962 resultados para Wilson, Harold
O presente trabalho trata da instalação de uma ação programática típica da atenção primária à saúde, em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), conforme o preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o processo de implementação da ação programática de atenção a usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e Diabetes Mellitus (DM) na UBS Wilson Paulo Noal, em Santa Maria-RS, que tinha por objetivo final melhorar a qualidade do serviço prestado à esta população. Como objetivos importantes apresentavam-se ampliar a cobertura, melhorar a qualidade da atenção, melhorar a adesão de pacientes, melhorar o registro de informações, mapear pacientes com HAS e DM de risco para doenças cardiovasculares e estabelecer ações de prevenção. No início deste, apresenta-se a análise situacional da UBS, quanto a estrutura física, ambiente e logística de trabalho, recursos disponíveis e também suas deficiências. Na seqüência detalha-se o planejamento estratégico que visava operacionalizar a implementação desta ação programática, através de diversas ações específicas de forma a aprimorar o atendimento a estes usuários. O projeto de intervenção na ação programática relativa às patologias HAS e DM tem plena justificativa, ao passo que tais doenças têm elevada prevalência e trazem grande morbidade aos pacientes que as possuem. As doenças crônico-degenerativas têm assumido importância cada vez maior no elenco de ações programáticas típicas da atenção básica em função da modificação da pirâmide populacional e do estilo de vida que elevam estas doenças à condições epidêmicas na população brasileira. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho mostraram-se significativos. O percentual de cobertura do programa de atenção à usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica foi evoluindo de acordo com os meses de intervenção, alcançando 26,5% ao final do primeiro mês com um total de 61 pessoas acompanhadas, 46,1% ao final do segundo mês com 106 pessoas e ao final de 12 semanas de intervenção chegamos ao percentual de cobertura de 57,8% com 133 pessoas participantes do programa. O percentual de cobertura do programa de atenção à usuários com Diabetes Mellitus foi evoluindo de acordo com os meses de intervenção, alcançando 37,5% ao final do primeiro mês com um total de 27 pessoas acompanhadas, 61,1% ao final do segundo mês com um total de 44 pessoas e ao final de 12 semanas de intervenção chegamos ao percentual de cobertura de 76,4% com 55 pessoas participantes do programa. Também foram encontrados resultados determinantes para agregar qualidade ao serviço prestado, o que foi avaliado através de indicadores.
ALVAREZ, Ana Maia. Qualificação do Programa de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa na USF Wilson Batista Siqueira, Mâncio Lima, AC. Ano 2015.75f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Ano 2015. Devido uma crescente esperança de vida e diminuição das taxas de natalidade evidenciadas em todo mundo, a população idosa representará uma quantia cada vez maior na sociedade. Vários problemas de saúde são frequentes neste ciclo de vida tais como o déficit de memória cognitivo, depressão, doenças crônicas como a hipertensão arterial sistêmica e diabetes mellitus, bem como suas complicações e a osteoporose. O presente trabalho é fruto da necessidade de melhoria do Programa de Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa na Unidade de Saúde da Família Wilson Batista Siqueira, localizada no município de Mâncio Lima no Acre. Neste sentido planejamos elaborar uma proposta de intervenção para sistematização do atendimento aos usuários idosos tendo como principais objetivos ampliar a cobertura dos usuários idosos e melhorar a qualidade da atenção a esses usuários. Utilizando como base as normativas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde na atenção a saúde dos usuários idosos, adotamos o Manual Técnico de Envelhecimento e Saúde da Pessoa Idosa, 2006. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram realizadas ações dentro dos quatro eixos temáticos propostos pelo curso, monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, qualificação da prática clínica e engajamento público. Além disso, para organização do processo do trabalho foi adotada a ficha-espelho e planilha eletrônica de coleta de dados. Após a realização do trabalho foi possível observar um aumento na cobertura do programa que inicialmente era 60% (56) e após a intervenção foi possível alcançar a marca de 94,4% (85) usuários idosos da área de abrangência cadastrados no programa de saúde do idoso. Destes indivíduos 100% realizaram exame físico e laboratorial, receberam avaliação multidimensional rápida e avaliação de fragilidades na velhice, além de serem orientados sobre alimentação saudável, pratica de atividade física e higiene da cavidade oral. Todos os usuários cadastrados receberam a caderneta de saúde da pessoa idosa. Como ponto negativo do trabalho nenhum usuário teve a primeira consulta odontológica programática agendada. Com a intervenção houve uma melhora na adesão dos tratamentos propostos por parte dos usuários, ocorreu também melhorias na assistência fornecida durante as consultas médicas além de melhorias gerais no atendimento da população. Nosso projeto já foi inserido na rotina de trabalho da unidade. Além disso, vamos incorporar a parceria com os profissionais do Núcleo de Apoio a Saúde da Família para qualificar ainda mais o nosso trabalho e assistência à saúde dessa população.
