576 resultados para adoptive immunotherapy


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Antibodies (Abs) to autoantigens and foreign antigens (Ags) mediate, respectively, various pathogenic and beneficial effects. Abs express enzyme-like nucleophiles that react covalently with electrophiles. A subpopulation of nucleophilic Abs expresses proteolytic activity, which can inactivate the Ag permanently. This thesis shows how the nucleophilicity can be exploited to inhibit harmful Abs or potentially protect against a virus. ^ Inactivation of pathogenic Abs from Hemophilia A (HA) patients by means of nucleophile-electrophile pairing was studied. Deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in HA subjects impairs blood coagulation. FVIII replacement therapy fails in 20-30% of HA patients due to production of anti-FVIII Abs. FVIII analogs containing electrophilic phosphonate group (E-FVIII and E-C2) were hypothesized to inactivate the Abs by reacting specifically and covalently with nucleophilic sites. Anti-FVIII IgGs from HA patients formed immune complexes with E-FVIII and E-C2 that remained irreversibly associated under conditions that disrupt noncovalent Ab-Ag complexes. The reaction induced irreversible loss of Ab anti-coagulant activity. E-FVIII alone displayed limited interference with coagulation. E-FVIII is a prototype reagent suitable for further development as a selective inactivator of pathogenic anti-FVIII Abs. ^ The beneficial function of Abs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was analyzed. HIV-1 eludes the immune system by rapidly changing its coat protein structure. IgAs from noninfected subjects hydrolyzed gp120 and neutralized HIV-1 with modest potency by recognizing the gp120 421-433 epitope, a conserved B cell superantigenic region that is also essential for HIV-1 attachment to host cell CD4 receptors. An adaptive immune response to superantigens is generally prohibited due to their ability to downregulate B cells. IgAs from subjects with prolonged HIV-1 infection displayed improved catalytic hydrolysis of gp120 and exceptionally potent and broad neutralization of diverse CCR5-dependent primary HIV isolates attributable to recognition of the 421-433 epitope. This indicates that slow immunological bypass of the superantigenic character of gp120 is possible, opening the path to effective HIV vaccination. ^ My research reveals a novel route to inactivate pathogenic nucleophilic Abs using electrophilic antigens. Conversely, naturally occurring nucleophilic Abs may help impede HIV infection, and the Abs could be developed for passive immunotherapy of HIV infected subjects. ^


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The presentation of MHC class I (MHC-I)/peptide complexes by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the maintenance of central tolerance to self and for the regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated adaptive immune responses against pathogens and cancer cells. Interestingly, several findings have suggested that the cytoplasmic tail of MHC class I plays a functional role in the regulation of CTL immune responses. For example, our previous studies demonstrated that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules not only showed extended DC cell surface half-lives but also induced significantly increased CTL responses to viral challange invivo. Although exon 7-deleted variant of MHC-I does not occur naturally in humans, the animal studies prompted us to examine whether exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules could generate augmented CTL responses in a therapeutic DC-based vaccine setting. To examine the stimulatory capacity of exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, we generated a lentivirus-mediated gene transfer system to induce the expression of different MHC-I cytoplasmic tail isoforms in both mouse and human DCs. These DCs were then used as vaccines in a melanoma mouse tumor model and in a human invitro co-culture system. In this thesis, we show that DCs expressing exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, stimulated remarkably higher levels of T-cell cytokine production and significantly increased the proliferation of meanoma-specific (Pmel-1) T cells compared with DCs expressing wild type MHC-I. We also demonstrate that, in combination with adoptive transfer of Pmel-1 T-cell, DCs expressing exon 7-deleted Db molecules induced greater anti-tumor responses against established B16 melanoma tumors, significantly extending mouse survival as compared to DCs expressing wild-type Db molecules. Moreover, we also observed that human DCs expressing exon 7-deleted HLA-A2 molecules showed similarly augmented CTL stimulatory ability. Mechanistic studies suggest that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules showed impaired lateral membrane movement and extended cell surface half-lives within the DC/T-cell interface, leading to increased spatial availability of MHC-I/peptide complexes for recognition by CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these results suggesr that targeting exon 7 within the cytoplasmic tail of MHC-I molecules in DC vaccines has the potential to enhance CD8+ T cell stimulatory capacity and improve clinical outcomes in patients with cancer or viral infections.


