919 resultados para Superiority and Inferiority Multi-criteria Ranking (SIR) Method


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Resulted from a occasional field trips on the Patuxent River, 1964-1968. Taxonomy and ecology survey following the quarter method (Cottam and Curtis, 1956) Includes: Literature review: Forests, soils, ecology; Materials and Methods: location, criteria, map of Calvert county; Results: descriptive, species of trees sampled; soils, ecology; discussion: vegetational, soils, ecology; Summary; Climate; Physical features of Calvert County; Botanical descriptions; Tables, Current checklist of vascular plants; selective bibliography


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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Description of a simple method for counting bacteria with active electron transport systems in water and sediment samples. Sodium succinate, NADH and NADPH served as electron donors. It is possible to see several sites of electron transport in the larger cells. Especially impressive are the plankton-algae, protozoa, and small metazoa. This is a partial translation of the ”method” section only.


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Based on the Mach-Zehnder effect between the core mode and the cladding modes, the interference fringes are formed by a pair of cascaded long-period fiber gratings (CLPFGs). Theoretical analyses show that the spectral spacing and the wavelength of these fringes are functions of the waveguide dispersion factor gamma, which is a characterizing parameter to LPFG and with theoretical and applicational significance. By measuring the characteristics of the transmission spectra of CLPFGs, the absolute value of gamma can be obtained. At the same time, the thermo-optic coefficient of effective refractive index difference between core and cladding modes, p, can also be obtained by measured the temperature sensitivity of these fringes. In the experiments, \gamma\ and mu were measured by this method to be 0.874 and 4.08 x 10(-5) degreesC(-1), respectively, for LPFGs with period of 450 mum and with a HE14 resonant peak at 1554 nm. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At present, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) criteria used to assess whether a population qualifies for inclusion in the CITES Appendices relate to (A) size of the population, (B) area of distribution of the population, and (C) declines in the size of the population. Numeric guidelines are provided as indicators of a small population (less than 5,000 individuals), a small subpopulation (less than 500 individuals), a restricted area of distribution for a population (less than 10,000 km2), a restricted area of distribution for a subpopula-tion (less than 500 km2), a high rate of decline (a decrease of 50% or more in total within 5 years or two generations whichever is longer or, for a small wild population, a decline of 20% or more in total within ten years or three generations whichever is longer), large fluctuations (population size or area of distribution varies widely, rapidly and frequently, with a variation greater than one order of magnitude), and a short-term fluctuation (one of two years or less). The Working Group discussed several broad issues of relevance to the CITES criteria and guidelines. These included the importance of the historical extent of decline versus the recent rate of decline; the utility and validity of incorporating relative population productivity into decline criteria; the utility of absolute numbers for defining small populations or small areas; the appropriateness of generation times as time frames for examining declines; the importance of the magnitude and frequency of fluctuations as factors affecting risk of extinction; and the overall utility of numeric thresh-olds or guidelines.


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Este trabalho objetiva contribuir para o desenvolvimento de metodologia de análises de vulnerabilidade ecológica de bacias hidrográficas, com foco nos ecossistemas de água doce. Partiu-se de uma base metodológica proposta pela Rede WWF e de sua adaptação para a Bacia Lagos São João. Através da aplicação da metodologia desenvolvida, foi possível realizar uma análise multicriterial que identificou, por um lado, os principais estressores afetando a integridade ecológica da bacia, e sua severidade e frequência, mediante avaliação colaborativa de um painel de especialistas; por outro lado, avaliou-se a sensibilidade da bacia aos estressores selecionados. O uso de ferramentas de sistemas de informação geográfica permitiu espacializar, localizar e quantificar as ameaças (estressores), gerando mapas de risco ecológico, identificando em especial, as unidades mais desequilibradas do território em análise. Estas são indicadas como prioritárias para as ações de conservação dos ecossistemas aquáticos, e dos serviços ecossistêmicos providos, do qual depende grande parte da população da bacia. Esta dissertação apresenta, portanto, duas principais contribuições: um estudo global e preliminar da integridade ecológica da bacia Lagos São João; e, sobretudo, adaptações e detalhamentos da base metodológica desenvolvida pela Rede WWF, replicáveis em outras bacias hidrográficas. Ressalte-se que esta análise constitui etapa preliminar para a definição de estratégias de adaptação e resiliência de bacias hidrográficas às mudanças ambientais globais associadas às variabilidades e mudanças climáticas.


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This technical report describes a practical method consisting of a checklist and a supporting techniques for those planning or just starting to develop or select design tools and methods. The method helps to summarize and illustrate the envisaged tool or method by identifying its scope and the underlying assumptions. The resulting tool or method description clarifies the problem that is addressed, the approach and the possible implications, and can thus be used by a variety of people involved in assessing a tool or method in an early stage. For the developers themselves the method reveals how realistic the envisaged method or tool is, and whether the scope has to be narrowed.