Resumo COBAS, Luís Mendoza. Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na ESF Wilson Batista Siqueira, Mâncio Lima/AC. 2015. 88f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. No Brasil, as doenças cardiovasculares representam importante problema de saúde, pois, são as primeiras causas de morte. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) o e diabetes mellitus (DM) são doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, constituem-se os fatores de risco mais importantes para as afeções cardiovasculares e geram alto custo econômico. Nas estadísticas de saúde publica percebe-se que estas doenças têm alta prevalência e baixas taxas de controle. O acompanhamento e o tratamento oportuno reduzem o risco de complicações. Este trabalho refere-se ao desenvolvimento de uma intervenção que teve por objetivo melhorar a atenção à saúde das pessoas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes mellitus na Equipe de Saúde da Família Wilson Batista Siqueira, em Mâncio Lima, Acre. As ações foram desenvolvidas nos quatro eixos temáticos propostos pelo curso: Monitoramento e Avaliação, Organização e Gestão do Serviço, Engajamento Público e Qualificação da prática clínica, para o controle deste grupo. O projeto teve duração de três meses, para o monitoramento da intervenção foi utilizado às fichas de espelho e a planilha de coletas de dados disponibilizada pelo curso. Foram acompanhados durante a intervenção 203 usuários com hipertensão e 51 com diabetes, sendo alcançada a cobertura de 93,5% e 100%, respectivamente. Em relação aos indicadores de qualidade tivemos 100% dos usuários com exame clínico apropriado, estratificação de risco cardiovascular, orientação sobre alimentação saudável, atividade física, risco de tabagismo e higiene bucal. Como aspectos positivos ressaltamos a ampliação do cadastramento de todos os usuários com hipertensão e diabetes acima de 20 anos ou mais, implantação de registros específicos como a ficha-espelho, atendimento clínico integral e humanizado. Palavras-chave: Atenção Primária à Saúde; Saúde da Família; Doença Crônica; Diabetes Mellitus; Hipertensão.
Hypertensive patients exhibit higher cardiovascular risk and reduced lung function compared with the general population. Whether this association stems from the coexistence of two highly prevalent diseases or from direct or indirect links of pathophysiological mechanisms is presently unclear. This study investigated the association between lung function and carotid features in non-smoking hypertensive subjects with supposed normal lung function. Hypertensive patients (n = 67) were cross-sectionally evaluated by clinical, hemodynamic, laboratory, and carotid ultrasound analysis. Forced vital capacity, forced expired volume in 1 second and in 6 seconds, and lung age were estimated by spirometry. Subjects with ventilatory abnormalities according to current guidelines were excluded. Regression analysis adjusted for age and prior smoking history showed that lung age and the percentage of predicted spirometric parameters associated with common carotid intima-media thickness, diameter, and stiffness. Further analyses, adjusted for additional potential confounders, revealed that lung age was the spirometric parameter exhibiting the most significant regression coefficients with carotid features. Conversely, plasma C-reactive protein and matrix-metalloproteinases-2/9 levels did not influence this relationship. The present findings point toward lung age as a potential marker of vascular remodeling and indicate that lung and vascular remodeling might share common pathophysiological mechanisms in hypertensive subjects.
Acid drainage influence on the water and sediment quality was investigated in a coal mining area (southern Brazil). Mine drainage showed pH between 3.2 and 4.6 and elevated concentrations of sulfate, As and metals, of which, Fe, Mn and Zn exceeded the limits for the emission of effluents stated in the Brazilian legislation. Arsenic also exceeded the limit, but only slightly. Groundwater monitoring wells from active mines and tailings piles showed pH interval and chemical concentrations similar to those of mine drainage. However, the river and ground water samples of municipal public water supplies revealed a pH range from 7.2 to 7.5 and low chemical concentrations, although Cd concentration slightly exceeded the limit adopted by Brazilian legislation for groundwater. In general, surface waters showed large pH range (6 to 10.8), and changes caused by acid drainage in the chemical composition of these waters were not very significant. Locally, acid drainage seemed to have dissolved carbonate rocks present in the local stratigraphic sequence, attenuating the dispersion of metals and As. Stream sediments presented anomalies of these elements, which were strongly dependent on the proximity of tailings piles and abandoned mines. We found that precipitation processes in sediments and the dilution of dissolved phases were responsible for the attenuation of the concentrations of the metals and As in the acid drainage and river water mixing zone. In general, a larger influence of mining activities on the chemical composition of the surface waters and sediments was observed when enrichment factors in relation to regional background levels were used.
