1000 resultados para Suomen sosialidemokraattinen puolue - 1950-luku
Summary: Temporal interpretation of non-finite verbal adjuncts in Finnish
Summary: Mire words in the dialects of northern Finland
Summary: The meaning of the perfect tense in Finnish in the light of conversational data
Summary: Stone age loanword strata in Finnish
This paper presents a preliminary climatology of tornadoes and waterspouts in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). A database spanning 60 yr (1950-2009) has been developed on the basis of information collected from various sources such as weather reports, insurance companies, newspapers and damage surveys. This database has been subjected to a rigorous validation process, and the climatology describes its main features: timing, spatial pattern, and trends in the tornado and waterspout distribution. Results show the highest concentration of tornadoes from August to October, the highest density in the heavily populated coastal areas and a growing positive trend that is likely more closely linked to an increase in observation and perception rather than a real climatic trend.