938 resultados para The waves


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Connectivity depends on rates of dispersal between communities. For marine soft-sediment communities continued small-scale dispersal as post-larvae and as adults can be equally important in maintaining community composition, as initial recruitment of substrate by pelagic larvae. In this thesis post-larval dispersal strategies of benthic invertebrates, as well as mechanisms by which communities are connected were investigated. Such knowledge on dispersal is scarce, due to the difficulties in actually measuring dispersal directly in nature, and dispersal has not previously been quantified in the Baltic Sea. Different trap-types were used underwater to capture dispersing invertebrates at different sites, while in parallel measuring waves and currents. Local community composition was found to change predictably under varying rates of dispersal and physical connectivity (waves and currents). This response was, however, dependent on dispersal-related traits of taxa. Actively dispersing taxa will be relatively better at maintaining their position, as they are not as dependent on hydrodynamic conditions for dispersal and will be less prone to be passively transported by currents. Taxa also dispersed in relative proportions that were distinctly different from resident community composition and a significant proportion (40 %) of taxa were found to lack a planktonic larval life-stage. Community assembly was re-started in a large-scale manipulative field experiment over one year across several sites, which revealed how patterns of community composition (α-, β- and λ-diversity) change depending on rates of dispersal. Results also demonstrated that in response to small-scale disturbance, initial recruitment was by nearby-dominant species after which other species arrived from successively further away. At later assembly time, the number of coexisting species increased beyond what was expected purely by local niche requirements (species sorting), transferring regional differences in community composition (β-diversity) to the local scale (α-diversity, mass effect). Findings of this thesis complement more theoretical studies in metacommunity ecology by demonstrating that understanding how and when individuals disperse relative to underlying environmental heterogeneity is key to interpreting how patterns of diversity change across different spatial scales. Such information from nature is critical when predicting responses to, for example, different types of disturbances or management actions in conservation.


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As myocarditis and arrhythmias have been shown to occur in both human beings and dogs with leishmaniasis, electrocardiograms of 105 dogs serologically positive for this disease were assessed for rhythm disturbances and changes in ECG waves. A few expressive alterations were seen, including sinus arrest, right bundle branch block, and atrial premature beats in 14.3%, 4.8%, and 4.8% of the studied subjects, respectively. Also, the analysis of ECG waves showed changes suggestive of left atrium and ventricle enlargements, and myocardial hypoxia in some animals. Although cardiac compromise has been previously reported in dogs with leishmaniasis, only a small subset of dogs showed any alteration in the electrocardiogram, which cannot support the occurrence of myocarditis in this investigation.


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An unstructured grid Euler solver for reactive compressible flow applications is presented. The method is implemented in a cell centered, finite volume context for unstructured triangular grids. Three different schemes for spatial discretization are implemented and analyzed. Time march is implemented in a time-split fashion with independent integrators for the flow and chemistry equations. The capability implemented is tested for inert flows in a hypersonic inlet and for inert and reactive supersonic flows over a 2-D wedge. The results of the different schemes are compared with each other and with independent calculations using a structured grid code. The strengths and the possible weaknesses of the proposed methods are discussed.


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The behavior of Petrov-Galerkin formulations for shallow water wave equations is evaluated numerically considering typical one-dimensional propagation problems. The formulations considered here use stabilizing operators to improve classical Galerkin approaches. Their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out according to the intrinsic time scale (free parameter) which has a particular importance in this kind of problem. The influence of the Courant number and the performance of the formulation in dealing with spurious oscillations are adressed.


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This work presents an application of the Mobility Approach to the analysis of the power flow through grillage-like structures. Such structures are usually found in offshore platforms, supporting large and heavy machines. Different wave kinds (longitudinal, flexural and torsional) were initially considered in the power flow analysis between two beams joined in L. Beams excited by an in-plane point force showed strong coupling between longitudinal-flexural waves, while that for out-of-plane point force excitation, flexural-torsional waves coupling represents the most important mechanism of energy transmission. The response determination of grillages by the mobility approach requires the structure to be separated into simple beam-like structural components. Equations for rotations and displacements at the joints of all beams are written for as mobility functions, and moments and forces acting at the joints. A system of equations relating all such internal forces and moments is obtained. This approach was applied to simple grillages. Response results showed good agreement when compared to those provided by Finite Elements.


