543 resultados para Stair nesting


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Nondeterminism and partially instantiated data structures give logic programming expressive power beyond that of functional programming. However, functional programming often provides convenient syntactic features, such as having a designated implicit output argument, which allow function cali nesting and sometimes results in more compact code. Functional programming also sometimes allows a more direct encoding of lazy evaluation, with its ability to deal with infinite data structures. We present a syntactic functional extensión, used in the Ciao system, which can be implemented in ISO-standard Prolog systems and covers function application, predefined evaluable functors, functional definitions, quoting, and lazy evaluation. The extensión is also composable with higher-order features and can be combined with other extensions to ISO-Prolog such as constraints. We also highlight the features of the Ciao system which help implementation and present some data on the overhead of using lazy evaluation with respect to eager evaluation.


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Certain aspects of functional programming provide syntactic convenience, such as having a designated implicit output argument, which allows function cali nesting and sometimes results in more compact code. Functional programming also sometimes allows a more direct encoding of lazy evaluation, with its ability to deal with infinite data structures. We present a syntactic functional extensión of Prolog covering function application, predefined evaluable functors, functional definitions, quoting, and lazy evaluation. The extensión is also composable with higher-order features. We also highlight the Ciao features which help implementation and present some data on the overhead of using lazy evaluation with respect to eager evaluation.