Radiotherapy (RT) is a risk factor for accelerated carotid artery atherosclerotic disease in subjects with head and neck cancer. However, the risk factors of RT-induced carotid artery remodeling are not established. This study aimed to investigate the effects of RT on carotid and popliteal arteries in subjects with head and neck cancer and to evaluate the relationship between baseline clinical and laboratory features and the progression of RT-induced atherosclerosis. Eleven men (age = 57.9 ± 6.2years) with head and neck cancer who underwent cervical bilateral irradiation were prospectively examined by clinical and laboratory analysis and by carotid and popliteal ultrasound before and after treatment (mean interval between the end of RT and the post-RT assessment = 181 ± 47 days). No studied subject used hypocholesterolemic medications. Significant increases in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) (0.95 ± 0.08 vs. 0.87 ± 0.05 mm; p < 0.0001) and carotid IMT/diameter ratio (0.138 ± 0.013 vs. 0.129 ± 0.014; p = 0.001) were observed after RT, while no changes in popliteal structural features were detected. In addition, baseline low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels showed a direct correlation with RT-induced carotid IMT change (r = 0.66; p = 0.027), while no other studied variable exhibited a significant relationship with carotid IMT change. These results indicate that RT-induced atherosclerosis is limited to the irradiated area and also suggest that it may be predicted by low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in subjects with head and neck cancer.
Subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) exhibit impaired left ventricular (LV) diastolic function, which has been reported to be attenuated by regular physical activity. This study investigated the relationship between circulating matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) and echocardiographic parameters in SCI subjects and the role of physical activity in this regard. Forty-two men with SCI [19 sedentary (S-SCI) and 23 physically-active (PA-SCI)] were evaluated by clinical, anthropometric, laboratory, and echocardiographic analysis. Plasmatic pro-MMP-2, MMP-2, MMP-8, pro-MMP-9, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and zymography. PA-SCI subjects presented lower pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-2/TIMP-2 levels and improved markers of LV diastolic function (lower E/Em and higher Em and E/A values) than S-SCI ones. Bivariate analysis showed that pro-MMP-2 correlated inversely with Em and directly with E/Em, while MMP-9 correlated directly with LV mass index and LV end-diastolic diameter in the whole sample. Following multiple regression analysis, pro-MMP-2, but not physical activity, remained associated with Em, while MMP-9 was associated with LV mass index in the whole sample. These findings suggest differing roles for MMPs in LV structure and function regulation and an interaction among pro-MMP-2, diastolic function and physical activity in SCI subjects.
Cardiac arrest after open surgery has an incidence of approximately 3%, of which more than 50% of the cases are due to ventricular fibrillation. Electrical defibrillation is the most effective therapy for terminating cardiac arrhythmias associated with unstable hemodynamics. The excitation threshold of myocardial microstructures is lower when external electrical fields are applied in the longitudinal direction with respect to the major axis of cells. However, in the heart, cell bundles are disposed in several directions. Improved myocardial excitation and defibrillation have been achieved by applying shocks in multiple directions via intracardiac leads, but the results are controversial when the electrodes are not located within the cardiac chambers. This study was designed to test whether rapidly switching shock delivery in 3 directions could increase the efficiency of direct defibrillation. A multidirectional defibrillator and paddles bearing 3 electrodes each were developed and used in vivo for the reversal of electrically induced ventricular fibrillation in an anesthetized open-chest swine model. Direct defibrillation was performed by unidirectional and multidirectional shocks applied in an alternating fashion. Survival analysis was used to estimate the relationship between the probability of defibrillation and the shock energy. Compared with shock delivery in a single direction in the same animal population, the shock energy required for multidirectional defibrillation was 20% to 30% lower (P < .05) within a wide range of success probabilities. Rapidly switching multidirectional shock delivery required lower shock energy for ventricular fibrillation termination and may be a safer alternative for restoring cardiac sinus rhythm.
