996 resultados para Urho Kekkosen päiväkirjat. 4 : 1975-81
Valorar las desigualdades en los gastos privados de Educación en relación con las características socio-económicas de las familias y completar los escasos conocimientos en este tema. Analizar la evolución y cuantía de los gastos directos y anejos de las familias y de la inversión estatal producidos a lo largo de un año. La utilizada en los estudios del INE. Datos estadísticos y reclasificación de los mismos. Variables de cruce: renta familiar, componentes de la familia, hijos escolarizados, sexo, educación del padre, hábitat y categoría social. Análisis macro y microeconómicos. El concepto de gasto en Educación se operativiza como pagos a Centros y material didáctico (gastos directos). Desarrollo de modelos econométricos lineales explicativos: como variables exógenas utilizan los gastos anuales totales del hogar (como aprox. a la renta familiar).. Encuestas de presupuestos familiares realizadas entre 1964-81 por el INE.. Estadística descriptiva. Datos directos. Índices econométricos (coeficientes T de Student, elasticidad, etc). Desarrollo de modelos: estimación por mínimos cuadrados. Durante el período 1964-74 el gasto se triplica, estabilizándose en el período 1975-81. En éste, la financiación del Estado aumenta un 20 por ciento. Hay grandes diferencias debidas al status socio-económico y al lugar de residencia. A) Los gastos privados suponen un 80 por ciento del total. Anejos suponen un 19'6 por ciento. Los gastos peor explicados por la renta familiar son los anejos. B) El gasto crece con el nivel educativo a excepción de la Preescolar que es más cara que la EGB y el BUP. La renta explica entre el 37 y el 57 por ciento del gasto total, descendiendo esta cifra conforme se avanza en sistema escolar. Variabilidad en el gasto debida a las características socio-económicas de las familias. Se observan diferencias sociales muy marcadas, que disminuyen con el nivel educativo.
A pot experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that decomposition of organic matter in sewage sludge and the consequent formation of dissolved organic compounds (DOC) would lead to an increase in the bioavailability of the heavy metals. Two Brown Earth soils, one with clayey loam texture (CL) and the other a loamy sand (LS) were mixed with sewage sludge at rates equivalent to 0, 10 and 50 1 dry sludge ha(-1) and the pots were sown with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The organic matter content and heavy metal availability assessed with soil extractions with 0.05 M CaCl2 were monitored over a residual time of two years, while plant uptake over one year, after addition of the sludge. It was found that the concentrations of Cd and Ni in both the ryegrass and the soil extracts increased slightly but significantly during the first year. In most cases, this increase was most evident especially at the higher sludge application rate (50 t ha(-1)). However, in the second year metal availability reached a plateau. Zinc concentrations in the ryegrass did not show an increase but the CaCl2 extracts increased during the first year. In contrast, organic matter content decreased rapidly in the first months of the first year and much more slowly in the second (total decrease of 16%). The concentrations of DOC increased significantly in the more organic rich CL soil in the course of two years. The pattern followed by the decomposition of organic matter with time and the production of DOC may provide at least a partial explanation for trend towards increased metal availability.
Objectives: To determine the incidence and clinical relevance of newly diagnosed cases of prostate cancer in a group of men who had an elevated PSA and benign prostate biopsy 7 years previously. Patients and Method: Patients under the age of 80 years with an elevated PSA who had had a benign prostate biopsy in the 12 months between March 1, 1994 and February 28, 1995 were studied. One hundred and sixty four patients with a mean age of 66.8 years (range 47-79 years) were identified. The mean PSA for this group was 10.3 ng/ml (range 4.1-81 ng/ml). One hundred and fifty nine of the 164 (97%) hospital records were available for review and all but 21 (12.8%) of the General Practitioners were contacted. Results: Eighteen (11%) of the original 164 patients were subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer, 2 died from their disease. Conclusions: In a population where the follow-up of patients with a benign biopsy was arranged on clinical grounds alone, 11% of the study group were diagnosed with prostate cancer during a seven-year follow-up. Although some of these cancers appear to be slow growing, most of those diagnosed in the initial follow-up period were deemed to be clinically significant and a small proportion progressed rapidly to metastases. All patients who have an elevated PSA, but benign biopsy, should undergo a period of PSA monitoring until it is clear that their PSA is not rising. We propose an initial intensive monitoring period to avoid missing those with clinically aggressive disease. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do ácido oxálico e de óleos essenciais de plantas no controle da infestação pelo ácaro Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera africanizadas. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em 30 colônias, com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. As colmeias foram tratadas com óleos essenciais de arruda (Ruta graveolens), eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) e hortelã (Mentha piperita), além de timol, ácido oxálico e do tratamento controle sem aplicação de produtos. Foram avaliadas a mortalidade de varroas e as taxas de mortalidade de crias e de infestação de varroas em crias e em abelhas adultas, antes e depois da aplicação de cada produto. O ácido oxálico e os óleos de arruda, timol, eucalipto e de hortelã reduziram a mortalidade de crias parasitadas pelo ácaro em 92,1, 83,3, 81,7, 86,4 e 81,3%, respectivamente. O tratamento com ácido oxálico reduziu em 87,4% a infestação de varroas em abelhas adultas. O uso desses produtos é eficiente na redução da mortalidade de crias de A. mellifera parasitadas por V. destructor.
The lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata (De Geer) is a natural enemy of several insect pests and feeds on pollen and nectar to survive periods when prey is scarce. The effect of the feeding interval on the development, survival, fecundity, and longevity of C. maculata was determined. Newly hatched larvae of C. maculata were reared individually and fed with eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) at intervals of one, two, and three days under controlled conditions (23 ± 1ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; 12 h phtophase). The duration of larval instars and the total larval stage was prolonged as the feeding interval increased. The larval period lasted on average 9.2 ± 0.19 days when the larvae were fed daily with prey, and 14.6 ± 0.48 days when food was offered at three-day intervals. There was an inverse relationship between food intervals, survival, and weight of larvae and adults of the coccinellid. Survival rate of larvae fed daily was 76.8%, while the rate was 50.0% and 23.4% for larvae fed every two and three days, respectively. Coleomegilla maculata showed fecundity of 781.1 ± 149.02, 563.4 ± 80.81 and 109.0 ± 103.0 eggs when fed daily and at intervals of two and three days, respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: Existing composite restorations on teeth are often remade prior to the cementation of fixed dental prostheses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of static and cyclic loading on ceramic laminate veneers adhered to aged resin composite restorations.Materials and Methods: Eighty sound maxillary incisors were collected and randomly divided into four groups: group 1: control group, no restorations; group 2: two Class III restorations; group 3: two Class IV restorations; group 4: complete composite substrate. Standard composite restorations were made using a microhybrid resin composite (Anterior Shine). Restored teeth were subjected to thermocycling (6000 cycles). Window preparations were made on the labial surface of the teeth for ceramic laminate fabrication (Empress II). Teeth were conditioned using an etch-and-rinse system. Existing composite restorations representing the aged composites were silica coated (CoJet) and silanized (ESPE-Sil). Ceramic laminates were cemented using a bis-GMA-based cement (Variolink Veneer). The specimens were randomly divided into two groups and were subjected to either static (groups 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a) or cyclic loading (groups 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b). Failure type and location after loading were classified. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test.Results: Significantly higher fracture strength was obtained in group 4 (330 +/- 81 N) compared to the controls in group 1 (179 +/- 120 N) (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05). Group lb survived a lower mean number of cyclic loads (672,820 cycles) than teeth of groups 2b to 4b (846x10(3) to 873x10(3) cycles). Failure type evaluation after the fracture test showed predominantly adhesive failures between dentin and cement, but after cyclic loading, more cohesive fractures in the ceramic were seen.Conclusion: Ceramic laminate veneers bonded to conditioned aged composite restorations provided favorable results. Surface conditioning of existing restorations may eliminate the necessity of removing aged composite restorations.
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Foram estudados dois surtos e realizado um experimento de fotossensibilização associada à ingestão por Brachiaria brizantha em ovinos mestiços de Santa Inês e Dorper, com idade variando de dois a três meses, em uma fazenda no município de Santa Luzia do Pará. Esses animais foram mantidos desde o nascimento até aproximadamente dois meses de idade, em apriscos suspensos do chão, recebendo capim-elefante roxo (Pennisetum purpureum cv. roxo), concentrado, sal mineral e água ad libitum. Após esse período foram introduzidos em um piquete de B. brizantha. Na ocasião dos surtos e do experimento a fazenda foi visitada para observação dos dados epidemiológicos, avaliação clínica dos animais, colheita de amostras de sangue para dosagem de GGT, AST, BD, BI, BT, ureia e creatinina e colheita de pastagem para pesquisa de Pithomyces chartarum e saponinas. Também foi realizada necropsia com colheita de material para estudo histológico. O surto 01 ocorreu na época de escassez de chuva, com taxa de morbidade e letalidade de 43,4% e 81,6%, respectivamente. O surto 02 aconteceu no início da época chuvosa, com taxas de morbidade e letalidade de 16,3% e 76,9%, respectivamente. Em ambos os surtos o capim encontrava-se com massa residual reduzida e senescente. Dos 50 animais do experimento, 10 receberam 200ml de fluido ruminal retirado de ovelhas mães do mesmo lote, a primeira administração foi feita um dia antes da introdução desses animais na pastagem, e mais duas subsequentes com intervalo de uma semana. Após 15 dias de pastejo, os animais começaram a apresentar inquietação, procura por sombra, edema nas orelhas, mucosas amareladas, apatia, anorexia e desprendimento da pele seguido por formação de crostas em algumas áreas do corpo. Tanto os animais dos surtos quanto do experimento apresentaram aumento nos níveis de GGT, AST, BD, BI, BT, ureia e creatinina. Os valores de ureia e GGT dos animais que receberam fluido ruminal e dos que não receberam foram semelhantes, já os valores de creatinina, AST e bilirrubinas foram menores nos animais que receberam fluido ruminal em comparação aos que não receberam. Foram determinados dois tipos de saponinas nas amostras de B. brizantha dos surtos e do experimento, a metilprotodioscina e a protodioscina. O nível de saponina no surto 01 e 02 foi 0,92% e 0,88%, respectivamente. Os níveis de saponinas no experimento variaram de 1,13% a 1,62%. A quantidade de Pithomyces chartarum, tanto nos surtos quanto no experimento, foi insignificante. Na necropsia foi verificada icterícia generalizada, fígado com consistência aumentada de coloração amarelada e com padrão lobular acentuado. Nos rins foi observada coloração amarelo-esverdeado e aumento de tamanho. As alterações histológicas ocorreram principalmente no fígado e consistiram de leve proliferação das vias biliares nos espaços porta, presença de hepatócitos binucleados, presença de macrófagos espumosos, necrose incipiente de hepatócitos isolados, colangite, presença de cristais em macrófagos e hepatócitos.