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HUMAN ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS K AS A NOVEL TUMOR-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN OVARIAN CANCER VACCINE Publication No.________Kiera Rycaj, B.S.Supervisory Professor: Feng Wang-Johanning, Ph.D., M.D. Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. Adequate screening methodologies are currently lacking and most women first present with either stage III or IV disease. To date, there has been no substantial decrease in death rates and the majorities of patients relapse and die from their disease despite response to first-line therapy. Several proteins, such as CA-125, are elevated in OC, but none has proven specific and sensitive enough to serve as a screening tool or for tumor cell recognition and lysis. It has been proposed that human endogenous retrovirus sequences (HERVs) may play a role in the etiology of certain cancers. In a previous study, we showed that HERV-K envelope (env) proteins are widely expressed in human invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and elicit both serologic and cell-mediated immune responses in BC patients. We also reported the expression of multiple HERV genes and proteins in OC cell lines and tissues. In this study, we strengthened our previous data by determining that HERV-K env mRNAs are expressed in 69% of primary OC tissues (n=29), but in only 24% of benign tissues (N=17). Immmunohistochemistry (IHC) staining revealed HERV-Kpositivecancer cells detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinoma but not in benign cyst or normal epithelium biopsies. Immunofluorescence staining (IFS) showed greater cell surface expression of HERV-K in OC samples compared to adjacent uninvolved samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data confirmed that a humoral immune response is elicited against HERV-K in OC patients. T-cell responses against HERV-K in lymphocytes from OC patients stimulated with autologous HERV-K pulsed dendritic cells included induction of T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. HERV-K–specific cytolytic T cells induced greater specific lysis of OC target cells compared to benign and adjacent uninvolved target cells. Finally, upon T regulatory cell (T-reg) depletion, 64% of OC patients displayed an increase in the specific lysis of target cells expressing HERV-K env protein. These findings suggest that HERV-K env protein is a tumor-associated antigen capable of activating both T-cell and B-cell responses in OC patients, and has great potential in the development of immunotherapy regimens against OC.


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Many tumors arise from sites of inflammation providing evidence that innate immunity is a critical component in the development and progression of cancer. Neutrophils are primary mediators of the innate immune response. Upon activation, an important function of neutrophils is release of an assortment of proteins from their granules including the serine protease neutrophil elastase (NE). The effect of NE on cancer has been attributed primarily to its ability to degrade the extracellular matrix thereby promoting invasion and metastasis. Recently, it was shown that NE could be taken up by lung cancer cells leading to degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 thereby promoting hyperactivity of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) pathway and tumor cell proliferation. To our knowledge, nobody has investigated uptake of NE by other tumor types. In addition, NE has broad substrate specificity suggesting that uptake of NE by tumor cells could impact processes regulating tumorigenensis other than activation of the PI3K pathway. Neutrophil elastase has been identified in breast cancer specimens where high levels of NE have prognostic significance. These studies have assessed NE levels in whole tumor lysates. Because the major source of NE is from activated neutrophils, we hypothesized that breast cancer cells do not have endogenous NE but may take up NE released by tumor associated neutrophils in the tumor microenvironment and that this could provide a link between the innate immune response to tumors and specific adaptive immune responses. In this thesis, we show that breast cancer cells lack endogenous NE expression and that they are able to take up NE resulting in increased generation of low molecular weight cyclin E (CCNE) and enhanced susceptibility to lysis by CCNE-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We also show that after taking up NE and proteinase 3 (PR3), a second primary granule protease with significant homology to NE, breast cancer cells cross-present the NE- and PR3-derived peptide PR1 rendering them susceptible to PR1-targeted therapies. Taken together, our data support a role for NE uptake in modulating adaptive immune responses against breast cancer.


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This article reports the results of a qualitative study that sought the perspectives of birth parents and adoptive parents following reunification or adoption of children from foster care. Using a participatory action design that actively involved young adults formerly in foster care and parents in the design and implementation of the study, the study focused on the consumers’ perspectives on several issues related to permanency. The article reports findings from interviews with a subset of 27 birth and adoptive families in New York City who were asked about their post-permanency experiences and from interviews with 38 child welfare professionals who were asked to respond to the parents’ perspectives. The article offers directions for child welfare practice and program development.


