878 resultados para Systematic Literature Review


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This paper aims to contribute to the debate on the role of knowledge management in supply chain management by reviewing the published literature. A total of 58 selected referred journal articles were systematically analyzed. This review identifies various theoretical and methodological characteristics of the way in which knowledge management applications are proposed in the supply chain context. The review shows that little evidence exists of the positive relation between the use of IT solutions and firms’ performance. Some issues remain unexplored such as the problem of knowledge obsolescence in supply chain management. A deeper understanding of the knowledge accumulation process could give new insights. The paper concludes with some future directions for theory construction and empirical research.


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Definitions and measures of supply chain integration (SCI) are diverse. More empirical research, with clear definition and appropriate measures are needed. The purpose of this article is to identify dimensions and variables for SCI and develop an integrated framework to facilitate this. A literature review of the relevant academic papers in international journals in Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Operations Management for the period 1995-2009 has been undertaken. This study reveals that information integration, coordination and resource sharing and organisational relationship linkage are three major dimensions for SCI. The proposed framework helps integrate both upstream suppliers and downstream customers with the focal organisation. It also allows measuring SCI using both qualitative and quantitative approach. This study encourages researchers and practitioners to identify dimensions and variables for SCI and analyses how it affects the overall supply chain (SC) performance in terms of efficiency and responsiveness. Although there is extensive research in the area of SCI, a comprehensive and integrated approach is missing. This study bridges the gap by developing a framework for measuring SCI, which enables any organisation to identify critical success factors for integrating their SC, measures the degree of integration qualitatively and quantitatively and suggest improvement measures. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs), which generate more than one half of the employment (58.9%) and turnover (51.9%), form an important sector of the UK economy. Although they are the main drivers of the UK economy, they are also said to be the most vulnerable to the impacts of Extreme Weather Events (EWEs). The world in recent years has experienced a significant number of EWEs, and SMEs have suffered significant economic losses as a result. The now apparent climate change, which is mostly attributed to human interference with the environment over the past few decades, is believed to have a strong link with the increase of EWEs in the recent past. Threats of EWEs are expected to further increase due to their increased frequency and magnitude and increased vulnerability to their effects. Interestingly, EWEs seem to present businesses with various business opportunities and positive consequences as well, besides the much feared and overwhelming threats and negative consequences they present. Understanding such impacts has become a necessity to improve the resilience of SMEs so that they will be better prepared to minimise the negative consequences and maximise the positive consequences posed by EWEs. This paper attempts to bring together and evaluate the current knowledge with regard to the effects of EWEs on SMEs. The paper establishes the case for more in-depth study with this regard and concludes by stressing the need for improving the resilience of SMEs to EWEs.


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This paper investigates what is happening in Ireland at the moment regards outsourcing. It looks into the literature review and the survey conducted. The research took place over a period of two years, initially as a literature review, and then the survey was conducted through the mediums of e-mail and the postal service. The survey analysis found that Ireland was the most likely place for Irish companies to outsource to, and that nearly 40 percent of the companies that have been surveyed have started on their latest outsourcing initiative since 2004. This indicates that outsourcing is still important on the Island on Ireland, and is important management strategy in terms of SCM (supply chain management). It further shows that Irish companies have confidence in the fact that outsourcing can help their companys’ in some way. The purpose of the literature review and the survey was to come up with an outsourcing roadmap for companies that are considering outsourcing. It builds on what is already in the literature to provide what is felt a comprehensive guide for companies that outsource.


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Outsourcing, or offshoring as it is now known, has been around for many decades. In the beginning it was only the very peripheral activities that were blue-collar (lower skilled) work outsourced, but this is now all changing with the outsourcing of white-collar jobs. Historically outsourcing was used when organisation could not perform to world-class excellence in all sectors of the organisation due to incompetence of staff and/or management, lack of capacity, financial pressures, and/or technological pressures. The research currently underway is initially focusing on a literature review of current outsourcing applications in the market place and what impact outsourcing has on business performance. This paper will present the findings of the initial literature review. It will also discuss the methodology being followed to explore the Irish Industrial Sector.