Up to 20% of women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders might persist with chronic hypertension. This study compared clinical and echocardiographic features between women whose hypertension began as hypertensive pregnancy disorders (PH group) and women whose diagnosis of hypertension did not occur during pregnancy (NPH group). Fifty PH and 100 NPH women were cross-sectionally evaluated by clinical, laboratory, and echocardiography analysis, and the groups were matched by duration of hypertension. PH exhibited lower age (46.6 ± 1.4 vs. 65.3 ± 1.1 years; P < .001), but higher systolic (159.8 ± 3.9 vs. 148.0 ± 2.5 mm Hg; P = .009) and diastolic (97.1 ± 2.4 vs. 80.9 ± 1.3 mm Hg; P < .001) blood pressure than NPH, although used more antihypertensive classes (3.4 ± 0.2 vs. 2.6 ± 0.1; P < .001). Furthermore, PH showed higher left ventricular wall thickness and increased prevalence of concentric hypertrophy than NPH after adjusting for age and blood pressure. In conclusion, this study showed that PH may exhibit worse blood pressure control and adverse left ventricular remodeling compared with NPH.
Recent data suggests that cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity may interact with acute stress conditions via inflammatory-oxidative response and thrombogenesis. We investigated this assumption in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Consecutive patients with STEMI (n = 116) were enrolled <24-h of symptoms onset and were followed for 180 days. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-2 (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor (TNFα), 8-isoprostane, nitric oxide (NOx) and CETP activity were measured at enrollment (D1) and at fifth day (D5). Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was assessed by ultrasound and coronary thrombus burden (CTB) was evaluated by angiography. Neither baseline nor the change of CETP activity from D1 to D5 was associated with CRP, IL-2, TNFα, 8-isoprostane levels or CTB. The rise in NOx from D1 to D5 was inferior [3.5(-1; 10) vs. 5.5(-1; 12); p < 0.001] and FMD was lower [5.9(5.5) vs. 9.6(6.6); p = 0.047] in patients with baseline CETP activity above the median value than in their counterparts. Oxidized HDL was measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in isolated HDL particles and increased from D1 to D5, and remaining elevated at D30. The change in TBARS content in HDL was associated with CETP activity (r = 0.72; p = 0.014) and FMD (r = -0.61; p = 0.046). High CETP activity at admission was associated with the incidence of sudden death and recurrent MI at 30 days (OR 12.8; 95% CI 1.25-132; p = 0.032) and 180 days (OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.03-10.7; p = 0.044). An enhanced CETP activity during acute phase of STEMI is independently associated with endothelial dysfunction and adverse clinical outcome.
Acute phase response modifies high-density lipoprotein (HDL) into a dysfunctional particle that may favor oxidative/inflammatory stress and eNOS dysfunction. The present study investigated the impact of this phenomenon on patients presenting ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Plasma was obtained from 180 consecutive patients within the first 24-h of onset of STEMI symptoms (D1) and after 5 days (D5). Nitrate/nitrite (NOx) and lipoproteins were isolated by gradient ultracentrifugation. The oxidizability of low-density lipoprotein incubated with HDL (HDLaoxLDL) and the HDL self-oxidizability (HDLautox) were measured after CuSO4 co-incubation. Anti-inflammatory activity of HDL was estimated by VCAM-1 secretion by human umbilical vein endothelial cells after incubation with TNF-α. Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was assessed at the 30(th) day (D30) after STEMI. Among patients in the first tertile of admission HDL-Cholesterol (<33 mg/dL), the increment of NOx from D1 to D5 [6.7(2; 13) vs. 3.2(-3; 10) vs. 3.5(-3; 12); p = 0.001] and the FMD adjusted for multiple covariates [8.4(5; 11) vs 6.1(3; 10) vs. 5.2(3; 10); p = 0.001] were higher than in those in the second (33-42 mg/dL) or third (>42 mg/dL) tertiles, respectively. From D1 to D5, there was a decrease in HDL size (-6.3 ± 0.3%; p < 0.001) and particle number (-22.0 ± 0.6%; p < 0.001) as well as an increase in both HDLaoxLDL (33%(23); p < 0.001) and HDLautox (65%(25); p < 0.001). VCAM-1 secretion after TNF-a stimulation was reduced after co-incubation with HDL from healthy volunteers (-24%(33); p = 0.009), from MI patients at D1 (-23%(37); p = 0.015) and at D30 (-22%(24); p = 0.042) but not at D5 (p = 0.28). During STEMI, high HDL-cholesterol is associated with a greater decline in endothelial function. In parallel, structural and functional changes in HDL occur reducing its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
