825 resultados para Work of de-figuration
From the beginning of the twentieth century, ``Modernism`` impacted and transformed art and clothing. Pablo Picasso and Gabrielle ``Coco`` Chanel were two of the most central characters in Modernism working simultaneously in their disciplines. Picasso`s innovations, particularly in abstract art and Chanel`s fashion designs, that dramatically departed from the previous corseted and highly deco-rative styles, were so significant that they have left an influence on contemporary art and fashion. This study will compare their visual works and documented evidence of their motivations, within the context of their cultural backgrounds, to reveal meaning in the occurrences of overlaps. This approach has ex-amined the historical, cultural background of the artist and designer`s environment from different per-spectives, adding to previous research in this area. Through this research, outcomes of the analysis have shown similarities and divergences in the wider genres of art and fashion and the practice of the artist and fashion designer. The reference list to this text, used in the survey, gives a comprehensive overview of pertinent publications disseminating Picasso and Chanel`s visual works, oral perspectives and cultural impact.
Presentation from the MARAC conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 14–16, 2016. S7 - Grant Cycles, Deadlines, and Labor Advocacy: The Changing Work of Project Archivists.
Agnes Heller recently described her position as 'postmodernist', suggesting a move from a political radical to a politically liberal or 'neoconservative' position. The aim of this paper is to assess the degree to which Heller can still be regarded as a radical political thinker through an evaluation of her work on autonomy, democracy and contingency all of which remain key concepts in her thinking about the political. We find in each case that whilst many of the motifs of her critical Marxist period recur in her recent work, they are losing their oppositional or 'negative' character in the sense that making these motifs operational would require changes to the structure or functioning of liberal-capitalism. Whils remaining in some sense a radical thinker Heller has moved from the advocacy of a 'rational utopia' to a form of theorising which I describe as 'will-to-utopia': radical at the surface yet conservative at the core.
Mode of access: Internet.
This socio-legal thesis has explored the factors responsible for explaining whether and how redress mechanisms control bureaucratic decision-making. The research considered the three principal institutions of administrative justice: courts, tribunals, and ombudsman schemes. The field setting was the local authority education area and the thesis examined bureaucratic decision-making about admissions to school, home-to-school transport, and Special Educational Needs (SEN). The thesis adopted a qualitative approach, using interviews and documentary research, within a multiple embedded case study design. The intellectual foundations of the research were inter-disciplinary, cutting across law, socio-legal studies, public administration, organization studies, and social policy. The thesis drew on these scholarly fields to explore the nature of bureaucratic decision-making, the extent to which it can be controlled and the way that learning occurs in bureaucracies and, finally, the extent to which redress mechanisms might exercise control. The concept of control was studied across all its dimensions – in relation both to ex post control in specific cases and the more challenging notion of ex ante or structuring control. The aim of the thesis was not to measure the prevalence of bureaucratic control by redress mechanisms, but to understand the factors that might explain its presence or absence in a particular area. The findings of the research have allowed for a number of analytical refinements and extensions to be made to existing theoretical and empirical understandings. 14 factors, along with 87 supporting propositions, have been set out with the aim of making empirically derived suggestions which can be followed up in future research. In terms of the thesis’ contribution to existing knowledge, its comparative focus and its emphasis on the broad notion of control offered the potential for new insights to be developed. Overall, the thesis claims to have made three contributions to the conceptual framework for understanding the exercise of control by redress mechanisms: it emphasizes the importance of ‘feedback’ in relation to the nature of the cases referred to redress mechanisms; it calls attention to the structure of bureaucratic decision-making as well as its normative character; and it discusses how the operational modes of redress mechanisms relate to their control functions.
Lectura jurídico-civil de la novela "La tía Julia y el escribidor", de Mario Vargas Llosa. Esta novela se presta a una lectura desde la óptica del Derecho civil que puede ser muy sugerente, prestándose a un repaso de diversas instituciones jurídico-privadas y de su reflejo en la novela.
