856 resultados para Tele-oftalmologia
OBJETIVO: Avaliar quantitativamente as mudanças da posição palpebral e as medidas da fenda palpebral de indivíduos acima dos 50 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, tendo sido avaliados 325 indivíduos, com idade acima de 50 anos, segundo distância intercantal, largura e altura da fenda palpebral, ângulo palpebral externo e interno, distância entre o reflexo pupilar e a margem da pálpebra superior (distância reflexo-margem) e a área total da fenda palpebral. Utilizou-se filmadora Sony Lithium para obtenção das imagens digitais, com o indivíduo fixando um objeto a 1 metro de distância, sendo as imagens transferidas posteriormente para computador McIntosh G4 e processadas pelo programa NIH 1.58. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Os participantes apresentavam dermatocálase (96,5%), ptose do supercílio (60,8%), prolapso de gordura orbital (50,0%) ou ptose palpebral (39,1%). As alterações foram bilaterais em 68,8% dos indivíduos. A distância intercantal aumentou com a idade; a largura da fenda palpebral, a distância reflexo-margem e a medida do ângulo externo diminuíram nos mais idosos. As diferenças foram mais significativas quando os olhos foram estudados separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: A distância intercantal aumenta, ao passo que a largura da fenda palpebral, a distância reflexo-margem e a área total da fenda palpebral diminuem com o aumento da idade.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de alterações dos cílios em portadores de cavidade anoftálmica. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, procurando alterações ciliares em portadores de cavidade anoftálmica, atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. RESULTADOS: Alterações dos cílios foram observadas em 70,7% dos portadores de cavidade anoftálmica. As alterações mais encontradas foram a ptose dos cílios (24,4%), diminuição do número (19,5%), tricomegalia (19,5%), triquíase (14,6%) e entrópio (17,0%). CONCLUSÃO: Os portadores de cavidade anoftálmica possuem alterações ciliares, sendo as mais observadas: ptose de cílios, redução do número, tricomegalia e triquíase. O fator que leva a estas alterações necessita de maiores investigações.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil dos portadores de cavidade anoftálmica e a evolução dos pacientes com os tratamentos empregados. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, avaliando-se o perfil e a evolução dos portadores de cavidade anoftálmica, tratados no serviço. Os dados foram estudados segundo frequência de ocorrência e análise de associação. RESULTADOS: Os portadores de cavidade anoftálmica eram mais frequentemente em homens, trabalhadores em atividades exercidas com as mãos, jovens. O trauma e a phthisis bulbi foram as causas mais encontradas, havendo diferenças de acordo com a faixa etária e sexo. O índice complicações foi alto (57,1% dos casos), a maioria ocorrendo tardiamente. CONCLUSÕES: O trauma continua sendo causa importante de perda do olho. As complicações que ocorrem durante o acompanhamento do portador de cavidade anoftálmica são frequentes e ocorrem, em geral, tardiamente, o que reforça a necessidade de acompanhamento periódico e prolongado destes pacientes.
Objetivo: Relatar 20 pacientes portadores de dermolipoma e 10 pacientes com prolapso de gordura orbitária, ressaltando aspectos que podem auxiliar para o diferencial clínico destas duas entidades. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 12 anos, avaliando-se portadores de dermolipoma e de prolapso de gordura orbitária, atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-SP. Resultados: No período foram detectados 20 (1,6 pacientes/ano) portadores de dermolipoma e 10 (0,8 pacientes/ano), de prolapso de gordura orbitária. Quanto ao sexo, o dermolipoma acometeu mais mulheres e o prolapso de gordura orbital ocorreu mais em homens. Nos portadores de dermolipoma, a lesão foi encontrada no canto externo em todos os pacientes, sendo bilateral em apenas um caso; nos com prolapso de gordura orbital, a lesão localizava-se no canto externo em 9 dos 10 portadores. Sete pacientes com dermolipoma possuíam associação com outras doenças oculares e em dez pacientes a lesão estava presente desde o nascimento. Conclusão: O dermolipoma é semelhante ao prolapso de gordura orbitária quanto à localização e aparência clínica. Porém, o dermolipoma está presente desde o nascimento, ocorre mais no sexo feminino, podendo estar associado a outras doenças oculares. O prolapso de gordura orbitária é alteração que ocorre em indivíduos idosos, geralmente do sexo masculino.