Background: In pathological situations, such as acute myocardial infarction, disorders of motility of the proximal gut can trigger symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Acute myocardial infarction delays gastric emptying (GE) of liquid in rats. Objective: Investigate the involvement of the vagus nerve, α 1-adrenoceptors, central nervous system GABAB receptors and also participation of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus in GE and gastric compliance (GC) in infarcted rats. Methods: Wistar rats, N = 8-15 in each group, were divided as INF group and sham (SH) group and subdivided. The infarction was performed through ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. GC was estimated with pressure-volume curves. Vagotomy was performed by sectioning the dorsal and ventral branches. To verify the action of GABAB receptors, baclofen was injected via icv (intracerebroventricular). Intravenous prazosin was used to produce chemical sympathectomy. The lesion in the PVN of the hypothalamus was performed using a 1mA/10s electrical current and GE was determined by measuring the percentage of gastric retention (% GR) of a saline meal. Results: No significant differences were observed regarding GC between groups; vagotomy significantly reduced % GR in INF group; icv treatment with baclofen significantly reduced %GR. GABAB receptors were not conclusively involved in delaying GE; intravenous treatment with prazosin significantly reduced GR% in INF group. PVN lesion abolished the effect of myocardial infarction on GE. Conclusion: Gastric emptying of liquids induced through acute myocardial infarction in rats showed the involvement of the vagus nerve, alpha1- adrenergic receptors and PVN.Fundamento: Distúrbios da motilidade do intestino proximal no infarto agudo do miocárdio podem desencadear sintomas digestivos como náuseas e vômitos. O infarto do miocárdio ocasiona retardo do esvaziamento gástrico (EG) de líquido em ratos. Objetivo: Investigar se existe a influência do nervo vago (VGX), adrenoreceptores α-1, receptores GABAB do sistema nervoso central e participação do núcleo paraventricular (NPV) do hipotálamo no esvaziamento gástrico (EG) e complacência gástrica (CG) em ratos infartados. Métodos: Ratos Wistar (n = 8-15) foram divididos em: grupo infarto (INF), sham (SH) e subdivididos. O infarto foi realizado por ligadura da artéria coronária descendente anterior. A complacência gástrica foi estimada com curvas pressão-volume. Realizada vagotomia por secção dos ramos dorsal e ventral. Para verificar a ação dos receptores GABAB foi injetado baclofeno por via intra ventrículo-cerebral. Simpatectomia química foi realizada com prazosina intravenosa (iv), e na lesão do núcleo paraventricular do hipotálamo foi utilizada corrente elétrica de 1mA/10s, com esvaziamento gástrico determinado por medição da retenção gástrica (% RG) de uma refeição salina. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa na CG. A vagotomia (VGX) reduziu significativamente a %RG; no grupo INF, o tratamento intra ventrículo-cerebral (ivc) com baclofeno reduziu significativamente a % RG; não houve conclusivamente envolvimento dos receptores GABAB em retardar o EG; o tratamento intravenoso com prazosina reduziu significativamente a %RG no grupo INF. A lesão do NPV aboliu o efeito do infarto do miocárdio no EG. Conclusão: O nervo vago, receptores α-adrenérgicos e núcleo paraventricular estão envolvidos no retardo do esvaziamento gástrico no infarto agudo do miocárdio em ratos.
Although low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been consistently demonstrated a predictor of atherosclerotic disease in a large spectrum of clinical settings, among individuals aged of 80 years or older this concept is uncertain. This study was evaluated in a carefully selected population if the association between LDL-C and coronary atherosclerotic burden remains significant in the very elderly. Individuals aged of 80 years or older (n = 208) who spontaneously sought primary prevention care and have never manifested cardiovascular disease, malnutrition, neoplastic or consumptive disease were enrolled for a cross-sectional analysis. Medical evaluation, anthropometric measurements, blood tests and cardiac computed tomography were obtained. In analyses adjusted for age, gender, diabetes, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, smoking and statin therapy, no association was found between coronary calcium score (CCS) and LDL-C [1.79 (0.75-4.29)]. There was no association between triglycerides and CCS. The association between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and CCS was significant and robust in unadjusted [0.32 (0.15-0.67)] as well as in the fully adjusted analysis [0.34 (0.15-0.75)]. The present study confirms in a healthy cohort of individuals aged of 80 years or more that while the association between LDL-C and coronary atherosclerosis weakens with aging, the opposite occurs with the levels of HDL-C.
