958 resultados para Zeros of partial sums of the Riemann zeta function
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of axial traction during acquisition of direct magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography examination of the knee in terms of joint space width and amount of contrast material between the cartilage surfaces. Direct knee MR arthrography was performed in 11 patients on a 3-T MR imaging unit using a T1-weighted isotropic gradient echo sequence in a coronal plane with and without axial traction of 15 kg. Joint space widths were measured at the level of the medial and the lateral femorotibial joint with and without traction. The amount of contrast material in the medial and lateral femorotibial joint was assessed independently by two musculoskeletal radiologists in a semiquantitative manner using three grades ('absence of surface visualization, 'partial surface visualization or 'complete surface visualization'). With traction, joint space width increased significantly at the lateral femorotibial compartment (mean = 0.55 mm, p = 0.0105) and at the medial femorotibial compartment (mean = 0.4 mm, p = 0.0124). There was a trend towards an increased amount of contrast material in the femorotibial compartment with axial traction. Direct MR arthrography of the knee with axial traction showed a slight and significant increase of the width of the femorotibial compartment with a trend towards more contrast material between the articular cartilage surfaces.
Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome (OAS), also known as Waardenburg Anophthalmia syndrome, is defined by the combination of eye malformations, most commonly bilateral anophthalmia, with post-axial oligosyndactyly. Homozygosity mapping and subsequent targeted mutation analysis of a locus on 14q24.2 identified homozygous mutations in SMOC1 (SPARC-related modular calcium binding 1) in eight unrelated families. Four of these mutations are nonsense, two frame-shift, and two missense. The missense mutations are both in the second Thyroglobulin Type-1 (Tg1) domain of the protein. The orthologous gene in the mouse, Smoc1, shows site- and stage-specific expression during eye, limb, craniofacial, and somite development. We also report a targeted pre-conditional gene-trap mutation of Smoc1 (Smoc1(tm1a)) that reduces mRNA to ∼10% of wild-type levels. This gene-trap results in highly penetrant hindlimb post-axial oligosyndactyly in homozygous mutant animals (Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a)). Eye malformations, most commonly coloboma, and cleft palate occur in a significant proportion of Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a) embryos and pups. Thus partial loss of Smoc-1 results in a convincing phenocopy of the human disease. SMOC-1 is one of the two mammalian paralogs of Drosophila Pentagone, an inhibitor of decapentaplegic. The orthologous gene in Xenopus laevis, Smoc-1, also functions as a Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) antagonist in early embryogenesis. Loss of BMP antagonism during mammalian development provides a plausible explanation for both the limb and eye phenotype in humans and mice.
The time constant of cerebral arterial bed (in brief time constant) is a product of brain arterial compliance (C(a)) and resistance (CVR). We tested the hypothesis that in normal subjects, changes in end-tidal CO(2) (EtCO(2)) affect the value of the time constant. C(a) and CVR were estimated using mathematical transformations of arterial pressure (ABP) and transcranial Doppler (TCD) cerebral blood flow velocity waveforms. Responses of the time constant to controlled changes in EtCO(2) were compared in 34 young volunteers. Hypercapnia shortened the time constant (0.22 s [0.17, 0.26] vs. 0.16 s [0.13, 0.20]; p = 0.000001), while hypocapnia lengthened the time constant (0.22 s [0.17, 0.26] vs. 0.23 s [0.19, 0.32]; p < 0.0032). The time constant was negatively correlated with changes in EtCO(2) (R(partial) = -0.68, p < 0.000001). This was associated with a decrease in CVR when EtCO(2) increased (R(partial) = -0.80, p < 0.000001) and C(a) remained independent of changes in EtCO(2). C(a) was negatively correlated with mean ABP (R(partial) = -0.68, p < 0.000001). In summary, the time constant shortens with increasing EtCO(2). Its potential role in cerebrovascular investigations needs further studies.