Objetivo: Comparar em coelhos três modelos experimentais de destruição das células germinativas (CG) do limbo corneano quanto a aspectos clínicos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 54 coelhos, 108 olhos, subdivididos em 3 grupos experimentais: (G1), (G2) e (G3), cada um formado pelos OE de 18 coelhos, submetidos às técnicas experimentais (T1), (T2) e (T3), respectivamente, e um grupo controle, formado pelos 54 olhos contralaterais (OD). Nas três técnicas foi utilizado o n-heptanol. Na T1, o n-heptanol foi aplicado por 5 minutos, para remoção do epitélio límbico. Na T2, além da aplicação do n-heptanol, realizou-se peritomia e remoção da conjuntiva perilímbica até 4 mm do limbo, juntamente com a escarificação do tecido episcleral. Na T3, além dos procedimentos da T2, foi realizada dissecção lamelar do limbo abrangendo aproximadamente 1,5 mm na periferia da córnea e 2 mm na superfície escleral. em todas as córneas dos animais foram estudados seis parâmetros clínicos: neovascularização, perda da transparência, irregularidade da superfície, reparação epitelial, erosão ou defeito epitelial, granuloma e outras lesões corneanas. Resultados: A neovascularização corneana iniciou-se mais precocemente com a T1 e T2; ocorreu em 100% dos casos com as três técnicas, de forma não homogênea, variando de leve a intensa; permaneceu estável a partir do 28º dia até o final do experimento (56º dia), foi maior nos quadrantes superior e inferior e menor nos quadrantes nasal e temporal. A perda da transparência e a irregularidade da superfície corneana foram menores com a T1 que com a T2 e T3, que foram similares entre si. Houve, nas três técnicas experimentais, latência de três dias para o início da reepitelização, que se completou com a T1 no 7º dia e com a T2 e T3 no 14º dia. Erosão epitelial corneana e granuloma corneano foram encontradas de forma similar nas três técnicas experimentais. Conclusões: A T2 e T3 mostraram-se adequadas como possíveis modelos de ampla remoção das CG límbicas, levando a resultados similares nos diversos parâmetros estudados. A T1 se mostrou adequada como modelo de remoção parcial do epitélio límbico. Ocorreu conjuntivalização e neovascularização nas três técnicas experimentais.
Purpose: To evaluate the proliferation rate of recurrent pterygium and normal Tenon's capsule fibroblasts after exposure to triamcinolone.Methods: Explants of recurrent pterygia and normal Tenon's capsule of the same carrier were cultured. The fibroblasts were cultured and subcultured until the third passage and subsequently exposed to triamcinolone. The cell proliferation rate was evaluated 3, 6, 12 and 18 days after the exposure.Results: Fibroblasts exposed to triamcinolone had significantly lower proliferation rate (P < 0.05) compared to those not exposed, when the evaluation was performed 3, 6 and 12 days later. In the 18th day after exposure, there was a return in the proliferation rate, with statistical significance, only in the pterigyum fibroblasts.Conclusion: Both the fibroblasts from normal Tenon's capsule as from recurrent pterygia showed significantly lower proliferation rate after exposure to triamcinolone. After 18 days from the exposition, pterygium fibroblasts recovered the proliferation. The results suggested the triamcinolone might be useful as adjuvant in pterygium treatment.
Purpose: To determine the frequency of glaucoma and evaluate the behavior of 24-hour intraocular pressure in patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Methods: Eleven consecutive patients with OSAS, diagnosed by polysonography, were avaliated in a cross-sectional study. Demographic data were analyzed: age, sex, race/color, weight, height and associated diseases. The patients were submitted to complete ophthalmologic examination, including the visual field, as well as to 24-hour intra-ocular pressure (IOP) evaluation by an applanation tonometer at 9h, 12h, 15h, 18h, 24h and 6h in the lying and sitting positions. The diagnostic criterion for glaucoma was alteration of the visual field (VF) compatible with glaucoma and one or more of the following alterations: cup-disc ratio >= 0.7, hemorrhage, wedge-shaped defect, bayonet-shaped vessels, Hoyt's sign, asymmetry > than 0.2 between cup/disc ratio of the eyes. The angle should be opened without alterations. Results: 9 (82%) of 11 patients showed glaucoma or were suspected to have glaucoma, 9% of which exhibited normal tension glaucoma and 73% were suspected to have glaucoma for presenting alterations in the optic nerve or ocular hypertension. The mean for the IOP values of the 11 patients was observed to be the highest at 6 o'clock, when they were lying down. Variations of IOP >= 5 mmHg occurred in 7 (64%) of the patients, and variations of up to 14 mmHg and IOP peaks of up to 32 mmHg were observed. Conclusion: OSAS may be an important risk factor for the development of glaucoma, particularly that of normal tension glaucoma. Patients with OSAS must be referred to an ophthalmologist and those professionals must be attentive to the association of sleep disorders in patients with open-angle glaucoma.