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La tesis estudia el Convento de Los Dominicos en Madrid (1955-1958) que representa una de las obras más importantes del arquitecto Miguel Fisac (1913-2006). Supone el punto de partida de una etapa profesional donde comienza a cualificar los espacios y a abandonar la idea de la arquitectura como volumen. El proyecto se ubica en un lugar sin apenas referencias (sólo el aire, la luz y el agua) donde Fisac incorpora objetos entendidos a distintas escalas, que acentúan la correcta organización del programa propuesto. Objetos-edificios, objetos-techos de luz y objetos táctiles pertenecen a espacios singulares del conjunto conventual que se enlazan mediante un sistema de patios como estrategia de articulación. En este edificio se encuentran las claves y conceptos que Fisac aplica posteriormente en las obras de esta etapa que acaba de comenzar. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que lo cercano cualifica el espacio, se hace hincapié en los objetos que ponen en valor los lugares más significativos y en las relaciones espaciales que se plantean entre ellos. El objetivo es analizar los recursos espaciales utilizados por Fisac en este proyecto así como la relación con el lugar, la articulación de los espacios y la preocupación por el detalle. La tesis se estructura en tres capítulos: con-texto, pre-texto y texto. El primer capítulo describe el convento, comenzando con una introducción sobre la influencia de los viajes experimentales realizados por Fisac antes del desarrollo del proyecto. Es un estudio desde el punto de vista del autor y con documentación original. El segundo capítulo analiza la obra para identificar aquellos elementos que constituyen la naturaleza del proyecto y su organización espacial enfatizando el sistema de patios como elemento estructurante y una selección de los espacios singulares de la iglesia, el refectorio y las aulas que permiten tratar temás relacionados con la planta convergente en la iglesia, la doble escala en el refectorio y la iluminación en el caso de las aulas. Estos temás se explican con la elaboración de nuevos planos que apoyan el análisis. El tercer capítulo titulado el acento de los objetos, selecciona algunos de estos elementos a distintas escalas: torre, escalera, lucernario y fuente. Con el objetivo de profundizar en cada uno de ellos se utiliza la comparativa con otras referencias que plantean temás similares para entender los conceptos planteados por Fisac y su alcance. A través de la torre y la escalera del claustro, se tratan temás relacionados con la geometría y la trama estructural. Los techos de luz plantean conceptos de iluminación, acústica y continuidad interior y los pequeños objetos de piedra, madera y metal sirven para realizar un acercamiento a la materia y a la técnica a través del detalle, que Fisac aplica en casi todas sus obras. Con la superposición de estas visiones- la del historiador, la del arquitecto y la del crítico- se calibra el grado de elaboración de la obra y se sacan las conclusiones que representan los aspectos más importantes que acomete Fisac en este proyecto. ABSTRACT This thesis studies the Convent for the Dominican Order in Madrid (1955- 1958) which represents one of the most important buildings designed by the Spanish architect Miguel Fisac(1913-2006). This work will become the first step of a professional phase where he begins to qualify the spaces and abandons the idea of Architecture as a Volume. The building is located in a site without almost any reference (only the air, the light and the water). Here, Fisac incorporates different kinds of objects understood at different scales, which emphasizes the correct organisation of the program. Object-buildings, object- ceiling light and tactile-objects belong to singular room of the Conventual complex. These items connect to each other by a system of courtyards used as a strategy for the articulation of the spaces. In this building it is possible to find the keys and concepts that Fisac will apply in following his buildings of this same period that he just has started. Based on the hypothesis that the near things qualify the space, special emphasis is put on the objects that show the great value of the most significant places and the spatial relation that is created between them. The final objective is to analyse the spatial resources used by Fisac in this project, as well as the relation created with the site, the articulation of the spaces and the emphasis on the building details. The thesis is structured around three chapters: con-text, pre-text and text. The first one describes the Seminary, starting with an introduction about the influence of the research trips did by Fisac before the project was development. It is a study from the authors point of view using original documents. The next chapter analyses his work in order to identify those elements that constitute the nature of the project and its spatial organisation with special focus on the system of courtyards as element that structure everything, and a selection of the singular spaces in the church, the refectory and the classrooms that allows to treat issues related to the church´s convergent plan, the double scale of the refectory and the lighting of the classrooms. These issues are explained by new elaborated plans that support the analyse. The third chapter titled “the emphasis on the objects” selects some of these elements in different scales: tower, stairs, skylight, and fountain. In order study in depth these elements, they are compared to other references that pose similar issues in order to understand Fisac’s concepts and scope. Through the tower and the cloister stair, he addresses certain issues in relation to the geometry and structural grid. The skylights raise lighting, acoustic and indoor continuity concepts, and the small stone, wood and metal objects are used in order to carry out an approach to the material and technique through the detail that Fisac applies in almost all his work. With the overlapping of these visions - the historian, the architect and critic - the degree of elaboration is calibrated and conclusions are met to represent the most important aspects of Fisac’s project.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral trata sobre la caracterización acústica de los ecosistemas naturales y la evaluación del impacto ambiental del ruido antropogénico sobre sus potenciales receptores en estos lugares, incluidos los receptores no humanos y sus efectos ecológicos, además, analiza las implicaciones para su gestión a distintas escalas y se lleva a cabo una valoración económica. Este trabajo ofrece soluciones para caracterizar los paisajes sonoros de forma compatible con distintas escalas de trabajo, nivel de esfuerzo técnico y en contextos de recursos limitados que haga viable su tratamiento como cualquier otra variable ambiental en el ámbito de la conservación y gestión del medio natural. Se han adaptado herramientas y metodologías propias de disciplinas como la acústica ambiental, bioacústica y ecología del paisaje, para servir a los objetivos específicos de la evaluación y gestión de los paisajes sonoros y el ruido ambiental en amplias extensiones geográficas. Se ha establecido un método general de muestreo sistemático para trabajo de campo y también se han adaptado métodos de modelización informática, que permiten analizar escenarios sonoros dinámicos en el tiempo y en el espacio, desde localizaciones puntuales hasta la escala del paisaje. Es posible elaborar cartografía ambiental con esta información y se ha representado gráficamente la zona de influencia de distintas fuentes de ruido sobre la calidad de distintos hábitats faunísticos. Se recomienda el uso del indicador del nivel de presión sonora equivalente (Leq) por su operatividad en medición y modelización, y su adaptabilidad a cualquier dimensión espacial y temporal que se requiera, por ejemplo en función del paisaje, actividades o especies que se establezcan como objeto de análisis. Se ha comprobado que las voces y conversaciones de parte de los excursionistas en zonas de reposo, observación y descanso (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) es la fuente de ruido que con mayor frecuencia identifican los propios visitantes (51%) y causa un incremento del nivel de presión sonora equivalente de unos 4,5 dBA sobre el nivel correspondiente al ambiente natural (Lnat). También se ha comprobado que carreteras con bajo nivel de tráfico (IMD<1000) pueden causar estrés fisiológico sobre la fauna y afectar a la calidad de sus hábitats. La isófona de 30 dBA del índice Leq (24h) permite dividir a los corzos de la zona de estudio en dos grupos con diferente nivel de estrés fisiológico, más elevado en los que se sitúan más cerca de la carretera con mayor volumen de tráfico y se expone a mayores niveles de ruido. Por otro lado, ha sido posible delimitar una zona de exclusión para la nidificación de buitre negro alrededor de las carreteras, coincidente con la isófona Leq (24h) de 40 dBA que afecta al 11% de su hábitat potencial. Además se ha llevado a cabo una novedosa valoración económica de la contaminación acústica en espacios naturales protegidos, mediante el análisis de la experiencia sonora de los visitantes del antiguo Parque Natural de Peñalara, y se ha constatado su disposición al pago de una entrada de acceso a estos lugares (aproximadamente 1 euro) si redundara en una mejora de su estado de conservación. En conclusión, los espacios naturales protegidos pueden sufrir un impacto ambiental significativo causado por fuentes de ruido localizadas en su interior pero también lejanas a ellos, que se sitúan fuera del ámbito de competencias de sus gestores. Sucesos sonoros como el sobrevuelo de aviones pueden incrementar en aproximadamente 8 dBA el nivel de referencia Lnat en las zonas tranquilas del parque. Se recomienda llevar a cabo una gestión activa del medio ambiente sonoro y se considera necesario extender la investigación sobre los efectos ecológicos del ruido ambiental a otros lugares y especies animales. ABSTRACT This PhD Thesis deals with acoustic characterization of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic noise impact assessment on potential receivers, including non-human receivers and their ecological effects. Besides, its management implications at different scales are analyzed and an economic valuation is performed. This study provides solutions for characterizing soundscapes in a compatible way with different working scales, level of technical effort and in a context of limited resources, so its treatment becomes feasible as for any other environmental variable in conservation and environmental management. Several tools and methodologies have been adapted from a variety of disciplines such as environmental acoustics, bioacoustics and landscape ecology, to better serve the specific goals of assessing and managing soundscapes and environmental noise in large areas. A procedure has been established for systematic field measurement surveys and noise common computer modelling methods have also been adapted in order to analyze dynamic soundscapes across time and space, from local to landscape scales. It is possible to create specific thematic cartography as for instance delimiting potential influence zone from different noise sources on animal habitats quality. Use of equivalent continuous sound pressure level index (Leq) is recommended because it provides great flexibility in operation for noise measurement and modelling, and because of its adaptability to any required temporal and spatial dimension, for instance landscape, activities or the target species established as study subjects. It has been found that human voices and conversations in a resting and contemplation area (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) is the most frequently referred noise source by national park visitors (51 %) when asked. Human voices alter this recreational area by increasing the sound pressure level approximately 4.5 dBA over the natural ambient level (Lnat). It has also been found that low traffic roads (AADT<1000 ) may cause physiological stress on wildlife and affect the quality of their habitats. It has also been possible to define a road-effect zone by noise mapping, which suggests an effective habitat loss within the Leq (24h) 30 dBA isophone in case of Roe deer and also divide the study area in two groups with different physiological stress level, higher for those exposed to higher noise levels and traffic volume. On the other hand, it has been possible to determine an exclusion area for Cinereous vulture nesting surrounding roads which is coincident with the Leq (24h) 40 dBA isophone and affects 11 % of the vulture potential habitat. It has also been performed an economic estimation of noise pollution impact on visitors’ perception and results showed that visitors would be willing to pay an entrance fee of approximately 1 euro if such payment is really bringing an improvement of the conservation status. In conclusion, protected areas may be significantly affected by anthropogenic noise sources located within the park borders but perturbations may also be caused by large-distance noise sources outside the park managers’ jurisdiction. Aircraft overflight events disrupted quietness and caused Leq increases of almost 8 dBA during a monitoring period with respect to Lnat reference levels in the park quiet areas. It is recommended to actively manage the acoustic environment. Finally, further research on ecological impacts of environmental noise needs to be extended to other species and places.


