629 resultados para Wool shearing
The improved workability effect of latex in dry mortars has not been fully clarified. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence cif the EVA copolymer on the cement hydration and on the rheological properties of cement pastes. The results pointed to a minor influence of EVA on cement hydration and to a ball-bearing effect. In fact, the shear thinning behavior of reference paste at 15 min after mixing changed to shear thickening owing to the EVA addition. This behavior could be explained by the decrease in the interparticle separation distance as consequence of the solid content increase in case of shearing detachment of weakly adhered EVA particles from the cement particles surfaces. The expected EVA plasticizing effect was observed at 60 min. Such behavior points to the stabilization of EVA on the cement particles surfaces, thus resulting in a steric barrier effect. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of bovine frozen-thawed sperm cells after Percoll gradient centrifugation. Frozen semen doses were obtained from six bulls of different breeds, including three taurine and three Zebu animals. Four ejaculates per bull were evaluated before and after discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation. Sperm motility was assessed by computer-assisted semen analysis and the integrity of the plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as mitochondrial function, were evaluated using a combination of fluorescent probes propidium iodide, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin and 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbocyanine iodide. The procedure of Percoll gradient centrifugation increased the percentage of total and progressive sperm motility, beat frequency, rectilinear motility, linearity and rapidly moving cells. In addition, the percentage of cells with intact plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane potential was increased in post-centrifugation samples. However, the percentage of sperm cells with intact acrosomal membrane was markedly reduced. The method used selected the motile cells with intact plasma membrane and higher mitochondrial functionality in frozen-thawed bull semen, but processing, centrifugation and/or the Percoll medium caused damage to the acrosomal membrane.
As fibras cerâmicas se caracterizam por ser um material leve, com alto grau de pureza, baixo armazenamento de calor, baixa condutividade térmica, resistência a choque térmico e alta resistência à corrosão em altas temperaturas. Essas características levam a uma grande procura das indústrias mínero-metalúrgicas e de outros setores para revestimentos de distribuidores, muflas, fornos de aquecimentos, entre outros. Após utilização no processo, por perderem sua capacidade de isolamento, os resíduos gerados precisam de destinação. Esse trabalho enfoca, especificamente, resíduos de lã cerâmica e lã de vidro. Pelo fato de a composição das fibras cerâmicas ser rica em sílica e alumina, efetuou-se uma investigação acerca da atividade pozolânica das mesmas com a cal e o cimento, especificamente CPV ARI, CPII E32 e CPIII 32RS, para avaliação da perspectiva de reciclagem em possível incorporação no concreto.
The improved workability effect of latex in dry mortars has not been fully clarified. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of the EVA copolymer on the cement hydration and on the rheological properties of cement pastes. The results pointed to a minor influence of EVA on cement hydration and to a ball-bearing effect. In fact, the shear thinning behavior of reference paste at 15 min after mixing changed to shear thickening owing to the EVA addition. This behavior could be explained by the decrease in the interparticle separation distance as consequence of the solid content increase in case of shearing detachment of weakly adhered EVA particles from the cement particles surfaces. The expected EVA plasticizing effect was observed at 60 min. Such behavior points to the stabilization of EVA on the cement particles surfaces, thus resulting in a steric barrier effect.