Purpose: To describe the implantation of the red reflex test in 30 cities in the area of Botucatu Medical School Clinical Hospital, (480,337 inhabitants) and the creation of a reference Center for children with red reflex changes, the Red reflex screening and another Center for treatment of childhood cataract.Methods: The red reflex exam was released in 30 cities of the surrounding Botucatu area, lectures were done in the cities invited to participate by the Regional Department of Health. 109 pen torch ophthalmoscopes were distributed to the hospital maternities and primary care units. The Red reflex screening attended cases of altered or doubtful red reflex and established the diagnosis. The Center for treatment of childhood cataract performed the preoperative examination, surgical treatment and follow-up of children with cataracts.Results: After one year the Red reflex screening attended 29 children, 17 males and 12 females, mean age and pattern deviation (PD) of 10.09 +/- 20.35 months (7 days - 98 months old). 16 patients were referred with altered red reflex, with a mean age and pattern deviation of 13.17 +/- 24.14 months (7 days - 98 months old). The alteration was confirmed in all of these cases. 13 children had cataract. In 13 children with doubtful exam, with a mean age and PD of 6.29 +/- 14.46 months (7 days - 54 months old), the alteration was not confirmed in any of these patients. The incidence of negative red reflex found among newborns was 9.2/10,000 and the incidence cataracts in this same group was 7.9/10,000.Conclusion: We described the implantation of the red reflex exam in the Botucatu area, and the creation of a reference Center for eye examination of children with changes in the red reflex, and the creation of a reference Center for treatment of childhood cataract and difficulties.
Purpose: To evaluate corneal endothelium alterations after applying mitomycin C to the sclera using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, correlating alterations with time, concentration, and evaluation methods. Methods: The corneal endothelium of both eyes of 32 albino rabbits was evaluated and distributed into four groups of 8. Mitomycin C was applied under a scleral flap in the right eye for 5 minutes. Mitomycin C concentrations were 0.5 mg/ml for G1 and G2 and 0.2 mg/ml for G3 and G4. Examinations were performed 15 days after application to G1 and G3, and 30 days after application to G2 and G4. Four cornea in each group were prepared for transmission electron microscopy and four for scanning electron microscopy. Left eyes of all animals were used as controls. Results: Transmission electron microscopy showed corneal endothelium alterations in all groups: rarefied cytoplasm, dilation and fragmentation of rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, Golgi apparatus with cisternal dilation, reduced vacuoles, and irregularities of internal membrane more noticeable in G1 and G2. Scanning electron microscopy revealed alterations in all groups except G1: changes in the shape and size of cells and longer filopodial projections. Conclusions: 1-Corneal endothelium alterations were seen at both 0.5 and 0.2 mg/ml concentrations and at 15 and 30 days after mytomicin C application; 2 - Alterations were more intense with higher mytomicin C concentration by transmission electron but not by scanning electron microscopy; 3 - The alterations correlated with time by scanning electron microscopy but not by transmission electron microscopy.
Purpose: To evaluate the dermofat graft in the anophthalmic socket treatment. Methods: A retrospective study including 28 anophthalmic cavity carriers treated with dermofat graft was carried out. The patients were analyzed according to age, sex, socket contraction degree, first surgery performed, reason for graft choice, procedure's results and complications. The data were analyzed according to the frequency of occurrence. Results: Nineteen (67.8%) of the 28 analyzed patients were male. According to age the majority of patients were between 40 to 60 years old (13 patients - 46.4%) and the most common cause of eyeball loss was trauma (seven cases - 25%). Anophthalmic socket type III was the most frequently observed (32.1%). The evisceration was the first procedure in 13 cases, enucleation in 11 and skin graft was done in two patients. Two patients came to the service after evisceration and did not provide any information about the first surgery. The choice to use the dermofat graft was to replace volume at the socket of 12 patients (42.8%). Most of the patients (53.6%) had no complications and graft necrosis was the problem most frequently observed (32.1%). The surgery was considered good in 71.4% and not good in only 7.1%. Conclusion: the dermofat graft is an efficient and easy technique to reconstruct the anophthalmic cavity. The authors suggest this procedure must be introduced in the medical training services since it provide good results.