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El conjunto eficiente en la Teoría de la Decisión Multicriterio juega un papel fundamental en los procesos de solución ya que es en este conjunto donde el decisor debe hacer su elección más preferida. Sin embargo, la generación de tal conjunto puede ser difícil, especialmente en problemas continuos y/o no lineales. El primer capítulo de esta memoria, es introductorio a la Decisión Multicriterio y en él se exponen aquellos conceptos y herramientas que se van a utilizar en desarrollos posteriores. El segundo capítulo estudia los problemas de Toma de Decisiones en ambiente de certidumbre. La herramienta básica y punto de partida es la función de valor vectorial que refleja imprecisión sobre las preferencias del decisor. Se propone una caracterización del conjunto de valor eficiente y diferentes aproximaciones con sus propiedades de encaje y convergencia. Varios algoritmos interactivos de solución complementan los desarrollos teóricos. El tercer capítulo está dedicado al caso de ambiente de incertidumbre. Tiene un desarrollo parcialmente paralelo al anterior y utiliza la función de utilidad vectorial como herramienta de modelización de preferencias del decisor. A partir de la consideración de las distribuciones simples se introduce la eficiencia en utilidad, su caracterización y aproximaciones, que posteriormente se extienden a los casos de distribuciones discretas y continuas. En el cuarto capítulo se estudia el problema en ambiente difuso, aunque de manera introductoria. Concluimos sugiriendo distintos problemas abiertos.---ABSTRACT---The efficient set of a Multicriteria Decicion-Making Problem plays a fundamental role in the solution process since the Decisión Maker's preferred choice should be in this set. However, the computation of that set may be difficult, specially in continuous and/or nonlinear problems. Chapter one introduces Multicriteria Decision-Making. We review basic concepts and tools for later developments. Chapter two studies Decision-Making problems under certainty. The basic tool is the vector valué function, which represents imprecisión in the DM's preferences. We propose a characterization of the valué efficient set and different approximations with nesting and convergence properties. Several interactive algorithms complement the theoretical results. We devote Chapter three to problems under uncertainty. The development is parallel to the former and uses vector utility functions to model the DM's preferences. We introduce utility efficiency for simple distributions, its characterization and some approximations, which we partially extend to discrete and continuous classes of distributions. Chapter four studies the problem under fuzziness, at an exploratory level. We conclude with several open problems.


