898 resultados para Victims of terrorism
We analyze the impact of political proximity to the United States on the occurrence and severity of terror. Employing panel data for 116 countries over the period 1975–2001 we find that countries voting in line with the U.S. are victims of more and deadlier attacks.
In the present contribution, I discuss the claim, endorsed by a number of authors, that contributing to a collective harm is the ground for special responsibilities to the victims of that harm. Contributors should, between them, cover the costs of the harms they have inflicted, at least if those harms would otherwise be rights-violating. I raise some doubts about the generality of this principle before moving on to sketch a framework for thinking about liability for the costs of harms in general. This framework uses a contractualist framework to build an account of how to think about liability for costs on the basis of the presumably attractive thought that individual agents should have as much control over their liabilities as is compatible with others having like control. I then use that framework to suggest that liability on the basis of contribution should be restricted to cases in which the contributors could have avoided their contribution relatively costlessly, in which meeting the liability is not crippling for them, and in which such a liability would not have chilling effects, either on them or on third parties. This account of the grounds for contributory liability also has the advantage of avoiding a number of awkward questions about what counts as a contribution by shifting the issue away from often unanswerable questions about the precise causal genesis of some harm or other. Instead, control over conduct, which plausibly has some relation to the harm, becomes crucial. On the basis of this account, I then investigate whether a number of uses of the contributory principle are entirely appropriate. I argue that contributory liability is not appropriate for cases of collective harms committed by coordinated groups in the way that, for example, Iris Marion Young and Thomas Pogge have suggested and that further investigation of how members of such groups may be liable will be needed.
Although there are signs of decline, homicides and traffic-related injuries and deaths in Brazil account for almost two-thirds of all deaths from external causes. In 2007, the homicide rate was 26.8 per 100 000 people and traffic-related mortality was 23.5 per 100 000. Domestic violence might not lead to as many deaths, but its share of violence-related morbidity is large. These are important public health problems that lead to enormous individual and collective costs. Young, black, and poor men are the main victims and perpetrators of community violence, whereas poor black women and children are the main victims of domestic violence. Regional differentials are also substantial. Besides the sociocultural determinants, much of the violence in Brazil has been associated with the misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs, and the wide availability of firearms. The high traffic-related morbidity and mortality in Brazil have been linked to the chosen model for the transport system that has given priority to roads and private-car use without offering adequate infrastructure. The system is often poorly equipped to deal with violations of traffic rules. In response to the major problems of violence and injuries, Brazil has greatly advanced in terms of legislation and action plans. The main challenge is to assess these advances to identify, extend, integrate, and continue the successful ones.
This report outlines the background to, and presents the results from the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority funded project "Social Workers' understanding of men as victims of crime". The project aimed at describing and analyzing how social workers understand and work with male victims of violence. More precisely, the research has focused on how social workers describe men's vulnerability and how they understand men's needs for assistance, what assistance that is provided and the way the constellations of perpetrators and victims of different gender and contexts in which the violence occurs in affect the understanding of male victims of violence. The study has also been devoted to the question of whether the Support Centers for young crime victims in Sweden provide different types of and different amount of help to young men and women afflicted of violence. The project was conducted in three substudies. The results from substudy 1 show that more young men than women seek support from the Support centers studied. Men predominate in number of cases and in the different categories of crime. The results also show that young men on average receive less assistance over a shorter average duration than young women. This applies irrespective of the category of offense that the vulnerability applies to. Furthermore, the young men, compared to the women, proportionally receive fewer interventions characterized as support and a greater proportion of interventions in the form of information. The results also show that the young men are referred on for further action to a lesser extent than is the case for women. The results from substudy 2 show that social workers tend to focus on whether, and to what extent, young men who are victims of violence themselves have behaved provocatively before the violence incident and if they have put themselves in a social situation that could be interpreted as having contributed to an escalation of the violence they have been subjected to. The results from substudy 2 also show that social workers talk about the men as active in the violent situations they have been involved in and dwell on the extent to which the young men's own actions have contributed to the violence. The results also show that young men who are victims of violence are described as "reluctant" victims who are trying to cope with their situation on their own without the involvement of professional or other helper. The young men are also described as reluctant to talk about their feelings. The results of substudy 3 show that social workers believe that young men, when they become victims of violence, risks losing their sense of autonomy, initiative and decisiveness, that is, attributes that are often linked to the dominating cultural image of masculinity. Furthermore, the results show that social workers estimate that men's practicing of their masculinity, but also the response that men who are traumatized get from society, creates difficulties for them to get help. The results from substudy 3 also shows that attributes and actions that can be connected to the masculinity of young men's, as well as a lack of such attributes and actions are considered to be adequate explanations for the violence the men has suffered. When it comes to violence in public places it is the masculinity that explains the violence and its escalation. When it comes to domestic violence it is the lack of expected male attributes and actions that are used as explanations for the violence that have occurred. The discussion is devoted to the question of how the results should be understood based on the concepts of self-performance, interpretation, negotiation and categorizations, and the consequences the results obtained should have for gender sensitive social work given to abused men.
Violence at work as a social problem: a study of the media coverage on workplace violence in Swedish trade union journals 1978–2004 The main purpose of this study was to find out the extent of the unions media coverage on workplace violence and the ways in which the topic was framed. The study shows that the reporting of violence in the workplace described in journals is on a stable level during the period 1978–98. However from the year 2000 and onwards, there is a clear increase in the attention. Four categories of workplace violence were used to identify and recognize different types of violence: intrusive-, consumer-, relationship-and organizational violence. This shows that much of the attention over time has shifted from intrusive violence to organizational violence and consumer violence. What seems to have happened is that workplace violence has become more than just robberies and assaults in the retail business. The stereotypical image of the criminal is challenged by non-traditional criminals like nurses, elderly people and companies. Certain groups, e.g. care workers, come to account for an increasing proportion of attention, both as perpetrators and victims of violence. This study is an important step in understanding the increased reports of workplace violence in Sweden.
Victims of domestic violence (DV) are growing, still the number of cases reported isn't. In Rättvik only half the amount of cases are reported compared to two years ago. Rättvik is working to reduce DV by starting the project "Våga Hjälpa!". The purpose of this study was to use a quantitative approach to examine if the project is known in Rättvik. The study's based on a survey with a 27% response rate. The analysis was made by SPSS and interpreted on the basis of conformity, the bystander effect and the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Results show that the majority haven't been in contact with DV and that the knowledge of how to act is evenly spread. The study concludes with an objective evalution of "Våga Hjälpa!" where our study results are related to the project objectives. The evaluation partly shows a fullfilled result but also some improvement opportunities.
Objetivos: Desenvolver e validar instrumento que auxilie o pediatra a determinar a probabilidade de ocorrência do abuso sexual em crianças. Métodos: Estudo de caso-controle com 201 crianças que consultaram em ambulatórios de pediatria e locais de referência para vítimas de abuso sexual, entre março e novembro de 2004: grupo caso (com suspeita ou revelação de abuso sexual) e grupo controle (sem suspeita de abuso sexual). Aplicou-se, junto aos responsáveis, um questionário com 18 itens e cinco opções de respostas segundo a escala Likert, abordando comportamento, sintomas físicos e emocionais apresentados pelas crianças. Excluíram-se nove crianças sem controle esfincteriano e um item respondido por poucas pessoas. A validade e consistência interna dos itens foram avaliadas com obtenção de coeficientes de correlação (Pearson, Spearman e Goodman-Kruskal), coeficiente α de Cronbach e cálculo da área da curva ROC. Calculou-se, após, a razão de verossimilhança (RV) e os valores preditivo positivos (VPP) para os cinco itens do questionário que apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. Resultados: Obteve-se um questionário composto pelos cinco itens que melhor discriminaram crianças com e sem abuso sexual em dois contextos. Cada criança recebeu um escore resultante da soma das respostas com pesos de 0 a 4 (amplitude de 0 a 20), o qual, através do teorema de Bayes (RV), indicou sua probabilidade pós-teste (VPP) de abuso sexual. Conclusões: O instrumento proposto é útil por ser de fácil aplicação, auxiliando o pediatra na identificação de crianças vítimas de abuso sexual. Ele fornecerá, conforme o escore obtido, a probabilidade (VPP) de abuso sexual, orientando na conduta de cuidado à criança.
