934 resultados para Stereo matching


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2D electrophoresis is a well-known method for protein separation which is extremely useful in the field of proteomics. Each spot in the image represents a protein accumulation and the goal is to perform a differential analysis between pairs of images to study changes in protein content. It is thus necessary to register two images by finding spot correspondences. Although it may seem a simple task, generally, the manual processing of this kind of images is very cumbersome, especially when strong variations between corresponding sets of spots are expected (e.g. strong non-linear deformations and outliers). In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a new quadratic assignment formulation together with a correspondence estimation algorithm based on graph matching which takes into account the structural information between the detected spots. Each image is represented by a graph and the task is to find a maximum common subgraph. Successful experimental results using real data are presented, including an extensive comparative performance evaluation with ground-truth data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Examensarbetet undersöker vilken stereoteknik som uppfattas ge den mest verklighetstrogna återgivningen av konstmusik samt om valet av stereoteknik påverkas av ljudteknisk eller konstmusikalisk bakgrund. Undersökningen gjordes i form av ett lyssningstest där deltagare i tre grupper fick, efter att ha lyssnat till en konstmusikalisk ensemble live i en konsertlokal, lyssna till tio olika inspelningar av samma stycke vars enda skillnad var vilken stereoteknik som använts vid inspelningen. Deltagarna ombads att gradera hur väl inspelningarna speglade verkligheten samt rangordna dem efter vilka de ansåg låta bäst oavsett hur trogna verkligheten de var.Studiens resultat visar på att konstmusikalisk och ljudteknisk bakgrund påverkar valet av vilken stereoteknik man föredrar och vilken man tycker låter mest likt den verkliga upplevelsen av musiken live. Av resultatet kan man också utläsa att personer inte konsekvent anser att de inspelningar som låter mest verklighetstroget är den man anser låter bäst.


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This thesis focuses on the adaptation of formal education to people’s technology- use patterns, theirtechnology-in-practice, where the ubiquitous use of mobile technologies is central. The research question is: How can language learning practices occuring in informal learning environments be effectively integrated with formal education through the use of mobile technology? The study investigates the technical, pedagogical, social and cultural challenges involved in a design science approach. The thesis consists of four studies. The first study systematises MALL (mobile-assisted language learning) research. The second investigates Swedish and Chinese students’ attitudes towards the use of mobile technology in education. The third examines students’ use of technology in an online language course, with a specific focus on their learning practices in informal learning contexts and their understanding of how this use guides their learning. Based on the findings, a specifically designed MALL application was built and used in two courses. Study four analyses the app use in terms of students’ perceived level of self-regulation and structuration. The studies show that technology itself plays a very important role in reshaping peoples’ attitudes and that new learning methods are coconstructed in a sociotechnical system. Technology’s influence on student practices is equally strong across borders. Students’ established technologies-in-practice guide the ways they approach learning. Hence, designing effective online distance education involves three interrelated elements: technology, information, and social arrangements. This thesis contributes to mobile learning research by offering empirically and theoretically grounded insights that shift the focus from technology design to design of information systems.


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UDDI is a standard for publishing and discovery of web services. UDDI registries provide keyword searches for web services. The search functionality is very simple and fails to account for relationships between web services. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which retrieves closely related web services. The proposed algorithm is based on singular value decomposition (SVD) in linear algebra, which reveals semantic relationships among web services. The preliminary evaluation shows the effectiveness and feasibility of the algorithm.


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The principle of proportionality prescribes that the punishment should equal the crime. It is one of the most important principles of sentencing. Yet, despite its widespread acceptance it offers no meaningful guide to sentencing. Hence penalty levels fluctuate greatly between jurisdictions and within jurisdictions. This is because there is no universally agreed criterion for measuring offence seriousness or penalty severity. This article suggests that the appropriate criteria for matching offence seriousness and penalty severity is the level of unhappiness or pain stemming from each of these impositions. Thus, for example, the level of pain meted out to a rape offender should equal the level of pain caused to a rape victim. Emerging scientific studies on human well-being and happiness show that human beings are similarly built in terms of the experiences that are either conducive or inimical to well-being. This commonality provides a strong foundation to be confident to make reasonably accurate predictions concerning the extent to which adverse events, such as being the victim of a criminal offence or subjected to a form of criminal sanction will stifle human flourishing. This will then allow us to match accurately offence seriousness and penalty level.


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Current microarray databases use different terminologies and structures and thereby limit the sharing of data and collating of results between laboratories. Consequently, an effective integrated microarray data model is required. One important process to develop such an integrated database is schema matching. In this paper, we propose an effective schema matching approach called MDSM, to syntactically and semantically map attributes of different microarray schemas. The contribution from this work will be used later to create microarray global schemas. Since microarray data is complex, we use microarray ontology to improve the measuring accuracy of the similarity between attributes. The similarity relations can be represented as weighted bipartite graphs. We determine the best schema matching by computing the optimal matching in a bipartite graph using the Hungarian optimisation method. Experimental results show that our schema matching approach is effective and flexible to use in different kinds of database models such as; database schema, XML schema, and web site map. Finally, a case study on an existing public microarray schema is carried out using the proposed method.


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