936 resultados para Third Golden Age of Television


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We examined the use of mercury (Hg) and nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes in teeth of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard as biotracers of temporal changes in Hg pollution exposure between 1964 and 2003. Teeth were regarded as a good matrix of the Hg exposure, and in total 87 teeth of polar bears were analysed. Dental Hg levels ranged from 0.6 to 72.3 ng/g dry weight and increased with age during the first 10 years of life. A decreasing time trend in Hg concentrations was observed over the recent four decades while no temporal changes were found in the stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (d15N) and carbon (d13C). This suggests that the decrease of Hg concentrations over time was more likely due to a lower environmental Hg exposure in this region rather than a shift in the feeding habits of Svalbard polar bears.


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Results of direct geological and geochemical observations of the modern Rainbow hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°14'N; 33°54'W) carried out from the deep-sea manned Mir submersibles during Cruises 41 and 42 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1998-1999 and data of laboratory studies of collected samples are under consideration in the paper. The field lacks neovolcanic rocks and the axial part of the rift is filled in with a serpentinite protrusion. In this field there occur metalliferous sediments, as well as active and relict sulfide edifices composed of sulfide minerals; pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, isocubanite, sphalerite, marcasite, pyrite, bornite, chalcosine, digenite, magnetite, anhydrite, rare troilite, wurtzite, millerite, and pentlandite have been determined. Sulfide ores are characterized by concentric-zoned textures. During in situ measurements during 35 minutes temperature of hydrothermal fluids was varying within a range from 250 to 350°C. Calculated chemical and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluid shows elevated concentrations of Cl, Ni, Co, CH4, and H2. Values of d34S of H2S range from +2.4 to +3.1 per mil, of d13C of CH4 from -15.2 to -11.2 per mil, and d13C of CO2 from +1.0 to -4.0 per mil. Fluid inclusions are homogenized at temperatures from 140 to 360°C, whereas salinity of the fluid varies from 4.2 to 8.5 wt %. d34S values of sulfides range from +1.3 to +12.5 per mil. 3He/4He ratio in mineral-forming fluid contained in the fluid inclusions from sulfides of the Rainbow field varies from 0.00000374 to 0.0000101. It is shown that hydrothermal activity in the area continues approximately during 100 ka. It is assumed that the fluid and sulfide edifices contain components from the upper mantle. A hypothesis of phase separation of a supercritical fluid that results in formation of brines is proposed. Hydrothermal activity is related to the tectonic, not volcanic, phase of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge evolution.


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Shatsky Rise, a medium-sized large igneous province in the west Central Pacific Ocean, has three main topographic highs that preserve a thick sedimentary record from Cretaceous through Cenozoic. During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 198 to Shatsky Rise, a total of ~768 m of late Miocene-Holocene sediments was recovered from six sites. Sites 1207 and 1208 were drilled on the Northern and Central Highs, respectively, and yielded expanded late Miocene-Holocene sequences. Sites 1209, 1210, 1211, and 1212 were drilled on the Southern High and yielded shorter sequences of similar age. Clearly interpretable magnetic stratigraphies were obtained from all sites using the shipboard pass-through magnetometer. These results were augmented using discrete sample cubes (7 cm**3) collected shipboard and measured postcruise. Miocene age sediments are separated by a hiatus from Oligocene, Eocene, and Cretaceous age sediments beneath. An astrochronological age model was developed for the six sites based on cycles observed in reflectance data, measured shipboard. This age model is in good agreement with published astrochronological polarity chron ages in the 1 to 6 Ma interval.


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Results of geological research carried out by V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the submarine Vityaz Ridge during Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Lavrentyev in 2005 are discussed. Various rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were dredged in three areas. Based on isotope geochronology, petrogeochemical, petrographic, and paleontological data and comparison with similar rocks available from the adjacent land and the Sea of Okhotsk, they are subdivided into several age complexes. Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes are defined among igneous rocks, while volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are united into Late Cretaceous - Early Paleocene (Late Campanian - Danian), undivided Paleogene (Paleocene-Eocene?), Oligocene - Early Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Obtained data on age and formation settings of the defined complexes allowed to reconstruct geological evolution of the central Pacific slope of the Kurile Island arc.


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An integrated (petrographical and micropaleontological) study of sedimentary cover samples dredged from the lower slopes of the Kuril deep-sea basin was carried out. Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments are mainly represented by tuffaceous sedimentary rocks (tuffites, tuffaceous muds, tuffaceous diatomites, tuffaceous silts, tuffaceous sandstones, etc.). Significant admixtures of pyroclastic matter, especially of volcanic glasses, indicates that sedimentation process was accompanied by explosive volcanism. The data obtained give evidence about intensification of tectonomagmatic regime within the region under study during Pliocene-Pleistocene time. By the beginning of Pliocene, a deep-sea basin with a well-manifested continental and/or island slope and a narrow shelf already existed. Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits accumulated in a cold well-aerated deep-sea basin under oxic conditions and downslope sediment transport.


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Geomorphology, geology, stratigraphy, lithology and geochemistry of bottom sediments in the South Ocean are under consideration. Regularities of distribution of iron-manganese nodules, features of occurrence of ore components in the nodules, nodule abundance in bottom sediments have been studied.


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Application of nuclear geochronology methods in study of recent sedimentation processes, in paleoceanology, tectonics, geomorphology, and other problems associated with accumulation of sedimentary material in oceans and seas are under consideration in the book. A comparative analysis of dating results obtained by biostratigraphy, paleomagnetic and nuclear geochronology methods is given.


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Uniaxial strain consolidation experiments were conducted to determine elastic and plastic properties and to estimate the permeability of sediments from 0 to 200 meters below seafloor at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1194 and 1198. Plastic deformation is described by compression indices, which range from 0.19 to 0.37. Expansion indices, the elastic deformation measured during unload/reload cycles on samples, vary from 0.02 to 0.029. Consolidation experiments provide lower bounds on permeability between 5.4 x 10**-16 m**2 and 1.9 x 10**-18 m**2, depending on the consolidation state of the sample.