1000 resultados para Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), an ester prodrug of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA), is widely used for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prevention of renal allograft rejection in renal transplant recipients.MPA inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), an enzyme involved in the “de novo” synthesis of purine nucleotides, thus suppressing both T-cell and B-cell proliferation. MPA shows a complex pharmacokinetics with considerable interand intra- patient by between- and within patient variabilities associated to MPA exposure. Several factors may contribute to it. The pharmacokinetic modeling according to the population pharmacokinetic approach with the non-linear mixed effects models has shown to be a powerful tool to describe the relationships between MMF doses and the MPA exposures and also to identify potential predictive patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics for dose tailoring during the post-transplant immunosuppresive treatment.
What is the use of representing in performance the image of the cave from book VII of Plato’s Republic? Josep Palau i Fabre considers that in Plato’s dialogues the speakers are mere instruments at the service of his dialectical purpose. The aim of this article is to show how, by turning the myth into a tragedy and relying on Heraclitus’s conflict or war of opposites, the playwright succeeds in favouring a sort of thought which is not one-sided or univocal. On the contrary, in Palau i Fabre’s La Caverna, the tragic hero, the released prisoner transformed by the light of Reality and finally killed by his “cavemates” –after having been imprisoned again and having tried to rescue them from their ignorance or shadows– still leaves them his powerful experience of the agonistikós thought, which might bear fruit in their life to come.
Cercar antecedents historics de la situació política actual a Catalunya equival a aprofundir en els orígens de la nostra constitució com a poble. I en aquest sentit cal destacar que 1989 ha estat considerat -si bé amb certes polemiques- l'any de I'acompliment del primer milalenari. Deixarem ara de banda altres consideracions i les pinzellades historiques que segueixen es limitaran a l'ambit educatiu. Com és ben sabut, el Decret de Nova Planta, que va dictar Felip V el 1714, després de la presa de Barcelona, va abolir totes les institucions catalanes d'autogovern i va iniciar un llarg període de repressió lingüística i cultural que, tanmateix, no va ser obstacle perque en ple segle XVIII sorgissin obres pedagogiques com Instruccions per a l'ensenyanga de minyons de Baldiri Reixac.
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder transmitted in an autosomal recessive mode. We report two Wolfram syndrome families harboring multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA. The deletions reached percentages as high as 85-90% in affected tissues such as the central nervous system of one patient, while in other tissues from the same patient and from other members of the family, the percentages of deleted mitochondrial DNA genomes were only 1-10%. Recently, a Wolfram syndrome gene has been linked to markers on 4p16. In both families linkage between the disease locus and 4p16 markers gave a maximum multipoint lod score of 3.79 at theta = 0 (Pi<0.03) with respect to D4S431. In these families, the syndrome was caused by mutations in this nucleus-encoded gene which deleteriously interacts with the mitochondrial genome. This is the first evidence of the implication of both genomes in a recessive disease.
Wolfram syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder transmitted in an autosomal recessive mode. We report two Wolfram syndrome families harboring multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA. The deletions reached percentages as high as 85-90% in affected tissues such as the central nervous system of one patient, while in other tissues from the same patient and from other members of the family, the percentages of deleted mitochondrial DNA genomes were only 1-10%. Recently, a Wolfram syndrome gene has been linked to markers on 4p16. In both families linkage between the disease locus and 4p16 markers gave a maximum multipoint lod score of 3.79 at theta = 0 (Pi<0.03) with respect to D4S431. In these families, the syndrome was caused by mutations in this nucleus-encoded gene which deleteriously interacts with the mitochondrial genome. This is the first evidence of the implication of both genomes in a recessive disease.
Strategies that enhance fat degradation or reduce caloricfood intake could be considered therapeutic interventions to reduce notonly obesity, but also its associated disorders. The enzyme carnitinepalmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) is the critical rate-determining regulatorof fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and might play a key role in increasingenergy expenditure and controlling food intake. Our group has shownthat mice overexpressing CPT1 in liver are protected from weight gain,the development of obesity and insulin resistance. Regarding foodintake control, we observed that the pharmacological inhibition ofCPT1 in rat hypothalamus decreased food intake and body weight.This suggests that modulation of CPT1 activity and the oxidation offatty acids in various tissues can be crucial for the potential treatmentof obesity and associated pathologies.
Fra Josep de la Concepció, membre de la congregació de carmelitans descalços, va ser un dels més qualificats arquitectes amb què comptà el Principat en el segle XVII. L"interès de la seva figura es troba sobretot en el fet que la seva activitat no es va circumscriure simplement a les construccions impulsades per l"orde al qual pertanyia, sinó que s"estengué a àmbits tan diversos com els de la confecció de traces per a catedrals, esglésies parroquials, edificis civils, retaules i altres obres de naturalesa diversa, que mostren en conjunt el gran talent d"aquest artífex
Revistes del fons americà de la Biblioteca Josep M. Figueras és la catalogació, feta per Sandra Basurre i Fuensanta Marmolejo, de les revistes que, provinentsde diverses donacions, formen part del fons americanista «sens dubte més nodrit i important de l'estat espanyol en el període comprès entre la primeria de segle i els anys quaranta», en paraules de Pere Pi Sunyer. El Centre d'Estudis d'HistòriaContemporània - Biblioteca Josep M. Figueras s'ha dedicat, d'ençà de l'any 1967, en què fou creat, a una tasca de conservació i sistematització dels testimonis documentals de la Guerra Civil i, més en general, de la història contemporània del'estat espanyol, amb especial referència als de tema català. Així, doncs, a més de ser un dels fons més considerables sobre catalanisme, Guerra Civil i política contemporània, la seva riquesa de material historiogràfic és completada per aquest fons americà.
Aplicació de diferents tècniques de prospecció geofísica aplicades al subsòl de la Catedral de Tarragona: tomografia de resistivitat elèctrica (ERT), cartografia de conductivitat (EM) i radar de subsòl (GPR).
Josep Aragay i Blanchar (Barcelona, 1889 – Breda, 1973) ha estat un personatge clau dins l’art català contemporani i un dels més rellevants del panorama cultural del noucentisme. Aragay va ser dibuixant, gravador, pintor i ceramista, però també fou poeta, professor i polític, i va exercir com a crític, polemista i teòric de l’art