Curved mountain belts have always fascinated geologists and geophysicists because of their peculiar structural setting and geodynamic mechanisms of formation. The need of studying orogenic bends arises from the numerous questions to which geologists and geophysicists have tried to answer to during the last two decades, such as: what are the mechanisms governing orogenic bends formation? Why do they form? Do they develop in particular geological conditions? And if so, what are the most favorable conditions? What are their relationships with the deformational history of the belt? Why is the shape of arcuate orogens in many parts of the Earth so different? What are the factors controlling the shape of orogenic bends? Paleomagnetism demonstrated to be one of the most effective techniques in order to document the deformation of a curved belt through the determination of vertical axis rotations. In fact, the pattern of rotations within a curved belt can reveal the occurrence of a bending, and its timing. Nevertheless, paleomagnetic data alone are not sufficient to constrain the tectonic evolution of a curved belt. Usually, structural analysis integrates paleomagnetic data, in defining the kinematics of a belt through kinematic indicators on brittle fault planes (i.e., slickensides, mineral fibers growth, SC-structures). My research program has been focused on the study of curved mountain belts through paleomagnetism, in order to define their kinematics, timing, and mechanisms of formation. Structural analysis, performed only in some regions, supported and integrated paleomagnetic data. In particular, three arcuate orogenic systems have been investigated: the Western Alpine Arc (NW Italy), the Bolivian Orocline (Central Andes, NW Argentina), and the Patagonian Orocline (Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina). The bending of the Western Alpine Arc has been investigated so far using different approaches, though few based on reliable paleomagnetic data. Results from our paleomagnetic study carried out in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, located on top of Alpine nappes, indicate that the Western Alpine Arc is a primary bend that has been subsequently tightened by further ~50° during Aquitanian-Serravallian times (23-12 Ma). This mid-Miocene oroclinal bending, superimposing onto a pre-existing Eocene nonrotational arc, is the result of a composite geodynamic mechanism, where slab rollback, mantle flows, and rotating thrust emplacement are intimately linked. Relying on our paleomagnetic and structural evidence, the Bolivian Orocline can be considered as a progressive bend, whose formation has been driven by the along-strike gradient of crustal shortening. The documented clockwise rotations up to 45° are compatible with a secondary-bending type mechanism occurring after Eocene-Oligocene times (30-40 Ma), and their nature is probably related to the widespread shearing taking place between zones of differential shortening. Since ~15 Ma ago, the activity of N-S left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Eastern Cordillera at the border with the Altiplano-Puna plateau induced up to ~40° counterclockwise rotations along the fault zone, locally annulling the regional clockwise rotation. We proposed that mid-Miocene strike-slip activity developed in response of a compressive stress (related to body forces) at the plateau margins, caused by the progressive lateral (southward) growth of the Altiplano-Puna plateau, laterally spreading from the overthickened crustal region of the salient apex. The growth of plateaux by lateral spreading seems to be a mechanism common to other major plateaux in the Earth (i.e., Tibetan plateau). Results from the Patagonian Orocline represent the first reliable constraint to the timing of bending in the southern tip of South America. They indicate that the Patagonian Orocline did not undergo any significant rotation since early Eocene times (~50 Ma), implying that it may be considered either a primary bend, or an orocline formed during the late Cretaceous-early Eocene deformation phase. This result has important implications on the opening of the Drake Passage at ~32 Ma, since it is definitely not related to the formation of the Patagonian orocline, but the sole consequence of the Scotia plate spreading. Finally, relying on the results and implications from the study of the Western Alpine Arc, the Bolivian Orocline, and the Patagonian Orocline, general conclusions on curved mountain belt formation have been inferred.
