988 resultados para Toxocara spp
The aim of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of pesticides to T. pretiosum and T. exiguum in different hosts. The tests were carried out using the LBCI (Laboratorio de Biologia e Criacao de Insetos) methodology based on the IOBC/WPRS methodology for selectivity studies. The hosts used were Anagasta kuehniella, Spodoptera frugiperda and Plutella xylostella eggs. The analysis of the selectivity was carried out for the products triflumuron (20 mL/100 L), etofenproxi (47 mL/100 L) and endosulfan (750 mL/100 L), with distilled water used as a control. Parasitized eggs, percentage of parasitism, percentage of emergence, longevity and sex ratio were evaluated in generations F1 and F2. Endosulfan was the most harmful, inhibiting the parasitism in all hosts. Etofenproxi showed low selectivity to parasitoids. Triflumuron was selective to parasitoid species when eggs of natural hosts were used.
The present study was carried out to report the occurrence Salmonella spp., Salmonella Enteritidis, and Salmonella Typhimurium in chicken abattoirs. Samples of feces; feathers; scald, evisceration, and chiller water; and rinse water of non-eviscerated, eviscerated, and chilled carcass were collected from six chicken abattoirs. Salmonella isolates were identified by a multiplex-PCR using three sets of primers targeting the inuA, pefA, and sefA gene sequences from Salmonella spp., S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis, respectively. Salmonella spp. was detected in 10% (29/288) of the samples, whereas serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium were identified in 62% (7/288), respectively. The results indicate the need to improve hygiene and sanitary standards in poultry slaughter lines, besides the education of food handlers and information to consumers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Mediante a utilização da prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), foi pesquisada a indução de anticorpos contra leptospira em bovinos vacinados com uma bacterina polivalente comercial. Procurou-se avaliar a resposta sorológica homóloga frente a dois esquemas de vacinação. Os animais utilizados foram fêmeas adultas em produção leiteira oriundas de seis propriedades da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Vinte animais de cada propriedade foram escolhidos após três exames sorológicos com 24 sorovares de leptospiras com intervalo de 20 dias, através de triagem sorológica com 24 antígenos de leptospiras. Os grupos foram constituídos de animais não reagentes (I, II e III) e animais reagentes (IV, V e VI). Posteriormente os animais foram subdivididos em grupos controle (I e IV), os que receberam somente uma dose de vacina (II e V) e que receberam duas uma doses de vacina com e dose de reforço após 30 dias (III e VI). Os animais foram monitorados por meio da SAM nos dias 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 após a primeira aplicação da vacina. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) entre os animais vacinados e não vacinados. Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) nas respostas de títulos vacinais com relação ao perfil sorológico apresentados pelos animais. A vacinação com reforço apresentou melhor desempenho e a indução produção de aglutininas somente ocorreu contra os sorovares hardjo, wolffi, icterohaemorrhagiae e pomona. Há a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre o poder imunogênico da vacina utilizada no experimento.
Among the widely distributed bacterial agents in the aquatic ecosystem, can be outstanding the family Aeromonadaceae detected such in fish as in the water of this system. This study intended to verify the occurrence of Aeromonas spp. in pond water of fishfarms located in Occidental Lowland Region of Maranhao. Twelve properties located in Pinheiro, Palmeirandia and Perimirim cities had been selected. The harvest of the samples occurred in the period from October, 2008 to March, 2009. A total of 48 pond water samples were harvested. Four water samples of each fishfarm. Aeromonas were confirmed in 100% of the samples. The 89 isolate identified had been classified in three species, A. hydrophila (88%), A. caviae (9%), A. veronii sobria (3%). The pond waters of the fishfarms analyzed presented contamination with potentially pathogenic species of aeromonas which represents risk for people's health, especially for the organisms cultivated in these properties.