Background:¦Infection after total or partial hip arthroplasty (HA) leads to significant long-term morbidity and high healthcare cost. We evaluated reasons for treatment failure of different surgical modalities in a 12-year prosthetic hip joint infection cohort study.¦Method:¦All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected HA were included either retrospectively (1999-‐2007) or prospectively¦(2008-‐2010). HA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissues or synovialfluid culture, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysis was performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.¦Results:¦During the study period, 117 patients with infected HA were identified. We excluded 2 patients due to missing data. The average age was 69 years (range, 33-‐102 years); 42% were female. HA was mainly performed for osteoarthritis (n=84), followed by trauma (n=22), necrosis (n=4), dysplasia(n=2), rheumatoid arthritis (n=1), osteosarcoma (n=1) and tuberculosis (n=1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-‐24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months after surgery). Infected HA were¦treated with (i) two-‐stage exchange in 59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-‐stage exchange in 5 (4.3%, cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in 18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobile¦parts in 17 (14%, cure rate : 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, cure rate: 100%), and (vi) two-‐stage exchange followed by¦removal in 3 (2.6%). Patients were followed for an average of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9 years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected HA. 15 patients (13%) needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons(dislocation of spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridement and retention (8 without change; and 3 with change of mobile parts) and 3 with two-‐stage exchange. The average number of surgery was 2.2 (range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, but the functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistent pain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).¦Conclusions:¦Non-‐respect of current treatment concept leads to treatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of each treatment failure can be used for improving the treatment algorithm leading to better results.
In the NW Himalaya of India, high-grade metamorphic rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline Zone (HHCZ) are exposed as a 50 km large dome along the Miyar and Gianbul valleys. This Gianbul dome is cored by migmatitic paragneiss formed at peak conditions around 750 degreesC and 8 kbar, and symmetrically surrounded by sillimanite, kyanite +/- staurolite, garnet, biotite, and chlorite Barrovian mineral zones. Thermobarometric and structural investigations reveal that the Gianbul dome results from a polyphase tectono-metamorphic evolution. The first phase corresponds to the NE-directed thrusting of the Shikar Beh nappe, that is responsible for the Barrovian prograde metamorphic field gradient in the southern limb of the dome. In the northern limb of the dome, the Barrovian prograde metamorphism is the consequence of a second tectonic phase, associated with the SW-directed thrusting of the Nyimaling-Tsarap nappe. Following these crustal thickening events, exhumation and doming of the HHCZ high-grade rocks were controlled by extension along the north-dipping Zanskar Shear Zone, in the frontal part of the Nyimaling-Tsarap nappe, as well as by coeval to late extension along the south-dipping Khanjar Shear Zone, in the southern limb of the Gianbul dome. Rapid syn-convergence extension along both of these detachments induced a nearly isothermal decompression, resulting in a high-temperature/low-pressure metamorphic overprint, as well as enhanced partial melting. Such a rapid exhumation within a compressional orogenic context appears unlikely to be controlled solely by granitic diapirism. Alternatively, large-scale doming in the Himalaya could reflect a sub-vertical ductile extrusion of partially melted rocks.
To reliably differentiate among Staphylococcus aureus isolates we recently developed the Double Locus Sequence Typing (DLST) based on the analysis of partial sequences of clfB and spa genes. This method is highly discriminatory and gives unambiguous definition of types. The highly clonal population structure of S. aureus suggests that isolates with identical clfB or spa alleles belong to the same clonal complex (CC) defined by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). To test this hypothesis as well as to investigate putative intra-CC genetic structure, we analyzed a total of 289 isolates (186 MSSA and 103 MRSA) with DLST-, spa- and MLST-typing. Among the 289 strains, 242 were clustered into 7 major MLST CCs, 40 into minor CCs and 7 were not grouped into CCs. A total of 205 DLST- and 129 spa-types were observed. With one exception, all DLST-clfB, DLST-spa and spa-type alleles were segregated into CCs. DLST-types sharing an identical allele (clfB or spa) were clustered using eBURST. Except for one strain, all isolates from each DLST cluster belonged to the same CC. However, using both DLST- and spa-typing we were not able to disclose a clear intra-CC structure. Nevertheless, the high diversity of these loci confirmed that they are good markers for local epidemiological investigations.
