965 resultados para Toll-Like Receptor 9
Previous studies have shown that rat intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) concentration and lymphocyte composition of the intestinal immune system were influenced by a highly enriched cocoa diet. The aim of this study was to dissect the mechanisms by which a long-term high cocoa intake was capable of modifying gut secretory IgA in Wistar rats. After 7 weeks of nutritional intervention, Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes and the small intestine were excised for gene expression assessment of IgA, transforming growth factor ß, C-C chemokine receptor-9 (CCR9), interleukin (IL)-6, CD40, retinoic acid receptors (RAR¿ and RARß), C-C chemokine ligand (CCL)-25 and CCL28 chemokines, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and toll-like receptors (TLR) expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction. As in previous studies, secretory IgA concentration decreased in intestinal wash and fecal samples after cocoa intake. Results from the gene expression showed that cocoa intake reduced IgA and IL¿6 in Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, whereas in small intestine, cocoa decreased IgA, CCR9, CCL28, RAR¿ and RARß. Moreover, cocoa-fed animals presented an altered TLR expression pattern in the three compartments studied. In conclusion, a high-cocoa diet down-regulated cytokines such as IL-6, which is required for the activation of B cells to become IgA-secreting cells, chemokines and chemokine receptors, such as CCL28 and CCR9 together with RAR¿ and RARß, which are involved in the gut homing of IgA-secreting cells. Moreover, cocoa modified the cross-talk between microbiota and intestinal cells as was detected by an altered TLR pattern. These overall effects in the intestine may explain the intestinal IgA down-regulatory effect after the consumption of a long-term cocoa-enriched diet.
Filamin A (FlnA) cross-links actin filaments and connects the Von Willebrand factor receptor GPIb-IX-V to the underlying cytoskeleton in platelets. Because FlnA deficiency is embryonic lethal, mice lacking FlnA in platelets were generated by breeding FlnA(loxP/loxP) females with GATA1-Cre males. FlnA(loxP/y) GATA1-Cre males have a macrothrombocytopenia and increased tail bleeding times. FlnA-null platelets have decreased expression and altered surface distribution of GPIbalpha because they lack the normal cytoskeletal linkage of GPIbalpha to underlying actin filaments. This results in approximately 70% less platelet coverage on collagen-coated surfaces at shear rates of 1,500/s, compared with wild-type platelets. Unexpectedly, however, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and ITAM-like-mediated signals are severely compromised in FlnA-null platelets. FlnA-null platelets fail to spread and have decreased alpha-granule secretion, integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activation, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, particularly that of the protein tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase C-gamma2, in response to stimulation through the collagen receptor GPVI and the C-type lectin-like receptor 2. This signaling defect was traced to the loss of a novel FlnA-Syk interaction, as Syk binds to FlnA at immunoglobulin-like repeat 5. Our findings reveal that the interaction between FlnA and Syk regulates ITAM- and ITAM-like-containing receptor signaling and platelet function.
Ischemia and reperfusion injury (IR) is an antigen independent inflammatory process that causes tissue damage. After IR, kidneys up-regulate leukocyte adhesion molecules and toll-like receptors (TLRs). Moreover, injured kidneys can also secrete factors (i.e. heat shock protein) which bind to TLRs and trigger intracellular events culminating with the increase in the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines. FTY720 is an immunomodulatory compound and protects at least in part kidneys submitted to IR. The mechanisms associated with FTY720`s beneficial effects on kidneys after IR remain elusive. We investigated whether FTY720 administration in mice submitted to kidney IR is associated with modulation of TLR2 and TLR4 expression. C57BL/6 mice submitted to 30 min of renal pedicles clamp were evaluated for serum parameters (creatinine, urea and nitric oxide), kidney histology, spleen and kidney infiltrating cells expression of TLR2 and TLR4, resident kidney cells expression of TLR2 and TLR4 and IL-6 protein expression in kidney. FTY720-treated mice presented decrease in serum creatinine, urea and nitric oxide, diminished expression of TLR2 and TLR4 both in spleen and kidney infiltrating cells, and reduced kidney IL-6 protein expression in comparison with IR non-treated mice. However, acute tubular necrosis was present both in IR non-treated and IR + FTY720-treated groups. Also, FTY720 did not prevent TLR2 and TLR4 expression in kidney resident cells. In conclusion, FTY720 can promote kidney function recovery after IR by reducing the inflammatory process. Further studies are needed in order to establish whether TLR2 and TLR4 down regulation should be therapeutically addressed as protective targets of renal function and structure after IR. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudos têm demonstrado que o reconhecimento inicial de microrganismos é mediado por receptores celulares expressos em células da imunidade inata denominados receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (PRRs). Assim, a interação entre moléculas de superfície dos patógenos e receptores homólogos presentes na membrana celular de monócitos, modula a fagocitose, a ativação da célula e conseqüentemente a produção de citocinas. Trabalhos têm demonstrado a importância da estimulação de receptores toll-like 2 e 4 (TLR2 e TLR4), receptores de manose (MR) e dectina-1 de monócitos, tanto em infecções bacterianas como fúngicas, culminando com indução de produção de várias citocinas. A IL-18 é uma citocina indutora de IFN-g e possui uma ação extremamente importante, por ser capaz de promover tanto uma resposta do tipo Th1 ou Th2, dependendo do contexto de estimulação e do microambiente de citocinas. Em trabalho recente demonstramos que a IL-18 possui uma ação importante sobre o aumento da expressão de MR em monócitos humanos, e o reconhecimento do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis via esse receptor causaria aumento do crescimento fúngico no interior da célula. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente projeto foram: 1) Avaliar a ação da IL- 18 sobre a expressão do receptor dectina-1 por monócitos humanos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis; b) Avaliar a participação da dectina-1 na indução da produção de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 por monócitos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis. Assim, monócitos de indivíduos normais tratados in vitro com IL-18 foram desafiados com diferentes de cepas do P. brasiliensis, e a expressão do receptor dectina-1 foi avaliada pela técnica de citometria de fluxo. A dosagem de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 no sobrenadante de cultura de monócitos desafiados com P. brasiliensis foi realizada utilizando a técnica de ELISA . Os resultados mostraram que a ...
A esporotricose é uma micose provocada pelo fungo Sporothrix schenckii, resultante da inoculação direta de conídios e hifas do fungo. A doença se desenvolve habitualmente na pele, no tecido subcutâneo, podendo através dos vasos linfáticos, comprometer órgãos internos. Nos últimos anos tem-se voltado à atenção à participação do receptor Toll Like-2 no reconhecimento e fagocitose de diversos antígenos fungicos. A partir disto, o objetivo deste estudo foi estudar a influência do receptor Toll Like-2 no processo de fagocitose do Sporothrix schenckii em camundongos C57BL/6. Este estudo avaliou o processo de internalização do Sporothrix schenckii por macrófagos murinos obtidos de camundongos C57BL/6 WT e C57BL/6 TLR-2 KO. Os experimentos foram realizados através da utilização de lâminas de cultura celular e microscopia ótica. Além de analisar a viabilidade de células fúngicas internalizadas através de ensaios de sobrevivência. Como resultados pudemos observar a significativa importância do TLR-2 no processo de internalização deste microrganismo, uma vez que o estudo evidenciou uma eficácia de internalização acima de 85% dos macrófagos obtidos de animas selvagens em relação aos obtidos de animais TLR-2 KO. Além disso, através de ensaios de sobrevivência foram obtidos resultados que sugerem a ausência de viabilidade das células fúngicas depois de fagocitadas
