816 resultados para Virtual health communities
O desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação não representa apenas uma nova forma de transmitir conteúdos informacionais às pessoas. Ao se refletir nas novas possibilidades de atuação à distância, permitida pela mídia interativa on-line, percebese uma mudança significativa na postura comportamental das pessoas em suas interações nas relações sociais básicas. Há uma transformação ocorrendo no conceito de comunidade, visto que as novas e emergentes formas de comunicação, próprias do atual cenário tecnológico, passam a coabitar com as formas tradicionais de comunidade. Esta metamorfose seria produto de uma tentativa de agregação das práticas sociais realizadas nas comunidades reais dentro de um espaço virtual. Surgem assim as chamadas comunidades virtuais, que carregam consigo uma nova dinâmica de atuação a distância disjunta de contextos sociais imediatos. Através da metodologia de estudo de caso, buscou-se conhecer como as coabitações de formas tradicionais e emergent es de comunidades estão convivendo e interagindo. Além disso, procurou-se conhecer quais são os resultados obtidos das trocas informacionais e relacionais ocorridas no ciberespaço. A investigação se deu a partir do estudo de caso de um site da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia, no qual foram utilizadas entrevistas, observação direta e observação participativa como fontes de evidência. Os resultados obtidos da investigação sugerem que o indivíduo corpóreo deseja viver dentro de uma nova ambiência regida pela fluidez digital, pois esta se apresenta como um meio no qual as trocas informacionais se dão de forma efetiva e responsiva, ao mesmo tempo em que relacionamentos sociais podem ser engendrados, confirmados e mantidos.(AU)
Este trabalho é um estudo exploratório sobre o Ambiente Comunicacional Internet que investiga tanto a possibilidade da influência de suas ferramentas de interação/comunicação sobre o comportamento sexual e de risco quanto o desenvolvimento de comportamento compulsivo no uso destas ferramentas na busca de parceiros sexuais. A metodologia adotada é, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, a da pesquisa exploratória, um levantamento e análise de dados quantitativos e pode ser considerada como pertencente ao paradigma tradicional empírico, pois a coleta de dados foi baseada em respostas a questionários semi-estruturados, aplicados a um grupo de informação composto por 428 estudantes universitários dos cursos ligados à área de Computação e Informática de uma instituição particular de Ensino Superior do município de São Paulo SP, Brasil. Para isso, obedece à Resolução do Conselho Nacional de Saúde CNS 196/96 e conta com o TCLE. Os resultados indicam que as práticas sexuais, a exposição a DST e vírus HIV e, particularmente, a tendência ao desenvolvimento do Transtorno de Adicção à Internet se distinguem de modo irrefutável. Os participantes que alegaram buscar parceiros sexuais reais na Internet são diretos nos seus objetivos, pois quando encontram esse parceiro concretizam o ato sexual, em ambientes impessoais, como por exemplo, o motel, e muitas vezes de modo arriscado no que toca à prevenção e à segurança no contato com outro. Destaca-se, ainda, que a compulsão não é reconhecida pelo grupo e que a procura de parceiros por intermédio das mídias digitais, para esse grupo, não está relacionada a itens negativos quanto a sua qualidade de vida o que suscita o estudo e a discussão mais aprofundada sobre a interação comunicação, sexo e Internet .(AU)
We assessed the feasibility of developing a virtual diabetes clinic for young people, using the Internet. The proposed content of the site would be based on self-efficacy theory, aiming to develop confidence in self-management of diabetes. A questionnaire about the proposed Website was delivered to 72 patients who attended a young person’s outpatient clinic in a district hospital. Thirty-nine replies were received, a response rate of 54%. The mean age of the respondents was 13 years. A positive attitude to the potential clinic was reported by 95% of respondents. The items rated as most useful were: quick and easy access to up-todate information about diabetes; the opportunity to ask an expert; good graphics; easy navigation; interactivity. Responses to open questions indicated that 24-hour access and anonymity in asking questions were also valued. A virtual clinic appears to be a possible method of health-care delivery to young people with diabetes.
Neuroimaging is increasingly used to understand conditions like stroke and epilepsy. However, there is growing recognition that neuroimaging can raise ethical issues. We used interpretative phenomenological analysis to analyse interview data pre-and post-scan to explore these ethical issues. Findings show participants can become anxious prior to scanning and the protocol for managing incidental findings is unclear. Participants lacked a frame of reference to contextualize their expectations and often drew on medical narratives. Recommendations to reduce anxiety include dialogue between researcher and participant to clarify understanding during consent and the use of a `virtual tour' of the neuroimaging experience.
