686 resultados para Tritrichomonas-fetus
Defeito congênito ou malformação congênita é qualquer anomalia anatômica, metabólica ou funcional, herdada por um mecanismo de transmissão mendeliana, ou causada por uma mutação gênica nova, por uma alteração cromossômica ou por uma agressão física, química ou infecciosa sobre o feto ou embrião em desenvolvimento. Suas causas podem ser genéticas ou ambientais, sendo, na maioria das vezes, de origem multifatorial, onde fatores de predisposição genética interagem com fatores ambientais desencadeadores. No estado do Pará, um grande número de indivíduos acometidos por Fissuras Labiopalatinas são oriundos de zonas rurais, principalmente no nordeste do estado onde sabidamente se faz uso indiscriminado de agrotóxicos nocivos a saúde humana, muitos dos quais tem alto potências teratogênico .O objetivo de nosso estudo foi Investigar a associação entre o polimorfismo (rs4630) no gene GSTT1 e a exposição a agrotóxicos na etiologia das fissuras lábio palatinas, bem como analisar o padrão das alterações de fala dos pacientes de acordo com o tipo da fissura . Foram analisados 83 pacientes portadores de Fissuras Palatinas, labiais ou Labiopalatinas de ambos os sexos, e 83 mães desses pacientes, todos oriundos do estado do Pará, com residência em zona rural e capital. Foram realizadas análises fonoaudiológicas e com o sangue desses indivíduos foi feita a análise molecular. A análise estatística foi realizada através dos programas estatísticos SPSS v. 12.0 e BioEstat v. 5.0. Os testes realizados foram os testes de Regressão Logística Multipla, teste x2e o teste exato de Fisher. O resultado consiste em cinco análises moleculares diferentes. Constatamos que a presença do alelo C no genótipo dos indivíduos pode influenciar no metabolismo de xenobióticos e aumentar o risco para desenvolver fissuras Orais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a rare and fatal congenital anomaly, primarily observed in ruminants, presenting fetus with dorsiflexion of the vertebral column, exposure of thoracic and visceral organs, and scoliosis. A caesarian was performed on a Dorper sheep on a farm in Botucatu-SP and according to the general characteristics and findings observed in the necropsy of the fetus it was an SR case. The radiography indicated a marked ventro-dorsal deviation of the thoracolumbar column segment and deformity of the ribs. On the computed tomography the integrity of the bones and organs were detected, except for the absence of a lumbar vertebra. No data were available in the literature for SR diagnosis in sheep by image, so radiographic and tomographic exams of the fetus were done.
PURPOSE: To measure fetal renal volume in normoglycemic and hyperglycemic pregnancies. METHODS: A longitudinal prospective study was conducted and included 92 hyperglycemic and 339 normoglycemic pregnant women attended at the prenatal service of a hospital from Rio de Janeiro State. Ultrasound examinations were performed to estimate gestational age at baseline and the kidney volume was estimated using the prolate ellipsoid volume equation. RESULTS: Fetal kidney volume growth between normoglycemic and hyperglycemic pregnancies are significantly different. The fetal kidney volume growth in pregnancy is positively correlated with gestational age explained by these predictor equations, by group: normal renal volume = exp (6.186+0.09×gestational week); hyperglycemic renal volume = exp (6.978+0.071×gestational week) and an excessive growth pattern for hyperglycemic pregnancies may be established according to gestational age. CONCLUSION: This is important for early detection of abnormalities in pregnancy, particularly in diabetic mothers.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Introduction: Preterm Labor (PTL) and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) cause severe complications for both mother and fetus. Among the risk factors associated with preterm labor and PPROM, genetic predisposition has been gaining importance. However, the association between polymorphic genes and the pathogenesis of PTL and PPROM remains elusive. A better understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying these adverse pregnancy outcomes may enable the identification of high risk patients and allow new approaches to minimize the deleterious effects of prematurity. Aim: To determine the association between maternal IL-6 polymorphism gene and the occurrence of PTL and PPROM. Patients and Methods: The study included 109 patients with prior history of PL and/or PPROM that delivered prematurely at the Obstetrical Unit Care of Botucatu Medical School, UNESP between 2003 and 2012. The control group consisted of 68 patients that delivered at term, matched to the case group by age, ethnicity, and sex of the newborn. Oral swabs (Cath-AllTM – Epicentre Biotechnologies) were collected for analysis of genetic polymorphisms by PCR. Statistical tests were performed to compare genotype, clinical and socio-demographic data from the groups. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The sociodemographic characteristics in both groups were homogeneously distributed. The frequency of the polymorphic allele C, associated with less production of IL-6, and therefore thought to be protective against PTL and PPROM, was 32,5% in the study group and 30,9% in the control group, without statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Considering the sample size included in this study, the frequency of the mutated allele is similar in pregnant women who delivered at term and gestational complications as PTL and PPROM
The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery
Maternal smoking during pregnancy causes heart changes, impaired fetal growth, spontaneous abortion and low birth weight. Even in pregnant women exposed to cigarette smoke these changes can be observed. But the exercise is to answer the increased fetal weight, besides the improvement of cardiorespiratory fitness of the pregnant and the fetus. The objective of this study was to analyze the ventricular muscle of young rats subjected to passive smoking associated with aquatic exercise. For the experiments used 24 female rats were divided into: GC (control), GE (exercise protocol in the water), GF(exposed to cigarette smoke) and GEF (exercise protocol on water and exposed to cigarette smoke). On the same day was held the 1st session of the experimental phase of the protocol of exposure to cigarette smoke, which consisted of 30 minutes twice a day, six days a week for three weeks, followed by the first session of the swimming program... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a serious public health case, for it causes irreversible damage to the embryo/fetus, which may cause its death. The identification and the care to pregnant women with suspect acute toxoplasmosis (IgM+) is performed in prenatal monitoring. This study aimed to measure the incidence and know the profile of positive pregnant women for toxoplasmosis in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in Matão - SP, between the years 2011 to 2013. This is a retrospective descriptive study, from the medical records of pregnant women attended. The project was approved by the Municipal Departament of Health and BHU was chosen along the Municipal Epidemiological Surveillance. From 2011 to 2013, 189 women began prenatal care in the unit, an annual median of 71(±26.91), of which 17 (8.99%) were positive for the serological test indicative of acute phase (IgM+). The distribution over the trial period was: four cases in 2011, twelve cases in 2012 and one in 2013. Pregnant women IgM positive for toxoplasmosis attend by BHU were: age 24(±5.47) years; color: equally distributed among white, black and brown; as the number of pregnancies: multiparous (2±0.97), most of them with a cesarean delivery as obstetric history and possessed no other risk factors associated with pregnancy (94.12%); gave entrance at BHU with 13.65(±7.35) weeks of gestation and had a median of 5(±2.36) consultation on their prenatal care. The examination for toxoplasmosis was requested as recommended by the Health Ministry (HM) and the medication prescribed was Roxamicina® - spiramycin, as soon as the test results (IgM+) arrived. Of the 17 pregnant women, only 10 completed the pre-natal at BHU - attendance at the postpartum consult (58.8%). Of these, the deliveries were vaginal (55.55%), made preterm with 36.5 weeks of gestation at the Municipal Hospital. The babies were born alive (100%) with the weight of 2.68(±0.77) Kg and required special care hospital scope. From the ...
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS