945 resultados para Universidad de Málaga


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Importancia del estudio funcional de las canalopatías • Identificar los mecanismos implicados en la fisiopatología de los síndromes arritmogénicos primarios (y de la MSC) • Conocer la relación entre topología y función de las subunidades que forman los canales iónicos (Na+, Ca2+ y K+) • Propiedades biofísicas y moleculares del canal selectividad, conductancia y cinética (activación/inactivación/reactivación) • Correlacionar genotipo y fenotipo • Estratificar el riesgo del paciente según el locus de la mutación • Mejorar los tests genéticos disponibles • Diseñar nuevas estrategias terapéuticas específicas según las consecuencias de la mutación


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Any movement towards sustainable tourism is dependent not only upon the industry and other key stakeholders but also the demand side, namely the tourists. Yet, there is a limited literature from the demand point of view. In this area, contributions to an understanding of tourists’ support to sustainable development are necessary. This paper analyzes the main determinants in tourist behavior regarding the environmental considerations when they are making decisions about their holiday plans. General literature on this issue highlights the need to consider socio-economic variables of the individual as well as the attributes related of their style of living. If the econometric model takes into account all these variables simultaneously, then the linkage between contextual changes and tourists´ behaviour is enriched and it may be estimated more accurately. In this sense, a multilevel approach using a random-intercept logistic models is proposed, since tourists belong to a country are affected by the same contextual variables. The analysis comprises a joint dataset composed by microdata belong to the survey Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism, which corresponds to Flash Eurobarometer 281, macrodata from Eurostat (GDP in pps and GDP growth) and additional variables profiles from the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index. Country-specific effects are calculated across the EU-27 countries, which corroborated that attitudes to the sustainable tourism are heterogeneous geo-graphically. The higher the level of GDP, the lower the level of tourists´ support. These results could be explained because tourists of richer countries already have to pay more tax for envi-ronmental protection. Age, gender and educational attainment are relevant. Motivations for travelling, size of the community, type of the destination, and environmental sustainability indi-cators of the place of residence are also important factors.


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Background: Previous studies have reported errors in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) under the presence of distracting objects in dementia and brain injury patients. However, little is known about which distractor-target objects relation might be more harmful for performance. Method: We compared the ADL execution in frontal brain injured patients and control participants under two conditions: One in which target objects were mixed with distractor objects that constituted an alternative semantically related but non-required task (contextual condition) and another in which target objects were mixed with related but isolated distractors that did not constituted a coherent task (non-contextual condition). We separately analyzed ADL commission errors (repetitions, substitutions, objects manipulations, failures in sequence, extra actions) and omissions. In addition, the participants were evaluated with a neuropsychological protocol including a very specific executive functions task (Selective attention, Stimulus-Stimulus and Stimulus-Response conflict). Results: We found that frontal patients produced more commission errors compared to control participants, but only under the contextual condition. No between groups significant differences were found in omissions in both conditions or commission errors in non-contextual conditions. Scores in the Stimulus-Response conflict was significantly correlated with commission errors in the contextual condition. Conclusion: The presence of different non-target objects in ADL performance could require different cognitive process. Contextual ADL conditions required a higher level of executive functions, especially at the level of response (Stimulus-Response conflict). Application to Practice: Occupational therapists should control the presence of objects related to the target task according to the intervention objectives with the patients.


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La Ley 35/2015, de 22 de septiembre, establece un nuevo sistema para la valoración de los daños y perjuicios causados a las personas en accidentes de circulación, el cual incluye indemnizaciones cuya finalidad es compensar los perjuicios patrimoniales que sufren los perjudicados, ya se trate de lucro cesante o de daño emergente. Conforme a lo establecido en la propia Ley, las más relevantes de esas indemnizaciones requieren una valoración actuarial, siendo ése el caso de la indemnización por necesidad de ayuda de tercera persona. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la metodología de valoración actuarial que, para esta indemnización, se incluye en las “Bases Técnicas Actuariales del Baremo”, así como las hipótesis biométricas y económico-financieras que se asumen y los resultados que se obtienen; y todo ello en el marco de los principios y criterios que la Ley 35/2015 establece con carácter general para el sistema y en particular para dicha indemnización.