This research sets out to assess if the PHC system in rural Nigeria is effective by testing the research hypothesis: `PHC can be effective if and only if the Health Care Delivery System matches the attitudes and expectations of the Community'. The field surveys to accomplish this task were carried out in IBO, YORUBA, and HAUSA rural communities. A variety of techniques have been used as Research Methodology and these include questionnaires, interviews and personal observations of events in the rural community. This thesis embraces three main parts. Part I traces the socio-cultural aspects of PHC in rural Nigeria, describes PHC management activities in Nigeria and the practical problems inherent in the system. Part II describes various theoretical and practical research techniques used for the study and concentrates on the field work programme, data analysis and the research hypothesis-testing. Part III focusses on general strategies to improve PHC system in Nigeria to make it more effective. The research contributions to knowledge and the summary of main conclusions of the study are highlighted in this part also. Based on testing and exploring the research hypothesis as stated above, some conclusions have been arrived at, which suggested that PHC in rural Nigeria is ineffective as revealed in people's low opinions of the system and dissatisfaction with PHC services. Many people had expressed the view that they could not obtain health care services in time, at a cost they could afford and in a manner acceptable to them. Following the conclusions, some alternative ways to implement PHC programmes in rural Nigeria have been put forward to improve and make the Nigerian PHC system more effective.
This paper reports on a research project that investigated the accessibility of health information and the consequent impact for translation into community languages. This is a critical aspect of the mediation of intercultural and interlingual communication in the domain of public health information and yet very little research has been undertaken to address such issues. The project was carried out in collaboration with the New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS), which provides advice and services to state-based health professionals aiming to communicate with non-English speaking communities. The research employed a mixed-method and action research based approach involving two phases. The primary focus of this paper is to discuss major quantitative findings from the first pilot phase, which indicated that there is much room to improve the way in which health information is written in English for effective community-wide communication within a multilingual society.
This chapter examines the theory and practice of user involvement and evaluates its impact on health inequalities in Great Britain. It describes different types of user involvement and highlights the problems in trying to define ‘hard to reach’ groups and the importance of user involvement for such groups. It concludes that user involvement is everyone's business that requires radical shifts in both theory and practice to succeed. It also suggests that creating and promoting greater exchange between those who provide and manage health services and communities and individuals who seek and receive services will create better tailoring of services to demand.
In recent decades, natural disasters have caused extensive losses and damages to human psychological wellbeing, economy, and society. It has been argued that cultural factors such as social values, traditions, and attachment to a location influence communities facing and responding to natural disasters. However, the issue of culture in disaster mental health seems to have received limited attention in policy and practice. This review highlights the importance of cultural background in the assessment of vulnerability to the psychological impacts of disasters, disaster preparedness, and provision of disaster mental health services. In particular, this paper suggests the importance of cultural competence in the planning and delivery of effective disaster mental health services. In order to address the varying circumstances of people with different cultural backgrounds, disaster mental health services must be developed in a culturally sensitive manner. Development of culturally competent disaster mental health services requires significant changes in policy making, administration, and direct service provision
Background. Sports and arts based services for children have positive impacts on their mental and physical health. The charity sector provides such services, often set up in response to local communities expressing a need. The present study maps resilience promoting services provided by children's charities in England. Specifically, the prominence of sports and arts activities, and types of mental health provisions including telephone help-lines, are investigated. Findings. The study was a cross-sectional web-based survey of chief executives, senior mangers, directors and chairs of charities providing services for children under the age of 16. The aims, objectives and activities of participating children's charities and those providing mental health services were described overall. In total 167 chief executives, senior managers, directors and chairs of charities in England agreed to complete the survey. From our sample of charities, arts activities were the most frequently provided services (58/167, 35%), followed by counselling (55/167, 33%) and sports activities (36/167, 22%). Only 13% (22/167) of charities expected their work to contribute to the health legacy of the 2012 London Olympics. Telephone help lines were provided by 16% of the charities that promote mental health. Conclusions. Counselling and arts activities were relatively common. Sports activities were limited despite the evidence base that sport and physical activity are effective interventions for well-being and health gain. Few of the charities we surveyed expected a health legacy from the 2012 London Olympics. © 2010 Bhui et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Extra-care housing has been an important and growing element of housing and care for older people in the United Kingdom since the 1990s. Previous studies have examined specific features and programmes within extra-care locations, but few have studied how residents negotiate social life and identity. Those that have, have noted that while extra care brings many health-related and social benefits, extra-care communities can also be difficult affective terrain. Given that many residents are now ‘ageing in place’ in extra care, it is timely to revisit these questions of identity and affect. Here we draw on the qualitative element of a three-year, mixed-method study of 14 extra-care villages and schemes run by the ExtraCare Charitable Trust. We follow Alemàn in regarding residents' ambivalent accounts of life in ExtraCare as important windows on the way in which liminal residents negotiate the dialectics of dependence and independence. However, we suggest that the dialectic of interest here is that of the third and fourth age, as described by Gilleard and Higgs. We set that dialectic within a post-structuralist/Lacanian framework in order to examine the different modes of enjoyment that liminal residents procure in ExtraCare's third age public spaces and ideals, and suggest that their complaints can be read in three ways: as statements about altered material conditions; as inter-subjective bolstering of group identity; and as fantasmatic support for liminal identities. Finally, we examine the implications that this latter psycho-social reading of residents' complaints has for enhancing and supporting residents' wellbeing.
