985 resultados para Varying Magnetic-fields
Electric probes are objects immersed in the plasma with sharp boundaries which collect of emit charged particles. Consequently, the nearby plasma evolves under abrupt imposed and/or naturally emerging conditions. There could be localized currents, different time scales for plasma species evolution, charge separation and absorbing-emitting walls. The traditional numerical schemes based on differences often transform these disparate boundary conditions into computational singularities. This is the case of models using advection-diffusion differential equations with source-sink terms (also called Fokker-Planck equations). These equations are used in both, fluid and kinetic descriptions, to obtain the distribution functions or the density for each plasma species close to the boundaries. We present a resolution method grounded on an integral advancing scheme by using approximate Green's functions, also called short-time propagators. All the integrals, as a path integration process, are numerically calculated, what states a robust grid-free computational integral method, which is unconditionally stable for any time step. Hence, the sharp boundary conditions, as the current emission from a wall, can be treated during the short-time regime providing solutions that works as if they were known for each time step analytically. The form of the propagator (typically a multivariate Gaussian) is not unique and it can be adjusted during the advancing scheme to preserve the conserved quantities of the problem. The effects of the electric or magnetic fields can be incorporated into the iterative algorithm. The method allows smooth transitions of the evolving solutions even when abrupt discontinuities are present. In this work it is proposed a procedure to incorporate, for the very first time, the boundary conditions in the numerical integral scheme. This numerical scheme is applied to model the plasma bulk interaction with a charge-emitting electrode, dealing with fluid diffusion equations combined with Poisson equation self-consistently. It has been checked the stability of this computational method under any number of iterations, even for advancing in time electrons and ions having different time scales. This work establishes the basis to deal in future work with problems related to plasma thrusters or emissive probes in electromagnetic fields.
Anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) magnetic sensors are often chosen as the magnetic transducer for magnetic field sensing in applications with low to moderate magnetic field resolution because of the relative low mass of the sensor and their ease of use. They measure magnetic fields in the order of the Earth magnetic field (with typical sensitivities of 1‰/G or 10−2‰/μT), have typical minimum detectable fields in order of nT and even 0.1 nT but they are seriously limited by the thermal drifts due to the variation of the resistivity with temperature (∼2.5‰/°C) and the variation of the magnetoresistive effect with temperature (which affects both the sensitivity of the sensors: ∼2.7‰/°C, and the offset: ±0.5‰/°C). Therefore, for lower magnetic fields, fluxgate vector sensors are generally preferred. In the present work these limitations of AMR sensors are outlined and studied. Three methods based on lock-in amplifiers are proposed as low noise techniques. Their performance has been simulated, experimentally tested and comparatively discussed. The developed model has been also used to derive a technique for temperature compensation of AMR response. The final goal to implement these techniques in a space qualified applied specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for Mars in situ exploration with compact miniaturized magnetometers.
Fast transverse relaxation of 1H, 15N, and 13C by dipole-dipole coupling (DD) and chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) modulated by rotational molecular motions has a dominant impact on the size limit for biomacromolecular structures that can be studied by NMR spectroscopy in solution. Transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) is an approach for suppression of transverse relaxation in multidimensional NMR experiments, which is based on constructive use of interference between DD coupling and CSA. For example, a TROSY-type two-dimensional 1H,15N-correlation experiment with a uniformly 15N-labeled protein in a DNA complex of molecular mass 17 kDa at a 1H frequency of 750 MHz showed that 15N relaxation during 15N chemical shift evolution and 1HN relaxation during signal acquisition both are significantly reduced by mutual compensation of the DD and CSA interactions. The reduction of the linewidths when compared with a conventional two-dimensional 1H,15N-correlation experiment was 60% and 40%, respectively, and the residual linewidths were 5 Hz for 15N and 15 Hz for 1HN at 4°C. Because the ratio of the DD and CSA relaxation rates is nearly independent of the molecular size, a similar percentagewise reduction of the overall transverse relaxation rates is expected for larger proteins. For a 15N-labeled protein of 150 kDa at 750 MHz and 20°C one predicts residual linewidths of 10 Hz for 15N and 45 Hz for 1HN, and for the corresponding uniformly 15N,2H-labeled protein the residual linewidths are predicted to be smaller than 5 Hz and 15 Hz, respectively. The TROSY principle should benefit a variety of multidimensional solution NMR experiments, especially with future use of yet somewhat higher polarizing magnetic fields than are presently available, and thus largely eliminate one of the key factors that limit work with larger molecules.
