978 resultados para Wooden beams and girders
We analyze the capability of the next generation of linear electron-positron colliders to unravel the spin and couplings of excited leptons predicted by composite models. Assuming that these machines will be able to operate both in the e+e- and e-γ modes, we study the effects of the excited electrons of spin 1/2 and 3/2 in the reactions e-γ → e-γ and e+e- → γγ. We show how the use of polarized beams is able not only to increase the reach of these machines, but also to determine the spin and couplings of the excited states.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of storage time (0, 48 hours) of Pinus elliottii pieces and the tests to obtaining modulus of elasticity (static bending and transversal vibration) in glued laminated timber beams, produced with resorcinol based adhesive and 0.8 MPa compaction pressure. After pieces were properly prepared, part of them was used in immediate three manufacturing glulam beams, tested after adhesive cure, and part stored for 48 hours under a roof with a temperature of 25°C and relative humidity of 60% for subsequent manufacturing and testing three other glulam beams. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the storage period was significant influence in modulus of elasticity obtained in static bending test (8% reduction from 0 to 48 hours). This not occurred with modulus of elasticity obtained by transversal vibration test (no significant influence). ANOVA results showed equivalence of means in both test procedures. New researches ire needed to better understand the investigated phenomenon, using new wood species, other storage conditions and a great number of samples.
Numerous factors influencing the surface quality of wood after machining, among them we highlight the machining parameters and the properties of the wood. In the analysis of the influence of these factors on machining and in determining the quality measurement systems are used to obtain surface characteristics, these systems are divided into methods of contact and non-contact. The method for mechanical contact performed with the aid of the surface roughness tester is the most valued in the measurement of roughness of wood, however, aiming at a greater agility in these measurements, there is a need to seek alternatives for evaluation of surface quality, and one of these options is to use the forms of indirect measurements of this quality, as for example, the use of noise emission during the machining process. With this, the aim was to analyze the influence of the moisture content of the wood, at different levels, on surface quality of the species Pinus elliottii, determined by the method of mechanical probing move and relate this roughness with the sound emission issued for each class of humidity, during machining. The planning of experiments and statistical analyses were performed with the help of Taguchi method. The specimens were conditioned in greenhouses climatizadoras automatics for obtaining three classes of humidity. Machining tests of wooden pieces were performed on a machining center specific for this type of material. The roughness values were measured by a roughness verifier and the noise emission values were measured by for a measurer sound pressure level. Statistically significant differences were observed, the significance level of 10 %, on roughness and noise emission between the three levels of moisture. It was observed that with the increase in the moisture content occurred an increase of roughness and a reduction in noise emission. Monitoring of surface quality through noise level is an interesting alternative to the method of mechanical contact.
For many years AASHTO provided no recommendation to state DOT’s on bottom flange confinement reinforcement for their bridge superstructures. The 1996 edition of AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges stated that nominal reinforcement be placed to enclose the prestressing steel from the end of the girder for at least a distance equal to the girder’s height. A few years later the 2004 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification changed the distance over which the confinement was to be distributed from 1.0h to 1.5h, and gave minimum requirements for the amount of steel to be used, No.3 bars, and their maximum spacing, not to exceed 6”. Research was undertaken to study what impact, if any, confinement reinforcement has on the performance of prestressed concrete bridge girders. Of particular interest was the effect confinement had on the transfer length, development length, and vertical shear capacity of the fore mentioned members. First, an analytical investigation was performed on the subject, and then an experimental investigation followed which consisted of designing, fabricating, and testing eight tee-girders and three NU1100 girders with particular attention paid to the amount and distribution of confinement reinforcement placed at the end of each girder. The results of the study show: 1) neither the amount or distribution of confinement reinforcement had a significant effect on the initial or final transfer length of the prestress strands; 2) at the AASHTO calculated development length, no significant impact from confinement was found on either the nominal flexural capacity of bridge girders or bond capacity of the prestressing steel; 3) the effects from varied confinement reinforcement on the shear resistance of girders tested was negligible, however, distribution of confinement did show to have an impact on the prestressed strands’ bond capacity; 4) confinement distribution across the entire girder did increase ductility and reduced cracking under extreme loading conditions.