The purpose of this thesis was to explore how alchemy has influenced Carlos Estevez’s work through a study of the symbolic repertoire and the philosophical concepts associated with it in his art, particularly how these are expressed in his artworks and how alchemy has evolved thematically in his oeuvre. The study of alchemy influenced this artist so deeply that even pieces that were not primarily inspired by this philosophical system show traces of it, essentially by representing the concept of transformation, crucial to understanding the alchemical process. This thesis is based on Carl Gustav Jung’s idea of metaphysical transformation as one of the main aspects of alchemy, and on his theory of active imagination as a tool to represent thoughts through artworks. Alchemy transformed Estevez’s art, and by extension the way he approaches life, making him conscious of the importance of transmutation and alchemical concepts.
This flyer promotes an event called "La cancion de la mano de Mike Porcel",a presentation of "Viernes de Musicalia", music by the Cuban-American musician Mike Porcel. The event was held in Spanish on September 26, 2014 at the Green Library, Room 220.
The objective of this article is to reflect on the video art work in its loop production to perceive the possibility of it being received as an open work. In order to contextualize this reflection the text is anchored in the concept of image-crystal from Gilles Deleuze. For the purpose of empirically explore theoretical concepts such as video art, open work and image-crystal it was produced a practical project of video art that intends to reflect on the notion of time in a context of a loop exhibition. Therefore this project aims to motivate the reflection on the loop as a mechanism to contour the ephemeral character of video art and, at the same time, it seeks to emphasize questions about the element of multiplicity and plurality in art. It is a scientific and artistic project in which the practical component supports the dialectic between theory and practice, action and reflection. In this sense, based on the video entitled "The Walk" this article demonstrates how the theoretical concepts were used to support the artistic creation. Finally the conclusions sustain that the work of video art, when presented in loop, is a creative and expository strategy which encourages multiple interpretations that vary according to the narrative, the context in which it takes place and the attitude and the background of the spectator.
O que significa hoje um pensamento do figural? Qual a sua importância no quadro hegemónico do Arquivo Audiovisual e Multimédia Contemporâneo? Qual a relação que o cinema, enquanto assimilável ao pensamento do figural, tem com o Arquivo, tendo em conta a recente apropriação, interpretação, reconfiguração e interrogação das estruturas arquivísticas e materiais de arquivo, por parte de cineastas que usam o cinema, ele próprio, uma forma de arquivagem e material de arquivo, como ferramenta privilegiada de interpelação do Arquivo? Qual a potencial relevância do cinema, encarado nesta perspectiva, face à necessidade política de conceber um exterior do Arquivo? Estas são algumas das perguntas que estão na origem desta tese e a que ela procura responder, através da proposta de (re)corte de um arquivo de filmes e enunciados teóricos e da sua interpelação mútua. Com efeito, a imagem ou ideia de figural supõe uma reconfiguração das relações entre visível e dizível que não só nos serve de topos inspirador da metodologia da tese, num esforço de procurar inscrever a espacialização exigida pelo pensamento do figural na sua própria estrutura, como, sobretudo, nos fornece o quadro teórico de partida para pensar hoje, na senda de autores como Jean- François Lyotard, Michel Foucault e Gilles Deleuze, a relevância simultaneamente epistemológica e política da assimilação de certos gestos cinematográficos contemporâneos a uma imagem do pensamento com estes contornos. Assim, o cinema, sobretudo na sua forma ensaística, é identificado com a possibilidade de pôr em prática, um pensamento do interstício figural, que contraria a identidade dominante do ver e do falar, que rege o paradigma contemporâneo da comunicação, assente na respectiva conversão mútua - as imagens reduzem-se à sua significação ou conteúdo e as