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von myelomonozytären Zellen, IFN-gamma (Interferon gamma), MyD88 (myeloid differentiation factor 88) und zugrundeliegenden Signalwege in der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Inflammation, Dysfunktion und arteriellen Hypertonie untersucht. Wie bereits veröffentlichte Vordaten aus meiner Arbeitsgruppe zeigten, schützt die Depletion von Lysozym M (LysM)+ myelomonozytären Zellen (Diphteriatoxin-vermittelt in Mäusen, die transgen für den humanen Diphtheriatoxin-Rezeptor sind, LysMiDTR Mäuse) vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und arterieller Hypertonie, und kann durch adoptiven Zelltransfer von Wildtyp Monozyten wiederhergestellt werden. In meiner Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass die Rekonstitution von Monozyten-depletierten LysMiDTR Mäusen mit Wildtyp Monozyten den Phänotyp der vaskulären Dysfunktion wiederherstellen kann, die Rekonstitution mit gp91phox-/y oder Agtr1-/- Monozyten jedoch nicht. Die Hypertonus-mediierenden Effekte dieser infiltrierenden Monozyten scheinen demnach von der intakten ATII und NADPH Oxidase Signalübertragung in diesen Zellen abhängig zu sein. Vermutlich ebenfalls für die Aktivierung der Monozyten funktionell wichtig sind IFN-gamma, produziert durch NK-Zellen, und der Transkriptionsfaktor T-bet (T-box expressed in T cells), exprimiert von NK-Zellen und Monozyten. IFN-gamma-/- Mäuse waren partiell geschützt vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und charakterisiert durch reduzierte Level an Superoxid im Gefäß im Vergleich zu ATII-infundierten Wildtyp Mäusen. IFN-gamma-/- und T-bet defiziente Tbx21-/- Mäuse zeichneten sich ferner durch eine reduzierte ATII-mediierte Rekrutierung von NK1.1+ NK-Zellen, als ein Hautproduzent von IFN-gamma, sowie CD11b+GR-1low Interleukin-12 (IL-12) kompetenten Monozyten aus. Durch Depletions- und adoptive Transferexperimente konnte ich in dieser Arbeit NK-Zellen als essentielle Mitstreiter in der vaskulären Dysfunktion identifizieren und stellte fest, dass T-bet+LysM+ myelomonozytäre Zellen für die NK-Zellrekrutierung in die Gefäßwand und lokale IFN-gamma Produktion benötigt werden. Damit wurde erstmals NK-Zellen eine essentielle Rolle in der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion zugeschrieben. Außerdem wurde der T-bet-IFN-gamma Signalweg und die gegenseitige Monozyten-NK-Zellaktivierung als ein potentielles therapeutisches Ziel in kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen aufgedeckt. Des Weiteren identifizierte ich in meiner Arbeit MyD88 als ein zentrales Signalmolekül in der ATII-getriebenen Inflammation und vaskulären Gefäßschädigung. MyD88 Defizienz reduzierte den ATII-induzierten Anstieg des systolischen Blutdrucks und die endotheliale und glattmuskuläre vaskuläre Dysfunktion. Zusätzlich waren die vaskuläre Superoxid-Bildung sowie die Expressionslevel der NADPH Oxidase, der wichtigsten Quelle für oxidativem Stress im Gefäß, in ATII-infundierten MyD88-/- Mäusen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp reduziert. Mit Hilfe von durchflusszytometrischen Analysen deckte ich zudem auf, dass die ATII-induzierte Einwanderung von CD45+ Leukozyten, insbesondere CD11b+Ly6G-Ly6Chigh inflammatorischen Monozyten in MyD88-/- Mäusen signifikant abgeschwächt war. Diese Resultate wurden durch immunhistochemische Untersuchung von Aortengewebe auf CD68+, F4/80+ und Nox2+ Makrophagen/Phagozyten sowie Expressionsanalysen von Inflammationsmarkern untermauert. Analysen der mRNA Expression in Aortengewebe zeigten ferner eine in Wildtyp Mäusen nach ATII Infusion tendenziell gesteigerte Expression von inflammatorischen Monozytenmakern sowie eine abnehmende Expression von reparativen Monozytenmarken, während dieser Shift zu einem proinflammatorsichen Phänotyp in MyD88-/- blockiert zu sein schien. Dies zeigt eine Rolle von MyD88 in der terminalen Differenzierung von myelomonozytären Zellen an. Um dies weitergehend zu untersuchen und aufzudecken, ob die MyD88 Effekte abhängig sind von Zellen der hämatopoetischen Linie oder Gewebszellen, wurden Knochenmarktransferexperimente durchgeführt. MyD88 Defizienz in Knochenmark-abstammende Zellen reduzierte die ATII-induzierte vaskuläre Dysfunktion und Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit CD45+ Leukozyten und inflammatorischen myelomonozytären Zellen. Die protektiven Effekte der MyD88 Defizienz in der Angiotensin II-induzierten Inflammation konnten nicht auf Signalwege über die Toll-like Rezeptoren TLR2, -7 oder -9 zurückgeführt werden, wie die Untersuchung der vaskulären Reaktivität entsprechender Knockout Mäuse zeigte. Zusammenfassend konnte ich in meiner Arbeit zeigen, dass die Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit Nox2+AT1R+T-bet+MyD88+ myelomonozytären Zellen und die Wechselwirkung und gegenseitige Aktivierung dieser Zellen mit IFN-gamma produzierenden NK-Zellen eine zentrale Bedeutung in der Pathogenese der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion, Inflammation und arteriellen Hypertonie einnehmen.