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El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer el proyecto ERASMUS+ Inside out- Outside In- Building bridges in teacher education through encounters with diversity en el que participan ocho instituciones europeas de formación de profesores de Alemania, Austria, España, Estonia, Finlandia, Hungría, Reino Unido y Suecia, que es la coordinadora. Uno de los retos que deben afrontar los sistemas educativos en el futuro inmediato es sin duda la diversidad cultural del alumnado, en sentido amplio, ya que consideramos que esa diversidad no viene dada sólo por la lengua, procedencia, religión o etnia del alumnado, sino también por las expectativas y valores con que se enfrentan a la educación. Esos diferentes valores están en la base de gran parte del abandono escolar temprano, cuya reducción es uno de los objetivos que se ha marcado la Unión Europea. Esa tasa es en España la más alta de Europa, aunque con enormes diferencias de unas Comunidades Autónomas a otras. Los movimientos migratorios de población de dentro y fuera de la Unión Europea, unidos a la llegada de refugiados, están cambiando la fisonomía de nuestras aulas y exigen de todos los que nos dedicamos a la docencia en todos los niveles cambios para responder a las nuevas demandas. Los conceptos de arraigo y desarraigo (insideness and outsideness) son básicos por sus implicaciones en la creación de espacios de aprendizaje que se reconozcan como tales y que puedan serlo realmente; además, implican romper las fronteras entre educación formal y no formal de forma que cualquier momento y cualquier espacio puedan convertirse en espacios y tiempos educativos.


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During dry periods in the Mediterranean area, the lack of water entering the soil matrix reduces organic contribu- tions to the soil. These processes lead to reduced soil fertility and soil vegetation recovery which creates a positive feedback process that can lead to desertification. Restoration of native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health, and control runoff and sediment yield. In Mediterranean areas, after a forestry proposal, it is highly common to register a significant number of losses for the saplings that have been introduced due to the lack of rainfall. When no vegetation is established, organic amendments can be used to rapidly protect the soil surface against the erosive forces of rain and runoff. In this study we investigated the hydrological effects of five soil treatments in relation to the temporal vari- ability of the available water for plants. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. In control plots, during June, July, August and September, soils were registered below the wilting point, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer mediter- ranean drought. This fact justifies the high mortality found on plants after the seeding plan. Similarly, soils have never exceeded the field capacity value measured for control plots. Conversely, in the straw and pinus mulch, soils were above the wilting point during a longer time than in control plots. Thus, the soil moisture only has stayed below the 4.2 pF suction in July, July and August. Regarding the amount of water available was also higher, especially in the months of December, January and February. However, the field capacity value measured has not showed any differences regarding the control. For these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. Sludge, manure and polymers showed a moisture retention capacity slightly more limited than straw and pinus mulch. Likewise, it has been found that the area of usable water by plants was also lower, especially during the months of January and February. This situation is especially sharpened in plots amended with manure. In this treatment, the upper part of the soil profile was below the wilting point for six months a year (from April to August). For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the pinus and straw mulch treatments have been shown as effective methods reducing water stress for plants. In this research, mulching has been proved as a significant method to reduce the mortality sapling rates during the mediterranean summer drought.


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Along this work we wish to highlight the main influence of Procedural Law in some as-pects in our Maritime Law. Our point of view has been supported by new Maritime Naviga-tion Act of 2014, when including the Title X ruling "Procedures Specialities in Maritime Navigation". We are focusing on the Bill of Lading as an essential document in maritime shipping from a procedural point of view. It is particulary relevant the express recognition of its enforce-able nature through the Spanish Maritime Navigation Act, giving to the bill of lading the consideration as an true extrajudicial enforceable title. We will point out the main error of the spanish regulator in the new Maritime Navigation Act, when repeating the provided posibility in the Spanish Civil Procedure Act, of a direct procedure of execution grounded on a extrajuditial enforcement such as the bill of lading. Finally, we would like to conclude the work studying the possible uses of Small Claim Procedure of the 812 article and followings of Spanish Civil Procedure Law, for the pur-pose of safeguarding credit, so as a short mention to other procedural figures expressly in-cluded in the Title IX of Maritime Navigation Law.


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La presente ponencia se centra en identificar y analizar las prácticas transformadoras del Trabajo Social actual ante los escenarios de complejidad en los que se desarrolla su actuación profesional. El actual contexto social de adversidad ha acentuado la concepción transformadora que acompaña al Trabajo Social desde sus inicios, dando lugar a múltiples contribuciones desde la práctica orientadas al cambio. Situarse desde ellas, para reenfocar y reflexionar sobre la intervención social que requiere el momento actual, es el objetivo principal de este trabajo. Partiendo de una revisión teórica que sitúe los antecedentes y evidencias empíricas relacionadas, se analizan las buenas prácticas profesionales allí donde el Trabajo Social está presente, como los sistemas públicos de servicios sociales y otras realidades asociadas a la iniciativa social. Se concluye sobre la utilidad y fortalecimiento de estrategias alternativas, creadoras de nuevos recursos, de recuperación de lo comunitario y enfocadas desde la perspectiva de la resiliencia.


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Este trabajo examina la evolución de los roles de género en diferentes regiones del mundo. Usando datos para 12 países de los tres últimos módulos del ISSP “Family and Changing Gender Roles” (1994, 2002 and 2012), se compara la evolución de los roles de género en lo que se refiere a la maternidad y su relación con la extensión de la incorporación laboral de las mujeres en todo el mundo: cuatro países europeos occidentales, representantes de diferentes regímenes de bienestar (Alemania, Reino Unido, Noruega y España), Estados Unidos, dos países de Europa del Este (Polonia y República Checa) y Rusia, dos países latinoamericanos (Chile y México) y dos asiáticos (Japón y Taiwán). Los datos muestran que el cambio en la familia (medido tanto en términos de actitudes como de prácticas sociales) se está expandiendo desde los contextos occidentales hacia otras regiones del mundo, aunque el ritmo de este cambio varía de un país a otro, dependiendo de factores políticos, culturales y económicos.


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This research delves into analyzing the seasonality of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean by using the decomposition of the Gini index, used in the field of cruise tourism for the first time in literature. This study specifically used the decomposition to evaluate the contribution degree of each port to the global seasonal concentration of each Mediterranean region. Moreover, a cluster analysis technique (bootstrapped bagged clustering) was applied to classify the ports into homogeneous groups according to their seasonal patterns given the significant heterogeneity revealed in the major regions of the Mediterranean. The methodology applied can serve as a control and monitoring tool for measuring seasonal concentration levels in cruise tourism, allowing for policies against seasonality to be tailored in the cruise tourism segment.