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The binding of immune inhibitory receptor Programmed Death 1 (PD-1) on T cells to its ligand PD-L1 has been implicated as a major contributor to tumor induced immune suppression. Clinical trials of PD-L1 blockade have proven effective in unleashing therapeutic anti-tumor immune responses in a subset of patients with advanced melanoma, yet current response rates are low for reasons that remain unclear. Hypothesizing that the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway regulates T cell surveillance within the tumor microenvironment, we employed intravital microscopy to investigate the in vivo impact of PD-L1 blocking antibody upon tumor-associated immune cell migration. However, current analytical methods of intravital dynamic microscopy data lack the ability to identify cellular targets of T cell interactions in vivo, a crucial means for discovering which interactions are modulated by therapeutic intervention. By developing novel imaging techniques that allowed us to better analyze tumor progression and T cell dynamics in the microenvironment; we were able to explore the impact of PD-L1 blockade upon the migratory properties of tumor-associated immune cells, including T cells and antigen presenting cells, in lung tumor progression. Our results demonstrate that early changes in tumor morphology may be indicative of responsiveness to anti-PD-L1 therapy. We show that immune cells in the tumor microenvironment as well as tumors themselves express PD-L1, but immune phenotype alone is not a predictive marker of effective anti-tumor responses. Through a novel method in which we quantify T cell interactions, we show that T cells are largely engaged in interactions with dendritic cells in the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, we show that during PD-L1 blockade, non-activated T cells are recruited in greater numbers into the tumor microenvironment and engage more preferentially with dendritic cells. We further show that during PD-L1 blockade, activated T cells engage in more confined, immune synapse-like interactions with dendritic cells, as opposed to more dynamic, kinapse-like interactions with dendritic cells when PD-L1 is free to bind its receptor. By advancing the contextual analysis of anti-tumor immune surveillance in vivo, this study implicates the interaction between T cells and tumor-associated dendritic cells as a possible modulator in targeting PD-L1 for anti-tumor immunotherapy.


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CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) frequently infiltrate tumors, yet most melanoma patients fail to undergo tumor regression. We studied the differentiation of the CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from 44 metastatic melanoma patients using known T-cell differentiation markers. We also compared CD8+ TIL against the T cells from matched melanoma patients’ peripheral blood. We discovered a novel subset of CD8+ TIL co-expressing early-differentiation markers, CD27, CD28, and a late/senescent CTL differentiation marker, CD57. This CD8+CD57+ TIL expressed a cytolytic enzyme, granzyme B (GB), yet did not express another cytolytic pore-forming molecule, perforin (Perf). In contrast, the CD8+CD57+ T cells in the periphery were CD27-CD28-, and GBHi and PerfHi. We found this TIL subset was not senescent and could be induced to proliferate and differentiate into CD27-CD57+, perforinHi, mature CTL. This further differentiation was arrested by TGF-β1, an immunosuppressive cytokine known to be produced by many different kinds of tumors. Therefore, we have identified a novel subset of incompletely differentiated CD8+ TIL that resembled those found in patients with uncontrolled chronic viral infections. In a related study, we explored prognostic biomarkers in metastatic melanoma patients treated in a Phase II Adoptive Cell Therapy (ACT) trial, in which autologous TIL were expanded ex vivo with IL-2 and infused into lymphodepleted patients. We unexpectedly found a significant positive clinical association with the infused CD8+ TIL expressing B- and T- lymphocyte attentuator (BTLA), an inhibitory T-cell receptor. We found that CD8+BTLA+ TIL had a superior proliferative response to IL-2, and were more capable of autocrine IL-2 production in response to TCR stimulation compared to the CD8+BTLA- TIL. The CD8+BTLA+ TIL were less differentiated and resembled the incompletely differentiated CD8+ TIL described above. In contrast, CD8+BTLA- TIL were poorly proliferative, expressed CD45RA and killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), and exhibited a gene expression signature of T cell deletion. Surprisingly, ligation of BTLA by its cognate receptor, HVEM, enhanced the survival of CD8+BTLA+ TIL by activating Akt/PKB. Our studies provide a comprehensive characterization of CD8+ TIL differentiation in melanoma, and revealed BTLA as a novel T-cell differentiation marker along with its role in promoting T cell survival.


