930 resultados para VOCAL DIALECTS
Summary: Cases of analogy in the transitional dialects of the Savonlinna district
Summary: Non-harmonic enclitic particles in Finnish dialects
Assessing the amount of rivals is crucial to optimally adjust investment into a contest. If laboratory animals show numerical abilities, little is known about the ecological implications particularly in young animals. The two to nine barn owl (Tyto alba) siblings vocally compete for priority of access to food resources before parents actually deliver them. In dyads, the individual that vocalizes at the highest rate in the absence of parents deters its siblings from competing for next delivered prey. We tested the novel hypothesis that to optimally adjust vocal investment, barn owl nestlings assess how many of their siblings are currently competing. To singleton owlets, we broadcasted a fixed global number of calls emitted by one, two or four pre-recorded unfamiliar nestlings. We could thus distinguish the independent effect on singletons' vocal behavior of the global number of calls produced by a brood from the number of competitors that produced these calls. Overall, nestlings retreated more from vocal contest when facing more competitors. However, in front of one highly motivated competitor, nestlings refrained from vocalizing to a larger extent than when competing against more but less motivated individuals. Therefore, young animals assess variation in the number of currently competing siblings based on individual-specific vocal cues.
A surgeon facing the problem of a child with subglottic stenosis currently has a wide range of surgical options. Cricotracheal resection is the preferred option for grade IV and severe grade III stenoses that are clear of the vocal cords. Laryngotracheal reconstruction as a less extensive procedure is preferred for some grade II and less severe grade III stenoses. Stenosis close to the vocal cords remains a challenge and can be treated by extended partial cricotracheal resection. Pediatric surgeons and otolaryngologists should learn carefully the technique of partial cricotracheal resection for use in infants and children to achieve better results than with laryngotracheal reconstructions.
In species with parental care, siblings compete for access to food resources. Typically, they vocally signal their level of need to each other and to parents, and jostle for the position in the nest where parents deliver food. Although food shortage and social interactions are stressful, little is known about the effect of stress on the way siblings resolve the conflict over how food is shared among them. Because glucocorticoid hormones mediate physiological and behavioral responses to stressors, we tested whether corticosterone, the main glucocorticoid in birds, modulates physical and vocal signaling used by barn owl siblings (Tyto alba) to compete for food. Although corticosterone-implanted (cort-) nestlings and placebo-nestlings were similarly successful to monopolize food, they employed different behavioral strategies. Compared to placebo-nestlings, cort-individuals reduced the rate of vocally communicating with their siblings (but not with their parents) but were positioned closer to the nest-box entrance where parents predictably deliver food. Therefore, corticosterone induced nestlings to increase their effort in physical competition for the best nest position at the expense of investment in sib-sib communication without modifying vocal begging signals directed to parents. This suggests that in the barn owl stress alters nestlings' behavior and corticosterone could mediate the trade-off between scramble competition and vocal sib-sib communication. We conclude that stressful environments may prevent the evolution of sib-sib communication as a way to resolve family conflicts peacefully.
OBJECTIVE: Bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis (BVCAbP) is considered a rare cause of stridor in the newborn. The goal of this work is to present a case series and to review systematically the literature on bilateral vocal cord abductor paralysis in the newborn to better characterize the current knowledge on this entity. METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review with Medline (1950-2011). The authors screened all cases of BVCAbP reported and selected those affecting newborns. RESULTS: Out of the 129 articles screened, 16 were included. A total of 69 cases could be retrieved and analyzed. Associated co-morbidities were found in 54% of the patients, most notably malformative conditions (intracranial or other), or a positive perinatal history (trauma/asphyxia, prematurity). Tracheostomy placement was required in 59% of children, and of these 44% were successfully decannulated. In terms of functional outcome full recovery or improvement were seen in 61% of patients. Major underlying co-morbidities affected negatively the functional outcome (p=.004), but not the need for tracheostomy (p=.604) or the decannulation success rate (p=.063). CONCLUSION: BVCAbP in the newborn is a serious cause of airway obstruction. It can be seen either in a context of multisystem anomalies or as an isolated finding. Newborns with major co-morbidities affecting their normal development are more likely to have poor functional outcomes and to remain tracheostomy-dependant.
