947 resultados para Vascular Remodeling


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New blood vessel formation, a process referred to as angiogenesis, is essential for embryonic development and for many physiological and pathological processes during postnatal life, including cancer progression. Endothelial cell adhesion molecules of the integrin family have emerged as critical mediators and regulators of angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis. Integrins provide the physical interaction with the extracellular matrix necessary for cell adhesion, migration and positioning, and induction of signaling events essential for cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. Antagonists of integrin alpha V beta 3 suppress angiogenesis in many experimental models and are currently tested in clinical trials for their therapeutic efficacy against angiogenesis-dependent diseases, including cancer. Furthermore, interfering with signaling pathways downstream of integrins results in suppression of angiogenesis and may have relevant therapeutic implications. In this article we review the role of integrins in endothelial cell function and angiogenesis. In the light of recent advances in the field, we will discuss their relevance as a therapeutic target to suppress tumor angiogenesis.


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Thrombolysis administered intravenously within 3 hours (or within 6 hours intra-arterially) after symptoms onset improves the functional outcome of acute ischemic stroke patients. In Switzerland this treatment is only performed by specialized centers. At the level of a community hospital or a general practitioner, the management is based on the appropriate selection of patients in whom thrombolysis could be indicated, followed by their immediate transfer to a reference medical center. Because of the very short therapeutic window, specific criteria have to be used. We present the guidelines of Les Cadolles Hospital in Neuchâtel established in collaboration with the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital of Lausanne and a retrospective analysis of emergency admissions for suspected stroke at Les Cadolles between January 1st 2001 and December 31st 2002.


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To assess the role of vasopressin (AVP) in congestive heart failure (CHF), we investigated 10 patients with CHF refractory to conventional treatment, before and 60 minutes after intravenous administration of 5 micrograms/kg of d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP, a specific antagonist of AVP at the vascular receptor level. Heart rate, systemic arterial pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac index by thermodilution, and cutaneous blood flow by laser-Doppler technique were measured. In 9 patients there was no significant hemodynamic and cutaneous blood flow response to the AVP antagonist. Plasma AVP was 2.3 +/- 0.8 pg/ml and plasma osmolality 284 +/- 14 mosm/kg H2O. The tenth patient had the most severe CHF. His plasma AVP was 55 pg/ml and plasma osmolality 290 mosm/kg. He responded to the AVP antagonist with a marked decrease in systemic arterial pressure from 115/61 to 79/41 mm Hg, in pulmonary arterial pressure from 58/31 to 33/13 mm Hg and in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure from 28 to 15 mm Hg. Simultaneously cardiac index increased from 1.1 to 2.21 X min-1 X m-2 and cutaneous blood flow rose 5-fold. Thus, most patients with CHF have only moderately elevated plasma AVP and its role in determining peripheral vascular resistance appears to be limited. AVP may become important in rare patients presenting with marked hemodynamic instability and very high plasma AVP.


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BACKGROUND: Visudyne®-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug/light conditions has shown to selectively enhance the uptake of liposomal doxorubicin in subpleural localized sarcoma tumors grown on rodent lungs without causing morphological alterations of the lung. The present experiments explore the impact of low-dose PDT on liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin™) uptake to different tumor types grown on rodent lungs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three groups of Fischer rats underwent subpleural generation of sarcoma, mesothelioma, or adenocarcinoma tumors on the left lung. At least five animals of each group (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 7; adenocarcinoma, n = 5) underwent intraoperative low-dose (10 J/cm(2) at 35 mW/cm(2) ) PDT with 0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne® of the tumor and the lower lobe. This was followed by intravenous (IV) administration of 400 µg Liporubicin™. After a circulation time of 60 min, the tumor-bearing lung was processed for HPLC analyses. At least five animals per group underwent the same procedure but without PDT (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 5; adenocarcinoma, n = 6). Five untreated animals per group underwent CD31 immunostaining of their tumors with histomorphometrical assessment of the tumor vascularization. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly enhanced Liporubicin™ uptake to all tumor types (sarcoma, P = 0.0007; mesothelioma, P = 0.001; adenocarcinoma, P = 0.02) but not to normal lung tissue compared to IV drug administration alone. PDT led to a significantly increased ratio of tumor to lung tissue drug uptake for all three tumor types (P < 0.05). However, the tumor drug uptake varied between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density. The vascular density was significantly higher in sarcoma than in adenocarcinoma (P < 0.001) and mesothelioma (P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference between adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma. CONCLUSION: Low-dose Visudyne®-mediated PDT selectively enhances the uptake of systemically administered liposomal doxorubicin in tumors without affecting the drug uptake to normal lung. However, drug uptake varied significantly between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density.