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Cell-based therapies have demonstrated potency and efficacy as cancer treatment modalities. T cells can be dichotomized by their T cell receptor (TCR) complexes where alpha/beta T cells (95% of T cells) and gamma/delta T cells (+T cells proliferated to clinically significant numbers and ROR1+ tumor cells were effectively targeted and killed by both ROR1-specific CAR+ T cell populations, although ROR1RCD137 were superior to ROR1RCD28 in clearance of leukemia xenografts in vivo. The second specific aim focused on generating bi-specific CD19-specific CAR+ gamma/delta T cells with polyclonal TCRgamma/delta repertoire on CD19+ artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPC). Enhanced cytolysis of CD19+ leukemia was observed by CAR+ gamma/delta T cells compared to CARneg gamma/delta T cells, and leukemia xenografts were significantly reduced compared to control mice in vivo. The third specific aim looked at the broad anti-tumor effects of polyclonal gamma/delta T cells expanded on aAPC without CAR+ T cells, where Vdelta1, Vdelta2, and Vdelta3 populations had naïve, effector memory, and central memory phenotypes and effector function strength in the following order: Vdelta2>Vdelta3>Vdelta1. Polyclonal gamma/delta T cells eliminated ovarian cancer xenografts in vivo and increased survival compared to control mice. Thus, translating these methodologies to clinical trials will provide cancer patients novel, safe, and effective options for their treatment.


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This study addresses the questions of whether the frequency of generation and in vivo cross-reactivity of highly immunogenic tumor clones induced in a single parental murine fibrosarcoma cell line MCA-F is more closely related to the agent used to induce the Imm$\sp{+}$ clone or whether these characteristics are independent of the agents used. These questions were addressed by treating the parental tumor cell line MCA-F with UV-B radiation (UV-B), 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), or 5-aza-2$\sp\prime$-deoxycytidine (5-azaCdR). The frequency of Imm$\sp{+}$ variant generation was similarly high for the three different agents, suggesting that the frequency of Imm$\sp{+}$ generation was related more closely to the cell line than to the inducing agent used. Cross-reactivity was tested with two Imm$\sp{+}$ clones from each treatment group in a modified immunoprotection assay that selectively engendered antivariant, but not antiparental immunity. Under these conditions each clone, except one, immunized against itself. The MNNG-induced clones engendered stronger antivariant immunity but a weaker variant cross-reactive immunity could also be detected.^ This study also characterized the lymphocyte populations responsible for antivariant and antiparental immunity in vivo. Using the local adoptive transfer assay (LATA) and antibody plus complement depletion of T-cell subsets, we showed that immunity induced by the Imm$\sp{+}$ variants against the parent MCA-F was transferred by the Thy1.2$\sp{+}$, L3T4a$\sp{+}$, Lyt2.1$\sp{-}$ (CD4$\sp{+}$) population, without an apparent contribution by Thy1.2$\sp{+}$, L3T4a$\sp{-}$, Lyt2.1$\sp{+}$ (CD8$\sp{+}$) cells. A role for Lyt2.1$\sp{+}$T lymphocytes in antivariant, but not antiparent immunity was supported by the results of LATA and CTL assays. Immunization with low numbers of viable Imm$\sp{+}$ cells, or with high numbers of non viable Imm$\sp{+}$ cells engendered only antivariant immunity without parental cross-protection. The associative recognition of parental antigens and variant neoantigens resulting in strong antiparent immunity was investigated using somatic cells hybrids of Imm$\sp{+}$ variants of MCA-F and an antigenically distinct tumor MCA-D. An unexpected result of these latter experiments was the expression of a unique tumor-specific antigen by the hybrid cells. These studies demonstrate that the parental tumor-specific antigen and the variant neoantigen must be coexpressed on the cell surface to engender parental cross-protective immunity. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Cutaneous exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UVR) results in the suppression of cell-mediated immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity (CHS) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). This modulation of immune responses is mediated by local or systemic mechanisms, both of which are associated with the generation of antigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes (Ts). UV-induced Ts have been shown to be CD3+CD4+CD8 − T cells that control multiple immunological pathways. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the generation and function of these immunoregulatory cells remain unclear. We investigated the cellular basis for the generation of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes in both local and systemic models of immune suppression, and further examined the pleiotrophic function of these immunoregulatory cells. ^ We used Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 congenic mice in a draining lymph node (DLN) cell transfer model to analyze the role played by epidermal Langerhans cells in the generation of Ts cells. We demonstrate that T cells tightly adhered to antigen-presenting cells (APC) from UV-irradiated skin are the direct progenitors of UV-induced Ts lymphocytes. Our studies also reveal that UV-induced DNA-damage in the form of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in the epidermal APC is crucial for the altered maturation of these adherent T cells into Ts. ^ We used TCR transgenic mice in an adoptive transfer model and physically tracked the antigen-specific clones during immune responses in unirradiated versus UV-irradiated mice. We demonstrate that UV-induced Ts and effector TDTH cells share the same epitope specificity, indicating that both cell populations arise from the same clonal progenitors. UVR also causes profound changes in the localization and proliferation of antigen-specific T cells during an immune response. Antigen-specific T cells are not detectable in the DLNs of UV-irradiated mice after 3 days post-immunization, but are found in abundance in the spleen. In contrast, these clones continue to be found in the DLNs and spleens of normal animals several days post-immunization. Our studies also reveal that a Th2 cytokine environment is essential for the generation of Ts in UV-irradiated mice. ^ The third part of our study examined the pleiotrophic nature of UV-induced Ts. We used a model for the induction of both cellular and humoral responses to human gamma-globulin (HGG) to demonstrate that UV-induced Ts lymphocytes can suppress DTH as well as antibody responses. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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A newly described subset of monocytes has been identified in peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from the malignant ascites of patients with ovarian cancer. These cells were characterized by the production of IL-10 and TGF-β2, but not IL-12, IL-1α, or TNF-α, and expressed CD14, CD16, and CD54, but not HLA-DR, CD80, CD86, CD11a, CD11b, or CD25 cell surface antigens. Since this subset of monocytes could affect the modulation of tumor immune responses in vivo, studies were undertaken to determine their effect on the activation and proliferation of autologous T-cells from the peritoneal cavity of patients with ovarian carcinoma. Cytokine transcripts, including IL-2, GM-CSF, and IFN-γ were detected in T-cells isolated from patient specimens that also contained the IL-10 producing monocytes, although the IFN-γ and IL-2 proteins could not be detected in T-cells co-incubated with the IL-10 producing monocytes in vitro. Additionally, IL-10 producing monocytes co-cultured with autologous T-cells inhibited the proliferation of the T-cells in response to PHA. T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production could be restored by the addition of neutralizing antibodies to IL-10R and TGF-β to the co-culture system. These results suggested that this subset of monocytes may modulate antitumor immune responses by inhibiting T-cell proliferation and cytokine protein production. Further studies determined that the precursors to the inhibitory monocytes were tumor-associated and only present in the peripheral blood of patients with ovarian cancer and not present in the peripheral blood of healthy donors. These precursors could be induced to the suppressor phenotype by the addition of IL-2 and GM-CSF, two cytokines detected in the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients. Lastly, it was shown that the suppressor monocytes from the peritoneal cavity of ovarian cancer patients could be differentiated to a non-inhibitory phenotype by the addition of TNF-α and IFN-γ to the culture system. The differentiated monocytes did not produce IL-10, expressed the activation antigens HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86, and were able to stimulate autologous T-cells in vitro. Since a concomitant reduction in immune function is associated with tumor growth and progression, the effects of these monocytes are of considerable importance in the context of tumor immunotherapy. ^