After gravistimulation of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. protonemata in the dark, amyloplast sedimentation was followed by upward curvature in the wild-type (WT) and downward curvature in the wwr mutant (wrong way response). We used ponderomotive forces induced by high-gradient magnetic fields (HGMF) to simulate the effect of gravity and displace the presumptive statoliths. The field was applied by placing protonemata either between two permanent magnets at the edge of the gap, close to the edge of a magnetized ferromagnetic wedge, or close to a small (<1 mm) permanent magnet. Continuous application of an HGMF in all three configurations resulted in plastid displacement and induced curvature in tip cells of WT and wwr protonemata. WT cells curved toward the HGMF, and wwr cells curved away from the HGMF, comparable to gravitropism. Plastids isolated from protonemal cultures had densities ranging from 1.24 to 1.38 g cm−3. Plastid density was similar for both genotypes, but the mutant contained larger plastids than the WT. The size difference might explain the stronger response of the wwr protonemata to the HGMF. Our data support the plastid-based theory of gravitropic sensing and suggest that HGMF-induced ponderomotive forces can substitute for gravity.
Recent x-ray observations have shown that a substantial fraction of newly born neutron stars have magnetic fields of several 1014 G. They reveal themselves as soft gamma repeaters and anomalous x-ray pulsars and may account for the missing radio pulsars in young supernova remnants.
The two-dimensional electron gas formed at the semiconductor heterointerface is a theater for many intriguing plays of physics. The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE), which occurs in strong magnetic fields and low temperatures, is the most fascinating of them. The concept of composite fermions and bosons not only is beautiful by itself but also has proved highly successful in providing pictorial interpretation of the phenomena associated with the FQHE.
This paper considers how the first subgalactic structures produced the UV radiation that ionized the intergalactic medium before z = 5 and the “feedback” effects of the UV radiation on structure formation. The first “pregalaxies” may eventually be detectable by their direct UV emission, with characteristic spectral features at Lyman α; high-z supernovae may also be detectable. Other probes of the intergalactic medium beyond z = 5, and of the epochs of reheating and reionization, are discussed, along with possible links between the diffusion of pregalactic metals and the origin of magnetic fields.
O trabalho descrito nesta tese mostra de forma detalhada a fabricação e caracterização de diferentes microssensores eletroquímicos os quais têm sido recentemente utilizados como sondas em grupo de técnicas conhecida como Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy (SEPM). Desta forma, a caracterização de superfícies pode ser feita explorando diferentes fenômenos interfaciais relevantes à Ciência. Neste sentido, as interfaces de materiais cristalinos como hidroxiapatita (materiais dentários) e calcita foram o foco de estudo neste trabalho. Assim, diferentes técnicas SEPM foram exploradas no sentido de se obter informações relevantes relacionadas aos processos dentários, como a erosão ácida e hipersensibilidade. Inicialmente, microeletrodos de platina foram desenvolvidos empregando uma metodologia convencional na qual são utilizados microfibras encapsuladas em capilares de vidro. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) no modo amperométrico foi utilizada para obtenção de informações com relação às alterações de topografia do esmalte dentário causadas pelo contato com substâncias ácidas. Adicionalmente, SECM foi empregada no estudo do transporte de espécies eletroativas em amostras de dentina e investigações relacionadas ao bloqueio dos túbulos empregando-se cremes dentais comerciais foram realizadas. A permeação de peróxido de hidrogênio pela dentina também foi estudada. Os resultados de SECM foram comparados com imagens SEM obtidas nas mesmas condições experimentais. Microeletrodos de membrana ionófora íon-seletiva (Ion Selective Microelectrodes-ISMEs) sensíveis a íons cálcio também foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados, com subsequente aplicação em SECM no modo potenciométrico. A dissolução ácida de esmalte bovino (erosão dentária) foi investigada em diferentes valores de pH (2,5; 4,5; 6,8). Além disso, o transporte de íons cálcio através de membranas porosas sintéticas foi avaliado a uma distância tip/substrato de 300µm. Alterações no fluxo de íons cálcio foram correlacionadas em experimentos realizados na presença e ausência de campos magnéticos gerados por nanopartículas de magnetita incorporadas à membrana porosa. Microcristais de calcita facilmente sintetizados pelo método de precipitação foram utilizados como superfície modelo para investigações interfaciais, cujos resultados podem ser correlacionados aos materiais dentários. Desta forma, nanopipetas de vidro preenchidas com eletrólito suporte foram fabricadas e utilizadas como sonda em Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM). O mapeamento topográfico de alta resolução espacial da superfície de um microcristal de calcita foi obtido utilizando o modo de varredura hopping mode. Adicionalmente, sondas multifuncionais ISME-SICM também foram desenvolvidas e caracterizadas para investigações simultâneas com relação às alterações topográficas e quantificação de íons cálcio sobre a superfície de um microcristal de calcita. A adição de reagentes ácidos no canal SICM promoveu a dissolução da superfície do microcristal, sendo obtidos dados cinéticos de dissolução. Investigações em meio neutro também foram realizadas utilizando a sonda ISME-SICM. Os resultados experimentais obtidos também foram comparados com aqueles oriundos de simulação computacional.
No presente estudo, amostras policristalinas ricas em Ta e com estequiometrias Ta1-xZrx; x < 0.15; foram preparadas através da mistura apropriada dos elementos metálicos, os quais foram fundidos em forno a arco elétrico sobre uma placa de cobre refrigerada a água e sob atmosfera de argônio de alta pureza. Os padrões de difração de raios-X das ligas, como fundidas (as cast) e tratadas termicamente a 850 °C por 24 h, revelaram a ocorrência de uma estrutura cristalina cúbica de corpo centrada bcc, tipo W, e parâmetros de rede que aumentam suavemente com o aumento do teor de Zr nas ligas. Medidas de susceptibilidade magnética dc, conduzidas nas condições de resfriamento da amostra em campo zero (ZFC) e do resfriamento com o campo magnético aplicado (FC), indicaram que supercondutividade volumétrica é observada abaixo de ~ 5.8, 6.9, 7.0 K em amostras com x = 0.05, 0.08, e 0.10, respectivamente. Essas temperaturas críticas supercondutoras são bastante superiores àquela observada no Ta elementar ~ 4.45 K. Medidas de resistividade elétrica na presença de campos magnéticos aplicados de até 9 T confirmaram a temperatura crítica supercondutora das amostras estudadas. O campo crítico superior Hc2 e o comprimento de coerência E foram estimados a partir dos dados de magnetorresistência. Os valores estimados de Hc2 foram de ~ 0.46, 1.78, 3.85 e 3.97 T, resultando em valores de E ~ 26.0, 13.6, 9.2 e 9.1 nm para as ligas as cast com x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.08 e 0.10, respectivamente. A partir dos dados experimentais do calor específico Cp das ligas, magnitudes estimadas do salto em Cp nas vizinhanças das transições supercondutoras indicaram valores maiores que o previsto pela teoria BCS. Utilizando as equações analíticas derivadas da teoria do acoplamento forte da supercondutividade foi então proposto que o aumento da temperatura de transição supercondutora nas ligas devido a substituição parcial do Ta por Zr está intimamente relacionado ao aumento do acoplamento elétron-fônon, visto que a densidade de estados eletrônicos no nível de Fermi foi estimada ser essencialmente constante através da série Ta1-xZrx com x < 0.10.
