939 resultados para TOT (time of task)
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time of flight mass spectrometry was used to detect and order DNA fragments generated by Sanger dideoxy cycle sequencing. This was accomplished by improving the sensitivity and resolution of the MALDI method using a delayed ion extraction technique (DE-MALDI). The cycle sequencing chemistry was optimized to produce as much as 100 fmol of each specific dideoxy terminated fragment, generated from extension of a 13-base primer annealed on 40- and 50-base templates. Analysis of the resultant sequencing mixture by DE-MALDI identified the appropriate termination products. The technique provides a new non-gel-based method to sequence DNA which may ultimately have considerable speed advantages over traditional methodologies.
Existing evidence suggests an association between mood, time-of-day and Morningness-Eveningness (M-E). Since few studies have been carried out among adolescents, in this study daily mood fluctuations were analyzed in the naturalistic school context during two days in order to test how chronotype and time-of-day are related to mood during the school schedule period and check if sleep length is involved in the above relation. A sample of 655 adolescents (12-16 years) reported mood levels (current level of pleasantness) three times during school day (8:10-8:30 h, 10:20-11:40 h, 13:50-14:10 h). They also reported M-E preference and time in bed. Neither age nor sex was related to mood. However, the results indicated that regardless of chronotype mood increased throughout the school day from the lowest morning levels. Moreover, morning types showed better mood compared to other chronotypes, while evening types exhibited the lowest mood. Evening oriented students slept less than other chronotypes, but time in bed was not involved in the relationship between chronotype and mood. These results suggest that it is not shortened sleep duration responsible for decreased mood in evening oriented students.
The stabilisation of pitch fibres (PFs) is the most important step for their subsequent use in the preparation of carbon fibres (CFs) and their resulting characteristics. The present work studies the influence that the stabilisation time has on the porosity of the CFs, and on the subsequent properties as carbon molecular sieve (CMS). The increase of the stabilisation time carried out at 573 K, from 2 to 8 h favours their CMS properties producing a decrease in the microposity accessible to N2, which gets completely blocked after 6 and 8 h, while the narrow microporosity (V-DR CO2) remains accessible. Adsorption kinetic studies with CH4 and CO2 were performed to assess the possibility of using these CFs as CMS by comparing them with Takeda 3A CMS. The results suggest that there is an optimal stabilisation time which allows the preparation of CFs from an abundant raw precursor with properties similar to Takeda 3A CMS.
These days as we are facing extremely powerful attacks on servers over the Internet (say, by the Advanced Persistent Threat attackers or by Surveillance by powerful adversary), Shamir has claimed that “Cryptography is Ineffective”and some understood it as “Cryptography is Dead!” In this talk I will discuss the implications on cryptographic systems design while facing such strong adversaries. Is crypto dead or we need to design it better, taking into account, mathematical constraints, but also systems vulnerability constraints. Can crypto be effective at all when your computer or your cloud is penetrated? What is lost and what can be saved? These are very basic issues at this point of time, when we are facing potential loss of privacy and security.
The fungal parasite of nematode eggs Pochonia chlamydosporia is also a root endophyte known to promote growth of some plants. In this study, we analysed the effect of nine P. chlamydosporia isolates from worldwide origin on tomato growth. Experiments were performed at different scales (Petri dish, growth chamber and greenhouse conditions) and developmental stages (seedlings, plantlets and plants). Seven P. chlamydosporia isolates significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of secondary roots and six of those increased total weight of tomato seedlings. Six P. chlamydosporia isolates also increased root weight of tomato plantlets. Root colonisation varied between different isolates of this fungus. Again P. chlamydosporia significantly increased root growth of tomato plants under greenhouse conditions and reduced flowering and fruiting times (up to 5 and 12 days, respectively) versus uninoculated tomato plants. P. chlamydosporia increased mature fruit weight in tomato plants. The basis of the mechanisms for growth, flowering and yield promotion in tomato by the fungus are unknown. However, we found that P. chlamydosporia can produce Indole-3-acetic acid and solubilise mineral phosphate. These results suggest that plant hormones or nutrient ability could play an important role. Our results put forward the agronomic importance of P. chlamydosporia as biocontrol agent of plant parasitic nematodes with tomato growth promoting capabilities.
No abstract.
The costs of the crisis in Southern European countries have not been only economic but political. Economic crises tend to lead to government instability and termination while political challengers are expected to exploit this contingent window of opportunity to gain an advantage over incumbents in national elections. The current crisis seems to make no exception, looking at the results of the general elections recently held in Southern Europe. However, this did not always lead to a clear victory of the main opposition parties. In most of the elections, in fact, the incumbent parties’ loss did not coincide with the official opposition’s gain. The extreme case is represented by Italy, where both the outgoing government coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi – setting aside for the moment the technocratic phase – and its main challenger, the centre left coalition, ended up losing millions of voters and a new political force, the Five Star Movement, obtained about 25 per cent of votes. On the opposite side there is Portugal. Only in Portugal did the vote increase for the centre right PSD, in fact, exceed the incumbent socialists’ loss. The present work aims at exploring the factors which might account for this significant divergence between the two cases.
The Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU), a project forced through by Russia which links it to Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, is currently struggling with serious problems. The economic crisis in Russia – mainly caused by the fall in the price of oil on world markets and exacerbated by sanctions imposed by Western countries in connection with the Ukraine conflict – is affecting these uncompetitive post-Soviet economies which are dependent on Russia. This has resulted in increased economic and political tension among the members of the EaEU. From Russia’s point of view, however, the EaEU project remains useful, because it is not economic integration that is Moscow’s priority. The Union remains its most important instrument for implementing the Kremlin’s geo-political objectives, in particular maintaining its sphere of influence and preventing post-Soviet countries from integrating with the West, as well as restricting their rapprochement with China. Moscow is pushing for the EaEU to include new countries, strengthening its tools for political dominance within the Union, and promoting its project on the international stage. However, the future of this project will depend on both the continued determination of the Kremlin, and whether the other countries can change the rules for integration by taking advantage of the current crisis.
Real economic imbalances can lead to financial crisis. The current unsustainable use of our environment is such an imbalance. Financial shocks can be triggered by either intensified environmental policies, cleantech breakthroughs (both resulting in the stranding of unsustainable assets), or the economic costs of crossing ecological boundaries (eg floods and droughts due to climate change). Financial supervisors and risk managers have so far paid little attention to this ecological dimension, allowing systemic financial imbalances resulting from ecological pressures to build up. Inattention also leads to missed economic and financial opportunities from the sustainability transition.
Universität Magdeburg, Dissertation, 2016
Two global environmental issues, climate change and contamination by persistent organic pollutants, represent major concerns for arctic ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear how these two stressors interact in the Arctic. For instance, the influence of climate-associated changes in food web structure on exposure to pollutants within arctic ecosystems is presently unknown. Here, we report on recent changes in feeding ecology (1991-2007) in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the western Hudson Bay subpopulation that have resulted in increases in the tissue concentrations of several chlorinated and brominated contaminants. Differences in timing of the annual sea ice breakup explained a significant proportion of the diet variation among years. As expected from climate change predictions, this diet change was consistent with an increase in the consumed proportions of open water-associated seal species compared to ice-associated seal species in years of earlier sea ice breakup. Our results demonstrate that climate change is a modulating influence on contaminants in this polar bear subpopulation and may pose an additional and previously unidentified threat to northern ecosystems through altered exposures to contaminants.
Jickling, Lyman & Powell, architects. Built 1980. On verso: Photographer's stamp; 5968-5
Jickling, Lyman & Powell, architects. Built 1980. On verso: Photographer's stamp; 5968-7