A new steel girder bridge system was developed at the University of Nebraska. The innovative girder design is a box girder folded from a single steel plate that has a trapezoid shape with an opening on the bottom. The girder has application in short span bridges and accelerated construction situations. The structural performance of the girder requires investigation in all stages of a bridge’s lifecycle. This thesis contains descriptions and results from the first two tests from a series of tests developed to evaluate this new girder shape. The objective of these two tests was to investigate the constructability of the girders. During construction a bridge is in its least stable condition and it is important that the bridge components exhibit both adequate strength and stability during this critical stage. To this end, two girders were tested in flexure over a simple span as a non-composite beam simulating the loading the girders would be subjected to during construction. The results of the two tests indicate that the folded girder as a whole, and its components, provide adequate strength and stability at construction load levels. Failure occurred at loads that were above normal construction load levels and resulted in a ductile failure mode, which is a well documented benefit of steel components. The girders remained stable through all phases of loading including failure. The top flange was the weakest component of the beam during construction due to its role as a compression element that has a slender and un-braced form. The compression in the top flange caused local buckling in the top flange even at elastic load levels. This was the cause for loss of stiffness and failure in both specimens. Incorporation of a ridge at the center of the top flange of specimens, results of which are not reported in this thesis, proved to resolve this very early buckling issue.
The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, Brazil), though, exhibit a seemingly broader toolkit, using wooden sticks as probes, and employing stone tools for a variety of purposes. Over the course of 701.5 hr of visual contact of two wild capuchin groups we recorded 677 tool use episodes. Five hundred and seventeen of these involved the use of stones, and 160 involved the use of sticks (or other plant parts) as probes to access water, arthropods, or the contents of insects` nests. Stones were mostly used as ""hammers""-not only to open fruit or seeds, or smash other food items, but also to break dead wood, conglomerate rock, or cement in search of arthropods, to dislodge bigger stones, and to pulverize embedded quartz pebbles (licking, sniffing, or rubbing the body with the powder produced). Stones also were used in a ""hammer-like"" fashion to loosen the soil for digging out roots and arthropods, and sometimes as ""hoes"" to pull the loosened soil. In a few cases, we observed the re-utilization of stone tools for different purposes (N = 3), or the combined use of two tools-stones and sticks (N = 4) or two stones (N = 5), as sequential or associative tools. On three occasions, the monkeys used smaller stones to loosen bigger quartz pebbles embedded in conglomerate rock, which were subsequently used as tools. These could be considered the first reports of secondary tool use by wild capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 71:242-251, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Silver/alanine nanocomposites with varying mass percentage of silver have been produced. The size of the silver nanoparticles seems to drive the formation of the nanocomposite, yielding a homogeneous dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the alanine matrix or flocs of silver nanoparticles segregated from the alanine crystals. The alanine crystalline orientation is modified according to the particle size of the silver nanoparticles. Concerning a mass percentage of silver below 0.1%, the nanocomposites are homogeneous, and there is no particle aggregation. As the mass percentage of silver is increased, the system becomes unstable, and there is particle flocculation with subsequent segregation of the alanine crystals. The nanocomposites have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and they have been tested as radiation detectors by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in order to detect the paramagnetic centers created by the radiation. In fact, the sensitivity of the radiation detectors is optimized in the case of systems containing small particles (30 nm) that are well dispersed in the alanine matrix. As the agglomeration increases, particle growth (up to 1.5 mu m) and segregation diminish the sensitivity. In conclusion, nanostructured materials can be used for optimization of alanine sensitivity, by taking into account the influence of the particles size of the silver nanoparticles on the detection properties of the alanine radiation detectors, thus contributing to the construction of small-sized detectors.
The grading of structural lumber besides contributing for increasing the structure's safety, due to the reduction of the material variability, also allows its rational use. Due to the good correlation between strength and bending stiffness, the latter has been used in estimating the mechanical strength of lumber pieces since the 60's. For industrial application, there are equipment and techniques to evaluate the bending stiffness of lumber, through dynamic tests such as the longitudinal vibration technique, also known as stress wave, and the transverse vibration technique. This study investigated the application of these two techniques in the assessment of the modulus of elasticity in bending of Teca beams (Tectona grandis), from reforestation, and of the tropical species Guajara (Micropholis venulosa). The modulus of elasticity estimated by dynamic tests showed good correlation with the modulus measured in the static bending test. Meantime, we observed that the accuracy of the longitudinal vibration technique was significantly reduced in the evaluation of the bending stiffness of Teca pieces due to the knots existing in this species.
The electronic stopping cross section (SCS) of Al2O3 for proton beams is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The measurements are made for proton energies from 40 keV up to 1 MeV, which cover the maximum stopping region, using two experimental methods, the transmission technique at low energies (similar to 40-175 keV) and the Rutherford backscattering at high energies (approximate to 190-1000 keV). These new data reveal an increment of 16% in the SCS around the maximum stopping with respect to older measurements. The theoretical study includes electronic stopping power calculations based on the dielectric formalism and on the transport cross section (TCS) model to describe the electron excitations of Al2O3. The non-linear TCS calculations of the SCS for valence electrons together with the generalized oscillator strengths (GOS) model for the core electrons compare well with the experimental data in the whole range of energies considered.