We present the results of an analysis of data recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory in which we search for groups of directionally-aligned events (or 'multiplets') which exhibit a correlation between arrival direction and the inverse of the energy. These signatures are expected from sets of events coming from the same source after having been deflected by intervening coherent magnetic fields. The observation of several events from the same source would open the possibility to accurately reconstruct the position of the source and also measure the integral of the component of the magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectory of the cosmic rays. We describe the largest multiplets found and compute the probability that they appeared by chance from an isotropic distribution. We find no statistically significant evidence for the presence of multiplets arising from magnetic deflections in the present data. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the mechanically controlled break junction technique at low temperatures and under cryogenic vacuum conditions we have studied atomic contacts of several magnetic (Fe, Co, and Ni) and nonmagnetic (Pt) metals, which recently were claimed to show fractional conductance quantization. In the case of pure metals we see no quantization of the conductance nor half quantization, even when high magnetic fields are applied. On the other hand, features in the conductance similar to (fractional) quantization are observed when the contact is exposed to gas molecules. Furthermore, the absence of fractional quantization when the contact is bridged by H2 indicates the current is never fully polarized for the metals studied here. Our results are in agreement with recent model calculations.
We report on an outburst of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 0115+634 with a pulse period of 3.6 s in 2008 March/April as observed with RXTE and INTEGRAL. During the outburst the neutron star’s luminosity varied by a factor of 10 in the 3–50 keV band. In agreement with earlier work we find evidence of five cyclotron resonance scattering features at ~10.7, 21.8, 35.5, 46.7, and 59.7 keV. Previous work had found an anticorrelation between the fundamental cyclotron line energy and the X-ray flux. We show that this apparent anticorrelation is probably due to the unphysical interplay of parameters of the cyclotron line with the continuum models used previously, e.g., the negative and positive exponent power law (NPEX). For this model, we show that cyclotron line modeling erroneously leads to describing part of the exponential cutoff and the continuum variability, and not the cyclotron lines. When the X-ray continuum is modeled with a simple exponentially cutoff power law modified by a Gaussian emission feature around 10 keV, the correlation between the line energy and the flux vanishes, and the line parameters remain virtually constant over the outburst. We therefore conclude that the previously reported anticorrelation is an artifact of the assumptions adopted in the modeling of the continuum.
The magnetic field strength at birth is arguably one of the most important properties to determine the evolutionary path of a neutron star. Objects with very high fields, collectively known as magnetars, are characterized by high X-ray quiescent luminosities, occurrence of outbursts, and, for some of them, sporadic giant flares. While the magnetic field strength is believed to drive their collective behaviour, however, the diversity of their properties, and, especially, the observation of magnetar-like bursts from “low-field” pulsars, has been a theoretical puzzle. In this review, we discuss results of long-term simulations following the coupled evolution of the X-ray luminosity and the timing properties for a large, homogeneous sample of X-ray emitting isolated neutron stars, accounting for a range of initial magnetic field strengths, envelope compositions, and neutron star masses. In addition, by following the evolution of magnetic stresses within the neutron star crust, we can also relate the observed magnetar phenomenology to the physical properties of neutron stars, and in particular to their age and magnetic field strength and topology. The dichotomy of “high-B” field pulsars versus magnetars is naturally explained, and occasional outbursts from old, low B-field neutron stars are predicted. We conclude by speculating on the fate of old magnetars, and by presenting observational diagnostics of the neutron star crustal field topology.
Confronting theoretical models with observations of thermal radiation emitted by neutron stars is one of the most important ways to understand the properties of both, superdense matter in the interiors of the neutron stars and dense magnetized plasmas in their outer layers. Here we review the theory of thermal emission from the surface layers of strongly magnetized neutron stars, and the main properties of the observational data. In particular, we focus on the nearby sources for which a clear thermal component has been detected, without being contaminated by other emission processes (magnetosphere, accretion, nebulae). We also discuss the applications of the modern theoretical models of the formation of spectra of strongly magnetized neutron stars to the observed thermally emitting objects.
Magnetars are neutron stars in which a strong magnetic field is the main energy source. About two dozens of magnetars, plus several candidates, are currently known in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds. They appear as highly variable X-ray sources and, in some cases, also as radio and/or optical pulsars. Their spin periods (2–12 s) and spin-down rates (∼10−13–10−10 s s−1) indicate external dipole fields of ∼1013−15 G, and there is evidence that even stronger magnetic fields are present inside the star and in non-dipolar magnetospheric components. Here we review the observed properties of the persistent emission from magnetars, discuss the main models proposed to explain the origin of their magnetic field and present recent developments in the study of their evolution and connection with other classes of neutron stars.