Toll-like receptors recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns of microbial origin, and ligand recognition results in the production of different immune mediators such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, interferon, reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates, and upregulation of costimmulatory molecules. As these receptors have a critical role in linking pathogen recognition to induction of inflammation and innate as well as adaptive immunity, there is tremendous interest in understanding how the tissue and cell-type expression of TLRs is regulated and its influence on the local innate immune response. While TLRs are well studied in humans and rodents, to date little is known about them in dogs. The purpose of this study was to develop canine specific antibodies against TLR2, 4, 5 and 9 that were used to measure relative expression of these TLRs in healthy and reactive canine mesenteric lymph nodes. All 8 rabbit sera (2 each for TLR2, 4, 5 and 9) were strongly positive in ELISA against the respective 2 peptides per TLR used for immunization. The purified antibodies selected specifically detected a protein band with an apparent size of approximately 70 kDa in lysates of canine PBMCs by Western blotting. Immunostaining was observed with purified antibodies against TLR4, 5 and 9, whereas for canine TLR2, staining was only observed with the unpurified antibodies. In the mesenteric lymph node of healthy dogs, the overall staining pattern was very similar for TLR4 and 5 with positive cells predominantly found in the internodular areas and lower part of the cortex. Compared to the TLR4 and 5, more cells stained positive for TLR9 especially in the lymphoid nodules. The reactive lymph nodes contained more TLR4 and 9 positive cells. Moreover, a shift of TLR-9 positive cells from the lymphoid follicles to the deep cortex and medullary cords was observed. Whereas TLR9 co-localized with CD79-positive areas, TLR4 and 5 antibodies stained cells primarily in the CD3-positive areas. All three TLR antibodies stained cells within the area that co-localized with lysozyme-positive cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the antibodies generated against canine TLR 4, 5 and 9 identify the expression of these TLRs in formalin-fixed canine lymph nodes and demonstrate increased expression in reactive canine mesenteric lymph nodes.
Infection with bacteria such as Chlamydia pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori or Porphyromonas gingivalis may be triggering the secretion of inflammatory cytokines that leads to atherogenesis. The mechanisms by which the innate immune recognition of these pathogens could lead to atherosclerosis remain unclear. In this study, using human vascular endothelial cells or HEK-293 cells engineered to express pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), we set out to determine Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and functionally associated PRRs involved in the innate recognition of and response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from H. pylori or P. gingivalis. Using siRNA interference or recombinant expression of cooperating PRRs, we show that H. pylori and P. gingivalis LPS-induced cell activation is mediated through TLR2. Human vascular endothelial cell activation was found to be lipid raft-dependent and to require the formation of heterotypic receptor complexes comprising of TLR2, TLR1, CD36 and CD11b/CD18. In addition, we report that LPS from these bacterial strains are able to antagonize TLR4. This antagonistic activity of H. pylori or P. gingivalis LPS, as well as their TLR2 activation capability may be associated with their ability to contribute to atherosclerosis.
The α9 acetylcholine receptor (α9 AChR) is specifically expressed in hair cells of the inner ear and is believed to be involved in synaptic transmission between efferent nerves and hair cells. Using a recently developed method, we modified a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the mouse α9 AChR gene with a reporter gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) to generate transgenic mice. GFP expression in transgenic mice recapitulated the known temporal and spatial expression of α9 AChR. However, we observed previously unidentified dynamic changes in α9 AChR expression in cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia during neonatal development. In the cochlea, inner hair cells persistently expressed high levels of α9 AChR in both the apical and middle turns, whereas both outer and inner hair cells displayed dynamic changes of α9 AChR expression in the basal turn. In the utricle, we observed high levels of α9 AChR expression in the striolar region during early neonatal development and high levels of α9 AChR in the extrastriolar region in adult mice. Further, simultaneous visualization of efferent innervation and α9 AChR expression showed that dynamic expression of α9 AChR in developing hair cells was independent of efferent contacts. We propose that α9 AChR expression in developing auditory and vestibular sensory epithelia correlates with maturation of hair cells and is hair-cell autonomous.