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Este trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la escalera de caracol con ojo también denominado caracol de mallorca, en sus primeras apariciones a finales del s.XV y comienzos del s.XVI durante el llamado periodo tardogótico. Este elemento aparentemente sencillo presenta, sin embargo, una gran diversidad de esquemas geométricos. Todavía a día de hoy, no hay explicación del por qué de la mayor difusión de unos con respecto a otros. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido valorar el papel que el confort/seguridad de uso así como la economía en el trabajo –sencillez de ejecución y coste económico– tuvieron en el contexto de la difusión de este elemento arquitectónico. Este estudio ha analizado en base a estos criterios objetivos, la geometría de cada uno de los esquemas tipo que resuelven la formación del hueco central característico este tipo de escaleras, con la intención de determinar las causas objetivas que pudieron motivar la desigual expansión de los mismos. Una vez determinado el marco teórico, se han establecido dos líneas para abordar el problema. Por un lado se ha planteado el análisis de los modelos teóricos recogidos en los distintos textos de cantería escritos por autores españoles desde finales del s.XVI. Si bien en la época en que se escribieron, la arquitectura gótica como sistema había desaparecido, alguno de sus elementos más característicos, como la escalera de caracol, continuaban empleándose. Las trazas del caracol con ojo recogidas en estos textos, describen habitualmente las soluciones geométricas más frecuentes e incluso los ejemplos construidos más conocidos, los cuales fueron levantados en su mayoría en el período en el cual se desarrolla esta investigación. Por otro lado, este estudio se plantea el análisis de modelos construidos existentes en la Ciudad y Tierra de Segovia. La razón que justifica dichos límites geográficos, la encontramos en que la mayor parte del patrimonio gótico existente en este área fue construido entre finales del s.XV y comienzos del s. XVI. Ambos grupos, modelos teóricos y modelos construidos, recogen la herencia gótica heredada en la construcción de este elemento arquitectónico. Cada una de estas dos líneas establecidas han seguido una metodología específica adaptada al objeto de análisis, si bien ambas se basan en un primer análisis individual y posterior análisis comparativo de los modelos seleccionados. Estos análisis han permitido identificar los distintos esquemas empleados para resolver el hueco central, lo que ha posibilitado establecer una clasificación general de los mismos en tres grupos: caracol con ojo de solución radial, el caracol con ojo de solución no radial y el caracol con ojo de solución tangencial. A partir de los datos y resultados obtenidos del análisis comparativo de los parámetros geométricos que afectan al confort/seguridad de uso y economía en el trabajo de dichos esquemas, podemos concluir que a pesar que los tres esquemas identificados resuelven el caracol con ojo de forma muy similar, el predominio de la solución radial y la caída en el olvido de las soluciones tangencial y no radial estuvieron justificados. ABSTRACT This work focused on the helical staircase, also known as mallorca staircase, in the late 15th and the early 16th centuries. This seemingly simple element, presents however a wide variety of geometrical designs. Still to date, there is no explanation of why some of them were limited use, while others had a wide impact. The aim of this study was to assess the influence which comfort, safety and work economy –ease of construction and financial cost– had on their widespread. This study analysed, following these objective criteria, the geometry of the different designs, which solve the characteristic inner aperture of this type of staircase. And thus, find the reasons, which motivated their uneven spread. Once the theoretical framework was developed, two research lines were set up to address the problem. On one hand, this study analysed the theoretical helical staircases described in the early Spanish texts, which were written since the end of the 16th century. Although these texts were written after the Gothic Architecture system had already disappeared, some of its more representative elements like the helical staircase were still in use. The traces of the helical stair, which are included in these texts, describe the most frequently-used designs and even the most famous real examples which were usually constructed in the Late Gothic period. On the other hand, this study analysed some real helical staircases, which were constructed in the Ciudad y Tierra de Segovia. The reason for choosing these geographical limits is that most of the Gothic buildings of this area were constructed between the end of the 15th and the early 16th centuries, during the Late Gothic period. Both groups, theoretical and constructed samples, collect the Gothic construction tradition of the helical stair. Each of these research lines followed a specific methodology, which was adapted to the research object. Nevertheless, both are based on a first individual analysis of each selected example and a later on comparative one. These analysis allowed the identification of the different layouts which solve the inner aperture of the helical staircase, what made possible to set up a broad classification in three groups, according to the geometrical design strategy that solves the central aperture: the helical staircase by radial solution, the helical staircase by non-radial solution and the helical staircase by tangent solution. The research findings of the comparative analysis of their geometrical parameters, which have an impact in the comfort, safety and work economy, have shown that although all of them solve the helical staircase in a really similar way, the fade into oblivion of the non-radial and tangent approaches was objectively motivated.