This Thesys reports the study of a HGMS (High GradientMagnetic Separation) process for the treatment of industrialwastewaters that considers an assisted chemical-physical pre-treatment for the removal of heavy metals through the bound by adsorption with added iron-oxide particulate matter (hematite). The considered filter, constituted by ferromagnetic stainless steel wool and permanent magnets, is studied with a new approach based on a statistical analysis that requires the study of the trajectories of the particles. Experimental activity on a laboratory device has been carried out in order to test the model.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Morphologie von zweiphasigen Polymermischungen unter Scherung in situ mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus optischer Scherzelle, Durchlichtmikroskop und computergestützten CCD-Kamera untersucht. Als Modellblends dienten die unverträglichen, bei Raumtemperatur flüssigen Polymersysteme Polyisobutylen (PIB)/Polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS) (I) und Poly(dimethyl-co-methylphenyl)siloxan/PDMS (II). Alle Komponenten verhalten sich bei den verwendeten Scherraten newtonisch.Eine der wichtigsten Einflussgrößen für die Blendmorphologie ist die Grenzflächenspannung gamma 12. Sie wurde für I und II mit Hilfe der Methode der Tropfenrelaxation (dynamisch) als Funktion der Zeit bestimmt. Diese Methode erlaubt die Messung von gamma 12 für Tropfen der Phase A in B sowie von Tropfen B in A. Bei der Methode des hängenden Tropfens (statisch) muss der Tropfen aus der Phase mit der höheren Dichte bestehen. Wo der Vergleich der beiden Methoden möglich ist, stimmen die Ergebnisse für beide Systeme sehr gut überein. Bei II sind die aus der Tropfenrelaxation erhaltenen gamma 12-Werte der beiden komplementären Zusammensetzungen im Rahmen des Fehlers gleich, bei I zeigt ein PIB-Tropfen in PDMS einen um 40 % niedrigeren Wert als ein PDMS-Tropfen in PIB, dies wird auf die Diffusion von kurzkettigen Anteilen des PDMS in die Grenzschicht zurückgeführt. Die Grenzflächenspannung hängt also unter Umständen auch bei binären Systemen deutlich von der Zusammensetzung ab.Für II wurde die Blendmorphologie über den gesamten Zusammensetzungsbereich untersucht. Die häufig beobachteten cokontinuierlichen Strukturen treten bei keiner Zusammensetzung auf. Die Phaseninversion erkennt man in einer sprunghaften Änderung der Tropfengröße zwischen phiPDMS <= 0,400 und 0,500; zudem lässt sich die Zeitabhängigkeit der Radien durch Auftragung gegen das Produkt aus der Deformation und dem Quadrat des Volumenbruchs der Tropfenphase für 0 <= phiPDMS <= 0,400 sowie 0,500 <= phiPDMS <= 1 normieren. Für I und II wurde die Morphologieentwicklung bei 25 °C nach Vorscherung bei 100 bzw. 50 s-1 und anschließendem Sprung der Scherrate auf deutlich niedrigere Werte als Funktion der Zeit verfolgt. Hierbei erhält man bei genügend langer Messdauer (mindestens 200 000-300 000 Schereinheiten) konstante Tropfengrößen. Zum einen handelt es sich dabei um pseudo-stationäre Werte, die nur durch Koaleszenz bestimmt sind, zum anderen um echte stationäre Radien, die durch gleichzeitig ablaufende Koaleszenz und Zerteilung entstehen. Für I liegen die stationären Mittelwerte auf der Zerteilungskurve, für II hingegen auf der Koaleszenzkurve.Der Einfluss eines grenzflächenwirksamen Additivs wurde anhand von I durch Zugabe des Blockcopolymer PIB-b-PDMS zu PIB untersucht. Der Vergleich des zeitlichen Verlaufs von gamma 12 mit der Morphologieentwicklung zeigt, dass das Additiv eine Stabilisierung der feinen Tropfen/Matrix-Struktur des Blends durch Hinderung der Koaleszenz und nicht durch Reduktion der Grenzflächenspannung bewirkt.
P-T conditions, paragenetic studies and the relation between mineral growth, deformation and - when possible- isograd minerals have been used to describe the type of metamorphism involved within lower units of the southern Menderes Massif of the Anatolide Belt in western Turkey. The study areas mainly consist of Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists of presumed Paleozoic age. Both units are seen as nappes in the southern study area, the Çine and the Selimiye nappe, on the whole corresponding to Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists, respectively. The Çine and Selimiye nappes are part of a complex geological structure within the core series of the Menderes Massif. Their emplacement under lower greenschist facies conditions, would result from closure of the northern Neo-Thethys branch during the Eocene. These two nappes are separated by a major tectonic structure, the Selimiye shear zone, which records top-to-the-S shearing under greenschist facies conditions. Amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism is widely developed within the metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe whereas no metamorphism exceeding lower amphibolite facies has been observed in the Selimiye nappe. In the southern margin of the Çine Massif, around Selimiye and Millas villages, detailed sampling has been undertaken in order to map mineral isograds within the Selimiye nappe and to specify P-T conditions in this area. The data collected in this area reveals a global prograde normal erosion field gradient from south to north and toward the orthogneiss. The mineralogical parageneses and P-T estimates are correlated with Barrovian-type metamorphism. A jump of P-T conditions across the Selimiye shear zone has been identified and estimated c. 2 kbar and 100 °C which evidences the presence of amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks near the orthogneiss. Metasedimentary rocks from the overlying Selimiye nappe have maximum P-T conditions of c. 4-5 kbar and c. 525 °C near the base of the nappe. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine nappe underneath the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of about 7 kbar and >550 °C. Kinematic indicators in both nappes consistently show a top-S shear sense. Metamorphic grade in the Selimiye nappe decreases structurally upwards as indicated by mineral isograds defining the garnet-chlorite zone at the base, the chloritoid-biotite zone and the biotite-chlorite zone at the top of the nappe. The mineral isograds in the Selimiye nappe run parallel to the regional SR foliation. 40Ar/39Ar mica ages indicate an Eocene age of metamorphism in the Selimiye nappe and underneath the Çine nappe in this area. Metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe 20-30 km north of the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of 8-11 kbar and 600-650 °C. Kinematic indicators show mainly top-N shear sense associated with prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism. An age of about 550 Ma could be indicated for amphibolite facies metamorphism and associated top-N shear in the orthogneiss and metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe. However, there is no evidence for polymetamorphism in the 6 metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe, making tectonic interpretations about late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian and Tertiary metamorphic events speculative. In the western margin of the Çine Massif metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure– temperature conditions lead to similar conclusion regarding the erosion field gradient, prograde normal toward the orthogneiss. The contact between orthogneiss and surrounding metasedimentary rocks is mylonitic and syn-metamorphism. P-T estimates are those already observed within the Selimiye nappe and correlated with lower amphibolite facies parageneses. Finally additional data in the eastern part and a general paragenetic study within the Menderes Massif lower units, the Çine and the Selimiye nappes, strongly suggest a single Barrovian-type metamorphism predating Eocene emplacement of the high pressure–low temperature Lycean and Cycladic blueschist nappes. Metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure–temperature conditions do not support the recently proposed model of high pressure–low temperature metamorphic overprinting, which implies burial of the lower units of the Menderes Massif up to depth of 30 km, as a result of closure of the Neo-Tethys. According to the geochronological problem outlined during this thesis, there are two possible schemes: either Barrovian-type metamorphism is Proterozoic in age and part of the sediments from Selimiye nappe (lower amphibolite facies) has to be proterozoic of age too, or Barrovian-type metamorphism in Eocene of age. In the first case the structure observed now in the core series would correspond to simple exhumation of Proterozoic basement. In the latter case a possible correlation with closure of Neo-Tethys (sensu stricto, southern branch) is envisaged.
Vergleichende computergestützte funktionsmorphologische Analyse an Molaren cercopithecoider Primaten
