851 resultados para Texture image
The main objective of this Master Thesis is to discover more about Girona’s image as a tourism destination from different agents’ perspective and to study its differences on promotion or opinions. In order to meet this objective, three components of Girona’s destination image will be studied: attribute-based component, the holistic component, and the affective component. It is true that a lot of research has been done about tourism destination image, but it is less when we are talking about the destination of Girona. Some studies have already focused on Girona as a tourist destination, but they used a different type of sample and different methodological steps. This study is new among destination studies in the sense that it is based only on textual online data and it follows a methodology based on text-miming. Text-mining is a kind of methodology that allows people extract relevant information from texts. Also, after this information is extracted by this methodology, some statistical multivariate analyses are done with the aim of discovering more about Girona’s tourism image
The major objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of image analysis for characterizing air voids in Portland cement Concrete (PCC), voids and constituents of Asphalt Concrete (AC) and aggregate gradation in AC. Images for analysis were obtained from a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Sample preparation techniques are presented that enhance signal differences so that backscattered electron (BSE) imaging, which is sensitive to atomic number changes, can be effectively employed. Work with PCC and AC pavement core samples has shown that the low vacuum scanning electron microscope (LVSEM) is better suited towards rapid analyses. The conventional high vacuum SEM can also be used for AC and PCC analyses but some distortion within the sample matrix will occur. Images with improved resolution can be obtained from scanning electron microscope (SEM) backscatter electron (BSE) micrographs. In a BSE image, voids filled with barium sulfate/resin yield excellent contrast in both PCC and AC. There is a good correlation between percent of air by image analysis and linear traverse.
Validation is the main bottleneck preventing theadoption of many medical image processing algorithms inthe clinical practice. In the classical approach,a-posteriori analysis is performed based on someobjective metrics. In this work, a different approachbased on Petri Nets (PN) is proposed. The basic ideaconsists in predicting the accuracy that will result froma given processing based on the characterization of thesources of inaccuracy of the system. Here we propose aproof of concept in the scenario of a diffusion imaginganalysis pipeline. A PN is built after the detection ofthe possible sources of inaccuracy. By integrating thefirst qualitative insights based on the PN withquantitative measures, it is possible to optimize the PNitself, to predict the inaccuracy of the system in adifferent setting. Results show that the proposed modelprovides a good prediction performance and suggests theoptimal processing approach.
This letter presents advanced classification methods for very high resolution images. Efficient multisource information, both spectral and spatial, is exploited through the use of composite kernels in support vector machines. Weighted summations of kernels accounting for separate sources of spectral and spatial information are analyzed and compared to classical approaches such as pure spectral classification or stacked approaches using all the features in a single vector. Model selection problems are addressed, as well as the importance of the different kernels in the weighted summation.
Assessment of image quality for digital x-ray mammography systems used in European screening programs relies mainly on contrast-detail CDMAM phantom scoring and requires the acquisition and analysis of many images in order to reduce variability in threshold detectability. Part II of this study proposes an alternative method based on the detectability index (d') calculated for a non-prewhitened model observer with an eye filter (NPWE). The detectability index was calculated from the normalized noise power spectrum and image contrast, both measured from an image of a 5 cm poly(methyl methacrylate) phantom containing a 0.2 mm thick aluminium square, and the pre-sampling modulation transfer function. This was performed as a function of air kerma at the detector for 11 different digital mammography systems. These calculated d' values were compared against threshold gold thickness (T) results measured with the CDMAM test object and against derived theoretical relationships. A simple relationship was found between T and d', as a function of detector air kerma; a linear relationship was found between d' and contrast-to-noise ratio. The values of threshold thickness used to specify acceptable performance in the European Guidelines for 0.10 and 0.25 mm diameter discs were equivalent to threshold calculated detectability indices of 1.05 and 6.30, respectively. The NPWE method is a validated alternative to CDMAM scoring for use in the image quality specification, quality control and optimization of digital x-ray systems for screening mammography.
This work analyses the political news of eight Spanish television channels in order to see what image is built of politics, and particularly how the news of corruption affects the image of politics in Spanish news broadcasts. Different cases of corruption such as Gürtel, Palma Arena and those associated with judge Baltasar Garzón in his final stage in office, occupy part of the study. A new methodology is therefore proposed that enables the quality of the political information emitted from inside and outside the political content of the news programmes to be observed. Particular attention is paid to the news broadcasts of Televisión Española and Cuatro as those which offer a more balanced view of politics, and channels such as La Sexta, which give priority to a narrative construction of politics in the news programmes around causes of corruption.
Free-breathing whole-heart coronary MRA with 3D radial SSFP and self-navigated image reconstruction.
Respiratory motion is a major source of artifacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Free-breathing techniques with pencil-beam navigators efficiently suppress respiratory motion and minimize the need for patient cooperation. However, the correlation between the measured navigator position and the actual position of the heart may be adversely affected by hysteretic effects, navigator position, and temporal delays between the navigators and the image acquisition. In addition, irregular breathing patterns during navigator-gated scanning may result in low scan efficiency and prolonged scan time. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a self-navigated, free-breathing, whole-heart 3D coronary MRI technique that would overcome these shortcomings and improve the ease-of-use of coronary MRI. A signal synchronous with respiration was extracted directly from the echoes acquired for imaging, and the motion information was used for retrospective, rigid-body, through-plane motion correction. The images obtained from the self-navigated reconstruction were compared with the results from conventional, prospective, pencil-beam navigator tracking. Image quality was improved in phantom studies using self-navigation, while equivalent results were obtained with both techniques in preliminary in vivo studies.
A comment about the article “Local sensitivity analysis for compositional data with application to soil texture in hydrologic modelling” writen by L. Loosvelt and co-authors. The present comment is centered in three specific points. The first one is related to the fact that the authors avoid the use of ilr-coordinates. The second one refers to some generalization of sensitivity analysis when input parameters are compositional. The third tries to show that the role of the Dirichlet distribution in the sensitivity analysis is irrelevant
L'article aborde la façon dont la série BD Le Linceul (2003-2006) s'approprie, dans le cadre de la fiction et du récit d'action grand public, le contexte de la réception de l'image acheiropoïète du Saint Suaire, intégrant la référence à des enjeux théologiques et scientifiques au sein d'une histoire à suspense située à différentes époques et dont les nombreux rebondissements s'articulent autour d'une croyance progressive dans le statut sacré de la vera icon. L'examen détaillé de certains choix narratifs et graphiques de l'auteur Laurent Bidot permet de dégager les modalités d'une exploitation contemporaine et (a priori) laïcisée de la figure de Jésus qui, à l'ère des technologies numériques, conserve sa part de mystère. Dans une perspective narratologique, l'interprétation procède principalement de constats liés à l'organisation énonciative de cette production bédéique.
The major objective of this project is to evaluate image analysis for characterizing air voids in Portland cement contract (PCC) and asphalt concrete (AC) and aggregate gradation in asphalt concrete. Phase 1 of this project has concentrated on evaluation and refinement of sample preparation techniques, evaluation of methods and instruments for conducting image analysis, and finally, analysis and comparison of a select portion of samples. Preliminary results suggest a strong correlation between the results obtained from the linear traverse method and image analysis methods for determining percent air voids in concrete. Preliminary work with asphalt samples has shown that damage caused by a high vacuum of the conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM) may too disruptive. Alternative solutions have been explored, including confocal microscopy and low vacuum electron microscopy. Additionally, a conventional high vacuum SEM operating at a marginal operating vacuum may suffice.