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Brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) reduces reproductive success in many passerines that nest in fragmented habitats and ecological edges, where nest predation is also common. We tested the hypothesis that parasitism and predation are often linked because cowbirds depredate nests discovered late in the host's nesting cycle to enhance future opportunities for parasitism. Over a 20-year study period, brood parasitism by cowbirds was a prerequisite to observing marked inter- and intraannual variation in the rate of nest failure in an insular song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population. Nest failure increased with the arrival and laying rate of cowbirds and declined when cowbirds ceased laying. The absence or removal of cowbirds yielded the lowest nest failure rates recorded in the study. The absence of cowbirds also coincided with the absence of an otherwise strong positive correlation between host numbers and the annual rate of nest failure. Host numbers, cowbird parasitism, and nest failure may be correlated because cowbirds facilitate nest failure rather than cause it directly. However, an experiment mimicking egg ejection by cowbirds did not affect nest failure, and, contrary to the main prediction of the predation facilitation hypothesis, naturally parasitized nests failed less often than unparasitized nests. Higher survival of parasitized nests is expected under the cowbird predation hypothesis when female cowbirds defend access to hosts because cowbirds should often depredate unparasitized nests but should not depredate nests they have laid in. Where female cowbirds have overlapping laying areas, we expect parasitized nests to fail more often than others if different cowbirds often discover the same nests. We suggest that nest predation by cowbirds represents an adaptation for successful parasitism and that cowbirds influence host demography via nest predation.