Persistent infection induces an adaptive immune response that is mediated by T and B lymphocytes. Upon triggering with an antigen, these cells become activated and turn into fast expanding cells able to efficiently defend the host. Lymphocyte activation is controlled by a complex composed of CARMA1, BCL10 and MALT1 which regulates the NF-KB signaling pathway upon antigen triggering. Abnormally high expression or activity of either one of these three proteins can favor the development of lymphomas, while genetic defects in the pathway are associated with immunodeficiency. MALT1 was identified as a paracaspase sharing homology with other cysteine proteases, namely caspases and metacaspases. In order to be active, caspases need to dimerize. Based on their sequence similarity with MALT1, we hypothesized that dimerization might also be a mechanism of activation employed by MALT1. To address this assumption, we performed a bioinformatics modelling based on the crystal structures of several caspases. Our model suggested that the MALT1 caspase-like domain can indeed form dimers. This finding was later confirmed by several published crystal structures of MALT1. In the dimer interface of our model, we noticed the presence of charged amino acids that could potentially form salt bridges and thereby hold both monomers together. Mutation of one of these residues, E549, into alanine completely blocked the catalytic activity of MALT1. Additionally, we provided evidence for a role of E549 in promoting the MALTl-dependent growth of cells derived from diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the aggressive B cell-like type (ABC). To our initial surprise, the E549A mutation showed only a partial defect in dimerization, indicating that additional residues are essential to form a stable dimer. The MALT1 crystal structures revealed a key function for E549 in stabilizing the catalytic site of the protease via its interaction with an arginine which is located next to the catalytic active cysteine. In an additional study, we discovered that MALT1 monoubiquitination is required for the catalytic activity of the protease. Interestingly, we found that the MALT1 dimer interface mutant E549A could not be monoubiquitinated. Based on these findings, we suggest that correct formation of the dimer interface is a prerequisite for monoubiquitination. In a second project, we discovered a novel target of the protease MALT1, the ribonuclease Regnase¬la It was described that the RNase activity of Regnase-1 negatively regulates immune responses. We could show that in ABC DLBCL cell lines, Regnase-1 is not only cleaved by MALT1 but also phosphorylated, at least in part, by the inhibitor of KB kinase (IKK). Both regulations appear to restrain the RNase function of Regnase-1 and thereby allow the production of pro-survival proteins. In conclusion, our studies further highlight and explain the importance of the catalytic activity of MALT1 for the activation of lymphocytes and provide additional knowledge for the development of specific drugs targeting the catalytic activity of MALT1 for immunomodulation and treatment of lymphomas. SUMMARY IN FRENCH PhD Thesis Katrin Cabalzar 2 SUMMARY IN FRENCH Une infection persistante induit une réponse immunitaire adaptative par l'intermédiaire des lymphocytes T et B. Quand elles reconnaissent l'antigène, ces cellules sont activées et se multiplient très rapidement pour défendre efficacement l'hôte. L'activation des lymphocytes est transmise par un complexe composé de trois protéines, CARMA1, BCL10 et MALT1, qui régule la voie de signalisation NF-KB lorsque l'antigène est reconnu. L'expression ou l'activité anormalement élevée de l'une de ces trois protéines peut favoriser le développement de lymphomes, tandis que des défauts génétiques de cette voie de signalisation sont associés à l'immunodéficience. MALT1 a été identifiée comme étant une paracaspase qui partage des séquences homologues avec d'autres protéases à cystéine, comme les caspases et les métacaspases. Pour être actives, les caspases ont besoin de dimériser. Etant donné leur similarité de séquence avec MALT1, nous avons supposé que la dimérisation pouvait aussi être un mécanisme d'activation utilisé par MALT1. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons conçu un modèle bioinformatique à partir des structures cristallographiques de plusieurs caspases. Et notre modèle a suggéré que le domaine catalytique de MALT1 était effectivement capable de former des dimères. Cette découverte a été confirmée plus tard par des publications qui montrent des structures cristallographiques dimériques de MALT1. Dans l'interface du dimère de notre modèle, nous avons remarqué la présence d'acides aminés chargés qui pouvaient former des liaisons ioniques et ainsi réunir les deux monomères. La mutation de l'un de ces résidus, E549, pour une alanine, a complètement inhibé l'activité catalytique de MALT1. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un rôle d'E549 dans la croissance dépendante de MALT1, des cellules dérivées de lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules (DLBCL) de sous-type cellules B actives (ABC). Dans un premier temps nous avons été surpris de constater que cette mutation révélait seulement un défaut partiel de dimérisation, ce qui indique que des acides aminés supplémentaires sont indispensables pour former un dimère stable. Les structures cristallographiques de MALT1 ont révélé un rôle primordial d'E549 dans la stabilisation du site catalytique de la protéase via son interaction avec une arginine qui se trouve à côté de la cystéine du site actif. Dans une autre étude, nous avons découvert que la monoubiquitination de MALT1 est requise pour l'activité catalytique de la protéase. A remarquer que nous avons trouvé que le mutant E549A de l'interface dimère de MALT1 n'a pas pu être monoubiquitiné. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que la formation correcte de l'interface du dimère est une condition préalable pour la monoubiquitination. Dans un second projet, nous avons découvert une nouvelle cible de la protéase MALT1, la ribonucléase Regnase-1. Il a été décrit que l'activité RNase de Regnase-1 régulait négativement les réponses immunitaires. Nous avons pu montrer que dans les lignées cellulaires ABC DLBCL, la Regnase-1 n'était pas seulement clivée par MALT1 mais également phosphorylée, au moins en partie, par la kinase de l'inhibiteur de KB (IKK). Les deux régulations semblent supprimer la fonction RNase de Regnase-1 et permettre ainsi la stabilisation de certains ARN messagers et la production de protéines favorisant la survie. En conclusion, nos études mettent en évidence le rôle-clé de la dimérisation de MALT1 et expliquent l'importance de l'activité catalytique de MALT1 pour l'activation des lymphocytes. Ainsi, nos résultats apportent des connaissances supplémentaires pour le développement de médicaments spécifiques ciblant l'activité catalytique de MALT1, qui pourraient être utiles pour modifier les réponses immunitaires et traiter des lymphomes.
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is an X-linked condition associated with intellectual disability and behavioral problems. It is caused by expansion of a CGG repeat in the 5' untranslated region of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. This mutation is associated with hypermethylation at the FMR1 promoter and resultant transcriptional silencing. FMR1 silencing has many consequences, including up-regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)-mediated signaling. mGluR5 receptor antagonists have shown promise in preclinical FXS models and in one small open-label study of FXS. We examined whether a receptor subtype-selective inhibitor of mGluR5, AFQ056, improves the behavioral symptoms of FXS in a randomized, double-blind, two-treatment, two-period, crossover study of 30 male FXS patients aged 18 to 35 years. We detected no significant effects of treatment on the primary outcome measure, the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community Edition (ABC-C) score, at day 19 or 20 of treatment. In an exploratory analysis, however, seven patients with full FMR1 promoter methylation and no detectable FMR1 messenger RNA improved, as measured with the ABC-C, significantly more after AFQ056 treatment than with placebo (P < 0.001). We detected no response in 18 patients with partial promoter methylation. Twenty-four patients experienced an adverse event, which was mostly mild to moderately severe fatigue or headache. If confirmed in larger and longer-term studies, these results suggest that blockade of the mGluR5 receptor in patients with full methylation at the FMR1 promoter may show improvement in the behavioral attributes of FXS.