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Systemic hypertension increases cardiac workload and subsequently induces signaling networks in heart that underlie myocyte growth (hypertrophic response) through expansion of sarcomeres with the aim to increase contractility. However, conditions of increased workload can induce both adaptive and maladaptive growth of heart muscle. Previous studies implicate two members of the AP-1 transcription factor family, junD and fra-1, in regulation of heart growth during hypertrophic response. In this study, we investigate the function of the AP-1 transcription factors, c-jun and c-fos, in heart growth. Using pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice and targeted deletion of Jun or Fos in cardiomyocytes, we show that c-jun is required for adaptive cardiac hypertrophy, while c-fos is dispensable in this context. c-jun promotes expression of sarcomere proteins and suppresses expression of extracellular matrix proteins. Capacity of cardiac muscle to contract depends on organization of principal thick and thin filaments, myosin and actin, within the sarcomere. In line with decreased expression of sarcomere-associated proteins, Jun-deficient cardiomyocytes present disarrangement of filaments in sarcomeres and actin cytoskeleton disorganization. Moreover, Jun-deficient hearts subjected to pressure overload display pronounced fibrosis and increased myocyte apoptosis finally resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy. In conclusion, c-jun but not c-fos is required to induce a transcriptional program aimed at adapting heart growth upon increased workload.


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We have investigated the changes in the responses to noradrenaline of isolated tail arteries of spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and renovascular hypertensive rats (Wistar-Kyoto: two-kidney, one-clip model, WKY:2K1C) compared with normotensive (Wistar-Kyoto, WKY) rats. Renovascular hypertension was induced by 4 weeks' unilateral renal artery clipping. Arteries were vasoconstricted with exogenous noradrenaline, electrical field stimulation or high potassium. The effects of the latter two stimuli were abolished by reserpine and so were presumably dependent on the presence of endogenous noradrenaline. In the SHR the maximal vasoconstriction produced by all three stimuli was greater than in WKY. Dose-response curves were steeper and there was no change in threshold. Vascular mass was greater. We interpret these results as showing an increase in vascular reactivity in the SHR caused by structural adaptation. The WKY:2K1C responses to noradrenaline could also be explained in terms of structural adaptation but there was no increase in vascular mass. Sensitivity to potassium and electrical stimulation was decreased, suggesting a defect in vascular neurotransmission. This was supported by the observations of a decreased arterial noradrenaline content and of decreased sensitivity to cocaine.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the internal mammary artery (IMA) grafts is much less pronounced than in other arteries and venous grafts. The aim of the study was to test whether various arteries respond differently to dilatation. METHODS: PTA of the IMA, carotid, renal and circumflex coronary (RCx) arteries was performed in 9 pigs (balloon to artery ratio of 1:1.5). After 8 weeks, angiography was repeated and vessels prepared for histological analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was done to examine proliferative activity (Ki67) and to identify the vasa vasorum of the adventitia (F VIII-RA). RESULTS: The intima-media ratio after PTA was lowest in the IMA (0.06), followed by the carotid (0.27) and renal arteries (0.49) and the RCx (0.69). Proliferation of the intima was seen at 287 degrees of the vessel circumference in the RCx, at 286 degrees in the renal and at 166 degrees in the carotid artery. No proliferative activity was seen in the IMA. The intima-adventitia ratio was lower in the IMA than in the RCx and renal arteries (p &lt; 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intima proliferation after PTA varies between the different vessels, with best results seen in the IMA. There are differences in remodeling after PTA between muscular, muscular/elastic and elastic arteries.


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The lymphatic vascular system, the body's second vascular system present in vertebrates, has emerged in recent years as a crucial player in normal and pathological processes. It participates in the maintenance of normal tissue fluid balance, the immune functions of cellular and antigen trafficking and absorption of fatty acids and lipid-soluble vitamins in the gut. Recent scientific discoveries have highlighted the role of lymphatic system in a number of pathologic conditions, including lymphedema, inflammatory diseases, and tumor metastasis. Development of genetically modified animal models, identification of lymphatic endothelial specific markers and regulators coupled with technological advances such as high-resolution imaging and genome-wide approaches have been instrumental in understanding the major steps controlling growth and remodeling of lymphatic vessels. This review highlights the recent insights and developments in the field of lymphatic vascular biology.


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Es recullen les dades dels pacients amb ictus agut (isquèmic i hemorràgic) que ingressen al nostre servei i es comparen les dades epidemiològiques, clíniques i de pronòstic de dones i homes. En l'anàlisi comparatiu s’objectiven diferències en quant als factors de risc entre ambdós sexes. I es troben factors independents de mal pronòstic en els pacients amb un ictus isquèmic: l'antecedent de cardiopatia isquèmica, l’escala de rankin previ i l'escala canadenca a l'ingrés. En l'anàlisi de regressió logística es troben factors independents de mal pronòstic en els pacients amb una hemorràgia cerebral l'edat i l'escala canadenca a l'ingrés.


