899 resultados para Therapeutic schedules


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During different forms of neurodegenerative diseases, including the retinal degeneration, several cell cycle proteins are expressed in the dying neurons from Drosophila to human revealing that these proteins are a hallmark of neuronal degeneration. This is true for animal models of Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and for Retinitis Pigmentosa as well as for acute injuries such as stroke and light damage. Longitudinal investigation and loss-of-function studies attest that cell cycle proteins participate to the process of cell death although with different impacts, depending on the disease. In the retina, inhibition of cell cycle protein action can result to massive protection. Nonetheless, the dissection of the molecular mechanisms of neuronal cell death is necessary to develop adapted therapeutic tools to efficiently protect photoreceptors as well as other neuron types.


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New oral targeted anticancer therapies are revolutionizing cancer treatment by transforming previously deadly malignancies into chronically manageable conditions. Nevertheless, drug resistance, persistence of cancer stem cells, and adverse drug effects still limit their ability to stabilize or cure malignant diseases in the long term. Response to targeted anticancer therapy is influenced by tumor genetics and by variability in drug concentrations. However, despite a significant inter-patient pharmacokinetic variability, targeted anticancer drugs are essentially licensed at fixed doses. Their therapeutic use could however be optimized by individualization of their dosage, based on blood concentration measurements via the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). TDM can increase the probability of therapeutic responses to targeted anticancer therapies, and would help minimize the risk of major adverse reactions.


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Status epilepticus (SE) is a life-threatening neurological emergency often refractory to available treatment options. It is a very heterogeneous condition in terms of clinical presentation and causes, which besides genetic, vascular and other structural causes also include CNS or severe systemic infections, sudden withdrawal from benzodiazepines or anticonvulsants and rare autoimmune etiologies. Treatment of SE is essentially based on expert opinions and antiepileptic drug treatment per se seems to have no major impact on prognosis. There is, therefore, urgent need of novel therapies that rely upon a better understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying this clinical condition. Accumulating evidence in animal models highlights that inflammation ensuing in the brain during SE may play a determinant role in ongoing seizures and their long-term detrimental consequences, independent of an infection or auto-immune cause; this evidence encourages reconsideration of the treatment flow in SE patients.


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BACKGROUND: Several subsets of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are defined by molecular alterations acting as tumor drivers, some of them being currently therapeutically actionable. The rat sarcoma (RAS)-rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma (RAF)-mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway constitutes an attractive potential target, as v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B (BRAF) mutations occur in 2-4% of NSCLC adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Here, we review the latest clinical data on BRAF serine/threonine kinase inhibitors in NSCLC. RESULTS: Treatment of V600E BRAF-mutated NSCLC with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy demonstrated encouraging antitumor activity. Combination of BRAF and MEK inhibitors using dabrafenib and trametinib is under evaluation. Preliminary data suggest superior efficacy compared with BRAF inhibitor monotherapy. CONCLUSION: Targeting BRAF alterations represents a promising new therapeutic approach for a restricted subset of oncogene-addicted NSCLC. Prospect ive trials refining this strategy are ongoing. A next step will probably aim at combining BRAF inhibitors and immunotherapy or alternatively improve a multilevel mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway blockade by combining with ERK inhibitors.


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L'état de mal épileptique (EME) est la plus fréquente urgence neurologique après les accidents vasculaires cérébraux, avec des hauts taux de morbidité et mortalité (Coeytaux et al., 2000). Son traitement est basé sur une approche en trois étapes (Meiekord et al., 2010). Dans ce contexte, un EME ne répondant pas aux benzodiazépines (1er ligne de traitement) suivi par des médicaments antiépileptiques (2ème ligne de traitement) est appelé EME réfractaire. Pour cette condition, représentant entre le 23% et le 43% des EME (Novy et al., 201O; Holtkamp et al., 2005), les actuelles recommandations préconisent un traitement par coma pharmacologique (3ème ligne de traitement), malgré un faible niveau d'évidence (Rossetti et al., 2011). En effet, l'impact du coma pharmacologique sur l'issue clinique n'a pas encore été clairement établi. Récemment, deux études américaines (Kowalski et al., 2012; Hocker et al., 2013) et une étude suisse (Sutter et al., 2014), ont montré un effet potentiellement délétère de ce type de traitement. Cependant, ces études étaient limitées à des patients hospitalisés aux soins intensifs et les analyses n'étaient pas ajustées pour tous les facteurs pronostiques connus. Le but de notre travail, publié dans Critical Gare Medicine (Marchi et al., 2015), était d'évaluer l'impact spécifique du coma pharmacologique sur le pronostic des patients avec EME, sans limitations aux soins intensifs et avec un·ajustement plus attentif concernant les autres facteurs pronostiques. En utilisant notre registre prospectif des patients avec EME traités aux Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, nous avons comparé l'issue clinique à la sortie de l'hôpital des patients traités avec ou sans coma pharmacologique (467 épisodes au total). Ensuite, nous avons utilisé une régression logistique multinomiale pour ajuster les résultats par les autres facteur pronostiques connus (âge, absence de crises épileptiques précédentes, étiologie potentiellement fatale, gravité clinique de l'EME, comorbidités). Nous · avons pu mettre ainsi en évidence que le traitement avec coma pharmacologique est associé avec une mauvaise issue clinique après un EME. De plus, nous avons pu po_ur la première fois montrer que cet effet est d'autant plus important chez les patients avec un EME de type partiel complexe au moment du traitement. Nos résultats suggèrent que l'utilisation du coma pharmacologique ne doit pas être indiscriminée dans l'EME réfractaire et qu'une évaluation de la situation clinique de base permet une optimisation son emploi.


