997 resultados para Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760.
Über acht Jahrhunderte war das Stift Münstermaifeld einer der bedeutendsten kirchlichen Mittelpunkte der Vordereifel. Schon im Frühmittelalter an einem ehemaligen römischen Siedlungsplatz im Maifeld als Priestergemeinschaft entstanden, entwickelte es sich um 1200 zu einem bedeutenden Kollegiatstift mit reichem Besitz zwischen Koblenz, Mayen und der Mosel. Herausragende Persönlichkeiten wie die Pröpste Elias und Nikolaus von Kues waren dort tätig. Noch heute überragt die ehemalige Stiftskirche weithin sichtbar die Stadt Münstermaifeld und das fruchtbare Maifeld. Dem Schema der Germania Sacra folgend, wurden alle fassbaren Quellen und Unterlagen zur Geschichte des Stiftes von den Anfängen bis zur Auflösung in der Säkularisation 1802 ausgewertet. Aufgrund der engen Verzahnung der geistlichen Einrichtung mit der Stadt Münstermaifeld und dem Umland stellt der Band auch eine hervorragende Grundlage für die Geschichte der Städte und Orte im Moselraum dar, in denen das Stift begütert war. Das kirchliche Leben im Stift und in den umliegenden Pfarreien wird beschrieben und durch ein umfangreiches Kapitel mit den Kurzbiographien aller dem Stift angehörigen Kanoniker, Vikare und Pfarrer ergänzt.
Frente a las generalizaciones acostumbradas, se revisan el concepto y los "exempla" de mecenazgo desde la perspectiva moral de quien cree que debe premiar, proteger o promover la actividad de intelectuales o artistas como consecuencia ineludible de una situación afortunada; para ello se exponen los casos, injustamente menos conocidos, de Aurelio Símmaco, Carlomagno, el sajón Alfredo el Grande, Étienne du Perche, Benedicto XIII, Ludwig II von Ysenburg y, por último, Fernando ii de León, para proponer un enfoque más amplio del mecenazgo como responsabilidad de índole moral
BACKGROUND: Regional differences in physician supply can be found in many health care systems, regardless of their organizational and financial structure. A theoretical model is developed for the physicians' decision on office allocation, covering demand-side factors and a consumption time function. METHODS: To test the propositions following the theoretical model, generalized linear models were estimated to explain differences in 412 German districts. Various factors found in the literature were included to control for physicians' regional preferences. RESULTS: Evidence in favor of the first three propositions of the theoretical model could be found. Specialists show a stronger association to higher populated districts than GPs. Although indicators for regional preferences are significantly correlated with physician density, their coefficients are not as high as population density. CONCLUSIONS: If regional disparities should be addressed by political actions, the focus should be to counteract those parameters representing physicians' preferences in over- and undersupplied regions.
BACKGROUND: Decision-analytic modelling (DAM) has become a widespread method in health technology assessments (HTA), but the extent to which modelling is used differs among international HTA institutions. In Germany, the use of DAM is optional within HTAs of the German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI). Our study examines the use of DAM in DIMDI HTA reports and its effect on the quality of information provided for health policies. METHODS: A review of all DIMDI HTA reports (from 1998 to September 2012) incorporating an economic assessment was performed. All included reports were divided into two groups: HTAs with DAM and HTAs without DAM. In both groups, reports were categorized according to the quality of information provided for healthcare decision making. RESULTS: Of the sample of 107 DIMDI HTA reports, 17 (15.9%) used DAM for economic assessment. In the group without DAM, conclusions were limited by the quality of economic information in 51.1% of the reports, whereas we did not find limited conclusions in the group with DAM. Furthermore, 24 reports without DAM (26.7%) stated that using DAM would likely improve the quality of information of the economic assessment. CONCLUSION: The use of DAM techniques can improve the quality of HTAs in Germany. When, after a systematic review of existing literature within a HTA, it is clear that DAM is likely to positively affect the quality of the economic assessment DAM should be used.
Objectives: In contrast to other countries, surgery still represents the common invasive treatment for varicose veins in Germany. However, radiofrequency ablation, e.g. ClosureFast, becomes more and more popular in other countries due to potential better results and reduced side effects. This treatment option may cause less follow-up costs and is a more convenient procedure for patients, which could justify an introduction in the statutory benefits catalogue. Therefore, we aim at calculating the budget impact of a general reimbursement of ClosureFast in Germany. Methods: To assess the budget impact of including ClosureFast in the German statutory benefits catalogue, we developed a multi-cohort Markov model and compared the costs of a “World with ClosureFast” with a “World without ClosureFast” over a time horizon of five years. To address the uncertainty of input parameters, we conducted three different types of sensitivity analysis (one-way, scenario, probabilistic). Results: In the Base Case scenario, the introduction of the ClosureFast system for the treatment of varicose veins saves costs of about 19.1 Mio. € over a time horizon of five years in Germany. However, the results scatter in the sensitivity analyses due to limited evidence of some key input parameters. Conclusions: Results of the budget impact analysis indicate that a general reimbursement of ClosureFast has the potential to be cost-saving in the German Statutory Health Insurance.
BACKGROUND: Smoking is a major risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For current smokers who are diagnosed with COPD, their first treatment option is to stop smoking. Motivation is necessary for long-term smoking cessation; therefore, when designing smoking cessation programs, the patients' needs and preferences should be considered. We focused on COPD patients' experiences with existing smoking cessation programs and evaluated their preferences for the improvement of these programs. METHODS: We conducted 18 guideline-based interviews with COPD patients between April and June 2014 in Germany. Each patient with COPD, who was a current or past smoker and had made at least one attempt to quit smoking in the past 5 years, was included in the study. We audiotaped, verbatim transcribed, and evaluated the interviews, using content analysis. RESULTS: The patients had broad and different experiences with pharmaceutical, behavioral, and alternative approaches that supported or negatively influenced the smoking cessation process. Pharmaceuticals were viewed as an expensive alternative with many side effects although they helped to stop cravings for a few moments. Furthermore, the bad structure and impersonal content of the seminars for smoking cessation negatively influenced group cohesion, and therefore degrading the patients' motivation to stop smoking. Alternative methods, such as acupuncture and hypnosis were mostly ineffective in smoking cessation, but in some cases, served as motivational strategies. CONCLUSION: Negative experiences with smoking cessation were explained by the patients' lack of motivation or resolution. Other negative experiences, such as the structure of seminars for smoking cessation and the high price of pharmaceuticals should be addressed through policy changes to increase the patients' motivation to quit smoking.
Mode of access: Internet.
Der Beitrag untersucht Interferenzen von Literatur und Leben in höfischen Selbstzeugnissen um 1700. Am Beispiel einer autobiographischen Schlüsselerzählung von Aurora von Königsmarck wird zum einen gezeigt, wie die eigene Lebensgeschichte literarisch überformt in einer typischen galanten Erzählung dargeboten wird. An einem zweiten Beispiel, dem Briefwechsel zwischen Sophie Dorothea von Hannover und Graf Philipp von Königsmarck, lässt sich zum anderen erkennen, dass eben diese literarischen Muster aus dem Bereich der Galanterie wiederum Vorbilder für ganz reale Lebensentwürfe werden konnten. Der galante Diskurs um 1700 erweist sich als ein Diskurs, der der Verwischung der Grenzen zwischen Literatur und Leben Vorschub leistet. Dabei verstärken sich die selbstreflexiven Züge des frühneuzeitlichen Rollen-Ichs, was einerseits Handlungsspielräume neu eröffnet, andererseits von den Diskursteilnehmern eine komplexere Form von Fremd- und Selbstbeobachtung erfordert und sich deshalb als riskant erweist.
Boberach: Zwar wird jede Revolution und besonders die ungarische verurteilt, aber die österreichische Kriegsgerichtsbarkeit kritisiert, die Politik Batthyánys gerechtfertigt und auf die Verdienste seiner Familie für Österreich hingewiesen
Kupferst. zeigt eine Schlachtdarstellung, e. Kartenausschnitt u. Porträts von Graf Serin (Zrinyi) u. d. türk. Feldherren(?)
Mode of access: Internet.
Belegstellen aus Bacon.--Belegstellen aus Hobbes.--Belegstellen aus Gassendi.--Belegstellen aus René Des-Cartes.--Belegstellen aus Arnold Quelinx.--Belegstellen aus Nicolaus Malebranche.--Belegstellen aus Benedict v. Spinoza.-- Einleitung.--Franz Bacon von Verulam.--Thomas Hobbes.--Peter Gassendi.--Jakob Böhm.--Cartesius.--Arnold Geulinx.--Malebranche.-- Spinoza.