540 resultados para Tomate


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A produção de alimentos, em quantidade e qualidade suficientes para alimentar a crescente população mundial, é um constante desafio para os governantes, pois requer a conjunção do aumento da produtividade, proteção ambiental e redução do uso de agrotóxicos. O trabalho dos geneticistas nas metodologias tradicionais de pesquisa científica, que transferiam milhares de genes e eliminavam os indesejáveis em muitos anos de trabalho, atualmente pode ser realizado em tempo relativamente curto com as chamadas técnicas de engenharia genética, abrindo uma perspectiva de maior produção de alimentos, iniciada com as culturas de tomate, batata, soja e milho nas últimas décadas do século passado e amplamente empregada hoje. No entanto, o tema da transgenia de alimentos é ainda polêmico e provoca grandes discussões na comunidade científica, principalmente em relação aos possíveis riscos à saúde e prejuízo ao meio ambiente. Com o desenvolvimento de processos agroindustriais, especificamente ao cultivo de alimentos com tecnologia de DNA recombinante, denominados como alimentos transgênicos ou ainda como alimentos geneticamente modificados, criou-se um amplo debate acerca de seus benefícios e malefícios, envolvendo nesta questão interesses conflitantes de grandes conglomerados da biotecnologia, produtores rurais dos grandes aos pequenos e consumidores com seus representantes. Nesta revisão trataremos dos principais tipos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A produção de alimentos, em quantidade e qualidade suficientes para alimentar a crescente população mundial, é um constante desafio para os governantes, pois requer a conjunção do aumento da produtividade, proteção ambiental e redução do uso de agrotóxicos. O trabalho dos geneticistas nas metodologias tradicionais de pesquisa científica, que transferiam milhares de genes e eliminavam os indesejáveis em muitos anos de trabalho, atualmente pode ser realizado em tempo relativamente curto com as chamadas técnicas de engenharia genética, abrindo uma perspectiva de maior produção de alimentos, iniciada com as culturas de tomate, batata, soja e milho nas últimas décadas do século passado e amplamente empregada hoje. No entanto, o tema da transgenia de alimentos é ainda polêmico e provoca grandes discussões na comunidade científica, principalmente em relação aos possíveis riscos à saúde e prejuízo ao meio ambiente. Com o desenvolvimento de processos agroindustriais, especificamente ao cultivo de alimentos com tecnologia de DNA recombinante, denominados como alimentos transgênicos ou ainda como alimentos geneticamente modificados, criou-se um amplo debate acerca de seus benefícios e malefícios, envolvendo nesta questão interesses conflitantes de grandes conglomerados da biotecnologia, produtores rurais dos grandes aos pequenos e consumidores com seus representantes. Nesta revisão trataremos dos principais tipos.


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The general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), and heterosis were studied in a complete diallel cross among fresh market tomato breeding lines with reciprocal excluded. Fifteen genotypes (five parents and ten hybrids) were tested using a randomized complete block design, with three replications, and the experiments were conducted in Itatiba, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2005/06. The yield components evaluated were fruit yield per plant (FP), fruit number per plant (FN), average fruit weight (FW); cluster number per plant (CN); fruit number per cluster (FC), fruit wall thickness (FT) and number of locules per fruit (NL). Fruit quality components evaluated were total soluble solids (SS); total titratable acidity (TA); SS/TA ratio, fruit length (FL); fruit width (WI); length to width ratio (FL/WI). The data for each trait was first subjected to analysis of variance. Griffing's method 2, model 1 was employed to estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. Parental and hybrid data for each trait were used to estimate of mid-parent heterosis. For plant fruit yield, IAC-2 was the best parental line with the highest GCA followed by IAC-4 and IAC-1 lines. The hybrids IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-4 showed the highest effects of SCA. High heterotic responses were found for fruit yield and plant fruit number with values up to 49.72% and 47.19%, respectively. The best hybrids for fruit yield and plant fruit number were IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-5, for fruit yield and plant fruit number, the main yield components.


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Genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations were estimated for all possible pairs among eleven characters of tomatoes. Fifteen treatments including five parents and ten hybrids of Instituto Agronômico (IAC) tomato breeding program were evaluated using a randomized complete block experimental design, with tree replications in Itatiba, São Paulo state, Brazil, during 2005/2006. The following traits were evaluated: fruit yield per plant (FP), fruit number per plant (FN), average fruit weight (FW), cluster number per plant (CN), fruit number per cluster (FC), number of locules per fruit (NL), fruit length (FL), fruit width (WI), fruit wall thickness (FT), total soluble solids (SS), and total titratable acidity (TA). The genotypic (rG), phenotypic (rF) and environmental correlations (rA) for two pairs of plant traits were estimated using the Genes© program. High similarity was found among the estimates of genotypic and phenotypic correlations. Positive and high phenotypic and genotypic correlations were observed between FP and the traits FN, FW and FT, and these associations contributed for yield increasing. FW and FT contributed to yield increase and should be considered together as primary yield components in tomato. Positive values of the genotypic and phenotypic correlations revealed that FP influenced FN with high direct effect and significant positive correlation. These traits may be included as the main selection criteria for tomato yield improvement.