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The survival of preterm babies has increased over the last few decades. However, disorders associated with preterm birth, known as oxygen radical diseases of neonatology, such as retinopathy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, periventricular leukomalacia, and necrotizing enterocolitis are severe complications related to oxidative stress, which can be defined by an imbalance between oxidative reactive species production and antioxidant defenses. Oxidative stress causes lipid, protein, and DNA damage. Preterm infants have decreased antioxidant defenses in response to oxidative challenges, because the physiologic increase of antioxidant capacity occurs at the end of gestation in preparation for the transition to extrauterine life. Therefore, preterm infants are more sensitive to neonatal oxidative stress, notably when supplemental oxygen is being delivered. Furthermore, despite recent advances in the management of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, controversies persist concerning the oxygenation saturation targets that should be used in caring for preterm babies. Identification of adequate biomarkers of oxidative stress in preterm infants such as 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α, and adduction of malondialdehyde to hemoglobin is important to promote specific therapeutic approaches. At present, no therapeutic strategy has been validated as prevention or treatment against oxidative stress. Breastfeeding should be considered as the main measure to improve the antioxidant status of preterm infants. In the last few years, melatonin has emerged as a protective molecule against oxidative stress, with antioxidant and free-radical scavenger roles, in experimental and preliminary human studies, giving hope that it can be used in preterm infants in the near future.


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There are no effective therapies for the treatment of chronic subjective tinnitus. The present study aims to compare two therapeutic approaches: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) and a Biopsychosocial Approach (BPS). Results show no difference in evolution of tinnitus' perception between the beginning of the study and after 12 months of treatment in both treatment groups. Important anxiety could be a factor contributed towards the abandonment or ineffectiveness of treatments. Patients with more biopsychosocial comorbidities are more receptive to therapies. The practicioners therefore must assess specific needs, comorbidities and biopsychosocial profiles of patients suffering from tinnitus.


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Spontaneous CD8 T-cell responses occur in growing tumors but are usually poorly effective. Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive these responses is of major interest as they could be exploited to generate a more efficacious antitumor immunity. As such, stimulator of IFN genes (STING), an adaptor molecule involved in cytosolic DNA sensing, is required for the induction of antitumor CD8 T responses in mouse models of cancer. Here, we find that enforced activation of STING by intratumoral injection of cyclic dinucleotide GMP-AMP (cGAMP), potently enhanced antitumor CD8 T responses leading to growth control of injected and contralateral tumors in mouse models of melanoma and colon cancer. The ability of cGAMP to trigger antitumor immunity was further enhanced by the blockade of both PD1 and CTLA4. The STING-dependent antitumor immunity, either induced spontaneously in growing tumors or induced by intratumoral cGAMP injection was dependent on type I IFNs produced in the tumor microenvironment. In response to cGAMP injection, both in the mouse melanoma model and an ex vivo model of cultured human melanoma explants, the principal source of type I IFN was not dendritic cells, but instead endothelial cells. Similarly, endothelial cells but not dendritic cells were found to be the principal source of spontaneously induced type I IFNs in growing tumors. These data identify an unexpected role of the tumor vasculature in the initiation of CD8 T-cell antitumor immunity and demonstrate that tumor endothelial cells can be targeted for immunotherapy of melanoma.


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Cysteine cathepsin protease activity is frequently dysregulated in the context of neoplastic transformation. Increased activity and aberrant localization of proteases within the tumour microenvironment have a potent role in driving cancer progression, proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Recent studies have also uncovered functions for cathepsins in the suppression of the response to therapeutic intervention in various malignancies. However, cathepsins can be either tumour promoting or tumour suppressive depending on the context, which emphasizes the importance of rigorous in vivo analyses to ascertain function. Here, we review the basic research and clinical findings that underlie the roles of cathepsins in cancer, and provide a roadmap for the rational integration of cathepsin-targeting agents into clinical treatment.