Die Analyse funktioneller Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung und Zahnmorphologie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt primatologischer und paläontologischer Forschung. Als überdauernder Teil des Verdauungssystems geben Zähne die bestmöglichen Hinweise auf die Ernährungsstrategien (ausgestorbener) Arten und eine Fülle weiterer Informationen. Aufgrund dessen ist es für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von größter Bedeutung, die Zähne so detailliert und exakt wie möglich in ihrer gesamten Struktur zu erfassen. Bisher wurden zumeist zweidimensionale Parameter verwendet, um die komplexe Kronenmorphologie von Primatenmolaren vergleichend zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel, Zähne verschiedener Arten von Altweltaffen mittels computerbasierter Methoden dreidimensional zu erfassen und neue Parameter zu definieren, mit denen die Form dieser Zähne objektiv erfasst und funktionell interpretiert werden kann. Mit einem Oberflächen-Scanner wurden die Gebisse einer Stichprobe von insgesamt 48 Primaten von fünf verschiedenen Arten eingescannt und mit Bildverarbeitungsmethoden so bearbeitet, dass dreidimensionale digitale Modelle einzelner Backenzähne zur Analyse vorlagen. Es wurden dabei sowohl Arten ausgewählt, die eine für ihre Gattung typische Ernährungsweise besitzen - also Frugivorie bei den Cercopithecinen und Folivorie bei den Colobinen - als auch solche, die eine davon abweichende Alimentation bevorzugen. Alle Altweltaffen haben sehr ähnliche Molaren. Colobinen haben jedoch höhere und spitzere Zahnhöcker, dünneren Zahnschmelz und scheinen ihre Zähne weniger stark abzukauen als die Meerkatzen. Diese Beobachtungen konnten mit Hilfe der neuen Parameter quantifiziert werden. Aus der 3D-Oberfläche und der Grundfläche der Zähne wurde ein Index gebildet, der die Stärke des Oberflächenreliefs angibt. Dieser Index hat bei Colobinen deutlich höhere Werte als bei Cercopithecinen, auch bei Zähnen, die schon stark abgekaut sind. Die Steilheit der Höcker und ihre Ausrichtung wurden außerdem gemessen. Auch diese Winkelmessungen bestätigten das Bild. Je höher der Blätteranteil an der Ernährung ist, desto höher sind die Indexwerte und umso steiler sind die Höcker. Besonders wichtig war es, dies auch für abgekaute Zähne zu bestätigen, die bisher nicht in funktionelle Analysen miteinbezogen wurden. Die Ausrichtung der Höckerseiten gibt Hinweise auf die Kaubewegung, die zum effizienten Zerkleinern der Nahrung notwendig ist. Die Ausrichtung der Höcker der Colobinen deutet darauf hin, dass diese Primaten flache, gleitende Kaubewegungen machen, bei denen die hohen Höcker aneinander vorbei scheren. Dies ist sinnvoll zum Zerschneiden von faserreicher Nahrung wie Blättern. Cercopithecinen scheinen ihre Backenzähne eher wie Mörser und Stößel zu verwenden, um Früchte und Samen zu zerquetschen und zu zermahlen. Je nachdem, was neben der hauptsächlichen Nahrung noch gekaut wird, unterscheiden sich die Arten graduell. Anders als bisher vermutet wurde, konnte gezeigt werden, dass Colobinen trotz des dünnen Zahnschmelzes ihre Zähne weniger stark abkauen und weniger Dentin freigelegt wird. Dies gibt eindeutige Hinweise auf die Unterschiede in der mechanischen Belastung, die während des Kauvorgangs auf die Zähne wirkt, und lässt sich gut mit der Ernährung der Arten in Zusammenhang bringen. Anhand dieser modellhaften Beobachtungen können in Zukunft ausgestorbene Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Ernährungsweise mit 3D-Techniken untersucht werden.
Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine biologische Bekämpfung von Kleider- und Pelzmotten durch die gezielte Freilassungen von parasitoiden Hymenopteren als deren natürliche Gegenspieler möglich. Es wurden erstmalig ausführliche Versuche zur Parasitierung der Kleider- und Pelzmotte, insbesondere durch Eiaparasitoide der Gattung Trichogramma, durchgeführt. Für die braconide Schlupfwespe Apanteles carpatus wurde eine Zucht- und Freilassungsmethode entwickelt. Sie kann nun als neuer Nützlinge gegen textilschädigende Mottenlarven eingesetzt werden. Eine natürliche Parasitierung textilschädigender Motten durch Eiparasitoide ist bislang nicht nachgewiesen worden. Die Tineiden erwiesen sich im Laborversuch für Trichogramma als gut geeignete Wirte. Hinsichtlich der praktischen Anwendung von Eiparasitoiden der Gattung Trichogramma konnte aus einer Auswahl von 29 Arten und Stämmen aus einer Laborzucht mit T. piceum (Stamm: PIC M 91) eine besonders geeignete Art selektiert werden. Dieser Stamm zeigte die höchste Parasitierungsrate mit über 80 Eiern bei Temperaturen von 20-25°C und einer Lebensdauer von bis zu 17 Tagen. Im Präferenztest wurden sowohl Eier der Kleidermotte als auch der Getreidemotte, dem Massenzuchtwirt, von allen Stämmen mit Abstand am besten parasitiert. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von T. piceum lag bei über 80%. Der untersuchte Stamm von Apanteles carpatus zeigte bei 25°C eine durchschnittliche Nachkommenzahl von 55 pro Weibchen. Die Parasitoide erreichten jedoch nur unter optimalen Bedingungen eine Lebensdauer von bis zu 14 Tagen. In den Käfigversuchen ohne zusätzliche Nahrungsquellen wurden die Tiere nicht älter als 4 Tage. Es war nicht möglich, für A. carpatus Ersatzwirte für eine Massenzucht zu finden, da sie offensichtlich auf Tineiden spezialisiert sind, jedoch konnte ein Zuchtsystem mit Kleidermotten als Zuchtwirte etabliert werden. Die ausgewählten Trichogramma-Arten wurden in Käfigversuchen ausführlich untersucht und im Hinblick auf ihre Suchleistung auf verschiedenen Stoffoberflächen geprüft. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die getesteten Arten sehr unterschiedlich geeignet sind, um Textilien nach Eiern abzusuchen. Die Arten T. evanescens (Stamm: Lager) und T. piceum (PIC M 91) erwiesen sich als in der Suchleistung als am besten geeignet. Im Vergleich dazu zeigte T. cacoeciae (CAC D 90 O) sehr wenig Suchleistugsvermögen auf Textilien. Die geeigneten Arten durchdrangen außer verschiedenen Textilien auch grobe Schafwolle bis zu 0,4 m vom Freilassungsort. Das Ködern von Larvalparasitoiden von tineiden Motten im Freiland erwies sich als nicht erfolgreich. Trotzdem in der Literatur eine Reihe parasitoider Hymenopteren als Gegenspieler von Tineiden beschrieben sind und in Innenräumen beobachtet wurden, war es nicht möglich, weitere freilebende Arten zu ködern. Sowohl für das Ködern im Freiland als auch für die Rückköderung in Lagern wurden Ködermethoden getestet und optimiert. Nebenwirkungstests haben ergeben, dass die Nützlinge ergänzend zum Einsatz von Niem-Präparaten an schlecht zugänglichen Befallsstellen eingesetzt werden können. Ebenso wurde ermittelt, dass eine Kombination des Nützlingseinsatzes mit Repellents möglich ist. Bei zu hoher Konzentration der Wirkstoffe, den reinen Niem-Öl und konzentriertem Lavendel-Öl, in geschlossenen Glaskäfigen, wurden starke Nebenwirkungen auf Trichogramma festgestellt. In größerem Raumvolumen oder geringerer Dosierung der Wirkstoffe parasitierte Trichogramma allerdings auch Ködereier, die sich auf Niem-behandeltem Stoff befanden. Erste Freilassungsversuche in der Praxis ergaben unterschiedliche Erfolge. Nach einer Freilassung von Apanteles carpatus in einem Wohnhaus, das mit Schafwolle gedämmt wurde, reduzierte sich Fang von adulten Motten auf Pheromon-Klebfallen deutlich. In einem Textillager hingegen war es mit einer einmaligen Freilassung jedoch nicht möglich, die Gegenspieler zu etablieren und den Mottenbefall zu kontrollieren. Die mehrwöchige Freilassung von Trichogramma in einem Textillager konnte dazu beitragen, einen Pelzmottenbefall zu reduzieren. Hier zeigten sich Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von parasitoiden Schlupfwespen gegen Textilmotten gleichermaßen.
The Variscan basement of Northern Apennines (Northern Italy) is a polymetamorphic portion of continental crust. This thesis investigated the metamorphic history of this basement occurring in the Cerreto Pass, in the Pontremoli well, and in the Pisani Mountains. The study comprised fieldwork, petrography and microstructural analysis, determination of the bulk rock and mineral composition, thermodynamic modelling, conventional geothermobarometry, monazite chemical dating and Ar/Ar dating of muscovite. The reconstructed metamorphic evolution of the selected samples allowed to define a long-lasting metamorphic history straddling the Variscan and Alpine orogenesis. Some general petrological issues generally found in low- to medium-grade metapelites were also tackled: (i) With middle-grade micaschist it is possible to reconstruct a complete P-T-D path by combining microstructural analysis and thermodynamic modelling. Prekinematic white mica may preserve Mg-rich cores related to the pre-peak stage. Mn-poor garnet rim records the peak metamorphism. Na-rich mylonitic white mica, the XFe of chlorite and the late paragenesis may constrain the retrograde stage. (ii) Metapelites may contain coronitic microstructures of apatite + Th-silicate, allanite and epidote around unstable monazite grains. Chemistry and microstructure of Th-rich monazite relics surrounded by this coronitic microstructure may suggest that monazite mineral was inherited and underwent partial dissolution and fluid-aided replacement by REE-accessory minerals at 500-600°C and 5-7 kbar. (iii) Fish-shaped white mica is not always a (prekinematic) mica-fish. Observed at high-magnification BSE images it may consist of several white mica formed during a mylonitic stage. Hence, the asymmetric foliation boudin is a suitable microstructure to obtain geochronological information about the shearing stage. (iv) Thermodynamic modelling of a hematite-rich metasedimentary rock fails to reproduce the observed mineral compositions when the bulk Fe2O3 is neglected or determined through titration. The mismatch between observed and computed mineral compositions and assemblage is resolved by tuning the effective ferric iron content by P-XFe2O3 diagrams.