This dissertation seeks to identify specifications bu which the Subsection cf Buildings c f the Civil Construction os Rio de Janeiro could be improved. It attempt to determine the factors that make construction workers both victims of accidents, as well as the cause of these accidents. It a150 seeks t o identify the means af the capitalist way that as the producer specific kind af society, creates this type af invisible of a worker. Further more, to verify the violent ar disguised ways, that lead the worker to have a guilty consclence relative to himself and to the other workers , and maklng him feel responsible even for accident - related deaths on the job. A revolting factor is that malnutrition and endemic hunger, are in large part responsible for accidents at work in the capitalist production system, ln which production relations are still primitive. Therefore, the accidents at work are a product of society, especially caused by conditions in the construction sector . This fac 19 often masked, and responsibility is put on the worker ln 77,5~ of work related accident . Under these specific working conditions the cumulative overtime hours of work and tasks make the rythm and working hours extreme and overburdensome. The large and modern firms subcantract to smoller construc~i ns firms who have more dangeraus working condictions which result in more frequent and mayor accidents. These are not computed in the statistics of the large firms and the workers of the subcontractors do not appear on the builging construction lists, and are therefore a non - existent entities. Even opressed, the workers still continue to work under these conditions mak1ng there resistence a form af struggle. The Education that intends to be transformed in to an instrument of the workers struggle, should stimulated the participation in the daily educational and political practices and try to reconstructed what the dominant knowledge has fragmented: the ptoduction of existence as an integrated whole.
O perito criminal é o profissional que se utiliza de conhecimentos técnicos e específicos na análise dos vestígios de um crime, a fim de descobrir a forma como este se deu e, também, sua autoria. O trabalho pericial pode contribuir com a absolvição ou a condenação de um acusado e, assim, atender aos anseios de justiça da sociedade. Apesar da importância dessa atividade, os métodos e instrumentos de trabalho disponíveis para os peritos pouco evoluíram desde a criação da carreira no estado de Minas Gerais, que convivem, ainda, com locais de trabalho inadequados e, também, com a escassez de recursos materiais e humanos, somados à carência de comunicação e de autonomia na tomada de decisões das chefias; os resultados também apontaram para a interferência de outros agentes públicos, no local do crime, antes do início do trabalho pericial e, ainda, que a comunicação ineficiente traz problemas às relações interpessoais no trabalho. A nova gestão pública determinou metas que devem ser cumpridas, pressionando o profissional a otimizar os resultados do trabalho, sem ter, em contrapartida, melhorias nas suas condições. Além do exposto, o contato direto e frequente com vítimas de violência, ou com o material a elas relacionado, possibilita impacto negativo sobre as emoções do perito criminal, na falta de apoio especializado para lidar com tais situações. Esse contexto alerta para a necessidade da preservação da integridade emocional do perito criminal e, também, para emprego de estímulo à motivação da categoria. A fim de compreender as condições emocionais do perito criminal de Minas Gerais, de como impactam sua qualidade da vida e de trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo de pesquisa, iniciando-se com uma etapa de pesquisa exploratória, na qual vinte e dois profissionais responderam a um questionário semiestruturado. Posteriormente, duzentos e quarenta e oito peritos criminais responderam a questionários semiestruturados; conversas e entrevistas semiabertas foram gravadas com outros dez peritos aposentados ou aguardando a publicação oficial da aposentadoria. As questões foram descritivas, aproximando-se da atitude fenomenológica, buscando compreensão, quando, diante de depoimentos e questionários, a análise de conteúdo e do discurso desempenharam o papel de apoio metodológico. Os sentimentos recorrentes entre os peritos são os negativos, relacionados a medo, apreensão, humilhação, frustração, injustiça, angústia e revolta. Porém, sentimentos positivos também apareceram, esses relacionados à esperança de melhoria de condições laborais, ao entendimento da necessidade da cooperação e da confiança nos pares e, também, do empenho na contribuição social. As conclusões indicam que é necessário a promoção sistemática da comunicação interna e externa, além da intensificação da interação e da cooperação, a fim de favorecer a liderança e o reconhecimento do trabalho pericial, apoiando o envolvimento do profissional com a carreira. A complexidade encontrada nas questões relacionais apreendidas, e os indícios de implicações com a problemática da autonomia na Perícia Criminal, sugere retomada investigativa futura.
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar, sob o ponto de vista doutrinário e jurisprudencial, a discussão sobre a antinomia entre as Convenções de Varsóvia e Montreal, que estipulam um teto máximo de indenizatório às vítimas de acidentes aéreos, e o Código de Defesa do Consumidor que, ao promover a proteção do consumidor, estabelece a indenização integral pelos danos sofridos pelo fato do serviço. Inicialmente, analisa-se regulação internacional do transporte aéreo no tocante ao regime de responsabilidade, atentando-se para sua evolução e origem histórica. Em seguida, contextualiza-se a proteção do consumidor no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, ressaltando o regime de responsabilidade pelo fato do serviço e o princípio da reparação integral dos danos. Por fim, passa-se para a análise da antinomia existente entre os diplomas, buscando-se a melhor solução diante da atual realidade da sociedade brasileira.
O terrorismo contemporâneo se destaca como um dos mais discutidos tópicos da agenda política internacional. No contexto da globalização, a atuação de grupos extremistas é bem mais complexa e articulada do que jamais foi, e sua periculosidade é exacerbada pela potencial utilização de armas de destruição em massa. Se é certo que a solução para seu enfrentamento pode ser almejada pela cooperação entre as nações, é igualmente verdadeiro que o Direito pode ser um instrumento idôneo para assegurar melhor colaboração e maior efetividade das medidas. Partindo do pressuposto que o terrorismo pode ser compreendido como um instituto do Direito Criminal, apresento esta monografia, a fim de investigar como o Brasil – que notoriamente carece de normatização útil na legislação ordinária – poderia criar uma lei antiterror. A metodologia de pesquisa é primordialmente descritiva, com enfoque na compreensão do terrorismo enquanto instituto jurídico-criminal. Dedicamo-nos a um estudo crítico dos aspectos teóricos e práticos de se criar uma lei antiterror, inclusive estudando projetos de lei em tramitação, a fim de ver como o Legislativo tem abordado a matéria.
Alcohol is one of the few psychotropic drugs that their consumption has admitted legally and sometimes encouraged by the society. Studies show alcohol as the highest consumption of drugs among young people and society in general, probably because of its availability and easy access. The abuse causes public health problems, which was closely related to the violence, socioeconomic problems and the high number of automobile accidents. Transit is one of the main sectors affected by the effects of alcohol, observing a high incidence in the studies. About half of automobile accidents occurs after the consumption of alcoholic beverage, and the vast majority of cases related to high concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream. The relationship of drunk with traffic accidents is in fact evident everywhere in the world, including Brazil, where studies have shown a high relationship between alcohol consumption and traffic accidents. This study determined the alcohol in fatal victims of traffic accidents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and established the profile of this population compared with those found in Brazil and other countries. Samples of blood of ethanol added to fulfillment of the standardization of chromatographic conditions and procedures for the analysis, being employed in the determination of alcohol in blood samples of 277 victims of traffic accidents, collected at the Institute of Scientific Technical Police of Rio Grande do North (ITEP) in the year 2007. The blood alcohol level was determined in these samples correlated with the sex, age and marital status of the victim and the location, day of week and month when the accident occurred, is doing a statistical analysis and outlining a profile of the victims of an accident at transit in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The parameters of standardization studied ensured the quality of the analytical method and, consequently, to obtain reliable laboratory results. Being given the best temperature for injector (150 ºC), detector (250 ºC) and column (50 ºC) with a flow of gas in the column of 2mL/minutos and analysis of time of 12 minutes. The method was linear in the range of 0.01 to 3.2 g / L (r2 = 0.9989) with average recovery of 100.2% and precision with coefficient of variation less than 15%. The analysis carried out on victims of fatal road traffic accidents, ethanol detected in the blood in 66.43% of the victims and these, 96% showed concentration ≥ 0.2 g / L, 87.73% of victims were male, while 12.27% female. The younger age group (1535 years) was the most involved (52,35%) and most single (55.60%). The accidents occurred with greater prevalence in the day on Monday (27%) followed by Sunday (24,19%) and Saturday (15,52%) and it was found that the prevalence of injuries varied between the different months of the year, and in February (14.4%) and April (10.47%) the months that had a higher number of accidents, however this oscillation showed no statistically significant difference. Also no significant difference was observed between the tracks of concentration found in men and women. The standardized method showed to be efficient, given satisfactorily to the goals of this work, and the high levels of alcohol found in victims of fatal road traffic accidents are consistent with several studies of literature, and the profile of the victim also supported by presenting in its most young adults, male and single
This work aims at understanding of social suffering, caused by unsolved homicides in the black population. Thus, when the homicide occurs, family and friends become hidden or indirect victims of this crime. So, It will be made a historical imbalance of Afro-Brazilians to the capitalist system after slavery. Those who suffered from the absence of inclusive public policies. Also try to contextualize them within the current data with that place as the immediate victims of murder. Finally, reports from family members, through their life stories, and snippets from the ethnographic field notes were the methodologies used