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Juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have recently been documented in the vicinity of Baja California and thousands of these animals have been captured in oceanic fisheries of the North Pacific. The presence of loggerhead turtles in the central and eastern North Pacific is a prominent enigma in marine turtle distribution because the nearest documented nesting concentrations for this species are in Australia and Japan, over 10,000 km from Baja California. To determine the origin of the Baja California feeding aggregate and North Pacific fishery mortalities, samples from nesting areas and pelagic feeding aggregates were compared with genetic markers derived from mtDNA control region sequences. Overall, 57 of 60 pelagic samples (95%) match haplotypes seen only in Japanese nesting areas, implicating Japan as the primary source of turtles in the North Pacific Current and around Baja California. Australian nesting colonies may contribute the remaining 5% of these pelagic feeding aggregates. Juvenile loggerhead turtles apparently traverse the entire Pacific Ocean, approximately one-third of the planet, in the course of developmental migrations, but mortality in high-seas fisheries raises concern over the future of this migratory population.


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A diapausa é um fenômeno amplamente presente nos artrópodes e é considerada como primordial para o sucesso evolutivo da Classe Insecta, pois possibilita a sobrevivência em condições adversas, como estações frias e secas. Sabe-se que durante a diapausa ocorre o silenciamento de muitos genes e que outros são unicamente expressos nesta fase. Embora existam evidências de que o processo da diapausa tenha se mantido conservado durante a evolução das espécies, ainda há lacunas no conhecimento sobre o nível de conservação dos padrões metabólicos. Um bom modelo para se estudar a diapausa é Tetrapedia diversipes, uma espécie bivoltina de abelha solitária. Os indivíduos que nascem na primeira geração seguem o desenvolvimento desde ovo até adulto em tempo bem menor do que aqueles que nascem na segunda geração; estes retardam o desenvolvimento na fase larval. Além disso, essa espécie é de fácil obtenção no seu ambiente natural, pois apresenta alta taxa de nidificação em ninhos-armadilha. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o perfil de expressão de genes entre as larvas da 1ª geração (que não entram em diapausa), larvas da 2ª geração (que entrariam em diapausa) e das larvas em diapausa. Foram identificados 196 genes diferencialmente expressos, destes 87 foram anotados. Muitos destes genes já foram descritos na literatura como relacionados à diapausa em outras espécies, no entanto, o padrão de expressão não é conservado. Os genes aqui identificados foram divididos em cinco grupos: relacionados à desintoxicação celular, cutícula e citoesqueleto, metabolismo de lipídeos e esteróis, ciclo celular e outros genes relacionados à diapausa


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O empacotamento irregular de fita é um grupo de problemas na área de corte e empacotamento, cuja aplicação é observada nas indústrias têxtil, moveleira e construção naval. O problema consiste em definir uma configuração de itens irregulares de modo que o comprimento do contêiner retangular que contém o leiaute seja minimizado. A solução deve ser válida, isto é, não deve haver sobreposição entre os itens, que não devem extrapolar as paredes do contêiner. Devido a aspectos práticos, são admitidas até quatro orientações para o item. O volume de material desperdiçado está diretamente relacionado à qualidade do leiaute obtido e, por este motivo, uma solução eficiente pressupõe uma vantagem econômica e resulta em um menor impacto ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na geração automática de leiautes de modo a obter níveis de compactação e tempo de processamento compatíveis com outras soluções na literatura. A fim de atingir este objetivo, são realizadas duas propostas de solução. A primeira consiste no posicionamento sequencial dos itens de modo a maximizar a ocorrência de posições de encaixe, que estão relacionadas à restrição de movimento de um item no leiaute. Em linhas gerais, várias sequências de posicionamentos são exploradas com o objetivo de encontrar a solução mais compacta. Na segunda abordagem, que consiste na principal proposta deste trabalho, métodos rasterizados são aplicados para movimentar itens de acordo com uma grade de posicionamento, admitindo sobreposição. O método é baseado na estratégia de minimização de sobreposição, cujo objetivo é a eliminação da sobreposição em um contêiner fechado. Ambos os algoritmos foram testados utilizando o mesmo conjunto de problemas de referência da literatura. Foi verificado que a primeira estratégia não foi capaz de obter soluções satisfatórias, apesar de fornecer informações importantes sobre as propriedades das posições de encaixe. Por outro lado, a segunda abordagem obteve resultados competitivos. O desempenho do algoritmo também foi compatível com outras soluções, inclusive em casos nos quais o volume de dados era alto. Ademais, como trabalho futuro, o algoritmo pode ser estendido de modo a possibilitar a entrada de itens de geometria genérica, o que pode se tornar o grande diferencial da proposta.