Purpose: To determine the most common approach to repair the anophthalmic socket in Brazil, and to compare the data with the trends in other countries.Methods: Exploratory study using electronic questionnaire sent by Internet to ophthalmologists members of the Brazilian Orbit and Oculoplastic Society (SBCPO). The received answers were analyzed by adhesion analysis, using Chi-square test.Results: We received 75 answered questionnaires. Fifty-three per cent of the respondents frequently treat anophthalmic socket and use the 18 mm diameter polymethylmethacrylate sphere in the majority of the surgeries, mainly covered by sclera (92%). Only seven interviewees had used integrated implants with pegging procedure. Eighty-two per cent of the ophthalmologists use the dermolipid graft to reconstruct the anophthalmic socket. They also follow the patients bi annually.Conclusions: The treatment of anophthalmic socket in Brazil generally involve polymethylmethacrylate sphere with 18 mm diameter. Pegging procedure is uncommon between us.
Objectives: To assess the palpebral position in patients with congenital or acquired ptosis, related to margin, sulcus and eyebrow, trying to identify differences between types of ptosis. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of patients with palpebral ptosis treated at the Ambulatory of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) was conducted, from 1995 to 2006. Data were recovered from electronic medical charts as well as digital image files. Eighty-seven patients were assessed, according to age, gender and data related to ptosis, such as time of appearance and type of palpebral ptosis. Palpebral ptosis was classified in two groups: congenital and acquired ptosis. Measurements were taken of margin-reflex distance (MRD), margin sulcus distance (MSD) and margin eyebrow distance (MED) using digital measurements of photos obtained. The corneal diameter of each individual patients was the unit of measure used. All data was transferred to an Excel Spreadsheet and received statistical treatment. Results: Statistical analysis revealed there is no association between the presence of ptosis and gender, or the type of ptosis and gender. There was a significant difference between eyelid with and without ptosis for MRD. However, in relation to the type of ptosis (congenital or acquired), MRD did not present any significant difference. The MSD and MED measurements were higher in acquired ptosis when compared to congenital ptosis. Conclusion: Assessment of palpebral positioning using digital measures endorse that MRD is smaller in patients with palpebral ptosis and similar in congenital or acquired ptosis, whereas MSD and MED presented higher values in acquired ptosis.
Trachoma is a disease known thousand years ago and still as a potential blindness disease all over the world. The authors call attention to the factors related with the transmission, present historical data and distribution of the disease in Brazil and in the world, comment on the agent, the signs and symptoms of this chronic conjunctivitis. Still, reinforce the need to enable professionals for the diagnosis, detection and treatment. The reflection of these attitudes will be the contribution to the elimination of this important disease as a blindness cause among us.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da ingestão crônica de álcool sobre o nervo óptico em um modelo murino adulto. MÉTODOS: Doze ratos machos da raça Wistar, de 30 dias de idade, foram divididos por sorteio em 2 grupos experimentais: tratado (TG), com 8 animais, alimentados com ração-padrão para roedores de laboratório e uma mistura de água de torneira e etanol ad libitum; controle (CG), com 4 animais, alimentados com a mesma ração e água de torneira pura ad libitum. Após 40 semanas todos os ratos foram sacrificados, sendo os nervos ópticos de ambos os olhos preparados para microscopia óptica e eletrônica. A área de secção transversal de cada nervo a aumento de 500´, assim como número de fibras axonais dentro de 5 campos aleatoriamente selecionados a aumento de 2000´ foram medidos com auxílio de digitalizador de imagens acoplado ao microscópio óptico. Foram realizadas fotomicrografias de 10 campos aleatoriamente selecionados de cada nervo (5 centrais e 5 periféricos) a aumento de 4200´ em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. RESULTADOS: A análise morfométrica não mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os 2 grupos estudados. em contraste com o CG, o exame ultra-estrutural dos nervos ópticos do TG mostrou um intenso desarranjo das bainhas de mielina, que se tornaram espessadas, com separação de suas lamelas, apresentando, por vezes, degenerações interlamelares elétron-densas, além da presença de muitas organelas degeneradas. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados desse estudo mostram alterações ultra-estruturais no nervo óptico de ratos adultos após ingestão crônica de álcool, sem modificações morfométricas significativas.