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Background: Treatment of NSCLC has been revolutionized in recent years with the introduction of several targeted therapies for selected genetically altered subtypes of NSCLC. A better understanding of molecular characteristics of NSCLC, which features common drug targets, may identify new therapeutic options. Methods: Over 6,700 non-small cell lung cancer cases referred to Caris Life Sciences between 2009 and 2014. Diagnoses and history were collected from referring physicians. Specific testing was performed per physician request and included a combination of sequencing (Sanger, NGS or pyrosequencing), protein expression (IHC), gene amplification/rearrangement (CISH or FISH), and/or RNA fragment analysis. Results: Tumors profiles from patients with hormone receptor positive disease (HER2, ER, PR, or AR positive by IHC) (n=629), HER2 mutations (n=8) ALK rearrangements (n=55), ROS1 rearrangement (n=17), cMET amplification or mutation (n=126), and cKIT mutation (n=11) were included in this analysis and compared to the whole cohort. Tumors with ALK rearrangement overexpressed AR in 18% of cases, and 7% presented with concomitant KRAS mutation. Lower rates of PTEN loss, as assessed by IHC, were observed in ALK positive (20%), ROS1 positive (9%) and cKIT mutated tumors (25%) compared to the overall NSCLC population (58%). cMET was overexpressed in 66% of ROS1 translocated and 57% of HER2 mutated tumors. cKIT mutations were found co-existing with APC (20%) and EGFR (20%) mutations. Pathway analysis revealed that hormone receptor positive disease carried more mutations in the ERK pathway (32%) compared to 9% in the mTOR pathway. 25% of patients with HER2 mutations harbored a co-existing mutation in the mTOR pathway. Conclusions: Pathway profiling reveals that NSCLC tumors present more often than reported with several concomitant alterations affecting the ERK or AKT pathway. Additionally, they are also characterized by the expression of potential biological modifiers of the cell cycle like hormonal receptors, representing a rationale for dual inhibition strategies in selected patients. Further refining of the understanding of NSCLC biomarker profile will optimize research for new treatment strategies.


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The paracaspase MALT1 has a central role in the activation of lymphocytes and other immune cells including myeloid cells, mast cells and NK cells. MALT1 activity is required not only for the immune response, but also for the development of natural Treg cells that keep the immune response in check. Exaggerated MALT1 activity has been associated with the development of lymphoid malignancies, and recently developed MALT1 inhibitors show promising anti-tumor effects in xenograft models of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. In this review, we provide an overview of the present understanding of MALT1's function, and discuss possibilities for its therapeutic targeting based on recently developed inhibitors and animal models.


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Several classes of drugs have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and occurrence of arrhythmias potentially involved in sudden deaths in chronic users even at therapeutic doses. The study presented herein focuses on pathological changes involving the heart possibly due to methadone use. 60 cases were included in the study in total and were divided into three groups (therapeutic methadone users: 20 cases, recreational methadone users: 20 cases, and sudden death group in subjects who had never taken methadone: 20 cases). Autopsies, histology, biochemistry and toxicology were performed in all cases. Macroscopic and microscopic investigation results in therapeutic methadone users were similar to those observed in sudden, unexpected deaths in non-methadone users. In recreational methadone consumers, macroscopic and microscopic examination of the heart failed to provide results consistent with acute or chronic myocardial or coronary damage, thereby corroborating the hypothesis of death most likely following respiratory depression.


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Body percussion using to the BAPNE method is a means of cognitive stimulation with multiple applications. The aim of this research is to assess their full potential as a source of therapy. The methodology used is theoretical in nature and makes use of a wide bibliography to find evidence for its therapeutic effect. In essence, body percussion can be seen to lead to improvements in three areas. the Physical, as it stimulates awareness of the body, control of movement and muscular strength, coordination and balance; the Mental, as it improves concentration, memory and perception; and finally Socio-affective, as it helps to build egalitarian relationships and leads to a decrease in anxiety in social interactions. This means of therapy has several different uses and it is targeted at different groups. In the present investigation we categorise them into five main groups: individuals with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease; individuals with learning disorders such as dyslexia or ADHD; patients affected by diseases of the spinal cord, cranial neuropathies and trauma (Neurorehabilitation); and for the treatment of addictive behavior (addiction); and depressive disorders or anxiety disorders.After thorough analysis, we have found scientific evidence that the therapeutic body percussion using the BAPNE method improves the quality of life of patients and it is an important factor in stabilizing the development of different diseases.In addition, evidence involving certain biological indicators (in control and experimental groups, and through a pre-test and post-test) show its effect on levels of stress and anxiety (reduction of cortisol), as well as improvement of social relations as a result of working as a group (increased levels of oxytocin), and improvements seen in self-esteem and in a variety of personal aspects through the Aspects of Identity questionnaire.