978 resultados para Toiviainen, Kalevi: Kirkon kaapin päällä : sata vuotta - 50 vaikuttajaa


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During the last decade, many studies have been carried out to understand the effects of focal vibratory stimuli at various levels of the central nervous system and to study pathophysiological mechanisms of neurological disorders as well as the therapeutic effects of focal vibration in neurorehabilitation. This review aimed to describe the effects of focal vibratory stimuli in neurorehabilitation including the neurological diseases or disorders like stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's' disease and dystonia. In conclusion, focal vibration stimulation is well tolerated, effective and easy to use, and it could be used to reduce spasticity, to promote motor activity and motor learning within a functional activity, even in gait training, independent from etiology of neurological pathology. Further studies are needed in the future well- designed trials with bigger sample size to determine the most effective frequency, amplitude and duration of vibration application in the neurorehabilitation.


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Idiopathic scoliosis (IS) is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine and trunk. The most common form involve ado- lescents (AIS). The prevalence for AIS is 2-3% of the population, with 1 out of 6 patients requiring treatment of which 25% progress to surgery. Physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) plays a primary role in the so-called conservative treatment of adolescents with AIS, since all the therapeutic tools used (exercises and braces) fall into the PRM domain. According to a Cochrane systematic review there is evidence in favor of bracing, even if it is of low quality. Another shows that there is evidence in favor of exercises as an adjunctive treatment, but of low quality. Three meta-analysis have been published on bracing: one shows that bracing does not reduce surgery rates, but studies with bracing plus exercises were not included and had the highest effectiveness; another shows that full time is better than part-time bracing; the last focuses on observational studies following the SRS criteria and shows that not all full time rigid bracing are the same: some have the highest effectiveness, others have less than elastic and nighttime bracing. Two very important RCTs failed in recruitment, showing that in the field of bracing for scoliosis RCTs are not accepted by the patients. Consensuses by the international Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) show that there is no agree- ment among experts either on the best braces or on their biomechanical action, and that compliance is a matter of clinical more than patients' behavior (there is strong agreement on the management criteria to achieve best results with bracing). A systematic review of all the existing studies shows effectiveness of exercises, and that auto-correction is the main goal of exercises. A systematic review shows that there are no studies on manual treatment. Research on conservative treat- ment of AIS has continuously decreased since the 1980s, but this trend changed only recently. The SOSORT Guidelines offers the actual standard of conservative care.


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Introducció: L’activitat física és una necessitat imprescindible per a la salut de les persones, i tot i ser conscients dels seus beneficis encara es troben alts percentatges d’inactivitat física i sedentarisme. Per aquest motiu, els objectius principals d’aquest estudi són esbrinar si les dones adultes d’entre 43 i 50 anys que realitzen activitat física regularment, més concretament que practiquen l’esport del tennis, tenen una qualitat de vida i un estrès percebut millor que les que no realitzen activitat física, i per tant, valorar l’impacte d’un programa de tennis adequat i específic, és a dir, adaptat a les característiques i les necessitats dels alumnes, com a eina per millorar aquestes dues variables: l’estrès percebut i la qualitat de vida. Metodologia: El treball és un estudi experimental el qual consta d’una mostra total de 12 dones, 6 es varen assignar al grup control (practiquen el tennis) i 6 al grup intervenció (no realitzen AF), i totes elles de manera aleatòria. Les participants del grup intervenció varen realitzar un programa de 8 sessions de 60 minuts de treball durant 4 setmanes, mentre que les participants del grup control van seguir la seva rutina habitual. Les variables dependents (qualitat de vida i estrès percebut) es varen mesurar abans i després de la intervenció. Resultats: Els resultats obtinguts mostren, pel que fa al grup intervenció, millores significatives respecte a les dues variables mentre que el grup control presenta alguna mínima millora puntual però, en general no es produeixen canvis. Quan a la variable de qualitat de vida, les participants del grup intervenció han obtingut millores en les 8 dimensions del qüestionari un cop finalitzat el programa, les quals han estat més significatives pel que fa al rol emocional i la funció física. I respecte a l’estrès percebut, el grup intervenció ha aconsegui reduir el seu nivell d’estrès 3’17 punts. Discussió: Per tant, podem dir que el tennis, amb el disseny adequat d’un programa, millora l’estat de salut de les persones, en aquest cas redueix l’estrès percebut i millora la qualitat de vida. Extretes les conclusions i coneixent l’elevat nombre de dones que practiquen el tennis és de gran interès i molt factible oferir aquest programa a clubs de tennis amb l’objectiu de millorar la salut de les persones.


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The twenty-second Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) was held at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main in spring 2012. During the three-day conference fifty papers were delivered, discussing issues from a wide range of geographical regions of the Roman Empire, and applying various theoretical and methodological approaches. An equally wide selection of subjects was presented: sessions looked at Greek art and philhellenism in the Roman world, the validity of the concept of 'Romanisation', change and continuity in Roman religion, urban neighbourhood relations in Pompeii and Ostia, the transformation of objects in and from the Roman world, frontier markets and Roman archaeology in the Provinces. In addition, two general sessions covered single topics such as the 'transvestite of Catterick', metal recycling or Egyptian funeral practice in the Roman period. This volume contains a selection of papers from all these sessions.


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