Molecular analysis of the bacterial diversity in a specialized consortium for diesel oil degradation
Diesel oil is a compound derived from petroleum, consisting primarily of hydrocarbons. Poor conditions in transportation and storage of this product can contribute significantly to accidental spills causing serious ecological problems in soil and water and affecting the diversity of the microbial environment. The cloning and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene is one of the molecular techniques that allows estimation and comparison of the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. The aim of this work was to estimate the diversity of microorganisms from the Bacteria domain in a consortium specialized in diesel oil degradation through partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. After the extraction of DNA metagenomics, the material was amplified by PCR reaction using specific oligonucleotide primers for the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR products were cloned into a pGEM-T-Easy vector (Promega), and Escherichia coli was used as the host cell for recombinant DNAs. The partial clone sequencing was obtained using universal oligonucleotide primers from the vector. The genetic library obtained generated 431 clones. All the sequenced clones presented similarity to phylum Proteobacteria, with Gammaproteobacteria the most present group (49.8 % of the clones), followed by Alphaproteobacteira (44.8 %) and Betaproteobacteria (5.4 %). The Pseudomonas genus was the most abundant in the metagenomic library, followed by the Parvibaculum and the Sphingobium genus, respectively. After partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA, the diversity of the bacterial consortium was estimated using DOTUR software. When comparing these sequences to the database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a strong correlation was found between the data generated by the software used and the data deposited in NCBI.
A partial review is proposed on the existing literature for the research performed in orthopedic implant used as drug delivery system. In the first part, an evaluation is given on the clinical need to deliver a drug in the surrounding of an implant. Secondly, a review of the clinical situation is developed for implants already used as drug delivery system. Experimental works performed for local delivery are reported. In particular, a description is given on the in vitro and in vivo studies where the implant is coated with different proteins or drugs. Finally, a conclusion is proposed on the next step in the development of orthopedic implant as drug delivery system mentioning also the industrial situation.
Partial crystallization of the metallic glass Co66Si16B12Fe4Mo2 was performed by annealing at temperatures between 500 and 540°C for 10-20 min, resulting in crystallite volume fractions of (0.7-5)×10¿3 and sizes of 50-100 nm. This two-phase alloy presents a remarkable feature: a hysteresis loop shift that can be tailored by simply premagnetizing the sample in the adequate magnetic field. Shifts as large as five times the coercive field have been obtained which make them interesting for application as magnetic cores in dc pulse transformers. The asymetrical magnetic reversal is explained in terms of the magnetic dipolar field interaction and the observed hysteresis loops have been satisfactorily simulated by a modification of Stoner-Wohlfarth¿s model of coherent rotations.
BACKGROUND: Brain inflammation plays a central role in numerous brain pathologies, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Microglial cells and astrocytes are the effector cells of neuroinflammation. They can be activated also by agents such as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Peroxisome proliferator-associated receptor (PPAR) pathways are involved in the control of the inflammatory processes, and PPAR-beta seems to play an important role in the regulation of central inflammation. In addition, PPAR-beta agonists were shown to have trophic effects on oligodendrocytes in vitro, and to confer partial protection in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS. In the present work, a three-dimensional brain cell culture system was used as in vitro model to study antibody-induced demyelination and inflammatory responses. GW 501516, a specific PPAR-beta agonist, was examined for its capacity to protect from antibody-mediated demyelination and to prevent inflammatory responses induced by IFN-gamma and LPS. METHODS: Aggregating brain cells cultures were prepared from embryonal rat brain, and used to study the inflammatory responses triggered by IFN-gamma and LPS and by antibody-mediated demyelination induced by antibodies directed against myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). The effects of GW 501516 on cellular responses were characterized by the quantification of the mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6), inducible NO synthase (i-NOS), PPAR-beta, PPAR-gamma, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), myelin basic protein (MBP), and high molecular weight neurofilament protein (NF-H). GFAP expression was also examined by immunocytochemistry, and microglial cells were visualized by isolectin B4 (IB4) and ED1 labeling. RESULTS: GW 501516 decreased the IFN-gamma-induced up-regulation of TNF-alpha and iNOS in accord with the proposed anti-inflammatory effects of this PPAR-beta agonist. However, it increased IL-6 m-RNA expression. In demyelinating cultures, reactivity of both microglial cells and astrocytes was observed, while the expression of the inflammatory cytokines and iNOS remained unaffected. Furthermore, GW 501516 did not protect against the demyelination-induced changes in gene expression. CONCLUSION: Although GW 501516 showed anti-inflammatory activity, it did not protect against antibody-mediated demyelination. This suggests that the protective effects of PPAR-beta agonists observed in vivo can be attributed to their anti-inflammatory properties rather than to a direct protective or trophic effect on oligodendrocytes.