Neuronal burst firing in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is one of the hallmarks of dopamine depletion in Parkinson's disease. Here, we have determined the postsynaptic effects of dopamine in the STN and the functional consequences of dopamine receptor modulation on burst firing in vitro. STN cells displayed regular spiking activity at a rate of 7.9 +/- 0.5 Hz. Application of dopamine (30 mu M) induced membrane depolarisations accompanied by an increase in firing rate of mean 12.0 +/- 0.6 Hz in all 69 cells. The dopamine effect was mimicked by the dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonist SKF38393 (10 mu M, 17 cells) and the dopamine D2-like receptor agonist quinpirole (10 mu M, 35 cells), partly reduced by D1/D5 antagonist SCH23390 (2 mu M, seven cells), but unaffected by the D2 antagonists sulpiride (10 mu M, seven cells) or eticlopride (10 mu M, six cells). Using voltage ramps, dopamine induced an inward current of 69 +/- 9.4 pA at a holding potential of -60 mV (n = 17). This current was accompanied by an increase in input conductance of 1.55 +/- 0.35 nS which reversed at -30.6 +/- 2.3 mV, an effect mimicked by SKF38393 (10 AM, nine cells). Similar responses were observed when measuring instantaneous current evoked by voltage steps and in the presence of the I-h blocker, ZD7288, indicating effects independent of I-h. The increase in conductance was blocked by SCH23390 (2 mu M, n = 4), mimicked by the activator of adenylyl cyclase forskolin (10 mu M, n = 7) and blocked by H-89, an inhibitor of cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A (10 PM, n = 6). These results indicate that the dopamine depolarisation is in part mediated by D1/D5 receptor mediated activation of a cyclic-nucleotide gated (CNG) non-specific cation conductance. This conductance contributes to the membrane depolarisation that changes STN neuronal bursting to more regular activity by significantly increasing burst duration and number of spikes per burst.
The calcitonin receptor (CTR) and calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) are two of the 15 human family B (or Secretin-like) GPCRs. CTR and CLR are of considerable biological interest as their pharmacology is moulded by interactions with receptor activity-modifying proteins. They also have therapeutic relevance for many conditions, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, lymphatic insufficiency, migraine and cardiovascular disease. In light of recent advances in understanding ligand docking and receptor activation in both the family as a whole and in CLR and CTR specifically, this review reflects how applicable general family B GPCR themes are to these two idiosyncratic receptors. We review the main functional domains of the receptors; the N-terminal extracellular domain, the juxtamembrane domain and ligand interface, the transmembrane domain and the intracellular C-terminal domain. Structural and functional findings from the CLR and CTR along with other family B GPCRs are critically appraised to gain insight into how these domains may function. The ability for CTR and CLR to interact with receptor activity-modifying proteins adds another level of sophistication to these receptor systems but means careful consideration is needed when trying to apply generic GPCR principles. This review encapsulates current thinking in the realm of family B GPCR research by highlighting both conflicting and recurring themes and how such findings relate to two unusual but important receptors, CTR and CLR.
Activation of NF-kappa B and 5-lipoxygenase-mediated (5-LO-mediated) biosynthesis of the lipid mediator leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) are pivotal components of host defense and inflammatory responses. However, the role of LTB(4) in mediating innate immune responses elicited by specific TLR ligands and cytokines is unknown. Here we have shown that responses dependent on MyD88 (an adaptor protein that mediates signaling through all of the known TLRs, except TLR3, as well as IL-1 beta and IL-18) are reduced in mice lacking either 5-LO or the LTB(4) receptor BTL1, and that macrophages from these mice are impaired in MyD88-dependent activation of NF-kappa B. This macrophage defect was associated with lower basal and inducible expression of MyD88 and reflected impaired activation of STAT1 and overexpression of the STAT1 inhibitor SOCS1. Expression of MyD88 and responsiveness to the TLR4 ligand LPS were decreased by Stat1 siRNA silencing in WT macrophages and restored by Socs1 siRNA in 5-LO-deficient macrophages. These results uncover a pivotal role in macrophages for the GPCR BLT1 in regulating activation of NF-kappa B through Stat1-dependent expression of MyD88.
Serum amyloid A (SAA), a classical acute-phase protein, is produced predominantly by hepatocytes in response to injury, infection, and inflammation. It has been shown that SAA primes leukocytes and induces the expression and release of proinflammatory cytokines. Here, we report that SAA induces NO production by murine peritoneal macrophages. Using specific inhibitors, we showed that NO production was dependent on inducible NO synthase thorough the activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs. Moreover, SAA activity was decreased after proteolysis but not with polymyxin B, a lipid A antagonist. Finally, we found that NO production was dependent on functional TLR4, a receptor complex associated with innate immunity. Macrophages from C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr mice lacking a functional TLR4 did not respond to SAA stimulation. In conclusion, our study makes a novel observation that SAA might be an endogenous agonist for the TLR4 complex on macrophages. The contribution of this finding in amplifying innate immunity during the inflammatory process is discussed.