996 resultados para Vision 2015
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen that emerged in Brazil by late 2014. In the country, two CHIKV foci characterized by the East/Central/South Africa and Asian genotypes, were established in North and Northeast regions. We characterized, by phylogenetic analyses of full and partial genomes, CHIKV from Rio de Janeiro state (2014-2015). These CHIKV strains belong to the Asian genotype, which is the determinant of the current Northern Brazilian focus, even though the genome sequence presents particular single nucleotide variations. This study provides the first genetic characterisation of CHIKV in Rio de Janeiro and highlights the potential impact of human mobility in the spread of an arthropod-borne virus.
Individualized treatment regimens may reduce patient burden with satisfactory patient outcomes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Intravitreal anti-VEGF drugs are the current gold standard. Fixed monthly injections offer the best visual outcome but this regimen is not commonly followed outside clinical trials. A PRN regimen requires monthly visits where the patient is treated in the presence of signs of lesion activity. Therefore, an early detection of reactivation of the disease with immediate retreatment is crucial to prevent visual acuity loss. Several trials suggest that "treat and extend" and other proactive regimens provide a reasonable approach. The rationale of the proactive regimens is to perform treatment anticipating relapses or recurrences and therefore avoid drops in vision while individualizing patient followup. Treat and extend study results in significant direct medical cost savings from fewer treatments and office visits compared to monthly treatment. Current data suggest that, for one year, PRN is less expensive, but treat and extend regimen would likely be less expensive for subsequent years. Once a patient is not a candidate to continue with treatment, he/she should be sent to an outpatient unit with adequate resources to follow nAMD patients in order to reduce the burden of specialized ophthalmologist services.
This paper presents a pattern recognition method focused on paintings images. The purpose is construct a system able to recognize authors or art styles based on common elements of his work (here called patterns). The method is based on comparing images that contain the same or similar patterns. It uses different computer vision techniques, like SIFT and SURF, to describe the patterns in descriptors, K-Means to classify and simplify these descriptors, and RANSAC to determine and detect good results. The method are good to find patterns of known images but not so good if they are not.
We report a 14-year-old boy who presented with vision loss secondary to peripapillary neovascular membrane (PPNVM) as the initial and only symptom of papilledema secondary to idiopathic intracranial hypertension. After one lumbar puncture, visual acuity progressively recovered during the course of 1 week and further improved with the administration of oral acetazolamide. One year after the onset of vision loss, the patient's visual acuity had recovered to baseline measurements. The previously active PPNVM had involuted into a residual peripapillary fibrotic scar. To our knowledge, this is the first report of PPNVM complicating idiopathic intracranial hypertension in a child.
HAMAP (High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of Proteins-available at http://hamap.expasy.org/) is a system for the automatic classification and annotation of protein sequences. HAMAP provides annotation of the same quality and detail as UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, using manually curated profiles for protein sequence family classification and expert curated rules for functional annotation of family members. HAMAP data and tools are made available through our website and as part of the UniRule pipeline of UniProt, providing annotation for millions of unreviewed sequences of UniProtKB/TrEMBL. Here we report on the growth of HAMAP and updates to the HAMAP system since our last report in the NAR Database Issue of 2013. We continue to augment HAMAP with new family profiles and annotation rules as new protein families are characterized and annotated in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot; the latest version of HAMAP (as of 3 September 2014) contains 1983 family classification profiles and 1998 annotation rules (up from 1780 and 1720). We demonstrate how the complex logic of HAMAP rules allows for precise annotation of individual functional variants within large homologous protein families. We also describe improvements to our web-based tool HAMAP-Scan which simplify the classification and annotation of sequences, and the incorporation of an improved sequence-profile search algorithm.