999 resultados para agregação de valor
El beneficio para la salud del consumo diario de al menos 5 raciones entre frutas y hortalizas está bien documentado. En España no se alcanzan los 600 gramos por persona y día que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en sus objetivos de salud pública, por lo que es importante mejorar el acceso a estos alimentos, aprovechar su potencial nutritivo y salvar las barreras para su consumo. Los objetivos de este documento son: facilitar la toma de decisiones responsables con la salud; aprovechar al máximo el valor nutritivo de frutas y hortalizas; ayudar a salvar las barreras para su consumo e informar sobre cómo afecta la conservación, manipulación y cocinado domésticos a su valor nutritivo. Para minimizar la pérdida de nutrientes y mejorar su biodisponibilidad durante la manipulación de frutas y hortalizas, la Asociación para la promoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas"5 al día" (España) recomienda: evitar almacenamientos prolongados en el refrigerador; aprovechar las capas y hojas exteriores; pelar y/o cortar el alimento justo antes de consumirlo; lavar las piezas enteras y trocearlas posteriormente; controlar el tiempo de remojo de las piezas cortadas; preferir técnicas de cocinado que no requieran contacto directo con el agua; a menor tiempo de cocción, menor pérdida de nutrientes; la fritura correcta conserva muy bien los nutrientes, aunque no debe abusarse de esta técnica; añadir un chorrito de vinagre o de zumo de limón al agua de cocción; aprovechar el agua de los vegetales cocidos para elaborar otros alimentos (ej.: salsas, sopas, purés, etc.), excepto la de acelgas, espinacas o remolacha. La Asociación"5 al día" recomienda aumentar el consumo de frutas y hortalizas, y considera que la pérdida de nutrientes durante su manipulación doméstica no debe entenderse como una barrera para su consumo.
Rhynchophorol (6-Methyl-2-hepten-4-ol) is the major constituent of the aggregation pheromone of Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which is released by males of this species. The racemic mixture has been produced in one step-simplified preparation. The pheromone is placed into ampoules and furnished to coconut farmers. In the field, traps baited with Rhynchophorol and pieces of sugarcane attract both males and females, reducing the population of R. palmarum. The best conditions for field application are showed.
Les revistes, els periòdics, els gravats i altres impresos que van sortir de les impremtes dels grups escolars del Patronat Escolar són el testimoni directe dels nens i les nenes que van viure una revolució pedagògica molt intensa en un període de temps molt reduït, ja que la guerra va estroncar el projecte educatiu. Concretament, analitzarem dues fonts documentals procedents del Grup Escolar Lluís Vives: d"una banda, el primer i únic número de la revista Vives, publicat el maig del 1936, i de l"altra, la carpeta de linogravats titulada Llibre de la natura. Ambdues publicacions permeten fer-nos una idea bastant ajustada de com era l"escola, quins eren els mètodes d"aprenentatge que se seguien i quins valors s"hi fomentaven. En definitiva, constitueixen un testimoni del dietari pedagògic de l"escola i ens permeten ratificar els idearis dels grups escolars del Patronat Escolar i de les escoles municipals de Barcelona durant la II República.
Segons dades de Biocat, Catalunya té el 21% de les empreses del sector biotecnològic espanyol que mouen més de 15.000 milions d'euros i ocupen més de 22.000 persones. A final del 2011, en el sector hi constaven 1.156 empreses i entitats, incloent-hi centres de recerca. De les 481 empreses, un 84% són d'origen català. Una part important són d'R+D+I i d'àmbit en què les universitats i centres de recerca catalans estan més ben situats en els rànquings internacionals
L’objectiu d’aquesta treball és proposar un model de relacions causals i unes hipòtesis de treball sobre la lleialtat dels turistes a les destinacions transfrontereres en el context de la Unió Europea
Este trabajo analiza cómo se puede crear valor a través del uso de las TIC. Para ello se utiliza el Modelo de creación de valor en e-business desarrollado por Amit y Zott (2001) y se aplica a una tipología de nuevos intermediarios que opera en el sector de los contenidos digitales: gregadores de noticias. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha realizado un estudio exploratorio y un estudio de casos a través de entrevistas personales con informadores estratégicos y un análisis del contenido de las páginas web de 56 empresas relacionadas con el sector y cuestionarios, principalmenteSe han analizado empresas de EEUU, Canadá, España, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Suiza
The difference between the actual ECN 42 triacylglyceride content in vegetable oils, obtained by HPLC analysis, and the theoretical value calculated from the fatty acid composition was applied to detect the addition of seed oils with high contents of linoleic acid to olive oils commercialized in Brazil. The results indicate that samples analyzed were probably adulterated with low commercial value seed oils, rich in linoleic acid, like soybean, sunflower or corn.
The enzymatic modification of proteins has been widely studied with the aim of add value to low commercial value fish. The objective of this work was to evaluate and optimize the parameters involved in the production process of an enzymatic protein hydrolyzed with high protein content. The results showed that for Alcalase the most significant parameters were temperature, pH and substrate concentration and for Flavourzyme were pH, substrate concentration and enzyme concentration. It was obtained for Alcalase a predictive model for the recovered nitrogen and for Flavourzyme a predictive model for the hydrolysis degree.
A brief comment about general characteristics of polysaccharide was presented. Brazilian trade of polysaccharides was obtained from the "Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior" - Brazil. A list of these products was prepared and their price and amount analyzed in the period of 1998-2007. Some chemical properties and application of polysaccharides from our biodiversity was described. In this review they were classified by origin, in vegetal (exudate, seed, fruit, seaweed), animal and bacteria source. There is a trade deficit that can be reverted if part of the accumulated scientific knowledge was used to promote the national economic development in the field.
Chemical modification of clays is possible due to their ion-exchange and adsorption capacities, which allows the adjustment of the physicochemical properties of the surfaces of their layers. This modification makes possible the use of clays to produce a great number of new materials, which range from coarse applications such as oil based drilling fluids to refined applications such as pharmaceutical products. This article intends to expose where there is still space for research and investment aiming at the performance improvement of clay-based materials.
The pheromones of the weevils has been the most studied and used so far for Coleoptera species. The majority of reported weevil pheromones is produced by males and usually attract both sexes. The identified pheromone compounds are classified in two categories: ten-carbon compounds with terpenoid branching and compounds of various sizes, apparently of fatty-acid origin. These pheromone structural categories are consistent within subfamilies. This review aims to give an overview of the aggregation pheromones identified for Curculionidae pests, describing the relationship of the molecules structural pattern among subfamilies, and propose an identification key based on the structure of the pheromone components.
The energies involved in the combustion, under atmosphere of oxygen, of breakfast cereals and dehydrate powdered whole milk samples, were determined by combustion calorimetry. This practical work, in the field of human nutrition, involved the characterization of the nutritional composition and the combustion of samples of the two foods that are part of the alimentary diet, namely, at breakfast. The obtained results allowed to assess the energy value printed in the foods labels and discuss the way those values are estimated.
The Energy Value (EV) corresponds to the sum of the energetic contributions from food macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and is required on the labels of pre-packaged foods. The determinations of these parameters are based on distinct analytical procedures, each one being time-consuming, laborious and producing residues. This work presents multivariate models to determine the EV contents of industrialized foods for human consumption by using X-ray fluorescence spectra of samples with known parameters, determined through conventional methods. The proposed method is an alternative to conventional analytical methods and does not require any reagent, given the demands of the "green chemistry".