999 resultados para alto rio Tietê
O recurso pesqueiro da bacia do rio Cuiabá, um dos mais importantes tributários da bacia do Alto Paraguai, formadora do Pantanal, foi estudado a partir dos dados de desembarque de pescado obtidos no Mercado do Porto de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. São descritas a composição e procedência das capturas para os anos de 2000 e 2001. O rio Cuiabá é a fonte dominante de pescado para a cidade de Cuiabá, mas uma parte do pescado comercializado localmente é oriunda do rio Paraguai. Além disso, atualmente o pescado vem de regiões mais distantes da zona urbana. Constatou-se que a pesca incide basicamente sobre espécies migradoras. As principais espécies capturadas foram os pimelodídeos pintado -Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, cachara -Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum e jaú -Paulicea luetkeni e os caraciformes pacu -Piaractus mesopotamicus, piraputanga -Brycon microlepis, piavuçu -Leporinus macrocephalus e dourado -Salminus brasiliensis. Os grandes bagres (Pimelodidae) foram os responsáveis por 70% do pescado desembarcado no período de estudo, dentre os quais o pintado foi a espécie mais capturada. Os dados indicam que as capturas atuais estão bem aquém daquelas registradas no início da década de 80. Além disso, apesar do número e composição de espécies capturadas serem similares àqueles da década de 80, a distribuição da abundância mudou. Atualmente a pesca captura mais espécies carnívoras do que espécies de níveis tróficos inferiores. Estes achados não podem ser creditados somente a sobrepesca, mas parecem resultar de uma complexa interação entre degradação ambiental, mudanças na preferência de mercado e medidas legais restritivas à pesca.
O gênero Pseudotocinclus é revisado e duas novas espécies são descritas: Pseudotocinclus juquiae da bacia do rio Ribeira de Iguape e Pseudotocinclus parahybae da bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul. A presença de uma pequena área nua na ponta do focinho distingue P. tietensis de P. parahybae e P. juquiae, que apresentam a ponta do focinho coberta por pequenas placas. Além disso, P. tietensis tem quatro bandas transversas marrom-escuras na região dorsal do corpo, fundidas com uma barra mediana lateral, ao invés de três bandas, como nas demais espécies. Pseudotocinclus juquiae distingue-se de suas congêneres pela presença de um anel orbital muito proeminente e conspícuo não observado em P. tietensis ou P. parahybae. As três espécies também diferem quanto a seus dados morfométricos e merísticos. São apresentados comentários a respeito das conexões pretéritas das bacias dos rios Ribeira de Iguape, alto Tietê e Paraíba do Sul.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The geographic area of the present study corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course (Figure 1), in the portion that extends from the tributaries of its source, in the east of the plateau Correntes/Itiquira, in the neighbourhoods the city of Alto Garç as, to the scarp of the São Jerônimo mountain range, toward the west of Itiquira, in the state of Mato Grosso, totalizing 5,361 km 2. The area is placed in the eastern part of the Alto Paraguai basin, in the western portion of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin plateau. Through GIS techniques, it was possible to asses total soil losses from the Itiquira river basin, considering the years of 1966, 1985 and 1996, being based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thus, in 1966 the basin lost 201,546.94 ton of soil, with an average loss of 0.37 ton/ha/year. Considering that the total area of the Itiquira river basin is of 536,100 ha, while in 1985 the soil losses had passed to 1,760,833.40 ton, with an increase of approximately 8.5 times. The average of soil losses in 1985 was of 3.28 ton/ha/year. In 1996 the basin lost 1,662,043.24 ton, with a reduction of only 9.4% in relation to 1985 but, in relation the 1966, the increase continued in the order of 8 times. The average losses per hectare in this year was in the order of 3.10 ton/ha/year (Chart 1). The map of potential of the laminar erosion for 1966 (Figure 3), shows to the highest values in small areas, situated in the northeast of the area, in Alto Garças, with values between 10 the 20 ton/ha/year and some spots in sources of the Itiquira and Ariranha rivers, with values between 1 the 5 ton/ha/year. In a general way, however, the area presents low soil loss for laminar erosion in this year, with inferior values to 1 ton/ha/year. The higher class of erosion, over 10 ton/ha/year, occupied 2,947 ha in 1966. In the year of 1985 (Figure 4), the erosive process spread over the entire studied area, and the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year, already started to occupy 78,437 ha, implying an increase of approximately 27 times in 19 years. A strong increment in the erosive process was noticed in the western part of the area, to along the BR-163 road, exactly where great areas of natural vegetation (open pasture) had been transformed in culture and pasture areas. In the north-eastern part of the area it was also noticed an increment in the erosive process in agreement with the increase of culture areas and reduction of the natural areas, but it was not of so intense form as in the western portion of the area. In the year of 1996 (Figure 5), the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year had diminished for a total of 53.499 ha noticing a retraction of the erosive