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Objetivo: Determinar a responsividade do domínio subir e descer escada da escala de avaliação funcional em distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), no período de um ano. Método: Participaram do estudo 26 pacientes com DMD. A análise utilizou o Tamanho do Efeito (ES) e a Média Padronizada de Resposta (SRM). Resultados: Atividade de subir escada: o ES mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,26; 0,35; 0,13; 0,17), baixa a moderada em 6 meses (0,58, 0,48; 0,33), moderada em 9 meses (0,70; 0,68) e alta em 1 ano (0,88). A análise com SRM mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,29; 0,38; 0,18 e 0,19), baixa a moderada em intervalos de 6 meses (0,59 e 0,51, 0,36), moderada em 9 meses (0,74 e 0,70) e alta em 1 ano (0,89). Atividade de descer escada: O ES apresentou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,16; 0,25; 0,09; 0,08) e 6 meses (0,48; 0,35; 0,18), baixa a moderada em 9 meses (0,59, 0,44) e moderada em 1 ano (0,71). Análise com SRM mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de 3 meses (0,25; 0,35; 0,12 e 0,09) e 6 meses (0,47; 0,38 e 0,21), moderada a baixa em 9 meses (0,62, 0,49) e moderada em 1 ano (0,74). Conclusão: A avaliação da atividade de subir escada, por meio da FES-DMD-D3, deve ser realizada em intervalos a partir de 9 meses, pois a responsividade é de moderada a alta. A avaliação do descer escadas deve ser realizada anualmente, pois houve responsividade moderada somente a partir de 12 meses


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The following document identifies the impact to the current management plan of the Rio Salado Riparian Habitat Restoration Area in the event the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is found nesting at the project site. Rio Salado is managed by the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, and consists of a low-flow channel with native vegetation and wildlife along the Salt River. This paper analyzes the regulatory responsibilities of project site management and discusses the necessary adjustments to the management plan. Despite the current absence of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher from Rio Salado, management should enter into a Safe Harbor Agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to legally protect themselves from the regulations stipulated in the Endangered Species Act.


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Comunicación presentada en EVACES 2011, 4th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Varenna (Lecco), Italy, October 3-5, 2011.


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We examined distribution and breeding success of semi-colonial Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus) in relation to habitat in Castellón province (eastern Spain). Breeding areas used by harriers at a 1-km2 scale were characterised by having intermediate percentages of scrub cover, their nesting habitat, and also had intermediate coverage of herbaceous crops and non-irrigated orchards. Out of all habitat variables considered, only the percentage of herbaceous crops within 500 m from individual nests had a positive and significant effect on breeding output of the species, suggesting that this habitat may be efficiently used by harriers to forage. Breeding output was also related to laying date and number of breeding neighbours within 500 m around nests, with pairs laying later and having a higher number of breeding neighbours showing lower fledged brood sizes. Number of neighbours (but not laying date) was positively related to scrub cover within 500 m and to cover of herbaceous crops within 2,000 m. Conservation actions for Montagu’s Harrier in the study area should be aimed at preserving areas of scrub with nearby presence of herbaceous crops or natural grasslands. However, habitat improvement for semi-colonial species such as Montagu’s Harrier may not result in a change of species distribution area, and good habitat areas may remain unoccupied, as social factors like presence of conspecifics play an important role in breeding area selection for these species.