Abstract Objectives: To investigate the influence of protein incorporation on the resistance of biomimetic calcium-phosphate coatings to the shear forces that are generated during implant insertion. Materials and Methods: Thirty-eight standard (5 x 13 mm) Osseotite((R)) implants were coated biomimetically with a layer of calcium phosphate, which either lacked or bore a co-precipitated (incorporated) depot of the model protein bovine serum albumin (BSA). The coated implants were inserted into either artificial bone (n=18) or the explanted mandibles of adult pigs (n=12). The former set-up was established for the measurement of torque and of coating losses during the insertion process. The latter set-up was established for the histological and histomorphometric analysis of the fate of the coatings after implantation. Results: BSA-bearing coatings had higher mean torque values than did those that bore no protein depot. During the insertion process, less material was lost from the former than from the latter type of coating. The histological and histomorphometric analysis revealed fragments of material to be sheared off from both types of coating at vulnerable points, namely, at the tips of the threads. The sheared-off fragments were retained within the peri-implant space. Conclusion: The incorporation of a protein into a biomimetically prepared calcium-phosphate coating increases its resistance to the shear forces that are generated during implant insertion. In a clinical setting, the incorporated protein would be an osteogenic agent, whose osteoinductive potential would not be compromised by the shearing off of coating material, and the osteoconductivity of an exposed implant surface would not be less than that of a coated one. To cite this article: Hägi TT, Enggist L, Michel D, Ferguson SJ, Liu Y, Hunziker EB. Mechanical insertion properties of calcium-phosphate implant coatings. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. xx, 2010; 000-000. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.01916.x.
Simply a nest? Effects of different enrichments on stereotypic and anxiety-related behaviour in mice
Improving the home cages of laboratory mice by environmental enrichment has been widely used to reduce cage stereotypies and anxiety-related behaviour in behavioural tests. However, enrichment studies differ substantially in type, complexity and variation of enrichments. Therefore, it is unclear whether success depends on specific enrichment items, environmental complexity, or novelty associated with enrichment. The aim of this study was therefore to dissociate the effects of environmental complexity and novelty on stereotypy development and compare these effects with the provision of nesting material alone. Thus, 54 freshly weaned male ICR (CD-1) mice were pairwise allocated to standard laboratory cages enriched in three different ways (n = 18 per group). Treatment 1 consisted of cotton wool as nesting material. Treatments 2 and 3 were structurally more complex, including a shelter and a climbing structure as additional resources. To render complexity and novelty independent of the specific enrichment items, three shelters (cardboard house, plastic tunnel, red plastic house) and three climbing structures (ladder, rope, wooden bars) were used to create nine different combinations of enrichment. In treatment 2 (complexity), each pair of mice was assigned to a different combination that remained constant throughout 9 weeks, whereas in treatment 3 (novelty), each pair of mice was exposed to all 9 combinations in turn by changing them weekly in a pseudorandom order. After 9 weeks, stereotypic behaviour in the home cage was assessed from video recordings, and anxiety-related behaviour was assessed in two behavioural tests (elevated zero-maze, open-field). However, no significant differences in stereotypy scores and no consistent differences in anxiety-related behaviours were found between the three groups. These findings indicate that within standard laboratory cages neither complexity nor novelty of simple enrichments have additional effects on stereotypic and anxiety-related behaviour beyond those of adequate nesting material. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.
We have used the fusible tin coating method to detect shear band heating in amorphous Zr57Ti5Cu20Ni8Al10 loaded under quasi-static uniaxial compression. High-rate load data allowed a precise determination of the duration of shearing events and final fracture. When loading was halted prior to fracture we saw no evidence of melted tin despite the presence of shear offsets up to 6μm on some shear bands. Samples loaded to fracture showed evidence of tin melting near the fracture surface. We attribute the difference to the duration of the events, which is much longer for shear banding (milliseconds) than for fracture (microseconds).