process in the western part of the area, alongside the BR-163 road. On the other hand, it occurred a strong increment in the northern part of the area, in the neighbourhoods of the city of Alto Garças, alongside the BR-364 road and part of the MT-040 road. In a general way, in the outskirts of the city of Itiquira, in the central part of the area, it was verified an increase of the amount of zones with erosion between 0-1 ton/ha/year, passing to the immediately superior class, of 1-3 ton/ha/year; scarce data of hydrosedimentology in the UHE Itiquira (1999), shows good agreement with the values gotten for the EUPS (Chart 2). Based on the hydric classification proposal for FAO (1967) (Chart 3), it is noticed that areas with high degree of erosion (> 50) in the analysed area are very restricted, occupying 493 ha in 1985 and 332 ha in 1996 (Chart 4). In 1996 appeared as isolated spots in the north of Itiquira and Alto Garças, however beyond limits of the Itiquira river basin. These areas require special cares in its use as agricultural areas. Aiming at identifying and indicating the areas of potential risk of erosion and that need implementation of conservation practices, it was elaborated the map of limit of tolerance to the soil losses. In 1966 (Figure 6), areas with soil losses over of the tolerable were restricted to small spots located in the eastern part of the area, occupying 0.43% of the total of the area; already in 1985 (Figure 7), this percentage passed to 5.86%, spreading for all the area; in 1996 (Figure 8) it is observed a fast reduction of the areas with soil losses over of the tolerance limit, passing 5.43% of the total of the area. All the areas with losses over of the tolerable value must be considered as risk areas and were done in these areas studies for implementation of conservation practices.
The Permo-Carboniferous Harare Group crops out in the Matra area, represented by Campo do Tenente, Mafra and Rio do Sul formations; they correspond in subsurface to Lagoa Azul, Campo Mourão and Tacïba formations. A composite sampling of the Group was performed through drilling of six wells, which average 60 m in depth; three of them cored the depositional sequence here designated as Upper Mafra\Lower Rio do Sul. The Upper Mafra Formation were sampled by TC-4 and BR-5 wells, and it consists of three units: the lower two are sandy, glacial-deltaic and fluvial-deltaic in origin, corresponding to a lowstand tract. The last unit is composed of two dirtying-upward successions of sandstone, diamictite and rhythmite, interpreted as deglaciation/transgressive events, and well represented in BR-5 drilling. The Lower-Rio do Sul Formation (Lontras Shale) is formed by two marine units: the lower one is represented by shale and bioturbated siltstone which culminate the previous deglaciation, transgressive succession, while the upper one, sampled by SL-2 well, is formed by shale and thin, turbidite sandstone, attributed to a highstand tract.
Conectivity between the hydrologic regimen and the distribution of the vegetation there is already a lot is recognized by several researchers in the works of fluvial ecology. It can be affirmed that the geomorphology of the alluvial plain has an important paper in the constitution of the riparian vegetation. On the proposed study, traverse topographical profiles were elaborated in the island, recognition of the distribution of the vegetation and the zoning geomorphologic presented in profiles for the Mutum Island. It's located in the upper course of the Parana River, between the mouth of the Paranapanema River and the mouth of the Ivinhema River. It elapses of this study the succession of the strata of the riparian vegetation and the relationship with the morphology of the surface, in this case the relief as the main controller abiotic and selective of the species in the environmental. For the whole island it was possible to define three classes: Mutum Upper Unit, Mutum Lower Unit and Paleochannel. The presented discussion is resulted partial of the project called Processes of Conectivity and the Riparian Vegetacion in the high course of the Parana River, PR/MS.
Rio Apa Massif crops out in the Mato Grosso do Sul state and corresponds to the southeastern portion of the Amazonian Craton dominantly Paleoproterozoic in age. Rio Apa Complex is oldest and it is composed mainly by migmatitic orthogneisses, beyond amphybolites, tonalities and granodiorite. Alto Tererê Group is composed by schists, biotitemuscovite gneisses and micaceous quartzites generally rich in garnets, beyond metabasic rocks of low amphibolite facies. The Amoguijá Group is constituted by Alumiador Intrusive Suite, which is represented by a sieno to monzogranitic batholith and Serra da Bocaina Volcanic Suite composed of volcanoclastic rocks of alkali riolites to monzoriolites compositions and pyroclastic products. Overlaying towards East and South occurs Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from the Paraguai Folded Belt (Cuiabá, Corumbá and Jacadigo Groups - Urucum Formation). Structural-metamorphic framewok is identified by five deformational phases but the actual tectonic and metamorphic structure shows the superposed tectonic array of the Paraguai Folded Belt. Rocks from Rio Apa Complex, Alto Tererê Group and Amoguijá Group record an older structural evolution defined by (Dn-1 and Dn). The deformational phases (Dn+1 and Dn+2) are visible mainly in rocks of Paraguai Folded Belt beyond the last deformation (Dn+3) that imprints all sequences.
