807 resultados para Warren, Pat
This case study describes how wikis are used in group projects by postgraduate students on ENVS6011 Environmental Management Systems.
Como es sabido, la adaptación al EEES conlleva cambios importantes en la actividad del docente universitario entre los que destaca el incremento de la actividad de orientación y de mediación. Sin embargo, no existe unanimidad a la hora de definir el concepto de tutoría aunque cada vez son más las universidades españolas que han diseñado y puesto en práctica su Plan de Acción Tutorial (PAT), instrumento de información, apoyo y orientación al estudiante a lo largo de toda su vida universitaria. Al mismo tiempo, la creencia generalizada entre los docentes y los estudiantes consiste en asociar la tutoría universitaria con las horas de atención al estudiante, encuentros de formato reducido destinados principalmente a resolver las dudas y los problemas a los que el estudiante debe enfrentarse. Según esta definición, la función del docente-tutor se asimila plenamente a la del experto, conocedor de un ámbito del saber. En el contexto que investigamos, la función de la tutoría consiste en traspasar paulatinamente el control del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del docente al estudiante, para pasar paulatinamente de una instrucción heterorregulada a un aprendizaje autorregulado. Y así en nuestro estudio nos interesa analizar primordialmente en qué medida aparecen marcas de autorregulación en el discurso de los aprendices generado en las tutorías y, en caso de ser así, qué grado de conciencia traducen
A PowerPoint presentation used to support a skills development session for postgraduate students who wish to act as demonstrators in lab and workshop sessions.
This animated PowerPoint shows how the Turnitin system can be used to check students' assignments againast a database of internet sources, journal articles and previous assignments.
This resource is now obsolete and has been replaced by http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/5920/ This PowerPoint is an animated step-by-step guide that shows tutors how to use zappers in a teaching session. It covers starting the PC, distributing the zappers, plugging in the receiver, starting the software, running the presentation and managing voting, saving data at the end and collecting the handsets. It takes around 5 minutes to view.
This PowerPoint can either be used by itself the first time you use zappers with your students, or you can copy the slides to your own presentation. Students are shown how to vote using the zapper handset, and it includes a sample question "what did you drink for breakfast this morning?" so they can see how it works and test that their handsets are working. Now updated for Office 2010.
This animated PowerPoint shows students how to reset their zapper handsets to use the default communication channel (41). If students press the GO button on their handset they may inadvertently change the channel and will not be able to vote. It only takes a few seconds to reset - essentially you press GO - 4 - 1 - GO and it should work again.
This PowerPoint describes the growth of online learning from early hand-crafted solutions, through 'virtual learning environments' to today's 'managed learning environments'. It also looks at the emergence of the 'personal learning environment' concept.
This PowerPoint is used to support a workshop for University staff and students who are preparing a conference presentation. It highlights the major issues that they will need to consider when planning, practising and delivering their talk.
This is a two part audio podcast designed to provide advice and guidance for students at the University of Southampton. Transcripts for each part of the podcast are also provided.
This step-by-step guided worksheet and accompanying PowerPoint file introduce some key skills: - reorganising slides and bullets - creating speaker notes - printing slide handouts - including hyperlinks - adding images Simple stuff, but many find it useful - it uses Office 2004 (XP)
This video is for students with specific learning differences that mean that they are entitled to use a computer to type written examinations rather than writing them longhand. It show them how to use the special AER workstations that provide a cut-down version of Microsoft Word and absolutely no access to the Internet.
This short video shows how to add a video produced using Camtasia Studio to a Blackboard course
This 7-minute video describes the range of question types and shows you how to create and test them.
This 5-minute video describes how you can assess how confident your students were with their answer choices so you can adapt your teaching appropriately.