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This paper provides an insight into how the atmospherics of a retail environment influence shopping behaviour. Its objective is to support researchers and practitioners by summarizing the current state of knowledge and identifying gaps and avenues for future research. The scope covers studies in retail marketing and environmental psychology published during the last 35 years. It has been shown that environmental cues (music, scent etc.) have an effect on the emotional state of the consumer, which in turn causes behavioural changes, both positive (approach, buy more, stay longer etc.) and negative (not approach, buy less, leave earlier etc.). Most studies make reference to the PAD model, which proposes that the relevant emotions in this process can be measured along three dimensions Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance (Mehrabian, A. & Russell, J.A.,1974, An approach to environmental psychology, Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press). Since then, significant advances have been made to understand the effect of individual cues, their interaction, as well as the role of moderators, such as gender, age, or shopping motivation. However, there are a number of opportunities for further research. Too little is known about the moderating effects of Arousal and Dominance and how they interact with each other and with Pleasure dimension. Also a number of other moderators, such as gender and culture, should be integrated into the model.


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A műhelytanulmány célja, hogy megalapozzon egy, a lean menedzsment és a szervezeti kultúra kapcsolatát vizsgáló empirikus kutatást. Máig ritka a szűken vett témában született publikációk száma, ezért tanulmányunkban olyan forrásokat dolgozunk fel, amelyek a lean menedzsmenten túl a termelésmenedzsment más koncepcióit, gyakorlatait (minőségmenedzsment és a fejlett termelési rendszerek), az általuk elérhető teljesítmény és a szervezeti kultúra kapcsolatát értelmezi, vagy vizsgálja. A források módszeres áttekintésével azonosítjuk a kutatásokat indokoló tényezőket, az érintett termelésmenedzsment koncepciók értelmezéseit, a szervezeti kultúra értelmezéséket és a kutatási eredményeket. Mindezek alapján bemutatjuk, hogy melyek lehetnek azok a kérdések, melyek egy, a szervezeti kultúra és a lean menedzsment kapcsolatát vizsgáló empirikus kutatás során figyelmet érdemelnek. Bemutatjuk továbbá, hogy milyen egyéb tényezőkre kell figyelemmel lenni egy ilyen kutatás tervezése során. Önmagában a lean menedzsment, mint téma újszerű a szervezeti kultúrával kapcsolatos kutatások területén. Ezen túl a nagymintás és az angolszász területeken kívül eső kutatások kecsegtetnek jelentős új ismerettel. További újdonságot jelente a termelésmenedzsment koncepció és a szervezeti kultúra kapcsolatának megragadásán túl a kapcsolat természetének (a hatás irányának) feltárása. ______ The aim of this paper is to provide a solid base for a study that would examine the relationship between lean management and organizational culture. Since there are only limited number of publications in this topic, in our study we examined publications, which interpreted or examined the relationship among organizational culture, organizational performance and - beyond lean management - any operations management concepts or practices (but mainly quality management and advanced manufacturing technologies). Rigorously reviewing the selected sources, we identified the main questions justifying the researches, interpretations of the involved operations management concepts, interpretations of organization culture, and research results. Based on our review, we highlight those questions that are worth to examine within a research targeting to study the relationship between the organizational culture and lean management. Moreover, we identified other important factors to be considered when designing such research. Lean management by itself a novelty in the research field related to organizational culture. Moreover, large sample studies conducted outside the Anglo-Saxon territory likely to bring notable novelty. Further new knowledge may emerge if beyond capturing the existence of relationship among organizational culture and any operations management concept the nature of the relationship (the direction of the influence) was also investigated.


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The post-crisis managerial literature emphasizes the roles of institutional factors in any disruption of the ecosystem of market capitalism and puts it in the middle of its analytical framework. It has become clear that nowadays, scientific discussions about the measure of increase of direct state involvement in certain economic areas has become more relevant. The socio-economic model based on market coordination was no doubt shaken by the crisis in 2008 across the world and inspired various representatives of the scientific and political community to revise their theses on coordination mechanisms that support the way out of an economic downturn. This paper intends to give a brief summary of the two leading strategic management approaches (Porter’s five forces and the resource-based view of the firm) on institutions. The author’s aim is to demonstrate that incorporation of the institution-based view into the mainstream theories can enrich the analytical framework of strategic management by providing deeper understanding of the contextual factors that underpin interactions between institutions and organizations.


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This study investigated human resource development (HRD) in Russian enterprises, U.S. firms in Russia, or U.S.-Russian joint ventures. Thirty-three articles were selected through a database search and examined using content analysis. Emerging themes included workers’ knowledge and skills, training practices, organizational involvement, responsibility, and communication, and leadership styles.


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The purpose of this literature review was to find out how organizational culture has been studied within the Academy of Human Resource Development from 1994 to 2005 by examining how authors defined organizational culture and their research purposes.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.