The Rio Apa Massif corresponds to the southeastern portion of the Amazonian Craton and crops out in the Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. It is constituted by rocks of paleoproterozoic age of Rio Apa Complex, Alto Tererê Group and the plutonic-volcanic suites of the Amoguijá Group, subdivided in Alumiador Intrusive suits and Serra da Bocaina Volcanic. The Volcanic Suite is represented by São Francisco and Bocaina mountains and is constituted by terms of the composition of alkali - rhyolitic to rhyolitic, including in minor amounts riodacite, andesite and dacite. It consists of a variety of textual subvolcanic rocks, volcanic and varied volcanoclastics. The pyroclastic deposits are very expressive and consist of pyroclastic particle immerse in aphanitic matrix, fine grained or amorphous, where quartz, feldspar, chlorite, sericite, microlithes of carbonate, sparse spherulites and reliquiar volcanic glass can be distinguished. The pyroclastic rocks are represented by breccias, ignimbrites, agglomerate, tuffs, lapillistones and pumices and contain commonly vitroclasts, lithoclasts and crystalloclasts, pumices, fiammes, glass shards, spherulites, vesicles and amygdales. They are calc-alkaline rocks with dominant peraluminous character high to middle potassium series and define a sin-colisional dominant tectonic and are genetically associated to the evolution of the Amoguijá Magmatic Arc.
The Rio Preto Hydrographic Basin (RPHB) is located in the North-central portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 30 km ENE of the city of Diamantina. The sources of the stream of that name are found in the Rio Preto State Park, which has an area of 10,755 hectares. The total area, perimeter, extension, and axial length of the RPHB, as well as other morphometric characteristics, with emphasis on shape indexes, were obtained with the help of the ArcGis 9.2 program. The cartographic data were taken from digitalized topographic charts in a scale of 1:100,000 of the Brazilian Geographical Institute (IBGE). The measured drainage area is of 389.3 km2 and the perimeter is 136.9 km. Due to structural influence, the shape of the RPHB is irrgular and elongated, with drainage developed in a dendritic and parallel pattern. Those characteristics were checked by means of the compaxity coefficient and the shape factor. The first one was estimated in 1.94, what implies that the basin is not subject to fast flooding in years with normal precipitation. The high degree of fluvial downcutting of the basin is confirmed by the fact that it is a 5th order basin, it presents a significant branching rate and a medium drainage density.
Rio Branco Rapakivi Batholith is located on the southwestern portion of the Amazonian Craton in Mato Grosso and belongs to the Cachoeirinha Tectonic Domain, part of the Rio Negro-Juruena Geochronological Province, Central Brasil. The batholith is constituted by microgabbros to quartz microgabbros and microdiorites to quartz microdiorites, middle to fine-grained equigranular to porphyritic varieties form the Rio Branco Intrusive Basic Suite, showing a discontinuous distribution and located near the margins of the intrusion.Majorly constituted by porphyritic, granophyric and isotropic facies of Rio Branco Intrusive Acid Suit which is composed by older dark red rapakivi monzogranites to quartz monzonites and quartz sienites (1403±0.6 Ma) and the younger red rapakivi leuco-monzogranites (1382±49 Ma) and late equigranular to pegmatitic monzogranites. The magmatism is constituted by two distinct magmas related to the end of the collisional event of Cachoeirinha Orogeny, one with alkaline basalts generated in an intraplate environment and the other postorogenic to anorogenic with peraluminous to metaluminous compositions and define a high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism in transition among the I- and A-types. The contacts are marked by extensive mafic sills and dikes of alkaline basalts derived from intraplate environment of the Salto do Céu Intrusive Basic Suite (±808 Ma) associate to the Sunsás-Aguapei Orogenic Belt and metasedimentary rocks of the Aguapeí Grup.
The Rio Apa Massif corresponds the southern portion of the Amazon Craton and is located in the southwest of Mato Grosso do Sul State. It consists on Paleoproterozoic rocks of Rio Apa Complex, Alto Tererê Group and Amonguijá Group, is subdivided into Alumiador Plutonic Suite and Serra da Bocaina Volcanic Suite. The volcanic suite is comprises sub volcanic, volcanic and varied volcanoclastics rocks with composition ranging from alkali-rhyolitic to rhyolite types. The plutonic suite corresponds to an N-S elongated batholith and is characterized by four main segments delimited by NW-SE faults. The southern and central main segments, discussed in this paper, are characterized by the following petrographic facies: medium to fine grained hornblende-biotite monzogranites, coarse grained biotite monzogranites, graphic biotite sienogranites and muscovite sienogranites and the northern segment is contemporaneous and is composed of two different sequences of rocks, one acid and another of basic to ultrabasic composition. The southern and central segment consists of to chemically compatible rocks with the types I and A Granites. These are calc-alkaline rocks of high potassium to the shoshonitic and subalkaline. Constitute sin-collisional granites of metaluminous the peraluminous characters of the Amonguijá Magmatic Arc, but they exhibit late litotypes with chemical characteristics of post tectonic granites from intraplate environment.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)