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on kuvata perhevalmennuksen ennakointia pääkaupunkiseudulla vuoteen 2015 ja kartoittaa siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä APESTE-analyysin mukaan. Toinen tavoite on luoda visio perhevalmennuksesta vuonna 2015. Opinnäytetyö on rajattu koskemaan vain pääkaupunkiseutua. Opinnäytetyö mukailee delfoi-menetelmää. Työtä varten koottiin perhevalmennuksen asiantuntijaryhmä (n=9), jota ensimmäisellä kyselykierroksella haastateltiin APESTE-analyysin mukaan asiakkaaseen liittyvistä, poliittisista, taloudellisista, sosiaalisista, teknisistä ja ekologisista tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat perhevalmennukseen. Lisäksi he visioivat perhevalmennusta vuonna 2015. Haastattelut analysoitiin sisällönanalyysia käyttäen. Toisella kierroksella asiantuntijaryhmä (n=3) vastasi sähköpostikyselyyn, jossa he saivat tarkentaa näkemyksiään. Haastattelut ja kyselyvastaukset muodostivat tutkimusaineiston. Lopullinen analyysi tehtiin kummankin kierroksen vastauksista. Perhevalmennuksen asiakaskunta polarisoituu ja monipuolistuu. Asiakkaiden koulutustaso nousee, mutta myös heikosti pärjäävien määrä lisääntyy. Asiakkaiden arvomaailmat kahtiajakautuvat, heidän tarpeidensa skaala laajenee ja terveysongelmansa lisääntyvät. Perheiden tukiverkot muuttuvat: perinteisten sukulaisyhteisöjen sijaan ihmiset saavat tukea verkostoitumalla samanhenkisten ihmisten kanssa. Yhteistyö julkisen, yksityisen ja kolmannen sektorin sekä eri hallinnonalojen välillä lisääntyy. Resurssit eivät lisäänny ja palveluita karsitaan. Ihmisten oma vastuu pärjäämisestään lisääntyy ja samalla kätilön työ muuttuu vaativammaksi. Internet tulee tärkeäksi osaksi perhevalmennusta. Uusien innovaatioiden käyttöönotto on hidasta. Eettiset kysymykset tulevat entistä tärkeämmiksi tekniikan kehittymisen suomien mahdollisuuksien myötä. Ihmisten ympäristötietoisuus lisääntyy ja ympäristökäyttäytyminen muuttuu. Äitiyshuolto on keskitetty osaamiskeskuksiin. Perhevalmennuksesta vastaa kätilö moniammatillisen tiimin kanssa. Kätilö organisoi perhevalmennusta muun äitiyneuvolatyön ohessa. Näin hän tuntee odottavat perheet ja osaa toteuttaa perhevalmennusta asiakaslähtöisesti, vaikka valmennuksella onkin yhtenäinen rakenne. Valmennus muuttuu toiminnallisemmaksi ja keskustelevammaksi. Ryhmäkoot pienenevät hiukan ja puolisoidenkin toiveet otetaan paremmin huomioon. Perhevalmennus alkaa ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen aikana ja jatkuu vielä vauvan syntymän jälkeen. Tärkeitä aiheita synnytykseen valmentautumisen, vauvanhoidon ja imetyksen ohella ovat parisuhde ja seksuaalisuus sekä psyykkinen hyvinvointi. Avainsanat perhevalmennus, ennakointi, APESTE-analyysi
This publication was designed with the belief that the ADA addresses both employers and employees to achieve a viable workforce and productive society. The law was intended to reflect the balance between the employer and the employee with a disability. This booklet contains information on Title I of the ADA but should not be considered legal advice. Title I is directly related to the employment provisions of the law. Both employers and employees have responsibilities and rights under the ADA and this booklet addresses the balance of rights and responsibilities under the law.
stratégiques importants, le programme national de sécurité alimentaire du Cap-Vert, avec une orientation marquée pour la réduction de la pauvreté le PANA II en cours d’élaboration, le document UNDAF2 pour le Cap-Vert élaboré en septembre 2002, avec quatre axes d’intervention prioritaire et cinq dimensions transversales. la dimension genre, pour favoriser la participation effective de toutes les couches de la société (notamment les femmes) au processus de développement socio-économique du pays, particulièrement dans les politiques, stratégies et programmes du MAAP en cohérence avec la politique de décentralisation du Gouvernement. les dynamiques d’intégration sous-régionale en cours dans le cadre de la CEDEAO3, et du CILSS4, et continentales dans le cadre du NEPAD5. C'est en tenant compte de l’ensemble du cadre contextuel évoqué et de la complexité des tâches à accomplir que le Gouvernement a sollicité l'assistance de la FAO, au titre du programme de coopération technique, pour l’aider à élaborer une stratégie de développement agricole à long terme (horizon 2015) et préparer un Plan d’actions prioritaires à moyen terme.
The authors report the case of a 75-year-old man presenting with an exceptionally large giant posttraumatic mucocele of the frontal sinus years after a gunshot blast to the head. The lesion had grown so extensively that the right eye had shrunk and calcified, resulting in total monocular blindness, a complication that has been reported only once. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a giant mucocele of such a large size is reported. We describe how the patient underwent surgical removal of this massive lesion, cranial base reconstruction, and a cosmetic oculoplastic procedure. The etiology, clinical presentation, and possible complications are reviewed, as well as the importance of a regular clinical follow-up and early surgical cure. Although the diagnosis and management of mucoceles are nowadays considered quite standard, the exceptional size of the lesion illustrated here emphasizes the destructive potential of such seemingly indolent lesions. Despite the benign histology of mucoceles, one should never underestimate their morbid potential or be lulled in delaying surgical cure. Large mucoceles should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent such unacceptable complications as permanent visual loss.