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ABSTRACT Maria Peltola Electrical status epilepticus during sleep – Continuous spikes and waves during sleep Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Turku Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Department of Pediatric Neurology, Children’s Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Finland, 2014 Background: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep (ESES) is an EEG phenomenon of frequent spikes and waves occurring in slow sleep. ESES relates to cognitive deterioration in heterogeneous childhood epilepsies. Validated methods to quantitate ESES are missing. The clinical syndrome, called epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spikes and waves during sleep (CSWS) is pharmacoresistant in half of the patients. Limited data exists on surgical treatment of CSWS. Aims and methods: The effects of surgical treatment were studied by investigating electroclinical outcomes in 13 operated patients (nine callosotomies, four resections) with pharmacoresistant CSWS and cognitive decline. Secondly, an objective paradigm was searched for assessing ESES by the semiautomatic quantification of spike index (SI) and measuring spike strength from EEG. Results: Postoperatively, cognitive deterioration was stopped in 12 (92%) patients. Three out of four patients became seizure-free after resective surgery. Callosotomy resulted in greater than 90% reduction of atypical absences in six out of eight patients. The preoperative propagation of ESES from one hemisphere to the other was associated with a good response. Semiautomatic quantification of SI was a robust method when the maximal interspike interval of three seconds was used to determine the “continuous” discharge in ten EEGs. SI of the first hour of sleep appeared representative of the whole night SI. Furthermore, the spikes’ root mean square was found to be a stable measure of spike strength when spatially integrated over multiple electrodes during steady NREM sleep. Conclusions: Patients with pharmacoresistant CSWS, based on structural etiology, may benefit from resective surgery or corpus callosotomy regarding both seizure outcome and cognitive prognosis. The semiautomated SI quantification, with proper userdefined settings and the new spatially integrated measure of spike strength, are robust and promising tools for quantifying ESES. Keywords: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep, ESES, continuous spikes and waves during sleep, CSWS, epilepsy surgery, spike index, spike strength, RMS TIIVISTELMÄ Maria Peltola Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus Kliininen neurofysiologia, Turun yliopisto Kliininen neurofysiologia ja lastenneurologia, Lasten ja nuorten sairaala, Helsingin yliopistollinen keskussairaala Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, Turku, Suomi, 2014 Tausta: Sähköinen status epilepticus unessa (ESES) on aivosähkökäyrä (EEG)-ilmiö, jossa hidasaaltounen aikana esiintyy tiheä piikkihidasaaltopurkaus. ESES:n kvantifioimiseen ei ole olemassa validoituja menetelmiä. ESES on liitetty kognitiivisen tason laskuun ja tällöin puhutaan CSWS (continuous spikes and waves during sleep) - oireyhtymästä. CSWS ei vastaa lääkehoitoon puolella potilaista ja sen epilepsiakirurgisesta hoidosta on olemassa vain vähän tietoa. Tavoitteet ja menetelmät: Selvitimme retrospektiivisesti epilepsiakirurgian vaikusta elektrokliinisiin löydöksiin 13:lla lääkeresistenttiä CSWS-oireyhtymää sairastavalla lapsella, joilla oli rakenteellinen aivojen poikkeavuus. Toinen tavoite oli löytää objektiivinen puoliautomaattinen tapa mitata purkauksen määrää ja piikkien voimakkuutta EEG:stä. Tulokset: Kognitiivisen tason jatkuva heikentyminen loppui 12 (92 %) potilaalla leikkauksen jälkeen. Kolme neljästä resektiopotilaasta tuli kohtauksettomaksi. Kallosotomian jälkeen kuudella kahdeksasta potilaasta päivittäiset kohtaukset vähenivät yli 90 %:lla. Purkauksen leviäminen leikkausta edeltävästi vain yhdestä hemisfääristä toiseen liittyi hyvään leikkaushoitovasteeseen. Piikki-indeksi, jossa käytetään jatkuvan purkauksen määritelmänä maksimissaan kolmea sekuntia piikkien välillä, osoittautui luotettavaksi menetelmäksi ESES:n kvantifioimiseen. Useammasta elektrodista integroitu piikkien neliöllinen keskiarvo oli piikin voimakkuuden vakaa mitta häiriintymättömässä NREM-unessa. Päätelmät: Lääkehoidolle vastaamatonta CSWS:ää sairastavat potilaat, joilla on rakenteellinen aivopoikkeavuus ja yhdensuuntainen purkauksen leviämismalli, näyttävät kohtausten vähenemisen lisäksi hyötyvän epilepsiakirurgiasta kognitiivisesti. Puoliautomaattinen piikki-indeksin kvantifiointi sopivilla käyttäjäasetuksilla ja uusi spatiaalisesti integroitu piikin voimakkuuden mittari ovat stabiileja ja lupaavia ESES:n kvantitatiivisia mittareita. Avainsanat: Unenaikainen sähköinen status epilepticus, ESES, CSWS, epilepsiakirurgia, piikki-indeksi, piikin voimakkuus, neliöllinen keskiarvo