The extrapolation chamber is a parallel-plate ionization chamber that allows variation of its air-cavity volume. In this work, an experimental study and MCNP-4C Monte Carlo code simulations of an ionization chamber designed and constructed at the Calibration Laboratory at IFEN to be used as a secondary dosimetry standard for low-energy X-rays are reported. The results obtained were within the international recommendations, and the simulations showed that the components of the extrapolation chamber may influence its response up to 11.0%. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate whether Nd:YAG laser irradiation of etched and unetched dentin through an uncured adhesive affected the microtensile bond strength (pTBS). Materials and Methods: Flat dentin surfaces were created in 19 extracted human third molars. Adper Single Bond (SB) adhesive was applied over etched (groups 1 to 3) or unetched dentin (groups 4 to 6). The dentin was then irradiated with a Nd:YAG laser through the uncured adhesive, using 0.75 or 1 W power settings, except for the control groups (groups 1 and 4). The adhesive was light cured and composite crowns were built up. After 24 h, the teeth were sectioned into beams, with cross-sectional areas of 0.49 mm(2), and were stressed under tension. Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%). Dentin surfaces of fractured specimens and the interfaces of untested beams were observed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Acid etching, laser irradiation, and their interaction significantly affected bonding (p < 0.05). Laser irradiation did not improve bonding of etched dentin to resin (p > 0.05). However, higher pTBS means were found on unetched lased dentin (groups 5 and 6), but only in comparison to group 4, where neither lasing nor etching was performed. Groups 4 to 6 showed the lowest pTBS means among all groups tested (p < 0.05). Laser irradiation did not change the characteristics of the hybrid layers created, while solidification globules were observed on lased dentin surfaces under SEM. Conclusion: Laser irradiation of dentin through the uncured adhesive did not significantly improve the pTBS in comparison to the suggested manufacturer's technique.
Using the high-resolution performance of the fragment separator FRS at GSI we have discovered 60 new neutron-rich isotopes in the atomic number range of 60 <= Z <= 78. The new isotopes were unambiguously identified in reactions with a U-238 beam impinging on a Be target at 1 GeV/nucleon. The production cross-section for the new isotopes have been measured down to the pico-barn level and compared with predictions of different model calculations. For elements above hafnium fragmentation is the dominant reaction mechanism which creates the new isotopes, whereas fission plays a dominant role for the production of the new isotopes up to thulium. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents a study on the effects of the particle size, material concentration and radiation energy on the X-ray absorption. CuO nanoparticles and microparticles were incorporated separately into a polymeric resin in concentrations of 5%, 10% and 30% relative to the resin mass. X-ray absorption by these materials was analyzed with a CdTe detector. The X-ray absorption is higher for the nanostructured material compared to the microstructured one for low energy X-ray beams for all CuO concentrations. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To compare stabilometric parameters of elderly female fallers and non-fallers associated or not with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Fifty-six elderly female fallers and non-fallers diagnosed or not with unilateral or bilateral knee OA were divided into the following groups: FOA (n = 10), elderly female falters with knee OA; FNOA (n = 11), elderly female fallers without knee OA; NFOA (n = 14), elderly female non-fallers with knee OA; and NFNOA (n = 21), elderly female non-fallers without knee OA. For analyzing semi-static balance on a force platform with the elderly females standing, the following parameters were assessed in four conditions: center of pressure (COP), anterior-posterior and mediolateral displacements (APD and MLD, respectively); and COP anterior-posterior and mediolateral displacement velocities (APV and MLV, respectively). The following conditions were assessed: 1) standing on a firm wooden surface with eyes open (WSEO); 2) standing on a firm wooden surface with eyes closed (WSEC); 3) standing on a foam surface with eyes open (FSEO); 4) standing on a foam surface with eyes closed (FSEC). Results: The elderly females with knee OA showed greater APD in all four conditions assessed (P < 0.05), while the elderly female fallers showed greater MLD (P < 0.05). No difference between the groups was observed for APV and MLV (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Knee OA per se increases APD of the COP, while the history of falls, regardless of the presence of knee OA, hinders postural control in the ML direction.
A transmission problem involving two Euler-Bernoulli equations modeling the vibrations of a composite beam is studied. Assuming that the beam is clamped at one extremity, and resting on an elastic bearing at the other extremity, the existence of a unique global solution and decay rates of the energy are obtained by adding just one damping device at the end containing the bearing mechanism.