907 resultados para Student Experiences
Iowa Community Colleges transmit fall enrollment data to the Department of Education after the 14th day of the fall term start date. All data included in this report, except where noted, are taken from the Management Information System (MIS) electronic data files and are confirmed by the community college.
Iowa Community Colleges transmit fall enrollment data to the Department of Education after the 14th day of the fall term start date. All data included in this report, except where noted, are taken from the Management Information System (MIS) electronic data files and are confirmed by the community college.
Iowa Community Colleges transmit fall enrollment data to the Department of Education after the 14th day of the fall term start date. All data included in this report, except where noted, are taken from the Management Information System (MIS) electronic data files and are confirmed by the community college.
Political participation is often very low in Switzerland especially among students and young citizens. In the run-up to the Swiss parliamentary election in October 2007 several online tools and campaigns were developed with the aim to increase not only the level of information about the political programs of parties and candidates, but also the electoral participation of younger citizens. From a practical point of view this paper will describe the development, marketing efforts and the distribution as well as the use of two of these tools : the so-called "Parteienkompass" (party compass) and the "myVote"-tool - an online voting assistance tool based on an issue-matching system comparing policy preferences between voters and candidates on an individual level. We also havea look at similar tools stemming from Voting Advice Applications (VAA) in other countries in Western Europe. The paper closes with the results of an evaluation and an outlook to further developments and on-going projects in the near future in Switzerland.
Audit report on the Iowa Federal Family Education Loan Program Division, a Division of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, for the year ended June 30, 2012
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Student Loans & Loan Debt
Agency Performance Report
Report on the Iowa College Student Aid Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the University of Northern Iowa Student Information System for the period June 12, 2012 through July 16, 2012
L'educació secundària obligatòria sembla que estigui permanentment en crisi: situacions conflictives entre els diferents agents, fracàs escolar, bullying o reiterades modificacions curriculars són alguns dels múltiples exemples que envaeixen els medis educatius i el debat social i accentuen les crítiques i les experiències negatives que es donen en aquesta etapa educativa. Certament, la secundària obligatòria té com a repte fonamental la comprensivitat, que comporta l'atenció a la diversitat de tots els adolescents en una etapa vital complicada; aquest repte educatiu i social, sens dubte, ha de tenir ombres, però també té llums en forma d'experiències reeixides que convergeixen en un millor i major aprenentatge de l¿alumnat. La recerca que es presenta en aquest article es proposa fer emergir i difondre les característiques que reuneixen les pràctiques exitoses que es donen a les aules de la secundària obligatòria. La metodologia usada per assolir aquesta finalitat essencial ha estat el recull i l'anàlisi de relats de persones de diferents trams d'edat sobre les seves millors experiències en la secundària obligatòria com a alumnes.Els diversos objectius que es pretenen amb el recull i l'estructuració d'aquestes veus es poden sintetitzar en dos: identificar les característiques essencials o components de les «bones pràctiques» i contribuir a la reflexió i el debat en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat. A partir de les aportacions recollides es pot concloure que: - A l'ESO, en el nostre context, es registren nombroses experiències reeixides per a l'aprenent. Les experiències tenen incomptables formes de concretar-se en la pràctica (en forma de projectes, plans estratègics, programes concrets de determinades matèries, etc.). - Malgrat la diversitat de pràctiques concretes, hi ha un nombre reduït de components que determinen i caracteritzen aquestes pràctiques reeixides. El nostre treball identifica aquests components i els agrupa en cinc categories que es refereixen a aspectes de metodologia, continguts, relació educativa, relació entre iguals i projecte de centre.
The Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University (ISU) developed an internship mentoring program in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to provide additional mentorship to both student interns and Iowa DOT intern managers. For the summer 2013 Iowa DOT Engineering Intern Development and Management Program, this report summarizes the following: * Mentoring activities conducted by ISU; * Results of the different intern program success assessments that were conducted; * Experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations; * Program benefits that were realized.
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report