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Resumen: Augusto llegó al poder por ser hijo adoptivo de César. Hasta recibir el título de Augusto en el año 27 a. C., fue conocido como G. Iulius Caesar Diui filius. Ser heredero de César tenía que ser algo más que recibir su nombre y sus poderes: también sus cualidades personales debían recordar al Dictador. Por eso, durante la mitad del triunvirato, Augusto intentó emular a su padre adoptivo también en sus cualidades como amante. Su tumultuosa vida afectiva y conyugal, en efecto, se concentra entre los años 44 y 35 a. C., con varios matrimonios o esponsales, y el nacimiento de su única hija. De esta época proceden la mayoría de las historias que –ciento cincuenta años después- contaría Suetonio a partir de una fuente cercana a Marco Antonio. A partir de la sacrosantidad promulgada para Livia en el año 35 a. C., sin embargo, comienza una nueva etapa en la imagen moral de Augusto, centrada en la virtud y la monogamia: una etapa que le llevaría años después a desterrar a su propia hija y, después, a su nieta, por adulterio. De esta doble imagen de Augusto, la primera debida a la emulación de su padre adoptivo, y la segunda debida a una necesidad de justificación ideológica de su régimen frente al de su enemigo Marco Antonio, proceden las noticias aparentemente contradictorias sobre los “vicios privados y públicas virtudes” de Gayo Julio César Augusto.


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4