The Inupiaq Tribe resides north of the Arctic Circle in northwestern Alaska. The people are characterized by their continued dependence on harvested fish, game and plants, known as a subsistence lifestyle (Lee 2000:35-45). Many are suggesting that they leave their historical home and move to urban communities, places believed to be more comfortable as they age. Tribal Elders disagree and have stated, "Elders need to be near the river where they were raised" (Branch 2005:1). The research questions focused on differences that location had on four groups of variables: nutrition parameters, community support, physical functioning and health. A total of 101 Inupiaq Elders ≥ 50 years were surveyed: 52 from two rural villages, and 49 in Anchorage. Location did not influence energy intake or intake of protein; levels of nutrition risk and food insecurity; all had similar rates between the two groups. Both rural and urban Elders reported few limitations of ADLs and IADLs. Self-reported general health scores (SF-12.v2 GH) were also similar by location. Differences were found with rural Elders reporting higher physical functioning summary scores (SF-12.v2 PCS), higher mental health scores (SF-12.v2 MH), higher vitality and less pain even though the rural mean ages were five years older than the urban Elders. Traditional food customs appear to support the overall health and well being of the rural Inupiaq Elders as demonstrated by higher intakes of Native foods, stronger food sharing networks and higher family activity scores than did urban Elders. The rural community appeared to foster continued physical activity. It has been said that when Elders are in the rural setting they are near "people they know" and it is a place "where they can get their Native food" (NRC 2005). These factors appear to be important as Inupiaq Elders age, as rural Inupiaq Elders fared as well or better than Inupiaq Elders in terms of diet, mental and physical health.
Arthritis is the most common chronic condition affecting older people and is a major cause of limited activity. Arthritis education programs in English have demonstrated a positive impact on health but these programs have not reached the Hispanic communities where arthritis is the leading cause of disability. Minorities, such as Hispanics, have traditionally been reluctant to pursue self-help programs, and have been identified as an under-served population in terms of medical care. This study examined the effectiveness of one community health adult education program targeting Hispanic older adults with arthritis, the Spanish Arthritis Self Management Education Program (SASMEP), by evaluating changes in the participants' general health, pain, disability, self-efficacy, health perceptions, frequency of physician visits, and exercise. A pre and post control group experimental design and analyses of covariance were used to determine the pre and post differences in health status and health behaviors for a group participating in the SASMEP and a group who did not using gender and age as covariates. A repeated measures design was also used, and repeated measures analyses of variance and post hoc tests were done on health status and health behavior data collected pre, post and one-year post education to determine long-term differences. ^ Results indicated the participants' health status significantly improved in general health, significantly decreased in pain, and significantly decreased in arthritic disability immediately following the education. Self-efficacy and health perceptions increased for both groups but not significantly. The participants' health behaviors showed significantly fewer physician visits and significantly increased time spent performing stretching and strengthening exercise and time spent performing aerobic exercise. No group differences were found in the frequency of arthritis physician visits. ^ The improvements seen immediately after the SASMEP participation were not reflected in the post one-year scores. No significant differences were found for the participants' health status or health behaviors one year following the education. Health status and health behaviors did not return below baseline scores after one year suggesting the participants' health, although not improved, did not deteriorate. Therefore, the SASMEP education provided short-term health benefits for older Hispanic adults with arthritis, but not long-term health benefits. ^
Research endeavors on spoken dialogue systems in the 1990s and 2000s have led to the deployment of commercial spoken dialogue systems (SDS) in microdomains such as customer service automation, reservation/booking and question answering systems. Recent research in SDS has been focused on the development of applications in different domains (e.g. virtual counseling, personal coaches, social companions) which requires more sophistication than the previous generation of commercial SDS. The focus of this research project is the delivery of behavior change interventions based on the brief intervention counseling style via spoken dialogue systems. ^ Brief interventions (BI) are evidence-based, short, well structured, one-on-one counseling sessions. Many challenges are involved in delivering BIs to people in need, such as finding the time to administer them in busy doctors' offices, obtaining the extra training that helps staff become comfortable providing these interventions, and managing the cost of delivering the interventions. Fortunately, recent developments in spoken dialogue systems make the development of systems that can deliver brief interventions possible. ^ The overall objective of this research is to develop a data-driven, adaptable dialogue system for brief interventions for problematic drinking behavior, based on reinforcement learning methods. The implications of this research project includes, but are not limited to, assessing the feasibility of delivering structured brief health interventions with a data-driven spoken dialogue system. Furthermore, while the experimental system focuses on harmful alcohol drinking as a target behavior in this project, the produced knowledge and experience may also lead to implementation of similarly structured health interventions and assessments other than the alcohol domain (e.g. obesity, drug use, lack of exercise), using statistical machine learning approaches. ^ In addition to designing a dialog system, the semantic and emotional meanings of user utterances have high impact on interaction. To perform domain specific reasoning and recognize concepts in user utterances, a named-entity recognizer and an ontology are designed and evaluated. To understand affective information conveyed through text, lexicons and sentiment analysis module are developed and tested.^