626 resultados para Warren Mundine
Vector graphic files for the Uffington White Horse in PDF, AI (Adobe Illustrator EPS) and SVG formats. I manually traced these from a photo using Xara Xtreme.
This audio podcast lasts 7:30 and introduces some of the key ideas which will be discussed during the first workshop of the Change Academy.
A collection of resources to inform staff about copyright issues, including useful links to articles and webpages as well as a PDF called "Copyright in Context" pertinant questions and answers that formed part of a study morning held at the Hartley Library in May 2010 and also a narrated powerpoint presentation by Adam Warren.
This short YouTube video was produced by the University of Bergen to help their students understand the perils of plagiarism, the benefits of academic integrity and the steps they need to take to avoid plagiarism. It's in Norwegian but has subtitles - and is really funny and well-produced. A great way to introduce your students to these ideas.
This short (4 sides of A4) document provides advice to tutors about essential and recomended practices, organisational principles, blended learning, accessibility and copyright.
This set of questions on astronomy can be used to show the main question types available. You will need to log in using your University username and password
Copy and paste this slide to the start of your own presentations.
This short (10 minute) video provides students with an overview of the ways in which computers and the internet are used to support their learning. It introduces some really useful resources and shows you where to find help if you need it.
In this sort video, Lorraine Warren, Senior Lecturer in Innovation at the School of Management, describes her research into this topic and outlines potential projects.
This narrated slideshow provides a step-by-step guide to recording a lecture in a CLS room using Panopto.
This 17 minute video provides a step-by-step guide to assembling the separate chapters of a thesis into a single document. It shows you how to ensure continuous page numbers and separate chapter headers, as well as auto-generating a table of contents and table of figures.
This 10-minute video provides a guided tour of the Blackboard courses used by pre-ref healthcare programmes.
This 8 minute video provides a step-by-step guide for tutors wishing to use zappers (Turning Point) in a Common Learning Space with Windows 7 and Office 2010.
This 3-minute video shows how you can share documents during an Adobe Connect meeting - for example showing a Word document or Excel spreadsheet to the other participants.
A presentation given in the Health Sciences E-Learning Enhnacnement Academy away-day, June 2010