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[ES] La contaminación difusa por nitrato constituye una de las mayores amenazas actuales para la calidad de las aguas subterráneas. De hecho, varias directivas europeas, nacionales y regionales se han legislado con el fin de minimizar el efecto de las prácticas agrarias en la contaminación de los acuíferos por nitratos. El acuífero de La Aldea (Gran Canaria, España) se ha declarado como vulnerable a la contaminación por nitrato según dichas normas. En este estudio se presenta una metodología para desarrollar el acople de un sistema de información geográfica-SIG con el modelo de simulación de nitrato GLEAMS. Esta herramienta permite calcular la cantidad de nitrato lixiviado procedente de los cultivos de tomate bajo invernadero y da la oportunidad de simular otros rangos de fertilización para minimizar el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas. Se comprueba que la pérdida de nitrato por lixiviación en la zona a partir de dichos cultivos podía llegar a los 500 kg N/ha, casi un 62% del aportado como fertilizante mineral en un manejo tradicional. Por ello, se aconseja la aplicación de las recomendaciones de abonado incluidas en el código de buenas prácticas agrarias de Canarias o cualquier otro sistema de recomendación de abonado mineral para reducir estas pérdidas, minimizando de esta forma el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas. ABSTRACT: Nitrate diffuse pollution is one of the main risks that affect the groundwater quality. Several european directives, national and regional guidelines have been enacted to protect the aquifers against the effect of the agricultural management practices. The “La Aldea” aquifer was declared nitrate vulnerable area following these laws. In this study a methodology was developed to link a Geographical Information System (GIS) with a nitrogen simulation model (GLEAMS) in this area. This tool allows to assess the amount of nitrate leaching that coming from the traditional nitrogen fertilization rates in greenhouses tomato crops, and gives the opportunity to simulate other fertilization rates to reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. The nitrate leaching reached to 500 kg N/ha in several zones of the study area, that represent the 62% of the nitrogen fertiliser apply in a traditional management. It was recommended the application of the Code of Good Management Practices or other recommendation system to decrease the nitrate leaching, in order to reduce the risk of groundwater pollution.


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[ES] En el presente trabajo se ha comparado la eficiencia de los tratamientos biológicos y fotocatalíticos en la depuración de aguas contaminadas con dos pesticidas: Pirimetanil y Triadimenol, ampliamente utilizados como fungicidas sistémicos en la lucha contra plagas de hongos en los cultivos de tomate de la isla de Gran Canaria. Ambos compuestos son considerados tóxicos para organismos acuáticos, hecho que justifica la necesidad de estudiar un tratamiento efectivo de depuración de aguas residuales que los contengan, antes de proceder a su vertido. Paralelamente, se ha llevado a cabo el mismo estudio con otro contaminante orgánico: Resorcinol, con mayor biodegradabilidad que los pesticidas estudiados. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo indican que las aguas contaminadas con ambos pesticidas deben ser tratadas mediante procesos fotocatalíticos, mientras que, en el caso de Resorcinol, el tratamiento debe ser mediante procesos de depuración biológicos.


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Within this doctoral thesis, biogenic emissions of several globally relevant halocarbons (methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane, chloroform and bromoform) have been investigated in different environments. An airborne study was focused on the tropical rainforest ecosystem, while shipborne measurements investigated naturally occurring oceanic plankton blooms. Laboratory experiments using dried plant material were made to elucidate abiotic production mechanisms occurring in organic matter. Airborne measurements over the tropical rainforest of Suriname and French Guyana (3 - 6 °N, 51 - 59 °W) revealed net fluxes of 9.5 (± 3.8 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 methyl chloride and 0.35 (± 0.15 2σ) µg m-2 h-1 chloroform emitted in the long dry season (October) 2005. An extrapolation of these numbers to all tropical forests helped to narrow down the range of the recently discovered and poorly quantified methyl chloride source from tropical ecosystems. The value for methyl chloride obtained (1.5 (± 0.6 2σ) Tg yr-1) affirms that the contribution of the tropical forest ecosystem is the major source in the global budget of methyl chloride. The extrapolated global net chloroform flux from tropical forests (56 (± 23 2σ) Gg yr-1) is of minor importance (5 - 10 %) compared to the global sources. A source of methyl bromide from this region could not be verified. The abiotic formation of methyl chloride and methyl bromide from dead plant material was tested in a laboratory study. The release from plant tissue representative of grassland, deciduous forest, agricultural areas and coastal salt marshes (hay, ash, tomato and saltwort) has been monitored. Incubations at different temperatures (25 - 50 °C) revealed significant emissions even at ambient temperature, and that the emissions increased exponentially with temperature. The strength of the emission was found to be additionally dependent on the availability of halide and the methoxyl group within the plant tissue. However, high water content in the plant material was found to inhibit methyl halide emissions. The abiotic nature of the reaction yielding methyl halides was confirmed by its high activation energy calculated via Arrhenius plots. Shipborne measurements of the atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform have been conducted along a South Atlantic transect from the 27.01. - 05.02.2007 to characterize halocarbon emissions from a large-scale natural algae bloom encountered off the coast of Argentina. Mixing ratios of methyl chloride and methyl bromide were not significantly affected by the occurrence of the phytoplankton bloom. Emissions of methyl iodide, dibromomethane and bromoform showed pronounced mixing ratio variations, triggered by phytoplankton abundance. Methyl iodide was strongly correlated with dimethyl sulfide throughout the sampled region. A new technique combining satellite derived biomass marker (chlorophyll a) data with back trajectory analysis was successfully used to attribute variations in mixing ratios to air masses, which recently passed over areas of enhanced biological production.