Introductions: In the care of hypertension, it is important that health professionals possess available tools that allow evaluating the impairment of the health-related quality of life, according to the severity of hypertension and the risk for cardiovascular events. Among the instruments developed for the assessment of health-related quality of life, there is the Mini-Cuestionario of Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL) recently adapted to the Brazilian culture. Objective: To estimate the validity of known groups of the Brazilian version of the MINICHAL regarding the classification of risk for cardiovascular events, symptoms, severity of dyspnea and target-organ damage. Methods: Data of 200 hypertensive outpatients concerning sociodemographic and clinical information and health-related quality of life were gathered by consulting the medical charts and the application of the Brazilian version of MINICHAL. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and target-organ damage. The Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA with ranks transformation were used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events and intensity of dyspnea, respectively. Results: The MINICHAL was able to discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and kidney damage, but did not discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events. Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the MINICHAL is a questionnaire capable of discriminating differences on the health‑related quality of life regarding dyspnea, chest pain, palpitation, lipothymy, cephalea and renal damage.Fundamento: No cuidado ao hipertenso, é importante que o profissional de saúde disponha de ferramentas que possibilitem avaliar o comprometimento da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, de acordo com a gravidade da hipertensão e o risco para eventos cardiovasculares. Dentre os instrumentos criados para avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, destaca-se o Mini-Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL), recentemente adaptado para a cultura brasileira. Objetivo: Estimar a validade de grupos conhecidos da versão brasileira do MINICHAL em relação à classificação de risco para eventos cardiovasculares, sintomas, intensidade da dispneia e lesões de órgãos-alvo. Métodos: Foram investigados 200 hipertensos em seguimento ambulatorial, cujos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foram obtidos por meio de consulta ao prontuário e da aplicação da versão brasileira do MINICHAL. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparar qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em relação aos sintomas e às lesões de órgãos-alvo. Teste de Kruskal-Wallis e ANOVA com transformação nos ranks foram empregados para comparar qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em relação à classificação de risco para eventos cardiovasculares e intensidade da dispneia, respectivamente. Resultados: O MINICHAL discriminou qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em relação aos sintomas e dano renal (lesões de órgãos-alvo), porém não discriminou qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em relação à classificação de risco para eventos cardiovasculares. Conclusão: A versão brasileira do MINICHAL é um instrumento capaz de discriminar diferenças na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em relação aos sintomas de dispneia, precordialgia, palpitação, lipotímia, cefaleia e presença de dano renal.
Dystrophin-deficient muscles have repeated cycles of necrosis and regeneration, being susceptible to injury induced by muscle contractions. Some studies have demonstrated that tendons are also affected in mdx mice, based especially on the changes in biomechanical properties arising from the respective linked muscles. However, most studies have focused only on alterations in the myotendinous junction. Thus, the purpose of this work was to study biochemical and morphological alterations in the Achilles tendons of 60-day-old mdx mice. Hydroxyproline quantification, showed higher collagen concentration in the mdx mice as compared with the control. No difference between the tendons of both groups was found in the noncollagenous proteins dosage, and in the amount of collagen type III detected in the western blotting analysis. The zymography for gelatinases detection showed higher amounts of metaloproteinase-2 (active isoform) and of metalloproteinase-9 (latent isoform) in the mdx mice. Measurements of birefringence, using polarization microscopy, showed higher molecular organization of the collagen fibers in the tendons of mdx mice in comparison to the control group, with presence of larger areas of crimp. Ponceau SS-stained tendon sections showed stronger staining of the extracellular matrix in the mdx groups. Toluidine blue-stained sections showed more intense basophilia in tendons of the control group. In morphometry, a higher number of inflammatory cells was detected in the epitendon of mdx group. In conclusion, the Achilles tendon of 60-day-old mdx mice presents higher collagen concentration and organization of the collagen fibers, enhanced metalloproteinase-2 activity, as well as prominent presence of inflammatory cells and lesser proteoglycans.