961 resultados para ab-initio,XANES, quantum espresso,


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Hochaufgelöste Photoelektronspektroskopie ermöglicht die Untersuchung der Zerfallsdynamik angeregter Lochzustände im Festkörper. Durch Messung der intrinsischen Linienbreiten in den Spektren von Kupfer- und Silbereinkristallen werden die Lebensdauern von tiefliegenden d-Lochzuständen in diesen Edelmetallen bestimmt und mit Vielteilchenrechnungen verglichen. Insbesondere kann gezeigt werden (1) daß sich die d-Lochlebensdauern in Kupfer und Silber trotz unterschiedlicher Lage der d-Bänder ähnlich verhalten (2) daß keine quadratische Abhängigkeit gemäß des einfachen Modell eines freien Elektronengases beobachtet wird und (3) daß die Lochlebensdauern an der d-Bandoberkante von Kupfer und Silber stark zunehmen. Diese experimentellen Befunde legen eine weitgehende Entkopplung der Zerfallsdynamik von d-Löchern und sp-Elektronen nahe. Diese Deutung kann qualitativ durch ab-initio Rechnungen zur Lochlebensdauer bestätigt werden.


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Ab initio self-consistent DFS calculations are performed for five different symmetric atomic systems from Ar-Ar to Pb-Pb. The level structure for the {2p_\pi}-{2p_\sigma} crossing as function of the united atomic charge Z_u is studied and interpreted. Manybody effects, spin-orbit splitting, direct relativistic effects as well as indirect relativistic effects are differently important for different Z_u. For the I-I system a comparison with other calculations is given.


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The electronic states of small AI_n (n = 2 - 8) clusters have been calculated with a relativistic ab-initio MOLCAO Dirac-Fock-Slater method using numerical atomic DFS wave-functions. The excitation energies were obtained from a ground state calculation of neutral clusters, and in addition from negative clusters charged by half an electron in order to account for part of the relaxation. These energies are compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.


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We report on the measurement of the total differential scattering cross section of {Ar^+}-Ar at laboratory energies between 15 and 400 keV. Using an ab initio relativistic molecular program which calculates the interatomic potential energy curve with high accuracy, we are able to reproduce the detailed structure found in the experiment.


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The influence of the occupation of the single particle levels on the impact parameter dependent K - K charge transfer occuring in collisions of 90 keV Ne{^9+} on Ne was studied using coupled channel calculations. The energy eigenvalues and matrixelements for the single particle levels were taken from ab initio self consistent MO-LCAO-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER calculations with occupation numbers corresponding to the single particle amplitudes given by the coupled channel calculations.


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We performed ab initio calculations of many particle inclusive probabilities for the scattering system 16 MeV-S{^16+} on Ar. The solution of the time-dependent DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER-equation is achieved via a set of coupled-channel equations with energy eigenvalues and matrix elements which are given by static SCF molecular many electron calculations.


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The TRIM.SP program which is based on the binary collision approximation was changed to handle not only repulsive interaction potentials, but also potentials with an attractive part. Sputtering yields, average depth and reflection coefficients calculated with four different potentials are compared. Three purely repulsive potentials (Meliere, Kr-C and ZBL) are used and an ab initio pair potential, which is especially calculated for silicon bombardment by silicon. The general trends in the calculated results are similar for all potentials applied, but differences between the repulsive potentials and the ab initio potential occur for the reflection coefficients and the sputtering yield at large angles of incidence.


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In the collision system Xe - Ag, the thresholds for excitation of quasimolecular L radiation and characteristic Ag L radiation have been found to lie at about 5 MeV and 1 MeV, respectively. These results are discussed on the basis of ab initio calculations of the screened interaction potential and the electron-correlation diagram.


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Ab initio fully relativistic SCF molecular calculations of energy eigenvalues as well as coupling-matrix elements are used to calculate the 1s_\sigma excitation differential cross section for Ne-Ne and Ne-O in ion-atom collisions. A relativistic perturbation treatment which allows a direct comparison with analogous non-relativistic calculations is also performed.