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We sought to examine the possible participation of dopaminergic receptors in the phasic events that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, known as sawtooth waves (STW). These phasic phenomena of REM sleep exhibit a unique morphology and, although they represent a characteristic feature of REM sleep, little is known about the mechanisms which generate them and which are apparently different from rapid eye movements. STW behavior was studied in 10 male volunteers aged 20 to 35 years, who were submitted to polysomnographic monitoring (PSG). On the adaptation night they were submitted to the first PSG and on the second night, to the basal PSG. On the third night the volunteers received placebo or haloperidol and spent the whole night awake. On the fourth night they were submitted to the third PSG. After a 15-day rest period, the volunteers returned to the sleep laboratory and, according to a double-blind crossover randomized design, received haloperidol or placebo and spent the whole night awake, after which they were submitted to the fourth PSG. The volunteers who were given haloperidol combined with sleep deprivation exhibited an elevation of the duration and density of the STW, without significant alterations of the other REM sleep phasic phenomena such as rapid eye movement. These findings suggest that sawtooth waves must have their own generating mechanisms and that the dopaminergic receptors must exert a modulating role since REM sleep deprivation, as well as administration of neuroleptics, produces supersensitivity of dopaminergic receptors.


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The objective of the present study was to assess esophageal motor function in 21 children (7.5 ± 2.9 years) with caustic strictures. Esophageal manometry was performed using a water-infusion system interfaced with a polygraph and displayed on a computer screen. The data were compared with those obtained from 9 healthy children. Radionuclide transit was determined by studying deglutition of a single bolus of 99mTc pertechnetate in 10 ml of water. Non-peristaltic low-amplitude and long-duration waves were the most common findings detected in patients with strictures longer than 20% of esophageal length (N = 11). Compared with the control group, these patients presented lower mean amplitude and longer mean duration of waves (24.4 ± 11.2 vs 97.9 ± 23.7 mmHg, P < 0.05, and 6.7 ± 2.4 vs 1.6 ± 0.1 s, P < 0.05, respectively). Six patients presented low-amplitude waves just below the constricted site. Ten children presented delayed esophageal transit. There was an association between dysphagia and abnormalities on manometry (P = 0.02) and between symptoms and scintigraphy data (P = 0.01). Dysphagia in caustic strictures is due to esophageal motility abnormalities, which are closely related to the scarred segment.


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Electrocardiograms (ECG) obtained with standard limb leads and augmented unipolar limb leads were recorded from 17 unanesthetized adult sloths. The animals were held in their habitual position in an experimental chair. We determined heart rate and rhythm from the R-R intervals, the amplitude and duration of each wave, and the duration of the segments and intervals of the ECG. The mean electrical axes of P and T waves and QRS complex were calculated on the basis of the amplitude of these waves in leads I, II, III, aV R, aV L, and aV F. The P wave appeared positive in most tracings with low amplitude in lead II, the QRS complex was generally negative in leads aV R, III and aV F, and no arrhythmias were observed. With a mean ± SD heart rate for all recordings of 81 ± 18 bpm, the duration of P and T waves, QRS complex, and PR, QT and RR intervals averaged 0.05 ± 0.02, 0.15 ± 0.05, 0.07 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02, 0.38 ± 0.04, and 0.74 ± 0.17 s, respectively. The ECG shape had a definite configuration on each lead. The angles of the mean ± SD electrical axes for atrial and ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization in the horizontal plane were +34 ± 68º, -35 ± 63º, and -23 ± 68º, respectively. All electrical axes showed great variations and their mean values suggest that, when the sloth is in a seated position, the heart could be displaced by the diaphragm to a semi-horizontal position.


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This work devotes to the theoretical investigations of spin-electromagnetic waves (SEW) propagating in a thin-film multiferroic structures that were composed of a slot-line and structures with several ferrite films. In contrast to earlier works, the spin-electromagnetic waves in the investigated structures are originated from two different electrodynamics coupling. The first one is coupling of the electromagnetic wave localized mainly in the slot-line with the spin wave excited mostly in the ferrite film. The second one is coupling of two spin waves in the different ferrite films separated by a thin ferroelectric film. For theoretical analysis of SEWs propagation in such kind of structures theories of their eigen-wave spectra were developed. Spectra of SEW in the investigated structures were calculated and analyzed. The range of electric and magnetic tunability of dispersion characteristic were investigated. Spectra of SEW in the investigated multiferroic structures are used for investigation of transfer function of periodic structures.


