obtain accurate results. Kron's reduction procedure, which embeds neutral wire influence into phase wires, has shown good results when three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms based on current summation method were used. However, Kron's reduction can harm reliabilities of some algorithms whose iterative processes need loss calculation (power summation method). In this work, three three-phase three-wire power flow algorithms based on power summation method, will be compared with a three-phase four-wire approach based on backward-forward technique and current summation. Two four-wire unbalanced medium-voltage distribution networks will be analyzed and results will be presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.


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This paper presents some initial concepts for including reactive power in linear methods for computing Available Transfer Capability (ATC). It is proposed an approximation for the reactive power flows computation that uses the exact circle equations for the transmission line complex flow, and then it is determined the ATC using active power distribution factors. The transfer capability can be increased using the sensitivities of flow that show the best group of buses which can have their reactive power injection modified in order to remove the overload in the transmission lines. The results of the ATC computation and of the use of the sensitivities of flow are presented using the Cigré 32-bus system. © 2004 IEEE.


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Proton radiation therapy is a precise form of radiation therapy, but the avoidance of damage to critical normal tissues and the prevention of geographical tumor misses require accurate knowledge of the dose delivered to the patient and the verification of his position demand a precise imaging technique. In proton therapy facilities, the X-ray Computed Tomography (xCT) is the preferred technique for the planning treatment of patients. This situation has been changing nowadays with the development of proton accelerators for health care and the increase in the number of treated patients. In fact, protons could be more efficient than xCT for this task. One essential difficulty in pCT image reconstruction systems came from the scattering of the protons inside the target due to the numerous small-angle deflections by nuclear Coulomb fields. The purpose of this study is the comparison of an analytical formulation for the determination of beam lateral deflection, based on Molière's theory and Rutherford scattering with Monte Carlo calculations by SRIM 2008 and MCNPX codes. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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For intricate automotive systems that enclose several components, such as gearboxes, an important aspect of the design is defining the correct assembly parameters. A proper assembly can ensure optimized operating conditions and therefore the components can achieve a longer life. In the case of the support bearings applied to front-axle lightweight differentials, the assembly preload is a major aspect for an adequate performance of the system. During the design phase it is imperative to define reference values to this preload, so the application would endure its requirements. However, with the assistance of computer simulations, it is possible to determine an optimum condition of operation, i.e. optimum pre-load, which would increase the system reliability. This paper presents a study on the influence of preload on the rating life of tapered roller bearings applied to light-weight front axle differentials, evaluating how preload affects several key parameters such as rating life and displacement of components, taking into account the flexibility of the surrounding differential housing. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of interest to the user. Moreover, with that interface irrigation districts where water consumption is higher can be analyzed as a function of specific seasonal water demands situations. From a practical application, it is possible to conclude that the program provides the calculation originally proposed. It was designed to keep information organized and retrievable at any time, and to show simulation on seasonal water demands throughout the year, contributing with the elements of study concerning reservoir projects. This program, with its functionality, is an important tool for decision making in the water resources management.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)