O presente trabalho avaliou a PCR na detecção de leptospiras em sêmen e urina de dez touros sorologicamente reagentes, comparando seus resultados com aqueles obtidos por outras técnicas de diagnóstico. Foram realizadas duas colheitas de materiais em dias alternados. As amostras de sêmen e de urina foram separadas em alíquotas para visualização direta em microscopia de campo escuro, inoculação em hamsters (apenas para o sêmen), isolamento em meio de cultura e PCR. Nenhum hamster apresentou positividade na prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM); fragmentos de rins e fígado desses animais foram utilizados para a tentativa de isolamento em meio de cultura, sendo positivo o cultivo a partir do rim de hamster inoculado com semen de um touro, e do fígado de hamsters inoculados com o semen de três touros. O isolamento em meio de cultura foi negativo para todas as amostras de sêmen, mas foi positivo para cinco amostras de urina. Na PCR não houve resultado positivo para as amostras de sêmen, e apenas uma amostra de urina apresentou resultado positivo, sendo coincidente com uma das culturas positivas. Não foi possível visualizar leptospiras em nenhuma das amostras por exame direto em microscopia de campo escuro.
Reports of Toxocara canis ocular larva migrans are uncommon in animals, with only a few cases reported. Most reports involve larval migration into the retina and choroid, with parasitic invasion of the orbit reported only in experimental studies. This is the first clinical case of Toxocara canis infection in the retrobulbar region of a 10-year-old, cross-bred male dog presenting with unilateral orbital cellulitis. Ophthalmic signs included protrusion of the nictitating membrane, chemosis, exophthalmos and hypertropia. The parasite was diagnosed by histologic and parasitologic examination of orbital tissues, which were removed during enucleation.
Humoral immune response of water buffalo naturally infected with Toxocara vitulorum was monitored using three different antigens of this parasite in serum and colostrum of buffalo cows and calves. Soluble extract (Ex) and excretory/secretory (ES) larval antigens and perienteric fluid antigen (Pe) of adult T vitulorum were used to measure the antibody levels by an indirect ELISA. Serum of 7-12 buffalo cows for the first 365 days and colostrum of the same number of buffalo cows for the first 60 days of parturition, and serum of 8-10 buffalo calves for the first 365 days afterbirth were assayed. The ELISA detected antibodies against all three T vitulorum antigens in the colostrum and serum of 100% of buffalo cows and calves examined. The highest antibody levels against Ex, ES and Pe antigens were detected in the buffalo cow sera during the perinatal period and were maintained at high levels through 300 days after parturition. on the other hand, colostrum antibody concentrations of all three antigens were highest on the first day post-parturition, but decreased sharply during the first 15 days. Concomitantly to the monitoring of immune response, the parasitic status of the calves was also evaluated. In calves, antibodies passively acquired were at the highest concentrations 24 h after birth and remained at high levels until 45 days coincidentally with the peak of T vitulorum infection. The rejection of the worms by the calves occurred simultaneously with the decline of antibody levels, which reached their lowest levels between 76 and 150 days. Thereafter, probably because of the presence of adults/larvae stimulation, the calves acquired active immunity and the antibodies started to increase slightly in the serum and plateaued between the days 211 and 365. All three antigens were detected by the serum antibodies of buffalo calves; however, the concentration of anti-Pe antibody was higher than anti-EX and anti-ES, particularly after 90 days of age. By conclusion, the buffalo cows develop immunity and keep high levels of antibodies against T vitulorum-Ex, ES and Pe antigens and these antibodies are transferred to their calves through the colostrum. This passively acquired immunity does not protect the calves against the acquisition of the infection, but these antibodies, passively or actively acquired, may have an important role during worm rejection by the calves and prevention of intestinal reinfection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The rock pigeon (Columba livia) may serve as a reservoir for several pathogenic agents that can be transmitted to poultry, wildlife, domesticated pets, and/or humans via excreta, secretions, or dust from feathers. In addition, ingestion of infected pigeons by wild and domestic animals can also transmit these pathogenic agents. The health status of 126 free-living pigeons in an urban area was evaluated by microbiologic culture for Salmonella and serologic testing for the presence of antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii and for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from 120 and 109 pigeons, respectively. After drawing blood, the birds were euthanized, and fragments of the liver, spleen, lungs, and gonads, and feces were cultured for Salmonella spp. Salmonella spp. was isolated from 10 birds (7.94%), of which 8 were Salmonella typhimurium, one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12 and one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12,i. Six of 109 pigeons (5.50%) were positive for NDV antibodies when using the hemagglutination inhibition test. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were detected by immunofluorescence in one of 120 sera tested (0.83%). The results indicate that feral rock pigeons were exposed to NDV and T gondii, although the exposure was low. In addition, these birds had Salmonella spp. and could disseminate this pathogen in the environment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)