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Lymphatic vasculature is increasingly recognized as an important factor both in the regulation of normal tissue homeostasis and immune response and in many diseases, such as inflammation, cancer, obesity, and hypertension. In the last few years, in addition to the central role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C/VEGF receptor-3 signaling in lymphangiogenesis, significant new insights were obtained about Notch, transforming growth factor β/bone morphogenetic protein, Ras, mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, and Ca(2+)/calcineurin signaling pathways in the control of growth and remodeling of lymphatic vessels. An emerging picture of lymphangiogenic signaling is complex and in many ways distinct from the regulation of angiogenesis. This complexity provides new challenges, but also new opportunities for selective therapeutic targeting of lymphatic vasculature.


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Revisió retrospectiva de pacients menors de 50 anys ingressats en el servei de Neurologia amb patologia cerebrovascular aguda des de gener 2006 fins desembre 2009, amb l'objectiu principal de descriure la implicació de la cocaïna en la patologia vascular cerebral en pacients joves. Es comparen 18 pacients amb nivells de cocaïna positius a l'ingrés i 79 pacients amb nivells negatius. De tots ells, es recullen diferents variables que defineixen el perfil de risc vascular, característiques clínico-topogràfiques de l'ictus i morbimortalitat associada als mateixos; finalment es realitza una anàlisi estadística de les dues poblacions.


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SUMMARYIntercellular communication is achieved at specialized regions of the plasma membrane by gap junctions. The proteins constituting the gap junctions are called connexins and are encoded by a family of genes highly conserved during evolution. In adult mouse, four connexins (Cxs) are known to be expressed in the vasculature: Cx37, Cx40, Cx43 and Cx45. Several recent studies have provided evidences that vascular connexins expression and blood pressure regulation are closely linked, suggesting a role for connexins in the control of blood pressure. However, the precise function that each vascular connexin plays under physiological and pathophysiological conditions is still not elucidated. In this context, this work was dedicated to evaluate the contribution of each of the four vascular connexins in the control of the vascular function and in the blood pressure regulation.In the present work, we first demonstrated that vascular connexins are differently regulated by hypertension in the mouse aorta. We also observed that endothelial connexins play a regulatory role on eNOS expression levels and function in the aorta, therefore in the control of vascular tone. Then, we demonstrated that Cx40 plays a pivotal role in the kidney by regulating the renal levels of COX-2 and nNOS, two key enzymes of the macula densa known to participate in the control of renin secreting cells. We also found that Cx43 forms the functional gap junction involved in intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation between vascular smooth muscle cells. Finally, we have started to generate transgenic mice expressing specifically Cx40 in the endothelium to investigate the involvement of Cx40 in the vasomotor tone, or in the renin secreting cells to evaluate the role of Cx40 in the control of renin secretion.In conclusion, this work has allowed us to identify new roles for connexins in the vasculature. Our results suggest that vascular connexins could be interesting targets for new therapies caring hypertension and vascular diseases.


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It is well known that the renin-angiotensin system contributes to left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis, a major determinant of myocardial stiffness. TGF-β1 and renin-angiotensin system signaling alters the fibroblast phenotype by promoting its differentiation into morphologically distinct pathological myofibroblasts, which potentiates collagen synthesis and fibrosis and causes enhanced extracellular matrix deposition. However, the atrial natriuretic peptide, which is induced during left ventricular hypertrophy, plays an anti-fibrogenic and anti-hypertrophic role by blocking, among others, the TGF-β-induced nuclear localization of Smads. It is not clear how the hypertrophic and fibrotic responses are transcriptionally regulated. CLP-1, the mouse homolog of human hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible-1 (HEXIM-1), regulates the pTEFb activity via direct association with pTEFb causing inhibition of the Cdk9-mediated serine 2 phosphorylation in the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. It was recently reported that the serine kinase activity of Cdk9 not only targets RNA polymerase II but also the conserved serine residues of the polylinker region in Smad3, suggesting that CLP-1-mediated changes in pTEFb activity may trigger Cdk9-dependent Smad3 signaling that can modulate collagen expression and fibrosis. In this study, we evaluated the role of CLP-1 in vivo in induction of left ventricular hypertrophy in angiotensinogen-overexpressing transgenic mice harboring CLP-1 heterozygosity. We observed that introduction of CLP-1 haplodeficiency in the transgenic α-myosin heavy chain-angiotensinogen mice causes prominent changes in hypertrophic and fibrotic responses accompanied by augmentation of Smad3/Stat3 signaling. Together, our findings underscore the critical role of CLP-1 in remodeling of the genetic response during hypertrophy and fibrosis.