palavras convertem-se em imagens legíveis. Através das possibilidades oferecidas pela montagem cinematográfica, trata-se, então, de reenviar as imagens a uma leitura que só elas podem dar, e as palavras a um novo tipo de escuta e entendimento, o que se traduz, em termos da relação do cinema ao Arquivo contemporâneo, na sugestão de que o cinema é uma ferramenta de requalificação do saber que aquele supõe. A nossa hipótese é, pois, a de que o cinema em geral, e certos filmes em particular, ao permitirem a perscrutação arqueológica do Arquivo, introduzem delay na nossa relação aos “documentos”, sendo que é aí, nesse intervalo entre o registo e a sua retoma, que se joga a possibilidade de resistência face ao poder difuso do Arquivo, tal como se manifesta na internet, na televisão, nas redes que hoje geram a regulação, tratamento e transmissão da informação; porque possui uma dimensão audiovisual que lhe permite articular e desarticular arquivos e corpos, e dado que as relações entre dizível e visível não estão estabilizadas, o cinema torna possível a reescrita das figuras, ou seja, um pensamento que não dispõe de uma forma já feita de verdade para o encontro das frases e das experiências, mas que extrai relações essenciais e verdadeiras dos acontecimentos do nosso presente e da nossa história, precisamente a partir da exploração do intervalo instável entre discurso e figura, e da experimentação ao nível da recolagem entre enunciados e visibilidades.
Risk equations have been developed to assist in determining fitness for work of people with diseases that may cause rapid loss of control. The four equations calculate the frequency of fatal injury to the person with the disease, the frequency of fatal injury to colleagues in the workplace, and the cost of fatal injury and property damage to the employer, it is suggested that the additional risk of fatal injury to the person with the disease should not exceed the fatal injury rate in high-risk industries such as forestry, fishing and mining. it is also suggested that the additional risk of fatal injury to each colleague should be no more than one-tenth of the fatal injury rate due to motor vehicle accidents in the community. Two hypothetical case examples are given, demonstrating the use of the equations. The equations highlight the need to examine the risks associated with individuals, their specific jobs and their workplaces. They also highlight significant uncertainties in the determination of fitness, which perhaps have been underestimated in the past. Wherever possible, redundant defences should be utilized to prevent accidents in the event of sudden incapacity.
Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Hongyi (1860-1942) est le maître de l’école bouddhiste appelée « Terre Pure » en Chine moderne. Dans l'histoire du bouddhisme chinois, il est le seul maître bouddhiste qui peut se classer parmi les plus grands calligraphes chinois. Dans l'histoire de la calligraphie chinoise, il est le premier moine-calligraphe qui allie sa foi bouddhiste avec son art calligraphique tout en appliquant des principes de la peinture occidentale à son travail de calligraphie. Son art serve bien sa croyance religieuse et n’est pas indépendent de celle-ci, ce qui est extraordinaire dans l’histoire calligraphique. Il utilise le concept bouddhiste de «une forme sans forme» pour interpréter la calligraphie chinoise, et propose une série de théories calligraphiques bouddhistes pour guider sa pratique. D’ailleurs, sa calligraphie ne sert qu'à retranscrire les textes bouddhistes classiques et contemporains. Ses œuvres illustrent donc l'influence du bouddhisme chinois sur la calligraphie chinoise. Traditionnellement, la dernière œuvre d'un calligraphe est souvent considérée comme son chef-d'œuvre en fonction de deux critères: sa technique et son contenu moral. En outre, quelques-unes des dernières œuvres de grands calligraphes ont survécu. La rareté les rend encore plus précieuses. Bei xin ji jiao («悲欣交集») est la dernière œuvre de Hongyi, qui a été achevée trois jours avant son nirvana. Ce mémoire sera d'étudier et d'analyser l'influence de sa pensée bouddhiste sur le contenu littéraire et la forme artistique de cette œuvre, et d’expliciter qu’elle guide pleinement vers l'état ultime de sa pratique bouddhiste au plus haut niveau de sa calligraphie.