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Esta comunicación forma parte del proyecto “Ecologías del aprendizaje en contextos múltiples: análisis de proyectos de educación expandida y conformación de ciudadanía”, con referencia EDU2014-51961-P y financiado por MIMECO. La experiencia que se presenta se viene llevando a cabo desde el curso pasado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, a través de las asignaturas de Organización y Gestión de Centros e Instituciones e Intervención educativa y diversidad sociocultural del Grado de Primaria y consiste fundamentalmente en el desarrollo de un proceso de colaboración con dos centros educativos que son comunidades de aprendizaje. Iniciamos la experiencia desde la conformación de un grupo de voluntarias y voluntarios que semanalmente y de forma rotativa asisten a uno de los centros para participar en grupos interactivos y en el otro centro asisten semanalmente, de forma continua, para participar en todas las actividades del centro. Dos modalidades diferentes de colaboración de acuerdo con las necesidades y el estado de los proyectos de los centros educativos. La experiencia del alumnado que asiste a los centros, se convierte en materia de reflexión para todo el grupo-clase y se comparte con otros grupos de otras universidades, como es el caso de la Facultad de Educación de Soria. La reflexión que se instala en las clases abre diversas vías de aprendizaje: por un lado, el sentido de ser voluntaria y voluntario en la formación de la ciudadanía, por otro, el reconocer la realidad educativa en contexto, en situación y por último la posibilidad de compartir saberes y conocimientos con los demás estudiantes. Entendemos que los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la universidad no pueden quedar encerrados en las cuatro paredes del aula cuando todas las investigaciones señalan la complejidad del conocimiento, el avance de las redes sociales y la transformación del aprendizaje en procesos más abiertos, menos jerárquicos, más participativos y poniendo en relación a toda la comunidad educativa. Desde una primera valoración de la experiencia a través de relatos orales del alumnado participante compartido con los demás estudiantes y de procesos de autoevaluación al finalizar la asignatura, podemos observar que el sentirse parte de un proyecto institucional así como la participación en el aprendizaje de niños y niñas son aspectos relevantes para su formación y para pensar en que otra escuela es posible al aprender todos de todas.


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Design aspects of a novel beam-reconfigurable pla-nar series-fed array are addressed to achieve beam steering with frequency tunability over a relatively broad bandwidth. The design is possible thanks to the use of the complementary strip-slot, which is an innovative broadly matched microstrip radiator, and the careful selection of the phase shifter parameters.


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Mercury is not an essential element for plant or animal life and it is a potential environmental toxic because of its tendency to form covalent bonds with organic molecules and the high stability of the Hg-C bond. Reports estimate a total mercury concentration in natural waters ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng L-1. Due to this fact, highly sensitive methods are required for direct determination of such extremely low levels. In this work, a rapid and simple method was developed for separation and preconcentration of mercury by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating retention of the analyte onto the mini column filled with a mesoporous silica functionalized with 1,5 bis (di-2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohydrazide. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the determination of the Hg. Under the optima conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the detection limit obtained was 0.009 μg L-1, with RSDs 3.7 % for 0.2 μg L-1, 4.8 % for 1 μg L-1 and enrichment factor 4, Furthermore, the method proposed has permitted the determination of Hg with a reduction in the analysis time, the sample throughput was about 18 h-1, low consumption of reagents and sample volume. The method was applied to the determination of Hg in sea water and river water. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake, and LGC6187 River sediment was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.


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Queueing theory provides models, structural insights, problem solutions and algorithms to many application areas. Due to its practical applicability to production, manufacturing, home automation, communications technology, etc, more and more complex systems requires more elaborated models, tech- niques, algorithm, etc. need to be developed. Discrete-time models are very suitable in many situations and a feature that makes the analysis of discrete time systems technically more involved than its continuous time counterparts. In this paper we consider a discrete-time queueing system were failures in the server can occur as-well as priority messages. The possibility of failures of the server with general life time distribution is considered. We carry out an extensive study of the system by computing generating functions for the steady-state distribution of the number of messages in the queue and in the system. We also obtain generating functions for the stationary distribution of the busy period and sojourn times of a message in the server and in the system. Performance measures of the system are also provided.


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PV energy is the direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity. In this paper, an analysis of the influence of parameters such as global irradiance or temperature in the performance of a PV installation has been carried out. A PV module was installed in a building at the University of Málaga, and these parameters were experimentally determined for different days and different conditions of irradiance and temperature. Moreover, IV curves were obtained under these conditions to know the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current of the module. With this information, and using the first law of thermodynamics, an energy analysis was performed to determine the energy efficiency of the installation. Similarly, using the second law of thermodynamics, an exergy analysis is used to obtain the exergy efficiency. The results show that the energy efficiency varies between 10% and 12% and the exergy efficiency between 14% and 17%. It was concluded that the exergy analysis is more suitable for studying the performance, and that only electric exergy must be considered as useful exergy. This exergy efficiency can be improved if heat is removed from the PV module surface, and an optimal temperature is reached.