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Using the single-particle amplitudes from a 20-level coupled-channel calculation with ab initio relativistic self consistent LCAO-MO Dirac-Fock-Slater energy eigenvalues and matrix elements we calculate within the frame of the inclusive probability formalism impact-parameter-dependent K-hole transfer probabilities. As an example we show results for the heavy asymmetric collision system S{^15+} on Ar for impact energies from 4.7 to 16 MeV. The inclusive probability formalism which reinstates the many-particle aspect of the collision system permits a qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experiment which is not achieved by the single-particle picture.


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The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of ^{221- 226}Ra and ^{212, 214}Ra have been measured in the ionic (Ra 11) transition 7s^2 S_{1/2} - 7p ^2 P_{3/2} (\lamda = 381.4 nm). The method of on-line collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy has been applied using frequency-doubling of cw dye laser radiation in an external ring cavity. The magnetic hyperfine fields are compared with semi-empirical and ab initio calculations. The analysis of the quadrupole splitting by the same method yields the following, improved values of spectroscopic quadrupole moments: Q_s(^221 Ra)= 1.978(7)b, Q_s (^223 Ra)= 1.254(3)b and the reanalyzed values Q_s(^209 Ra) = 0.40(2)b, Q_s(^211 Ra) = 0.48(2)b, Q_s(^227 Ra)= 1.58(3)b, Q_s (^229 Ra) = 3.09(4)b with an additional scaling uncertainty of ±5%. Furthermore, the J-dependence of the isotope shift is analyzed in both Ra II transitions connecting the 7s^2 S_{1/2} ground state with the first excited doublet 7p^ P_{1/2} and 7p^ P_{3/2}.


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Electronic factors in the volume isotope shift have been calculated in an ab initio way with the relativistic Dirac-Fock method for a number of different optical single/and two-photon transitions in Au I. The agreement with a semi-empirical method is within 10% for the resonance transition. For this one and a few other transitions the effect of core excitation has been analyzed with the Multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method as well, and it was found to reduce the electronic factor in the order of 5 %.


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Non-relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater and relativistic Dirac-Slater self-consistent orbital models are applied for the analysis of the electronic structure of the chalcogen hexafluorides: SF_6, SeF_6, TeF_6 and PoF_6. The molecular eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are generated using the discrete variational method (DVM) with numerical basis functions. The results obtained for SF_6 are compared with other ab initio calculations. Information about relativistic level shifts and spin-orbit splitting has been obtained by comparison between the non-relativistic and relativistic results.


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Femtosecond reaction dynamics of OClO in a supersonic molecular beam are reported. The system is excited to the A^2A_2 state with a femtosecond pulse, covering a range of excitation in the symmetric stretch between v_1 = 17 to v_1 = 11 (308-352 nm). A time-delayed femtosecond probe pulse ionizes the OClO, and OClO^+ is detected. This ion has not been observed in previous experiments because of its ultrafast fragmentation. Transients are reported for the mass of the parent OClO as well as the mass of the ClO. Apparent biexponential decays are observed and related to the fragmentation dynamics: OClO+hv \rightarrow (OClO)^{(++)*} \rightarrow ClO+O \rightarrow Cl+O_2. Clusters of OClO with water (OClO)_n (H_2 0)_m with n from 1 to 3 and m from 0 to 3 are also observed. The dynamics of the fragmentation reveal the nuclear motions and the electronic coupling between surfaces. The time scale for bond breakage is in the range of 300-500 fs, depending on v_1; surface crossing to form new intermediates is a pathway for the two channels of fragmentation: ClO+O (primary) and Cl+O_2 (minor). Comparisons with results of ab initio calculations are made.


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A femtosecond-laser pulse can induce ultrafast nonthermal melting of various materials along pathways that are inaccessible under thermodynamic conditions, but it is not known whether there is any structural modification at fluences just below the melting threshold. Here, we show for silicon that in this regime the room-temperature phonons become thermally squeezed, which is a process that has not been reported before in this material. We find that the origin of this effect is the sudden femtosecond-laser-induced softening of interatomic bonds, which can also be described in terms of a modification of the potential energy surface. We further find in ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations on laser-excited potential energy surfaces that the atoms move in the same directions during the first stages of nonthermal melting and thermal phonon squeezing. Our results demonstrate how femtosecond-laser-induced coherent fluctuations precurse complete atomic disordering as a function of fluence. The common underlying bond-softening mechanism indicates that this relation between thermal squeezing and nonthermal melting is not material specific.