603 resultados para Victorian prisons
An overview of the Iowa Department of Corrections, Institutions and Districts
An overview of the Iowa Department of Corrections, Institutions and Districts
An overview of offender reentry from institution to the community and the work that is done between corrections and the community.
With the adoption of evidence-based practices as the standard by which offender interventions are evaluated for effectiveness in the Iowa Department of Corrections, the Victim Advisory Council deemed it critical to form an ad hoc committee to evaluate the Victim Impact Class (VIC)intervention used in institutions and community-based corrections across the state to determine its efficacy and adherence to that new standard.
An update of the following: Status of capital projects from prior year appropriations, appropriation from RIIF, and other other projects, current prison population, expected growth and over population, overview of revised classification system and how it affects bed planning, timeline for construction, 2009 funding, plan for the governor recommended $500,000 for project management and other infrastructure priorities.
Following is a summary of documented outcomes for Iowa community-based correction and prisons. This list is not exhaustive since not all programs have undergone rigorous study.
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) recently released an evaluation of the intensive substance abuse treatment program at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) – STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery). STAR is a licensed inpatient program utilizing a genderbased therapeutic community model (TC).
Last month DOC released a study entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates. The study documents that Iowa’s three-year return rate to prison for offenders released during FY 2007 decreased from 33.9% for the previous three-years period studied to 31.8% (and below our goal of 33.3%). More dramatic is the decrease in the percent of offenders with mental illness returning to prison.
A newly released study shows that the prevalence of mental health and substance abuse disorders among Iowa’s inmate population is even higher than earlier findings indicated. Using the MINI-Plus assessment tool, University of Iowa researchers screened a randomly selected group of 320 incoming nonviolent offenders at IMCC from 2005 to 2007. DOC’s Director of Mental Health Services, Dr. Bruce Sieleni, participated in the study.
An offender reentry grant program funded through the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy supports one reentry coordinator at each of the following institutions: Mount Pleasant Correctional Facility (MPCF), Fort Dodge Correctional Facility and the Clarinda Correctional Facility. The reentry coordinators there engage in a myriad of activities, working with institution educators, counselors and medical personnel, probation/parole officers and counselors, and most importantly the offenders themselves. The program has not been in operation for very long, and only MPCF has operated long enough to be looking at outcomes. The early returns for MPCF show good promise.
A recent Iowa study found that offenders who obtained a high school diploma or GED (with the majority achieving the latter) had higher employment rates than those who did not.
The Iowa Department of Corrections recently entered into a data sharing agreement with Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), the purpose of which is to better ascertain the effect of prison education on postprison employment. This study is important because the DOC partners with community colleges to provide prison-based education, with a goal of increasing the numbers of inmates completing GEDs. We are demonstrating success toward that goal, but what we lack is empirical evidence showing the level of success that Iowa prison education programs have on Iowa offenders’ employment success upon their return to communities here in the state.
The results of a recently conducted evaluation show that a gender-responsive program for women probationers holds promise in significantly reducing recidivism rates. The University of Cincinnati conducted the evaluation of the cognitive-behavioral program, Moving On, in which it compared recidivism outcomes for moderate to high-risk Iowa offenders completing the program with a similar group of offenders not having attended any cognitive program.
Beginning in 2006, the Iowa Department of Corrections embarked on a systematic offender program audit at each of the state’s institutions and community-based corrections agencies, the purpose of which was to determine each program’s effectiveness as supported by results and research (evidence-based practices). Those programs demonstrating success were maintained, and all others either modified to comply with evidence-based practices or replaced by programming that did.
Iowa offenders paroled from prison are significantly less likely to return to prison for a new conviction than are those offenders who expire their sentence. Put another way, for every 100 offenders who are paroled rather than discharge by way of expiration of sentence, we can prevent 9 new convictions involving prison incarceration.