Quartz-carbonate-chlorite veins were studied in borehole samples of the RWTH-1 well in Aachen. Veins formed in Devonian rocks in the footwall of the Aachen thrust during Variscan deformation and associated fluid flow. Primary fluid inclusions indicate subsolvus unmixing of a homogenous H(2)O-CO(2)-CH(4)-(N(2))-Na-(K)-Cl fluid into a H(2)O-Na-(K)-Cl solution and a vapour-rich CO(2)-(H(2)O, CH(4), N(2)) fluid. The aqueous end-member composition resembles that of metamorphic fluids of the Variscan front zone with salinities ranging from 4 to 7% NaCl equiv. and maximum homogenisation temperatures of close to 400A degrees C. Pressure estimates indicate a burial depth between 4,500 and 8,000 m at geothermal gradients between 50 and 75A degrees C/26 MPa, but pressure decrease to sublithostatic conditions is also indicated, probably as a consequence of fracture opening during episodic seismic activity. A second fluid system, mainly preserved in pseudo-secondary and secondary fluid inclusions, is characterised by fluid temperatures between 200 and 250A degrees C and salinities of < 5% NaCl equiv. Bulk stable isotope analyses of fluids released from vein quartz, calcite, and dolomite by decrepitation yielded delta D(H2O) values from -89 to -113 aEuro degrees, delta(13)C(CH4) from -26.9 to -28.9aEuro degrees (VPDB) and delta(13)C(CO2) from -12.8 to -23.3aEuro degrees (VPDB). The low delta D and delta(13)C range of the fluids is considered to be due to interaction with cracked hydrocarbons. The second fluid influx caused partial isotope exchange and disequilibrium. It is envisaged that an initial short lived flux of hot metamorphic fluids expelled from the epizonal metamorphic domains of the Stavelot-Venn massif. The metamorphic fluid was focused along major thrust faults of the Variscan front zone such as the Aachen thrust. A second fluid influx was introduced from formation waters in the footwall of the Aachen thrust as a consequence of progressive deformation. Mixing of the cooler and lower salinity formation water with the hot metamorphic fluid during episodic fluid trapping resulted in an evolving range of physicochemical fluid inclusion characteristics.
Several problems in the theory of photon migration in a turbid medium suggest the utility of calculating solutions of the telegrapher¿s equation in the presence of traps. This paper contains two such solutions for the one-dimensional problem, the first being for a semi-infinite line terminated by a trap, and the second being for a finite line terminated by two traps. Because solutions to the telegrapher¿s equation represent an interpolation between wavelike and diffusive phenomena, they will exhibit discontinuities even in the presence of traps.
A series of molecular dynamics simulations of simple liquid binary mixtures of soft spheres with disparate-mass particles were carried out to investigate the origin of the marked differences between the dynamic structure factors of some liquid binary mixtures such as the Li0.7Mg0.3 and Li0.8Pb0.2 alloys. It is shown that the facility for observing peaks associated with fast-propagating modes in the partial Li-Li dynamic structure factor of Li0.8Pb0.2 should be mainly attributed to the structure of this alloy, which is characterized by an incipient ABAB ordering as found in molten salts. The longitudinal dispersion relations at intermediate wave vectors obtained from the longitudinal current spectra are very similar for the two alloys and reflect the existence of both fast-and slow-propagating modes of kinetic character associated with light and heavy particles, respectively. The influence of the hardness of the repulsive potential cores as well as the composition of the mixture on the longitudinal collective modes is also discussed.