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy usually results from invasion or compression of the nerve caused by diseases localized within the aortopulmonary window. This study reports the case of a 76-yr-old male with vocal cord paralysis due to lymph node involvement by silicosis. This rare entity was identified by video-mediastinoscopy, which revealed a granulomatous and fibrosed recurrent lymph node encasing the nerve. The nerve was dissected and released from scar tissues. Progressive clinical improvement was observed followed by total and durable recovery of the voice after 15 weeks follow-up.
Objectives : Eye movements are necessary to stabilize the retinal picture and to find a new object. This seems useless for blind people, so why do they nevertheless have them. We report on an EOG study on 29 blind volunteers and 5 volunteers with closed eyes. Material and methods: We recorded eye movements by EOG and let the volunteers fulfill different exercises by following an acoustic running point by gaze, pointing, imagining in the room, listing words that begin with the vocal U and a finger labyrinth. Results: We found slow eye movements as well as pathological eye movements in the blind subjects. We found that blind subjects have a horizontal preferency.The duration of fixation of pictures is shorter in the blind subjects. The blind could even modulate saccade amplitudes . Discussion: Eye movements seem to be structural properties of the brain which prepare the organism for certain situations-even if they do not take place. We think that eye movements are partially independent of the experience of view. We did not expect that the blind subjects could modify gaze according to the subject. This leads to the hypothesis of a preformed dimensional system.
Summary: Idiolects of transitional dialects: variation in the dialects of individuals in the Savonlinna district
A part de l"ús del pretèrit perifràstic, format amb el verb ir + infinitiu (xistaví) o anar + infinitiu (català), els paral lelismes més interessants entre el xistaví i el català són de tipus lèxic. Tanmateix, sovint no resulta gens fàcil decidir si les formes compartides són préstecs directes o si constitueixen part d"un tresor comú. Determinades paraules com ara sep i boc, amb oclusiva final, i llesca, amb [ʎ] inicial, porten l"empremta d"identitat catalana, així com borde < bord, amb vocal de suport final en aragonès i en castellà, i cotón, sense l"article àrab aglutinat (però amb [n] final en aragonès). La forma mielsa és un catalanisme tan antic que presenta diftongació de la vocal radical en aragonès. A més a més, tancar, que és específic de l"Aragó oriental, sembla ser resultat de l"expansió del català a territoris dialectals veïns. En canvi, bachoca és tan generalitzat també es troba a Múrcia i València que no pot ésser considerat com el cas anterior. En aquest article intentem d"avaluar l"impacte del lèxic català en l"aragonès de Gistaín (xistaví).
This article describes similarities of the Irish Gaelic present habitual aspect and traditional Irish English dialects. These observations are contrasted with differences in the Scots Gaelic aspectual system and an explanation for the deviances in present habitual marking in Scottish English and Irish English is suggested, based on differences in the Gaelic contact varieties.
S'estudien les diferents parts de l'aparell vocal i com interactuen per a produir la veu normal.
Se estudian las distintas partes del aparato vocal y cómo interactúan para producir la voz.
We present a 53-year-old man with a vocal cord paralysis observed as a primary manifestation of lung carcinoma. Tc-99m MDP whole body bone scan were performed and resulted a normal scintiscan. The bone scan does not revealed suspicious foci of uptake. The possibility of bone metastasis was taken into consideration. A whole body F18-FDG-PET scan showed intense uptake in the left upper lung corresponding to the primary tumor. A bronchial biopsy confirmed infiltration by small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). SCLC is composed of poorly differentiated, rapidly growing cells with disease usually occurring centrally rather than peripherally. It metastasizes early. The whole-body F18-FDG-PET scan clearly demonstrated a focus of increased uptake in the second lumbar vertebral body suspicious for osteolytic metastasis. A lytic bone metastasis was confirmed by MRI. The patient then received therapy and underwent follow up abdominal CT. The scan showed blastic changes in the L2 vertebra suggesting response to treatment.