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The SEARCH-RIO study prospectively investigated electrocardiogram (ECG)-derived variables in chronic Chagas disease (CCD) as predictors of cardiac death and new onset ventricular tachycardia (VT). Cardiac arrhythmia is a major cause of death in CCD, and electrical markers may play a significant role in risk stratification. One hundred clinically stable outpatients with CCD were enrolled in this study. They initially underwent a 12-lead resting ECG, signal-averaged ECG, and 24-h ambulatory ECG. Abnormal Q-waves, filtered QRS duration, intraventricular electrical transients (IVET), 24-h standard deviation of normal RR intervals (SDNN), and VT were assessed. Echocardiograms assessed left ventricular ejection fraction. Predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT were identified in a Cox proportional hazard model. During a mean follow-up of 95.3 months, 36 patients had adverse events: 22 new onset VT (mean±SD, 18.4±4‰/year) and 20 deaths (26.4±1.8‰/year). In multivariate analysis, only Q-wave (hazard ratio, HR=6.7; P<0.001), VT (HR=5.3; P<0.001), SDNN<100 ms (HR=4.0; P=0.006), and IVET+ (HR=3.0; P=0.04) were independent predictors of the composite endpoint of cardiac death and new onset VT. A prognostic score was developed by weighting points proportional to beta coefficients and summing-up: Q-wave=2; VT=2; SDNN<100 ms=1; IVET+=1. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis optimized the cutoff value at >1. In 10,000 bootstraps, the C-statistic of this novel score was non-inferior to a previously validated (Rassi) score (0.89±0.03 and 0.80±0.05, respectively; test for non-inferiority: P<0.001). In CCD, surface ECG-derived variables are predictors of cardiac death and new onset VT.


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Understanding the effects of radiation and its possible influence on the nervous system are of great clinical interest. However, there have been few electrophysiological studies on brain activity after exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). A new methodological approach regarding the assessment of the possible effects of IR on brain activity is the use of linear and nonlinear mathematical methods in the analysis of complex time series, such as brain oscillations measured using the electrocorticogram (ECoG). The objective of this study was to use linear and nonlinear mathematical methods as biomarkers of gamma radiation regarding cortical electrical activity. Adult Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: 1 control and 2 irradiated groups, evaluated at 24 h (IR24) and 90 days (IR90) after exposure to 18 Gy of gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 radiotherapy source. The ECoG was analyzed using power spectrum methods for the calculation of the power of delta, theta, alpha and beta rhythms and by means of the α-exponent of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Using both mathematical methods it was possible to identify changes in the ECoG, and to identify significant changes in the pattern of the recording at 24 h after irradiation. Some of these changes were persistent at 90 days after exposure to IR. In particular, the theta wave using the two methods showed higher sensitivity than other waves, suggesting that it is a possible biomarker of exposure to IR.


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Conventional wisdom usually underestimates the important role of public research institutes and universities in successful cases of Brazilian economy. History of science and technology institutions shows a long-term process of formation of these institutions and their interactions with industrial firms, agricultural producers or society. This paper investigates historical roots of successful cases of Brazil. First, we present the late onset of National Innovation System (NSI) institutions and waves of institutional formation in Brazil. Second, we describe the history of three selected successful cases, which spans from a low-tech sector (agriculture), a medium-tech sector (steel and special metal alloys), to a high-tech sector (aircraft). These findings present new challenges for present-day developmental policies.


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Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. However, the geometry of the manifold on which market dynamics act out their dynamics (corporate space) is not yet known. In this thesis, utilizing a Seven year time series of prices of stocks used to compute S&P500 index on the New York Stock Exchange, we have created local chart to the corporate space with the goal of finding standing waves and other soliton like patterns in the behavior of stock price deviations from the S&P500 index. By first calculating the correlation matrix of normalized stock price deviations from the S&P500 index, we have performed a local singular value decomposition over a set of four different time windows as guides to the nature of patterns that may emerge. I turns out that in almost all cases, each singular vector is essentially determined by relatively small set of companies with big positive or negative weights on that singular vector. Over particular time windows, sometimes these weights are strongly correlated with at least one industrial sector and certain sectors are more prone to fast dynamics whereas others have longer standing waves.


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Fermi patches in quasi-two dimensional charge density waves (CDW) have not described the connection to superconductivity (SC) according to theory adequately at this point in time. The connection between CDW and SC in the quasi-two dimensional material CuxTiSe2 is an interesting one which might reveal mechanisms in unconventional superconductors. A previous Brock graduate student grew crystals of CuxTiSe2. The precise doping of the samples was not known. In order to determine the doping parameter x in CuxTiSe2, a sensitive resistivity measurement system was necessary. A new resistivity measurement system was designed and implemented utilizing an Infrared Labs HDL-10 He3 cryostat. By comparing with data from the literature, doping of two samples was investigated using the new measurement system and a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS). Methods for determining the doping revealed that the old resistivity system would not be able to determine the CDW transition temperature of highly doped samples or doping for elongated samples due to electronic noise. Doping in one sample was found to be between x=0.06 and x=0.065. Values of doping in the second sample had a discrepancy but could be explained by incorrect sample orientation.